Valley of the Shadow
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Classified ads, columns 1-3

Special Messages

(column 4)

The Reason for McClellan's Removal From the Army Officially Declared

(column 7)

The Seven-Thirties--What Are They?

(column 7)
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Dispatches reporting on the capture of Atlanta, column 7

Our Platform

(column 1)
(column 1)

The Chicago Convention

(column 2)


"His [General McClellan's] extraordinary combination of solid with popular qualities, of military capacity with civil aptitudes, of the generosity of early with the wisdom of later manhood, of fitness for the highest office with availability as a candidate, qualifies him as preeminently for his allotted part in this crisis as the character of Washington qualified him for the great part for which he was destined in achieving our independence."

Full Text of Article

In the hurry and confusion incident to refitting an office and getting under way again, we are unable to speak at length, in this issue of our paper, of the nominees of the Chicago Convention. We have only to say that the action of that Convention has inspired the people with renewed confidence in the stability of our institutions and sent a thrill of joy and patriotic hope to the heart of every true friend of Constitutional Government, and the Union as our fathers made it.

In the absence of anything which, under other circumstances, we might have written, we submit the following articles, on the candidates and platform, from the New York World, which meet our most hearty endorsement:

The Union Candidates.

The National Democratic Convention has done its work, and done it well. It has nominated the ablest and most popular ticket ever presented for the suffrages of the American people. Both candidates are in the early prime of vigorous manhood; both are men of such decided power that they made their mark as soon as they were called to act in a public capacity; both are, by instincts and education, gentlemen; neither is old enough to have become incrusted with prejudices which unfit him for playing a useful part in new circumstances or to have surrounded himself with a set of party hacks who will prevent his discerning merit or ability out of their own circle.

The nomination of General George B. McClellan for President of the United States is a sure augury of triumph in the election, and success in restoring the Union. The personal qualifications which General McClellan brings to the arduous task for which he has been selected are of a very high order. A mind equally comprehensive and vigorous; a robust, decisive will; a soldier's sense of honor; inflexible integrity; far-reaching sagacity which, on a great subject or a great occasion, has never been at fault; generous warmth of disposition which wins hosts of friends; purity of private character which even the envenomed breath of slander has been compelled to respect; love of country and reverence for the Constitution which were never exceeded in the earlier days of the republic; and a native elevation of character which cannot descend to crooked ways and scorns demagogic arts, this is the assemblage of traits which in General McClellan make up one of the most efficient and best-balanced characters ever called to act on a public stage. His extraordinary combination of solid with popular qualities, of military capacity with civil aptitudes of the generosity of early with the wisdom of later manhood, of fitness for the highest office with availability as a candidate, qualifies him as preeminently for his allotted part in this crisis as the character of Washington qualified him for the great part for which he was destined in achieving our independence, and will give to "The Savior of the Union" a place in our history second only to that of "The Father of his Country."

"Thou didst begin the quarrel," said an ancient sage, "but I the reconciliation." The election of Abraham Lincoln was a trumpet of sedition and civil war; that of George B. McClellan will be the herald of reunion and peace. The people understand this without argument; and the nomination made yesterday will be hailed throughout the loyal states with a spontaneous fervor of hopeful enthusiasm such as never before greeted the announcement of a presidential candidate. General McClellan's election will be welcomed by outpourings of popular gratitude and demonstrations of public rejoicing, which will be the precursor and exemplar of those that will soon follow to celebrate the return of peace. Peace will then be at hand, for the simple reason that, after his inauguration, the character of the war will have so changed that the southern people will no longer have a sufficient motive to stand out. They will then see that submission to the Union does not involve the overthrow of their institutions, the destruction of their property, industrial disorganization, social chaos, negro equality, and the nameless horrors of a servile war. They now feel that they are fighting, not only as every invaded people are said to fight, pro aris et focis, but that, owing to the peculiar organization of their society, no other people ever had much at stake either in the sanctity of their homes or the preservation of their property.

The property of other invaded peoples can only be destroyed; theirs can be converted into instruments of wholesale arson, rape, and murder, making men's most terrible foes those of their own households. It is by appeals resting on these considerations that the rebel leaders have been able to stimulate the southern people to a stretch of sacrifice and endurance such as the world has seldom witnessed. These appeals have been irresistible because the danger was felt to be real. On the election of General McClellan, the overstrained energies of the South will relax; with relief from impending danger there will supervene a general lassitude and prostration; and a peace party will spring up, as if by magic, in every part of the South. In their strong yearnings for peace, the door will easily be opened for reconstruction on terms consistent with the honor of the government.

The nomination of Hon. George H. Pendleton for Vice-President of the United States, is a deserved recognition of the merit, patriotism, and fidelity of an able and a rising statesman. Though not quite forty years of age, there are few men in public life in this country who have given better proofs of political sagacity and a clear comprehension of the necessities of the country than Mr. Pendleton. He is principally known to the country as a distinguished lawyer and a member of Congress, in which he represents one of the Cincinnati districts. He is a powerful debater, who bears himself with a decorum and courtesy which command the respect even of political opponents, and which fit him to preside in the Senate with dignity and acceptance.

Since receiving intelligence of the nominations this city is all alive with enthusiasm. So far as we can judge, the effect is likely to be equally electric in every city, town, and hamlet in the loyal states, and, if its exhibition would be allowed, in every corps, division, brigade, and regiment of the loyal armies, and among the weary, suffering, patriot captives held as prisoners of war by the rebels.

A Republican's Reasons Why He Cannot Vote for Lincoln

(column 3)


"He has perverted, or suffered to be perverted, the war which was originally declared for the preservation of the Union . . . into a war for the Abolition of Slavery."

Organize! Organize!

(column 4)

The Latest Invasion

(column 5)

The Nomination of Gen. McClellan

(column 6)


"Now that Gen. McClellan has been nominated as a candidate for the Presidency, I feel very confident, that it will give a thrill of joy to thousands who, under other circumstances, like myself, would have been either indifferent or opposed to him for that position.--That he is wise, prudent, judicious and has a mind of his own, his military career has shown--shown in a manner that should humble the powers at Washington when they look at all that has transpired since they ejected him, to the dust."

Death of John Morgan

(column 6)

Watchwords for Patriots

(column 7)


"It is possible to bring about a permanent restoration of the Union--a reunion by which the rights of both parties shall be preserved, and by which both parties shall preserve their self-respect, while they respect each other."
Page 3
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Summary of troop movement in Georgia, Tennessee, and Louisiana, column 2, classified ads, columns 3-7


(column 1)

Tribute of Respect

(column 1)


(column 1)


"During the past two weeks enlisting has been going on very briskly. The neighborhood of the Provost Marshal's office presented a lively scene from morning till night."

Full Text of Article

During the past two weeks enlisting has been going on very briskly. The neighborhood of the Provost Marshal's office presented a lively scene from morning till night. Committees from the different sub-districts of the county were present prepared to offer large bounties and to plank down the "greenbacks," and were very successful in getting men. We learn that St. Thomas, Peters, Guilford, and a number of other districts have their quotas already filled, whilst, committees of other districts are actively at work with every prospect of success in getting a sufficient number of men in time to avoid the draft.

The draft has been postponed for home time, and from the exertions made to get volunteers, we think there will be no necessity for a draft in the county.

Orphan's Court

(column 1)

Military Visitors

(column 2)

The 107th Penna. Volunteers

(column 2)


"This gallant regiment has suffered very severely in the recent battles on the Weldon railroad."

Full Text of Article

This gallant regiment has suffered very severely in the recent battles on the Weldon railroad. At one time the entire regiment was within the enemy's lines, but owing to the density of the thicket in which the battle was fought, a portion of it escaped. All the line officers but three were captured. The regiment now consists of a Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, Major, two Captains, one Lieutenant and forty men. Its loss was principally in prisoners.


(column 2)
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Classified ads, columns 1-7