J. S. Hoffman thanked the Churchville Soldiers' Aid Society for feeding his brigade.
Augusta County, VA
Companies A, B, & C of the Chambersurg Home Guards practice how to board a train in a short span of time.
Franklin County, PA
Vindicator asked people to help feed Gen Jubal Early's army
Augusta County, VA
The Staunton Overseers of the Poor met at the office of N. K. Trout.
Augusta County, VA
Gen. Early forbid his army from impressing supplies intended for families of Augusta soldiers.
Augusta County, VA
Board of Directors elected at First National Bank of Waynesboro. National Bank of Chambersburg elected its Board of Directors.
Franklin County, PA
Tax assessments listed Franklin with $12,674,963 in real and personal estate.
Franklin County, PA
Gov. Curtin complained to Lincoln that PA draft quotas are too high.
- National
Ft. Fisher, NC fell to Union forces. Monitor & Patapsco sunk by torpedo.
George, young mulatto slave, ran away from E. G. Marshall near Staunton. Vindicator announced Stonewall Brigade needs warm clothes for winter.
Augusta County, VA
- National
Confederate Day of Public Fast.
Staunton Artillery treated to dinner at the American Hotel, listen to speeches by Gen. Jubal Early & Col. William H. Harman.
Augusta County, VA
Board of Enrollment in Chambersburg drafted men.
Franklin County, PA
A. H. Coffroth, of Franklin, voted for a congressional amendment to abolish slavery.
Franklin County, PA
Staunton Artillery pledged to fight for four more years.
Augusta County, VA
- National
John Rock became 1st African-American admitted to practice law before US Supreme Court.
Camp Pegram Brigade of 52nd VA Regiment adopted resolution reaffirming their commitment to Confederate victory.
Augusta County, VA
- National
Lincoln met with Confederate peace commissioners aboard the River Queen.
- National
Confederate raiders on Lake Erie surrender.
5th VA & 52nd VA fight in battle at Hatcher's Run.
Augusta County, VA
Battle of Hatcher's Run
William Wilson's house in Hamilton township burned to the ground.
Franklin County, PA
Gen. Lee given command of all Confederate armies.
- National
Soldiers in Gen. Early's army petition Jefferson Davis to stop war immediately.
53 members of PA 107th wounded, 6 killed, and 21 missing at Battle of Dabney's Mills.
Franklin County, PA
- National
Confederate Senate rejected plan to raise 200,000 African-American troops.
State legislature ratified 13th Amendement.
B. Y. Hamsher of the Valley Spirit elected secretary of the newspaper publishers convention.
Franklin County, PA
Newspaper publishers attended a convention in Harrisburg.
Vindicator printed an appeal from Gen. Lee asking for weapons for Confederate troops.
Augusta County, VA
Repository reported that seven Chambersburg men escaped from a prison in Salsbury, NC.
Franklin County, PA
Gov. Curtin censured Maj. Dodge of PA for mistreating enlisted men.
- National
Gen. Sherman burns Charleston, SC.
- National
Union forces under Gen. Cox capture Ft. Anderson.
Chambersburg residents celebrated Washington's birthday with a parade.
Franklin County, PA
- National
Gen. Schofield captured Wilmington, NC.
Robert McClure began teaching a singing class for "ladies and gentlemen."
Franklin County, PA
Vindicator criticized those pessimistic about the war's outcome.
Augusta County, VA
- National
John Y. Beall of Virginia hanged as a spy at Ft. Lafayette, NY.
- National
Gen. Johnston assumed command of Confederate forces in NC.
A "large and enthusiastic" crowd in Augusta condemned Lincoln's demand of unconditional surrender.
Augusta County, VA
- National
Union troops under Gen. Sheridan drive Confederate troops from Waynesboro.
Sheridan's troops defeated Gen. Early and arrive in Staunton.
Augusta County, VA
Col. William Harman killed after he surrenders.
Augusta County, VA
- National
Congress created the Freedmen's Bureau.
- National
Abraham Lincoln inaugurated.
Maj. Dodge relieved of his position as Assistant Provost Marshal of PA.
Franklin County, PA
Jefferson Davis proclaimed a day of fasting, and prayer.
Augusta County, VA
S.S Huber & Johnston McLanahan graduated from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia.
Franklin County, PA
6 Chambersburg soldiers captured at Gettysburg return home.
Franklin County, PA
- National
Confederate Congress passed bill subjecting slaves to military duty.
- National
Battle of Aversboro, NC.
Draft held. William Gilbert thrown from wagon.
Franklin County, PA
- National
Confederate Congress adjourns.
- National
Battle of Bentonville, NC.
- National
Armies of Union Generals Sherman, Terry, & Shofield joined at Goldsboro, NC.
- National
Seige of Petersburg begins.
Lincoln met with his generals at City Point, VA.
State reported that 110 children of deceased soldiers currently being cared for by PA schools.
Franklin County, PA
Soldiers in 5th VA Infantry petitioned Confederate Congress to reorganize the depleted Stonewall Brigade as a regiment.
Augusta County, VA
Battle of Five Forks.
Evacuation of Richmond by Confederate government. Lee's army evacuated Petersburg.
- National
Union forces occupy Petersburg.
Abraham Lincoln tours Richmond with his son, Tad.
Mercersburg residents celebrate the capture of Richmond, VA.
Franklin County, PA
Gen. Ewell's division captured at Sailor's Creek, VA.
5th VA & 52nd VA Infantry & Staunton Artillery present at Lee's surrender.
Augusta County, VA
Gen. Lee surrenders the Army of Northern Virginia to Gen. Grant.
Chambersburg residents celebrate upon hearing of Lee's surrender.
Franklin County, PA
Gen. Lee delivers his farewell address to the Army of Northern Virginia.
Fanfare greets Mr. Elkman, Cauffman, and Brown--returned from CSA prisoner of war camp.
Franklin County, PA
- National
Celebrations broke out in Washington, D.C.
- National
Montgomery, AL surrendered to Gen. Wilson.
- National
Confederates evacuated Mobile, AL
- National
Raleigh, NC occupied by Gen. Sherman
- National
Lincoln assassinated. Assassination attempt against Seward & his son. The Stars & Stripes raised over Ft. Sumter.
- National
Lincoln dies at 7:22 AM. Andrew Johnson assumes presidency.
- National
Ohio Superior Court rules Soldiers' Voting law constitutional.
- National
Gen. Johnston provisionally surrenders to Gen. Sherman
Procession of Chambersburg citizens pay respect to Lincoln.
Franklin County, PA
- National
Funeral services for Lincoln held in White House.
- National
Union forces occupy Macon, GA.
Gen. Mosby disbands his Rangers rather than surrender them.
Stone & Roston's Circus visits Franklin.
Franklin County, PA
Van Amburgh & Co.'s "celebrated menagerie" visits Chambersburg.
Franklin County, PA
- National
Gen. Grant arrives at Raleigh, NC
- National
John Wilkes Booth shot and killed. Gen. Johnson officially surrenders to Gen. Sherman
- National
Steamer Sultana explodes on Mississippi River, killing 1700.
- National
Johnson removes restrictions on domestic commerce east of Mississippi River.
- National
Executive order issued for trial by military commission of Lincoln's assassins.
- National
1st professional fire dept. est. in New York City. Johnson offers $100,000 reward for capture of Jefferson Davis.
- National
Lincoln buried in Springfield, IL.
- National
1st train robbery occurs in North Bend, Ohio.
Johnson recognizes "Restoration Government" of Gov. Pierpont.
- National
Jefferson Davis captured in Irwinville, GA.
- National
Confederates defeat Federals at Palo Pinto, TX
Jefferson Davis imprisoned at Ft. Monroe.
- National
Johnson proclaims Southern ports open.
- National
CSA Gen. E. Kirby Smith surrenders to Gen. Cornly.
- National
Johnson offers conditional general amnesty to Confederates.
- National
National Day of mourning for Lincoln.
- National
British government rescinds its recognition of Confederacy as belligerents.
- National
Galveston, TX, the last Confederate seaport, surrenders.
- National
French government rescinds its recognition of Confederacy as belligerents.
Noah Myers fatally shoots his brother-in-law Ulton T. Moore.
Franklin County, PA
- National
Johnson rescinds blockade of Southern ports.
2 horses stolen from Samuel Reel.
Franklin County, PA
- National
Johnson rescinds restrictions on trade west of Mississippi River.
Valley Spirit reports on large quantities of counterfeit money that surfaced.
Franklin County, PA
PA Supreme Court upholds Bounty Tax Law.
Lindsey Forney & Abraham Koon hanged for murder of Edward Gladfelter.
Franklin County, PA
Wife & son of Mr. Rotz killed by lightning.
Franklin County, PA
Capt. Michael Houser returns. Baby girl abandoned at Scheuring residence. Fire destroys Given & Bros. paper mill.
Franklin County, PA
Valley Spirit reports that a railroad company will acquire two new engines, named Gen. Grant & Gen. Sherman.
Franklin County, PA
Valley Spirit reports that 25th & 26th PA Calvary consolidated and renamed.
William Stenger delivers address at Franklin & Marshall College commencement.
Franklin County, PA
J.P. Reed, Jr. shoots & kills Jacob Crouse.
Franklin County, PA
Convention of black Virginians meet in Alexandria.
Valley Spirit reports that William Beetem hung himself.
Franklin County, PA
Valley Spirit reports that Republicans will demand black suffrage in the South and give them equal rights in PA.
Commencement exercises for PA College begin.
Chambersburg Concert Band holds picnic at Brown's Mill.
Franklin County, PA
Abolitionists State Convention held.
African-Americans hold camp meeting near Shippensburg.
Franklin County, PA
- National
Trial of Capt. Henry Wirz begins.
Democratic State Convention held in Harrisburg.
A. J. Bowers robbed in McConnelsburg of his bag containing $300-$400.
Franklin County, PA
Democratic Convention of Franklin County meets in Chambersburg.
Franklin County, PA
- National
Johnson orders lifting of all restrictions on Southern ports as of 09-01-1865.
Electors and Trustees of the Agricultural College of PA meet.
State Central Committee Meeting for the Democratic party.
Individuals "who oppose the policy of President Johnson" meet at Brown's Hotel.
Franklin County, PA
Fire broke out at Moses Greenwalt's grocery store.
Franklin County, PA
Chambersburg Library Association organized.
Franklin County, PA
Keystone Club of PA announces desire for new auxiliary clubs in PA cities.
Odd Fellows meeting held in Newburg.
Franklin County, PA
Freight train and 2 coal cars collide near Shiremanston.
Franklin County, PA
State elections won by Republicans.
Franklin County, PA
Valley Spirit reports that large amounts of land is now available in the Valley of Virginia. D. B. Little opened a restaurant in Chambersburg.
Franklin County, PA
A boarder at Fisher's Union Hotel steals furs, jewelery, and clothing.
Franklin County, PA
- National
National Thanksgiving Day Proclamation for Peace.
Annual meeting of the Franklin County Educational Association.
Franklin County, PA
- National
Capt. Henry Wirz hung for cruelty to Union prisoners at Andersonville.
- National
Mark Twain publishes "Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog," in the New York Sunday Press.
Staunton bar meets at courthouse.
Augusta County, VA
Fire destroys Christian Smith's stable on Catherine street.
Franklin County, PA
- National
Johnson restores Habeas Corpus in Northern states.
- National
Edward McPherson, of Franklin County, refuses to seat former Confederates in US House.
- National
Johnson delivers his annual message to Congress.
Valley Spirit announces new daily train service to Chambersburg.
Franklin County, PA
Vindicator reports new counterfeit $10 greenback in circulation.
Augusta County, VA
L. B. Waller returns to Staunton with remains of Lt. Charles Francisco, killed at Gettysburg.
Augusta County, VA
Funeral of Lt. Charles Francisco held at Presbyterian Church.
Augusta County, VA
Valley Spirit reports that VA legislature is allowing ex-Confederates to hold office.
Franklin County, PA
Vindicator reports that G. W. Dudley was attacked by two African-Americans while returning to Staunton.
Augusta County, VA
Delegates for county school boards selected.
Franklin County, PA
- National
Committee on Reconstruction formed by US House.
- National
Declaration of the ratification of the 13th Amendment.
Meeting of the B&O Railroad expresses interest in a railway through the Valley of Virginia.
Augusta County, VA
- National
Reconstruction committee appointed by US Senate.
Vindicator announced death of Dr. R. H. Gambill, former assistant physician at the Western Lunatic Asylum.
Augusta County, VA
Chambersburg residents appeal to PA legislature for compensation for damages inflicted by Confederates.
Franklin County, PA
County Convention of the School Board discusses finances for the upcoming year. Rev. Weightman lectures at courthouse on "Prison Life among the Rebels in 1862."
Franklin County, PA