Valley Virginian
Inauguration Day
The New Movement
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The Richmond Whig, in speaking of this "special privilege," gives Congress a rather severe rap upon the knuckles. Wonder if some of the recently "converted" hereaways do not envy "friend" Monard in his "special privilege"--stink, money, and all?
Monsieur Monard, the colored gentleman who claimed a seat in Congress from Louisiana, made a speech the other day in support of his pretensions. He concluded by the condescending assurance that he "claimed no special privileges on account of his color." We are not told what effect this complimentary assurance and self-denial had upon the House; but while he was refused the seat to which he had no shadow of right, he was allowed $2,500--for what? For waving the privilege of his color? Well, what is that privilege? This is becoming an important and practical question. Some of the Wendell Phillips school tell us that the original man was black, and that, being made in the image of God, God himself was black, and that consequently the pale faces are degenerates, or, according to the Cincinnati philosopher, not human beings at all. We know not the authority for all this; but if true, we had better take back seats at once, and frankly recognize the privilege of color.
Another New Movement
Southern Prosperity
The Newest "New Movement"
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When Henry A. Wise acted with the Whig party, his motto was "the union of Whigs for the sake of the Union." Now under existing circumstances would it not be well for the people of Virginia to rally under a banner bearing the motto, "the union of Virginians for the sake of Virginia."
The recent action of Congress in removing all the officers of the State who could not take the test oath was intended for a set of Carpet-baggers, and no sooner was the resolution passed in the House than thousands of them rushed to Richmond, ready to enjoy the feast prepared for them. And what has been the result so far? In nearly every instance all the offices that were supposed to be worth anything in the way of pickings had been given to the Carpet-baggers.--The native Union men and the Scalawags have been left out or put in such little and inferior offices as no Carpet-bagger would have or none could be found to fill. This is the case all over the State so far as I have been able to learn. And such will continue to be the case as long as the State remains under the present Carpet-bag dynasty.
Our native Union men, and even the Scalawags must see this, and feel it too, so far as their hopes and aspirations for office are concerned, and I submit this question to them: Is it not better to unite with your friends and neighbors--those whom you have known long and well--and who have respect for you and your honest opinion, than to longer affiliate with a set of vultures who have come down here from everywhere to prey upon the very vitals of your State and to eat up the substance of yourselves and neighbors?
These Carpet-baggers care not a whit for you or the fate of your State and people.--Their whole object is to plunder and they care not from whom so they get it. They own no property to be taxed or suffer in depreciation by the bad government they put upon us. Plunder is all they are here for and plunder they will have as long as they can get it.
The present seems to me the proper time for a reconciliation among those who have differed as to the proper course to pursue in regard to the reconstruction of the State.--A large portion of the conservative party has been forced to the conviction that negro suffrage is bound to be the basis upon which any reconstruction we can get must rest, and our entire people will soon come to the same conviction. What is the use then of any portion of our people uniting themselves with the Radical party, and playing into the hands of the Carpet-baggers? It is like "cutting off your nose to spite your face." --Correspondence of Fincastle Herald