Valley Spirit
Startling Revelations--Conover Turns On Ashley and Exposes His Plots
The Removal Of Stanton
A Black Circular
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A friend sends us a circular printed at the office of the Washington Chronicle , which is being largely circulated through this Congressional District, under the frank of Hon. W. H. Koontz, M. C., as a Radical campaign document. It is headed 'The position of the Republican and Democratic parties, and purports to pe "a dialogue between a white Republican and a colored citizen," and is addressed specially to the "colored citizens," urging them to form themselves into "Leagues," and to vote the Republican ticket. The following are a few of the questions and answers contained in the circular, the "colored citizen" asking the questions and the "white Republican' answering them:
Question. With which party should the colored man vote?
Answer. The Union Republican party.
Q. Why should the colord man vote with that party?
A. Because that party has made him free and given him the right to vote.
Q. Who abolished slavery in the District of Columbia?
A. A Republican Congress and Abraham Lincoln, a Republican President.
Q. Who freed the slaves in the South?
A. Abraham Lincoln, the Republican President by proclamation.
Q. Who passed the Freedman's Bureau Bill?
A. A Republican Congress by more than a two-thirds vote over the veto of Andrew Johnson, the leader of the Democratic or Conservative party.
Q. Who gave us the Civil Rights Bill?
A. The same Republican party.
Q. What party gave us the right to vote?
A. The Republican party.
Q. To what party do the leading colored men belong?
A. Without exception they belong to the Republican party/
Q. What are the most prominent principles advocated by the Republican party?
A. Equal rights before the law and at the ballot box for all men without regard to race or color; that is, that every man shall have the same rights and liberties as any other man.
Does any one still deny that the Republican party is in favor of negro suffrage and negro equality? Here in this circular, issued from the office of the leading Radical newspaper of Washington City, and circulated through this district by General Koontz, the Radical member of Congress, we have the doctrine laid down in its broadest and most unqualified form. These documents are now being sent through Pennsylvania by the cart load by Radical Congressmen, by means of which it is hoped to educate the masses of the party up to the true New England standard on the question. Having forced negro suffrage upon the people of the South against their will, they are now preparing the minds of their followers in the North to accept Sumner's pending bill to force the same obnoxious measure upon Pennsylvania and the other Northern States. Negro suffrage is the issue to be decided in Pennsylvania at the approaching fall election. Are you for or against it? White Freemen of Pennsylvania, answer this question at the polls.
General Grant
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The Radicals are sorely perplexed just now about the position of General Grant.-His prompt acceptance of the vacancy commissioned by the suspension of Stanton from the War office, puzzles them amazingly.-They could stand Stanton's removal, but Grant's acceptance of a seat in "A. J's" cabinet drives them almost mad. This is "the most unkindest cut of all." They are well aware that with Grant against them they are doomed as a party. Some of their papers affect to draw comfort from the fact that General Grant, on assembling the duties of the War Department, addressed Stanton a polite note, in which he alluded to the "zeal, ability and patriotism" with which he had discharged the duty of Secretary of War, which, in a formal note between officials, means about the same as "with distinguished consideration, I am yours truly" Others undertake to justify Grant by alleging that he was simply obeying a command from his superior officer. This position is sheer nonsense from the fact that the office of Secretary of War is a civil office and Grant was at perfect liberty either to accept or reject it, which the correspondence between him and Stanton and the President amply proves. But the New York Tribune , more honest than the rest, boldly assails Grant and takes the ground that his acceptance of the portfolio of the War Department can only be construed to mean sympathy with the President in his policy of speedy reconstruction. So think we. How do you like it Radicals?
Holt, Ashley, and Conover
Greely On Grant
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Messrs. Editors: -In the nomination of candidates at our next County Convention, soon to be held, it is, I believe, conceded by the country districts, that the candidates for Associate Judge and County Commissioner should come from this Borough.-This is conceded, because in the event of election, for all purposes at all times we would have a Judge here-as well as County Commissioner-to transact business.
Now, on the other hand, it is also generally conceded that all the other candidates to be nominated should com from the country districts, and among them will be a candidate for Assembly. Without disparagement to the claims of the others who may aspire to said nomination, we would, of our own motivation, respectfully suggest to the Democracy of the country, as a person in every way qualified for said position, the name of Hon. James B. Orr, of Orrstown. From the experience of a few years in the Legislature; from the able manner in which he represented us in said body during the years 1855 and 1856; from the unblemished reputation he sustained during those two years, retiring at the expiration of his second session, by the party custom, with not a breath of suspicion resting upon his character. Judging, I say, therefore, from all this, he is one of the few men who have passed through those legislative halls without the taint of corruption upon his fair name. He is one of the few men who have the moral courage to withstand allurements and seductions to which a member is subjected; one of the few who can pass the ordeal and not fail, as many do, a disgrace and a dishonor to himself and a lasting dishoner to himself and a lasting dishoner and stigma upon the party who sent them.
Let us, then, have a candidate whose honesty and integrity has been tried-an honorable, high-toned gentleman as our candidate.
I need not speak further of the claims of Hon. J. B. Orr. It is enough to say that Orrstown is the Gibraltar of the Democracy of Franklin county. Our majority has been gradually increasing in the Orrstown district for the last six or eight years. Other districts fall off in their majorities, but in it our strength is always on the increase; there is no falling off-no faltering in the ranks. But he is not only the faithful representative man of a large connection, or of a township, but throughout the county, he is known favorably, for he is one of the few of our Legislative nominees who has ever reached the halls of legislation. With a fair prospect of success, let us have a fair, , honest, true and tried candidate, and such, in my judgement, we will have in Hon. James B. Orr.
Delegate Election
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MESSRS. EDITORS:--I would suggest to our Democratic friends in this town and throughout the county, the propriety of voting by ballot at the approaching delegate elections instead of marking as heretofore. This mode, many think, will prove more expeditious and convenient, and will have the effect of bringing out a larger number of Democrats to the delegate elections, as well as saving much confusion, and defeating the trickery and deception, getting somewhat common, in our primary elections. I would therefore respectfully suggest to our Democratic friends to go to the delegate election, with the names of those for whom he wishes to vote, written, or printed, upon a ticket, properly headed, and insist on changing the mode of electing delegates from marking to vote by ballot .-Should this change be made, I feel confident it will prove beneficial.
A Negro Convention In Reading
Local and Personal--Camp Meeting
Local and Personal--Accident
Local and Personal--Death From Apoplexy
Local and Personal--County Convention
Local and Personal--Taxable Income
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Several weeks since we commenced the publication of the taxable incomes of Franklin county, giving Chambersburg and Guilford township, and this week we give the remainder of the county. From every return there has been deducted the allowance of $1000, which, by law, is untaxed; also losses incurred by fire, and income reported in previous years but which has proved during 1866 to be worthless; house rent actually paid, interest falling due, taxes paid during 1866, and all income from banks, railroads and other incorporations which withhold the income tax. It will be observed that all incomes will thus exceed the amount published by at least $1000.-Repository
Adams J H $103
Beaulty Mrs. Sarah B 1,116
Crowell J B 906
Davison Andrew 230
Fletcher L H 31
Hostetter John H 56
Imbria Addison 412
Johnston Robert 2,200
Kreps William 174
Michaels Charles 233
Myers Daniel 2,025
McLanahan J C 211
Philipy Samuel Sr 1,302
Powell Benj M 193
Rowe John 535
Snively F B 165
Snively Meichi 387
Snively Benj 231
Shank John 399
Shank Isaac 417
Shank Jacob 288
Shock Jacob 752
Schafhirt A F 86
Welsh A W 426
Alexander John $261
Ferguson James 79
Pomveroy W R 471
Skinner Wm of S 606
Shearer Elias 90
Brindle George $66
Brindle Peter 80
Clark Wm 670
Cook Jacob H 579
Dice George 119
Detwiler John L 178
Etter Wm 866
Ebersole Jacob B 69
Enlge A M 187
Freet C dec'd 1,424
Foglesonger Wendel 613
Fry Christian 497
Good Michael 28
Garver Samuel 52
Garver Jacob dec'd 276
Grove Benj 213
Horst Levi 732
Harbison Samuel 1,325
Hambright cyrus 162
Lehman Samuel D 122
Lehman Peter 1,410
Mohn John 87
Oyler Andre P 305
Renfrew R A 309
Roher John 994
Sollenberger A W 365
Sollenberger Daniel 518
Brechbill Christian C. $153
Breechbill Abraham 843
Deck Christian 367
Fleck George 396
Greenawait Henry 137
Keefer Henry 603
Lehman Abraham 707
Snyder John M 111
Weaver John H 1,897
Zook John 1,900
Bollinger Joseph $148
Burkholder Joseph 160
Cramer Peter 167
Hosletter David K 85
Hoover Henry W 277
Keefer W S 566
McClellan Wm G 280
Rife Henry H 421
Stoner Jacob M 1,217
Sprecher John 296
Apple Thos G $115
Bradley S A 633
Cook George 273
Creigh Rev Thos 2
Coyle A L 42
Carson James O 48
Craig Hugh B 8
Crag Jesse 62
Dickey Seth 1,534
Etter Geo W 1,379
Foreman Frederick 4,957
Greenawalt John 196
Grove Abraham 816
Hoover John 1,730
Hullinger Samuel 2,667
Hawk John 471
Hege Henry L 1,076
Hoover Michael 27
Harbaugh Henry D 406
Hays Wm A 75
Hawbecker David 768
Higbee E E 49
Jacobs Daniel 7
Jordan Leonard 376
Lesher Benj 802
Mickley Henry 400
M'Dowell Alex E 680
M'Kinstry Wm D 193
Myers David 120
Myers Jacob B 141
Myers John S 175
North A J 141
Niswander David 134
Richey Atchison 243
Rhea John L 18
Stine John R & Co 1,302
Vandyke Win (dec'd) 117
Walk Christian 169
Wilder John 637
Wolf John 806
Brown Oliver $659
Horner John H. 709
M'Allen John F 130
Skinner W W 13
Beaver John 1,012
Bushey Michael 6
Gipe Jacob 352
Gsell Samuel 1,437
Gingrich Cyrus 539
Ryder Michael 2,654
Ryder Adam M 1,787
Shelly John 321
Stenger Peter 3,485
Scott James P 1,774
Smith John 47
Knepper Peter $232
Monn A S 740
Small E S 137
Small Samuel 292
Stover Mrs Mary 1,292
Weistling Geo B 31
Winger E B 290
Bomberger Christian $637
Cressler Joseph G 1,863
Clever David 1,072
Ebersole John F 135
Hoover Samuel 369
Johnston George 2,860
Kiner Alex 234
Koser Samuel 91
Landis O 508
Mains Wm W 402
Mains Marshall 1,434
Myers Daniel 147
Myers Jacob 921
Newcomer John 1,486
Nevin Samuel 790
Overholtzer C Sr 311
Overholtzer C Jr 361
Plasterer Conrad 585
Wingert Abrm 920
Zook Samuel 639
Croft John $112
Coble Samuel 210
Coble John W 68
Gillan Charles 286
Gillan John Sr 178
Gillan David 37
Gatwicks John 64
Huber Benj 543
Myers Jacob 641
Amberson W S $711
Baker Daniel M 1,327
Benedict Pter 699
Frick George 3,700
Frantz Benj 655
Funk John of H 2,812
Funk Aaron 301
Funk Mrs Susan 388
Frantz John 1,279
Good D F 331
Gelsor Daniel 1,222
Good Henry 2,102
Hess Abraham 243
Hade Hannah 1,600
Horst Christian 1,015
Hamilton Alex Sr 4,905
Hoeflich Samuel 414
Hess Joseph M 632
Hullinger Daniel 112
Lesher Jacob 156
Miller J W 35
Oller J F 125
Overholtzer Jacob 375
Price John 3,040
Price Joseph 556
Price A E 185
Rinehart Samuel 470
Schockey Christian 3,157
Local and Personal--An Accident
Local and Personal--Large Trains
Local Personal--Atttempt At Suicide
Local and Personal--Court Proceedings
Local and Personal--Sold
Local and Personal--Accidents
Local and Personal--Fatal Mistake
This page contains advertisements.
"We find the following account of the meeting of a negro convention in Reading in the New York papers. Forney's Press, the special organ of the negroes in this state has the report of the affair:"