Valley Spirit
One column of classifieds, plus war news from the battle in Charleston Harbor (dated April 5)
Includes miscellaneous war news, including troop movements on the Rappahannock.
Democratic Meeting
Another Outrage
Where Does He Stand?
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Colonel McClure addressed the "Union Leaguers," on Tuesday evening last, and we can not refrain from expressing the opinion that his speech was a most remarkable one to be delivered by a Republican speaker at a Republican meeting. He commenced by administering a powerful rebuke to his partisan friends for stigmatizing as "traitors" all who disagreed with them in politics. These men had gone from our midst, side by side with Republicans, their blood was shed upon every battle field, their dead bodies had been carried through our streets, followed by a whole community in tears and sorrow. "These men are not traitors," said the Colonel, "and you know it." He then spoke of the Emancipation Proclamation. He was not prepared to say he would have issued it, had he been in Mr. Lincoln's position, and he now declared that if it stood in the way of the restoration of the Union it ought to fall that the Republic may live. The most remarkable feature of the speech was that it did not endorse a single measure of the administration. While the speaker concluded with the significant declaration, that he considered his first duty due to his country and would follow that duty though it might lead him into a different path from that in which he had heretofore traveled. It is scarcely necessary to add that this portion of the Colonel's speech met with no sympathy or applause from the "leaguers."
As a set-off to these sentiments, which seemed to come from his heart, but which the speaker saw met with but little favor in the eyes of his Republican bearers, he "tacked about" and made some very unjust flings at the Democratic party, in which he not only contradicted himself but also misstated facts known to the whole country. For instance, he boldly asserted that Seymour, the Democratic Governor of New York, had refused to enforce the last draft in his State, and that through his neglect the State of New York yet owed the United States Government forty thousand men. Now, every man of ordinary intelligence knows that Seymour was not Governor of New York, when the last draft was called; that he was only inaugurated the latter part of last January; and that it was Governor Morgan, Governor Seymour's Republican predecessor, who declined to enforce the draft in New York. Colonel McClure at least must know this fact; we have no hesitation in saying he did know it, and wilfully misrepresented the facts of the case as he knew them to be. He also declared that Democratic Governors had withheld one hundred thousand men from the General Government, while he must have known that when the draft was demanded there was but one Governor of the slightest Democratic predilections in the loyal States--Governor Sprague of Rhode Island--and that Rhode Island was the only one of the New England States which filled its quota; while Governor Andrews, the Abolition Governor of Massachusetts, and Governor Buckingham, the Abolition Governor of Connecticut, together with the Abolition Governors of New Hampshire and Maine, have failed to fill their respective quotas to this day. These are plain facts, and Colonel McClure's slick sophistry utterly fails to gloss them over. The Colonel declared, too, that the triumph of the Democratic party would be a verdict against the Government. Why it would be so, he did not pretend to tell us, nor does it appear from his previous argument. He went to a great deal of trouble to prove to his republican friends that Democrats were not traitors, that they were not disloyal to the Government, how then could their triumph be a verdict against the Government? We have good reason to think that even Colonel McClure himself does not believe the truth of this assertion.
This speech was a curiosity in its way. It was evidently a damper on the enthusiasm of the "Union Leaguers," and during its delivery we heard a precocious youth, in our rear, whisper "copperhead"--whether in reference to the speaker or ourselves we did not enquire. But its shameful inconsistencies, bold perversions of facts and illogical conclusions badly become a man of Col. McClure's pretensions and standing. We have never had much confidence in his political honesty, but he is a man of acute judgment and extensive influence, and, in a great crisis like this, he should not be on the fence in his political views. If he does not approve of several of the measures of Mr. Lincoln's administration, if he sincerely believes that Democrats are not traitors because they see fit to differ with this administration on the constitutionality and policy of these very measures, and if he thinks that the Democratic party are and have been right on these issues, he should have the manliness to say so. On the decision of these very questions, at the polls, depends the very existence of the Government which the Colonel professes to venerate; and we only ask him, in his own language, to give to these Governmental problems that same sincere consideration he gives to his own affairs.
That Immense Mare's Nest
Includes market information and three columns of classified advertisements.
Admitted to Practice
Taken Prisoner
Exemption Tax
Bounties to Volunteers
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The bill legalizing the payment of bounties to volunteers has passed both branches of the Legislature, and will no doubt be approved by the Governor. It merely legalizes the payment of bounties and empowers County Commissioners, &c. to levy a tax for the liquidation thereof. These bounties, it will be remembered, were voted by county, city, borough, and township authorities, without warrant of law, and this act is intended to sanction and legalize such appropriations.
Spring at Last
Court Proceedings
Correspondence from "the Army of the Potomac"
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Correspondence of the Spirit and Times.
No Prospect of a Battle--The Tyler Court-Martial--Gen. Tyler Honorably Acquitted--He is Presented with a Splendid Horse and Wrappings--Death of Capt. Taylor--Reinstatement of Col's Frick and Armstrong--The Grand review--Tommy Lincoln's "broth of a boy"--The "Man with the Greenbacks" about.
Camp of "Tyler's Brigade," 5th Corps,
Near Fredericksburg, Va.
April 13th, 1863.
At the date of my last letter, I had ample reasons for believing that another movement of this army was near at hand. I need not mention those reasons now; suffice it that we are still here with favoring indications that we shall remain for several weeks.
Through private correspondence, the court martial case of Gen. Tyler has no doubt been pretty well published through our State. For special reasons I have not referred to it in this correspondence, and only do so now to correct an error occurring in a notice of the case, printed in various journals. It is stated in said notice that the General was acquit[t]ed of every charge save one, and this was for writing an official letter to Governor Curtin, and publishing it in the Harrisburg Telegraph. It is true that General Tyler did write a letter to Gov. Curtin accompanying the list of casualties in our Brigade at the Fredericksburg fight. This letter was not regarded as an official document by the writer, nor did he think for a moment that it would ever appear in print. It was published in the Telegraph without his knowledge or consent, and in the decision of the court in the case, he was merely convicted of writing the letter, which they held as a violation of an established order, without reference to its publication. Every other charge against the General was discarded by the court, as unsustained by the evidence in any way or shape. The General is again in command, firmer than ever in the affections of his Brigade, and ready to lead his column, when the order is given, and exert his best efforts, and offer his life, if needs be, for the sacred cause of his country. General Tyler is one of the heroes of this war. His bravery and skill in some fifteen fights obtained the most distinguished official commendation. And in his future the country may rely upon new deeds of daring and bravery worthy of its cause and his own fame.
Some weeks ago this Brigade contributed a very handsome sum of money for the purpose of purchasing, for presentation to Gen. Tyler, a substantial testimonial of their appreciation of his services and their high regard for him as a man. The matter was entrusted to a committee of gentleman who performed their duty in a most creditable manner. The Philadelphia Press referring to the gifts says:
The horse intended for the General was purchased in Ohio, and is a noble animal, having been purchased by its previous owner at the price of one thousand dollars. The saddle and other requisite trappings made by M.R. Nece, of this city, are of a character to correspond with the horse, being really superb specimens of the saddlery art.
The sword and spurs are of Messrs. George W. Simmons & Brother's celebrated manufacture, the former being one of the richest ever got up in this city. The hilt of it represents a shell; the guard is wrought in festoons of laurel; the upper tip bears the arms of Pennsylvania and Ohio, emblematically blended to represent the General's own State (his home being Ravenna, Ohio,) and the State of the splendid brigade which he commands. The lower tip bears in relief a representation of the General on horseback in a charge. The crampet is a vine of laurel; the blade is richly engraved; the scabbard and all the mountings being [illegible] plated with gold.
The presentation took place on Tuesday of last week, in front of the Generals Head Quarters. The whole Brigade were assembled to witness it, and a fine band enlivened the scene with exquisite music. Hon. John Wallace, M.C., of the 24th District of your State, made the presentation speech, and was eloquently replied to by the General. The event was one of deep interest, and evinced the earnest feeling of friendship and esteem existing between the General and his command.
Another gallant man has fallen a victim of the tragedy at Fredericksburg. Captain J.K. Taylor, of the 129th Regt., P.V., our Brigade, died from wounds received at Fredericksburg, in Washington, on the 31st ult.
Col. J.C. Frick and Lieut. Col. W.S. Armstrong of the 129th Regt., P.V., dismissed from the service some months ago by court martial, have been re-instated by an order from the Secretary of War. They returned to the Regiment on Friday and received a most enthusiastic welcome.
President Lincoln visited us last week, and made a tour of the army. He reviewed five corps, or about 75000 men, on Tuesday. It was a sight that almost baffl[e]s description: Certainly no similar event that has ever occurred in this continent, surpassed it in splendor or brilliancy. He made an inspection of the different camps, ours among the rest, accompanied by General Hooker, and was very highly pleased with the neatness and cleanliness displayed. The President seems to be in very poor health. He has become extremely pale and emaciated, and is evidently suffering from the pressing cares and labors of his position. It was noticeable, however, that he still retained his vivacious spirit and was exceedingly friendly to all who approached him. He was accompanied by Mrs. Lincoln and their son, "a broth of a boy" who promises to be a great credit or a great trouble to his distinguished parents.
The most acceptable arrival we have had for some time time [sic], was "the gentleman with the greenbacks." He came into camp yesterday unheralded and in the most unostentatious manner, though he has enough of funds with him to pay off our whole Division for the four months ending February 28th. He pays our 126th at 10 o'clock today. The friends of the boys at home may look for some handsome remembrances, as I have no doubt large sums will be forwarded to selected persons for distribution.
At this writing much interest is felt with regard to affairs in front of Charleston. Its capture would be a God's blessing and a sure forerunner of Peace. Success and glory to our gallant boys engaged in the work.
The feeling seems to be universal that the crisis of the war is near at hand, and that Rebeldom is doomed. Let us work energetically, giving encouragement to our patriot armies, and trusting to an All Wise Providence. The day is certainly dawning, and ere long we shall witness the meridian splendor full of the joys of Peace, and opening a new era of hope and blessing, of happiness and prosperity. Again we will be the comforter and protector of the down-trodden and oppressed, and united inseparably, we shall prove that we have and are determined to preserve, for all ages, our country as the Model Republic of the World.
Proclamation by the President
County Treasurer
A Card
Classified advertisements