Valley Spirit
Remarks of Hon. Charles Ingersoll
Let Us Be Honest With Ourselves
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Facts brought to our knowledge, almost every week, have convinced us that there is a great change taking place in the political sentiments of the Franklin county. Thinking and reflecting men are beginning to feel that the crisis demands intelligent action on their part; and they are pausing and giving a calm and honest consideration to public affairs. They are unalterably opposed to any division of the Union; they are willing to make the greatest sacrifices to restore the Union and maintain the Government; and yet they can see no ray of hope in the present avowed policy of the party in power. That party holds out no encouragement, gives no basis upon which to build for the future, embraces nothing but hatred and vengeance, conquest and subjugation. Many of these men, who have been lifelong opponents of the Democratic party, are coming out and declaring their belief that the only hope of the country is in the success of Democratic principles. We could mention numbers of them by name, but they are sufficiently well known in the communities in which they reside.
There are other men, who, sick at heart and bereft of hope, disgusted at the angry criminations and recriminations which characterize the political discussions of this day, have resolved not to mingle with either political party. In this decision they are manifestly in error. No citizen, in the hour of national peril, can shirk responsibility by wrapping himself up in the seclusion of his home, and saying "I will have none of the responsibility clinging to my skirts." My dear sir, if wicked and injurious measures triumph at the ballot box, while your vote might have defeated them, you will be responsible for the result. Every man has an interest in the preservation of good government; and there is a corresponding duty, of which, do as he may please, he can not divest himself; the obligations of civil society demand that he shall choose clearly whom he will serve. If he honestly believes there is safety for the country in the principles of the Republican party, let him advocate them with all his ability and vote for them; but if he as honestly believes that those principles are sapping the very foundations of our Government and leading inevitably to anarchy or despotism, let him have the manliness to say so, despite the slanders and vituperations which may be cast upon him. "If the Lord be God, serve him; if Baal, then serve him." However much we may differ as to principles and policy, no man has a right to say, "As for me, I have no principles and policy." If he is possessed of any intellect at all, the assertion must be false. He must believe some things in themselves to be right, and others to be wrong; and he merely means, by this assertion, that he lacks the moral courage to avow the right and denounce the wrong.
There is another and a numerous class of men who are anxiously casting about the political horizon to see which way the polar needle of duty points. They come to us, as advocates of the Democratic party, and ask, "What is your position in reference to the war, and what do you intend to do if you get into power again?" The question is honestly asked and should be as honestly answered, difficult as the task may be, in the present uncertain and unsettled state of events. It is impossible to read aright the horoscipe of the future, and our line of policy must in a great measure depend on events as they transpire; but this much we may declare, without fear of our position ever becoming untenable. We have never agreed, do not now agree and have no intention of agreeing in future to a dissolution of the American Union, unless indeed it be to avoid some still greater calamity. We propose to accomplish the preservation of the Government and the Constitution by the union of the sword with the olive-branch. For those who will resist the power of this Government, legally and rightfully administered, under the Constitution, we have the sword. To those who are willing to submit to its benign, its healthful, its peaceful sway, we will hold out the olive-branch of peace. To this end we favor the calling of a National Convention, at as early a day as possible, to see whether there is not yet left us some hope of restoring the Union by amicable means, believing that by the sword alone this end can never be accomplished. For the reason we are opposed to those measures of the Administration which have thus far only had the effect of dividing the loyal sentiment in the North, and more closely uniting those in arms against the government at the South--holding them to be obstacles thrown in the way of a restoration of the Union, rather than incentives to it. If we get into power, we will restore the liberty of the press and the freedom of speech, believing them to be the very bulwarks of individual liberty; and we will give a still stronger guarantee to this individual liberty by reestablishing the sacred privilege of the writ of Habeas Corpus. We will reassert the supremacy of the law, by subjecting the military to the civil authority of the country, in districts where war does not exist. We will stop all arbitrary arrests, believing that the acquittal of the innocent and the punishment of the guilty will be more surely and speedily effected by legal arrests and trials, under due process of law. We will endeavor to institute a rigid system of reform, turn from their places the Contractors and Government agents who have robbed the country of hundreds of millions of dollars during the last two brief years; and use our best vigilance to keep all such, in future, from filling places of honor and profit. Should the efforts of the present Administration fail to crush the rebellion, the Democratic party will, when it gets hold of the reins of Government, use all power, and all the statesmanship it can muster to its aid, to restore the Constitution in its ancient spirit and vigor, and to reunite our shattered and bleeding Union, as it was before the reckless fanaticism and uncompromising, revengeful spirit of the present day severed the holy bonds which bound us in one brotherhood.
These are the views and objects which the Democratic party profess, and as a pledge of their sincerity they refer to the history of the country. From the formation of the Government to the present time, with the exception of a few brief years, they have made the laws and controlled the policy of the nation, and their shrewdest opponents can not point to a single breech of faith, or a single pledge violated during that period. How, then, can they be charged with insincerity now? In the every-day relations of business, you do not call him a rogue who has always dealt fairly and honestly with you. Apply the same rule to the political parties of the day, and when the Democratic party plays false to the interests of the country, discard it, denounce it, leave it, and we will go with you. But call no man a villain until you have proven him such. Calling our neighbors thieves and adulterers and wine-bibbers, does not make them such, but the more likely makes us slanderers and defamers, liable to the judgment of the law. And when foolish or wicked men talk loosely about Democrats being "traitors," "sympathizers with treason" and "rebels"; they simply become violators of the law themselves, and loose [sic] all claim to the title of good citizens, while their poisoned shafts of slander fall harmless to the ground, short of the mark they were aimed at. On this question of sincerity the Democratic party stands at least as fairly as the Republican party; and the choice must be made between the two. How many times during the last two years has the party in power turned its back upon its plighted faith and its voluntary promises to the nation? Time and space fail to enumerate; but every day's congressional proceedings, every presidential proclamation and every executive order, bears the damning evidence upon its very face. The administration of Abraham Lincoln has not proven true to its pledges to the people.
Let us go one step farther and take each party at what it pretends to be and promises to do. The acknowledged leaders of the Republican party tell us the old Union can never be restored, and never shall be, with their consent. They promise to give us a grand, consolidated government in its place, it is true; but it is a government with all State lines and liberties blotted out, with a standing army and a burdensome tax, with a muzzled press and a stifled public opinion, full of bayonets and bastiles and provost marshals in the back-ground. On the other hand the Democratic party pretend to believe the old order of things can be restored, and they want leave at least to attempt to give us the old Union, the Union as it was made by our fathers, with all the equal rights and liberties of the States and the citizens under the constitution. If they fail, we will, at the worst, be no farther from the end than we are now; and the experiment is assuredly worthy of a trial. The only question these honest, reflecting men in our midst have to answer for themselves, is: are we in favor of an honest attempt to restore the old order of things, or will we prefer to see a splendid, consolidated Government, with all the gilt and trappings of royalty, erected on the ruins of our once boasted Republic? When this question is answered--and it should be answered speedily--they are prepared to act with one or the other of the great parties into which the citizens of the country have divided themselves.
Peace and the Democratic Party
A Suggestion to the Leaguers
Latest By Telegraph!
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Received at the Office of Spirit & Times.
Our Whole Force Across the River.
New York, May 4, 1863.
Tribune and Herald have issued extras containing the following news, by mail, from the Rappahannock, up to Sunday morning, Tribune says:
"At that time our left wing was in possession of Fredericksburg, and of the first line of redouts behind it, and was feeling its way to the second line. The river was crossed and the redouts were taken with great ease, and with very slight loss of life.
The Rebels had marched away in the direction of Chancellorsville, to attack our right-wing there posted; leaving at post only ten thousand men and subsequently not more than five or seven thousand in their works, as was ascertained by a reconnoissance form [sic] Lowe's Balloon.
A great portion of our Falmouth batteries were engaged on Sunday with the rebel batteries, firing across the river and city.
The firing both of musketry and cannon, on the right, in the direction of Chancellorville was very heavy.
The enemy have been forced to fight on ground of General Hooker's choosing.
It was believed, on both wings, that Gen. Stoneman's expedition to cut the railroad, between the rebels and Richmond, had proven successful--thus cutting off the only path of retreat.
So confident was Gen. Hooker, at Falmouth, of success, that in conformity with his orders, a force had already commenced to rebuild a bridge over the Rappahannock.
The Herald has also an extra giving news up to eleven o clock Sunday morning, which says, that on Saturday evening there was a brilliant fire, which appeared to proceed from the burning of rebel encampments below Stoneman's station.
Fredericksburg was occupied about 2 o'clock on Sunday morning by our troops.
The batteries on either side of the river commenced playing upon each other about five o'clock, and the roaring of cannon was loud and prolonged.
Two Great Battles Fought!
The Rebels Repulsed.
The Killed, Wounded & Prisoners.
Philadelphia, May 5th, 1863.
The Washington Republican "Extra," of yesterday says: "Suffice it to say that, in consequence of reported dashing operations of Gen. Stoneman on the line of the Railroad to Richmond, General Lee could not ingloriously flee, but was compelled to come out from behind his defences and fight on Hooker's own ground selected at Chancellorsville, about 10 miles South-west of Fredericksburg.
The battle lasted most of the day on Saturday, and continued with great fierceness until 2 o'clock on Sunday morning.
At four o'clock on Sunday morning, the fight again opened, and lasted until 10 o'clock yesterday forenoon, when the enemy's batteries became silent, and the wildest cheering commenced on the extreme right and ran along the whole line.
When our informant left the prevailing opinion was that the enemy's am[m]unition was exhausted, or they had been attacked by Hooker's left wing--the force under Sedgwick, which crossed below Fredericksburg.
Another gentleman who was with our forces in Fredericksburg, says Gen. Sedgwick succeeded in reaching the key to the whole line of monster rebel works, Fredericksburg, before day dawned, yesterday, (Sunday,) morning.
The rebels immediately opened a most terrific fire.
At first some of the Regiments wavered at seeing their commanding officers falling around them, but the skillful and dashing Col. Sharler, by his cool daring and personal examples, rallied the column and led it into the rebel works, carrying the key and with it the whole line of rebel works, at a bayonet charge.
As soon as the principal work was carried, about 11 o'clock yesterday forenoon, the whole rebel force in and about Fredericksburg made a retreat out on the Plank road towards Chancellorville, in the direction of Lee's main army.
The slaughter at Chancellorsville is estimated to be very large on both sides.
Among the killed on our side is Gen. Berry of Maine.
General Howard was wounded.
We captured many large guns, ammunition stores and, up to yesterday, about 2,000 prisoners.
Postscript.--Our advices from the field up to noon to-day are that the victory of Gen. Hooker's army is more complete than was at first supposed. All that the most sanguine could hope for has been realized, though the losses are very heavy.
Washington, May 4th.
The following despatch was received this morning at Gen. Heintzleman's Head Quarters from Gen. Stahle.
Fairfax Station, May 3d.
A heavy fight occurred this morning near Warrenton Junction between a portion of my forces under Col. Deforrest and the Black Horse Cavalry under Moseby and other guer[r]illa forces--My forces succeeded in routing the rebels after a heavy fight--Templeton the rebel spy was killed and several officres [sic] are wounded but not dangerously.
May 4th.
The rebels who fled in the direction of Warrenton were pursued by Major Hammond of the 5th U.S. Cavalry who has returned and reports our charge at Warrenton Junction as being so terrific as to have thoroughly routed and scattered them in every direction--I have sent in 25 prisoners of Moseby's Command all of whom are wounded, the greater part of them badly--Dick Moran is among the number--The loss of the enemy was very heavy in killed besides many wounded.
Our loss was one killed and fourteen wounded.
Latest Telegraphic News!
(Condensed from the Daily Papers.)
The Rappahannock Crossed.
Reported Battle on the Other Side of the River.
Brilliant Dash on the Rebel Rifle Pits Below Fredericksburg.
Washington, April 30, 1863.
From the best attainable information from persons arriving from the Rappahannock it appears that some important movements took place yesterday.
There was no fighting of any importance. The force crossed at Kelly's ford. Pontoon bridges were laid two and three miles below Fredericksburg, and we held possession of these points last night.
The enemy formed lines of battle and planted batteries on the heights in their rear, and also fired a few shots to get the range.
In crossing we lost one or two officers killed, and from thirty to forty men wounded. Our men crossed first in boats and drove the enemy out of their rifle pits, killed and wounded many, and took one hundred and six prisoners, including several officers one of whom was Lieutenant Colonel Hammond, of the sixth Louisiana. These prisoners arrived here yesterday and were sent to Old Capitol prison.
Another informant says the left wing, thirty five thousand strong, crossed four miles below Fredericksburg, a little below where Franklin crossed previous to the first battle of Fredericksburg. They fought twelve hours, drove the enemy eight miles out of their rifle pits and behind their entrenchments.
The Third brigade of the First division of the First corps has suffered more than any other in the fight. Our forces have captured between five and six hundred prisoners, who will soon be brought to this city.
Many of these prisoners have voluntarily come over to us, having thrown away their arms in small squads, and beg for food. They pick up what soldiers have thrown away on the march. Other rebels, however, say they have plenty to eat.
The right wing crossed at Kelly's Ford, and Gen. Stoneman's cavalry is reported to be somewhere in the rear of Fredericksburg.
One corps remains at Falmouth as a reserve.
Operations of the Right Wing.
Crossing The Ford.
The onward movement of the Army of the Potomac, involving the crossing of the Rappahannock in the face of the enemy, commenced on Monday, and ere you receive this letter the different corps will have firmly established themselves on the "sacred soil" across the river.
The movement commenced at daybreak, General Howard's corps having the advance on the march, and the men did not halt until they reached Mount Holly church, just one mile this side of Kelly's Ford, where General Hooker intended the crossing should be made. The weather was warm for this season of the year, and the men suffered somewhat in consequence but they bore up manfully against the fatigue, and won golden opinions from their officers.
The Fifth corps, under General Meade, and the Twelfth, under Gen. Slocum, followed by different roads, and the troops, who were in excellent spirits, marched until nightfall without delay. The destination of each corps was kept a profound secret among the men and officers even, and it was not until they reached the spot that they were able to divine their commander's real intentions. Brigadier general privates alike were in ignorance of the plan, and it is even said that few of the major generals were conversant with the movement.
Colonel Basbeck's brigade, of the Eleventh corps, who had been guarding Kelly's Ford for the last fortnight, gave the troops a hearty welcome, and encouraged them with the prospect of an easy crossing in the morning. They reported that but few rebels were in sight, and that there would be no difficulty in laying the pontoons and proceeding on the "onward movement."
The work of laying the pontoon bridges was confided to Captain Comstock, of General Hooker's staff. General Hooker was also present and superintended in person the important work. The boats, which had been secreted in Marsh run, which empties into the Rappahannock just below Kelly's Ford, were manned by the Seventy-third Pennsylvania and the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth New York Volunteers, who pushed fearlessly across the river and took possession of the opposite bank. The rebel pickets made a slight show of resistance and then fell back. Skirmishers were immediately thrown out, but without caming [sic] up with any of the "butternuts." Subsequently the Eleventh and twelfth corps passed over the bridges without accident, and at night the column rested on the south bank of the river..
On Tuesday morning General Stoneman crossed over, followed by the Fifth army corps, commanded by General Meade, and ere this the column is on its way to the Rapidan, where a crossing is to be effected at Germania. General Hooker superintended the movement in person and as he rode through the lines the troops received him in the most enthusiastic manner. His headquarters were at Morrisville, five or six miles from the ford, just before the movement commenced. Here he made known to his corps commanders his intentions, and gave them directions how to proceed when they had reached the opposite bank of the river.
The destination of the army after crossing the Rapidan remains a secret, except to those high in authority; dut [sic] all sorts of speculations are entered into as to the commander's intentions. The weather is lovely do day, and promises well for our brave boys across the river. To-morrow, or the day after at the furthest you may expect to hear some important news. The troops are in splendid condition, and if there is to be any fighting you may rest assured they will acquit themselves with credit.
Operations on the Left Wing.
Activity of the Army Officers.
Colonel McQuabe, Fourteenth New York Volunteers, arrived in camp about ten o'clock, having heard that preperations [sic] were being made for a movement, despite the urgent entreaties of his physician to the contrary--he has been suffering for some days from an attack of billious fever--he left his sick bed and came to resume command of his brigade. I should state in this connection that General Griffin also left a sick bed to take command of his division. For the same reason Colonel Ames, finding his regiment was not able to move for some time, in consequence of large numbers being sick with smallpox, was anxious, if possible, to have a hand in the first fight, and accordingly has offered himself and been accepted as volunteer aid on General Meade's staff.
We have been joined by the three years members of the Twelfth New York, and also those of the Thirteenth New York who are enlisted for three years or the war. They have marched all the whole distance from their old camp since morning to join us, thus showing their love for the cause.
Major Michael, of the Fourteenth New York Volunteers has been appointed colonel of a new regiment being organized, and Major Gleason, of the Twenty-fifth New York, lieutenant colonel. The position of major has been offered to Lieutenant Yates, Acting Assistant Adjutant General of Colonel McQuabe's brigade.
Crossing the River.
After my letter yesterday morning had closed, our batteries, which had opened upon the rebel sharpshooters, rendered it possible to cross in the pontoon boats without essential loss. The Sixth Wisconsin regiment, Col. Bragg, and the Twenty fourth Michigan, Col. Morrow, crossed in pontoon boats, and on reaching the opposite shore charged upon the heights, drove the Sharpshooters from the rifle pits, and took a large number of prisoners ninety one certain, of whom five were wounded and taken to the hospital, and the remainder were sent to the headquarters of the army. The rebel loss is represented to be one hundred and 67 in all, including the killed.
The Charge.
The charge upon the rifle pits was most gallantly made. The artillery fire was so hot for them that they were not aware our infantry were over the Rappahannock until they heard and saw them. Then their fears magnified the Western boys into giants and invincible warriors, and they considered it more prudent to surrender than to fight. Beyond the rifle pits, and out of the range of musketry fire from there, a body of rebels, more numerous than our infantry which had then crossed, fled precipitately upon the approach of our boys.
Laying the Pontoons.
In five minutes after the rebel sharpshooters had been captured the Engineer corps, assisted by infantry, had laid the pontoon bridges, and and [sic] the first brigade of Wadsworth's division, under Col. Phelps, immediately crossed the river. Afterwards the remainder of the First division went over.
The Artillery.
The artillery that opened upon the rebels was Companies B and G, First Pennsylvania, commanded by Lieutenant R.B. Ricketts, and company F, First Pennsylvania, under Captain Ransom, of the Fifth Regulars. Their pieces were four three inch regulation guns. Captain Tafts' twenty pounder Parrett guns distributed explosives from a point more to the left, and continued to shower their shells during the day at intervals.
The Position.
The position of our batteries was relatively the same as the fight in December, when the crossing was made by the same troops at the same point, and when our artillery and infantry were complimented for their gallantry. The fire from the rebel rifle pits was terribly severe upon our infantry, who were utterly unprotected while they were making preparations to cross.
The Engineer Corps.
The Engineer corps laying the pontoon bridges consisted of a detachment from the 50th New York regiment (Companies C and K), under command of Major Beers. The losses in this corps were, fortunately, only two wounded.
The Killed and Wounded.
The Brooklyn Fourteenth, Sixth Wisconsin and Twenty-fourth Michigan lost the most heavily and all their losses occurred before the river was crossed. Other regiments also lost in killed and wounded. The whole number of our casualties was nine killed and fifty-seven wounded. The rebel killed found on the field were twelve, and their wounded, who were taken prisoner, five. Others of them were killed or wounded, undoubt[e]dly. They were of the 13th Georgia and 6th Louisiana ergiments [sic].
(No Title)
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How little is now in reserve for the next battle? With what remorse will every man and woman regret the indifferences of the present hour, when garments and various comforts are suddenly required? Heretofore hundreds of boxes were ready for shipment--now everything is lacking. The great rise in the price of material is one cause of this falling off; and this should render more imperative the duty of concentrating and sending through the most efficient channel all the stores which our loyal women furnish.
Another cause of this falling off is in the weariness consequent upon this protracted war. But in the language of the President of the Commission, "As long as the men fight the women must knit and sew," and the friends at home furnish means to alleviate the sorrows and wants of the camps and hospitals. Whatever you may have hitherto been doing, from this time consider how you can best and most surely reach the suffering soldier, where he is most exposed and most forgotten. Do not delay; do not abandon your efforts after a short time. You must enlist in the work for the war. It is the woman's part in the patriotic struggle we are in.
The Ladies Aid Society will meet (for the present) every Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at Mrs. B.F. Need's. All who are willing to assist are cordially invited.
Donations will be received at the stores of Messrs. Hook and Nikon.
M. J. Nikon, Secretary
Election of County Superintendent
Proscription in Business
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On Saturday evening last, Mr. Jacob H. Eyster, of the firm of C.W. Eyster & Co., called at our office and demanded our bill against the firm for advertising. After paying the bill, he ordered the advertisement discontinued, remarking at the same time that they couldn't support us any longer on account of our political views. This, of course, means that this firm does not desire any further patronage from our 2,000 subscribers. Democratic farmers and business men throughout the county will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. This is notice No. 1 we have a few more of the same sort in reserve.
Borough Election
Octogenarian Gone
Progress of General Hooker
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--Rebels Massing their Troops in our Front--General Stoneman Reported as Destroying the Richmond Railroad.
The following statement is derived from gentlemen who left the Rappahannock on Saturday.
They confirm the statement, already published, that our army has crossed the Rappahannock and Rapidan rivers with less opposition than was anticipated by the most sanguine.
The Rebels massed a considerable force on their front on Thursday, and at Midnight there was some artillery practice between our and the Rebel guns, at long range.
As soon as the Rebels learned on Wednesday that our forces had crossed above Fredericksburg, they commenced moving troops to intercept the advance, and continued it all night, and the following day.
Trains were constantly running with troops from Richmond, and the enemy had concentrated all their available troops around Fredericksburg.
The latest news from Chancellorsville, about ten miles southwest of Fredericksburg, now occupied by our forces, is, that General Stoneman's cavalry force had cut the railroad leading to Richmond. This is stated on the assertion of a gentleman connected with the civil department of the Government, who arrived at Washington on Saturday morning.
There is no doubt of the fact that our army was, at last accounts in the most cheerful and hopeful condition, and a congratulatory address issued by General Hooker to the army on Thursday, had inspirited it with a determination to succeed. The Rebels will have to fight Hooker on a battle field selected by himself, or surrender.
Clerk of the Courts
County Treasurer
Register and Recorder
Classified advertisements