Valley Spirit
Includes miscellaneous news and fiction.
Unquestioning Support
Proceedings of the Democratic State Convention
Includes news of the capture of Vicksburg.
What is Franklin County Doing?
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Why are not some measures taken to reorganize the 126th regiment, or to get up some other efficient organization, for State defense? Do the people of Franklin county intend to do absolutely nothing for the protection of their property and the defense of their homes? While New York and New Jersey and other portions of our own State are sending men to our relief, shall Franklin county have the disgrace of not furnishing a single full company for the emergency? Young men of Chambersburg, you who talk so bravely and boast so of your loyalty and patriotism, when no danger is nigh, does it not make your cheeks tingle with very shame, when you see regiment after regiment marching through your streets to protect your homes, while you yourselves have not the patriotism or the courage to shoulder your muskets? Let us hear no more of your braggart "rally round the flag, boys!" if you fail to be equal to the demands of the present crisis. Does your valor and patriotism go no farther than singing patriotic songs through the streets at midnight? If so you had better let your heroic virtues remain unsung. It is true, the enemy came upon us so suddenly, nothing could be done before their arrival. But now nothing stands in the way, and although the worst of the crisis may be past, let the young men of the county at least show their willingness to respond to the call, and save their credit.
The Democratic Nominees
A Card
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Chambersburg, July 11th, 1863.
Editors of Spirit and Times:
Soon after the first occupation of this place by the Rebel Cavalry under General Jenkins, the following appeared in the Lancaster Express:
"A gentleman from Shippensburg informs the editor of the Harrisburg Telegraph that he was present at an interview between General Jenkins and some prominent Republicans at Chambersburg. After discussing matters connected with the war for some time, a prominent office-holder of Franklin county stepped up and introduced himself to the Rebel General Jenkins said that he ought to refuse shaking him by the hand. The office-holder desired to know the reason of such treatment. General Jenkins asked the question, "are you the District Attorney from this county?" "Yes!" was the reply. "Then you are a regular Copperhead." "That is what they call me," replied the office-holder. To which the Rebel General replied, "Lincoln ought to have hung you and the rest of the Copperheads long ago. We would not tolerate such men in the Southern Confederacy. We respect those who are against us in the North much more than the Copperheads'."
I am the District Attorney of Franklin county. I have never taken part in any such conversation. I have never spoken a word to General Jenkins, nor has he to me. During the time he held possession of the town, I did not even see him. And further, I have made diligent inquiry to discover whether or not such remarks were made to any one in this place, by General Jenkins, and am fully satisfied that the report is utterly without foundation in fact.
This report would be unworthy of denial were it not that the Republican papers are circulating it as widely as possible for the purpose of casting odium upon the Democratic party. Personally, I care nothing for these falsehoods. I would rather have malignant fanatics pour out their vilest contumely on my head, than damn me with their faint praise.
But allow me a few words in behalf of the Democrats of Franklin county. Some of them have been subjected to the most violent and unjust abuse. Charges of "welcoming the Rebels to our soil"--of "giving them all the information in their power"--of "entertaining them at their homes," of hoping and expressing the hope to them "that the Federal army would be destroyed" have been made, but there is no proof. Only last night, one of the members of General Couch's staff (I believe) stood upon the veranda[h] of the Franklin Hotel, on the occasion of a serenade to his chief, and in an eloquent speech, slandered a portion of the citizens of this community by a repetition of such charges as the above. This gentleman was doubtless misinformed as to the facts by some returned "skedaddler." I defy them all to point to a single Democrat in this place, who gave to the Rebels a word of welcome, of important information, or of sympathy. Bring on the proof, and I will do all in my power to have such men punished. Such reports originate with the life-long defamers of the Democratic party--men who, Pharisee like, now attempt to monopolize all the patriotism of the country, and thank their God that they are not as other men are--not even as these poor "Copperheads." Let them remember that "he that exalteth himself shall be abased and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted."
True to the principles of our forefathers as embodied in the Declaration of Independence--true to the Constitution of the United States whose every line evinces the wisdom and patriotism of its framers, and true to the Union whose foundation-stone is that same Constitution, the Democracy can laugh to scorn the opprobrious epithets and foul calumnies of its foes.
Yours, Truly,
W.S. Stenger.
Incidents of the Great Battle
A rip in the bottom left corner destroyed part of the list of the people captured by the Confederates, as well as another unknown article at the bottom of the second column. This page also contains three columns of classified advertisements.
The Situation
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As we stated last week, the rebel army commenced its retreat from Gettysburg, on Friday night, the 3rd, inst. by way of Millerstown, Monterey, Waynesboro, Lictersburg and Funkstown Maryland. Their line, during the greater portion of last week, extended from Leitersburg, through Hagerstown to the Potomac beyond Williamsport. Several severe cavalry engagements occurred, in the vicinity of Funkstown and Boonsboro, between Buford and Kilipatrick, on our side, and Stewart's Jenkin's rebel forces, on Wednesday and Thursday, in which the rebel forces were driven back with heavy loss. On Saturday last, Sedgewick attacked Longstreet near Hagerstown, and drove him several miles. On Sunday the greater portion of the rebel army was massed near Williamsport, no doubt with the intention of crossing the river at that point. Accounts disagree as to whether there is a pontoon bridge at Williamsport, but the general impression seems to be that one was constructed there last week, previous to which the rebels had been sending over their wounded on one or two old scows.
The army of the Potomac has been lying from Boonsboro towards Harper's Ferry. A considerable force is now lying near Waynesboro while on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, a large force of Pennsylvania and New York militia passed through the town for the seat of war.
Gen. Couch and staff arrived on Friday, and Gen. Dana on Sunday, Gen. Couch has command of all the forces in this vicinity. The Gen, was seranaded [sic] at the Franklin Hotel on Friday evening, and in response made a very brief and appropriate speech.
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We are pained to record the fact that some of the militia, who so nobly came to the rescue of Southern Pennsylvania, have been behaving very badly. On Thursday evening last, a disgraceful riot occur[r]ed in the diamond, which for a while threatened to be of a serious character. Some members of one of the New York regiments, getting into a discussion with Captain Doebler, who is still suffering from the wound received at Fredericksburg, called the Captain "a d--d coward." The Captain replied by striking the fellow over the head with his cain. The "muss" then became general, and several citizens who interfered to protect the Captain in his disabled condition, were roughly handled. Some of them were chased through the streets by the infuriated crowd, armed with pistols, sabres, guns and bayonets, with cries of "shoot them!" "hang them!" "kill them!" The disgraceful scene was brought to a close by the interference of several officers; and although some blood was spliled [sic], we are happy to record the fact that no one was seriously injured. As we have such an institution as a provost marshal here now, we hope measure will be taken to prevent any such outbreaks in the future.
Serenade to General Couch
Brave Cavalry Dash
"The Franklin Repository"
Dirt and Filth
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The rebels left us a large inheritance of dirt and filth, on their departure from this place. They had taken possession of the Court House and Franklin Hall, and left dirt to the depth of one or two inches on their floors. They had quartered some of their horses and troops in the streets and on our pavements, and the stench they left behind was almost unbearable. Lime was liberally sprinkled around, and the heavy rains of the last few days have partially restored our wonted state of cleanliness. It would not be a bad idea to have the streets scraped as soon as practicable.
Copperhead Heroism
An Act of Vandalism
Card of Thanks
Soldier Killed
The Telegraph
Provost Marshal
The Latest News
Republican Convention
General Orders
Classified advertisements