Valley Spirit
Includes classified advertisements and miscellaneous reprinted news items.
The Policy of "Extermination"
Includes news reports on the resignation of General Burnside and his replacement by General Hooker.
The Policy and Design of the Radical Leaders
From "the Army of the Potomac"
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From "the Army of the Potomac."
Correspondence of the Spirit and Times.
Camp of "Tyler's Brigade," 3d Division,
5th Army Corps, Near Fredericksburg, Va.
January 25th, 1863.
The Grand Army of the Potomac has been again in motion, but unfortunately without realizing any benefits for our cause, or adding any new achievements to its own history. It started full of hope and promise of success, and returned to our old camping grounds covered with mud. Briefly as I can, I will relate our last weeks experiences. At various times during the ten days prior to last Tuesday, orders for a movement were issued, but being almost immediately followed by postponements, it was believed that they were intended only for some deceptive purpose. The order issued on Monday to move at 1 o'clock, P. M., Tuesday, bore evidence of earnestness and we immediately commenced a compliance with its instructions relative to rations, & c. At 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, our whole Brigade was in line. Col. Gregory of the 91st P. V. being in command, owing to the severe illness of Brig. Gen. Tyler. Gen. Burnside's Address was then read to each Regiment, informing us of the purpose of the movement and urging the firm and united action of officers and men in accomplishing one more step towards restoring peace to the country. This concluded, we moved off. The weather was decidedly unfavorable. The air was raw and close, and the dull black clouds betokened rain. We were to reach a certain point that evening and cross the river on Pontoons early next morning. However, we were brought to a halt and ordered to bivouack [sic] for the night before we had accomplished two miles. All night long the wind howled and the rain poured, and our condition when the morning broke, can better be imagined than described. We were in mud nearly up to our necks and very considerably in the fix of a certain fisherman. At 8 o'clock the bugle sounded "forward," and we waded in. That day, (Wednesday) we succeeded in getting four miles in about eight hours and encamped in a woods. It was an exhausting and laborious march. Rain fell all day and the mud as we progressed seemed to be attaining an almost unfathomable depth. The ambulance and ammunition trains were the only ones that had left the old camps. The ambulances got along comparatively well, but all along the road hundreds of am[m]unition wagons were tight in the mud, and all efforts to extricate them seemed impossible. The artillery suffered in this respect likewise. A gun that four horses could haul with comparative ease on a good road required the united strength of sixteen mules to move it a short distance at a time. Mule and horse flesh you may know were tortured no little and the drivers seemed to give up their work in dispair [sic]. Such swearing and cursing, pulling and tugging, was never heard or witnessed before. There were many ludicrous scenes, but in the main we could not help pitying the distress and suffering of the poor animals and their impatient and irritated drivers.
Literally stuck in the mud, and unable to move forward, it became evident that the plans of our commanders for crossing the river and attacking the enemy must be abandoned. It was found impossible for our supply trains to come to us and arrangements were made for a return to our old camps. On Thursday the whole force was taken out to corduroy the roads. This they did with pine boughs and rails. It was a very unpleasant and laborious job, but as Col. Gregory remarked, our getting fresh rations depended on its complete execution Friday morning by order of Gen. Hooker the command received the first whisky rations yet issued to them. It was done by the advice of the Surgeons, and to those gentlemen was entrusted the business of distributing it. Two ounces were allowed each man. Some, in mistake perhaps, got more, but still managed to keep their "pins" and their propriety.
Saturday morning early we started for our old camp and owing to the improved condition of the roads moved along with less exertion and somewhat faster than on our outward trip. We came into camp about 2 o'clock and as I write the boys are in their old quarters as contented and merry as ever. I am told that the Rebel pickets for miles along the river have put up large boards with charcoal representations of "Burnside and his army stuck in the mud,"--a good joke for them but a very costly one to our Government, as it will require thousands of dollars to replace the horses, mules, wagons, &c., lost by the movement.
Had we moved when the first order was issued, I believe that we would have dislodged the rebels from Fredericksburg and by this time been several miles nearer Richmond. The weather was pleasant then, and the roads in as good condition as we could hope for at this time in the season. But it was our misfortune to march at an inauspicious time when there was every appearance of a long spell of bad weather, and when the roads per consequence would be impassable. You may read of Virginia roads and their shocking condition in a season of wet, stormy weather; but there is no pen adequate to the task of doing the subject justice. You must "wade in" as we are obliged sometimes to do if you desire to realize a complete knowledge of the matter.
We are anxious, all of us, to bring this war to a speedy and honorable termination. Not one of us but would deplore its prolongation beyond the period when we shall be mustered out of service in May next. The battle-field has no charms, mud roads no attractions, nor camp life a superabundance of comforts, I assure you. But we all appreciate any judicious efforts of the Administration or of our Commanders to again restore peace to the country, and are willing to contribute our mite by enduring the labor, fatigue and suffering which must necessarily attend our movements, looking to that much desired and important end.
It is quite likely that in a day or two we shall remove to a new location. Our present camp has become a very filthy, and good water and wood very scarce.
Gen. Tyler has been absent from us for several weeks. Soon after the battle of Fredericksburg he had a severe attack of his old malady, an affection of the spine, and suffered the most excruciating pains. His physicians made it a matter of urgent necessity that he should leave camp for medical treatment and proper nursing to avoid serious results. The General yielded reluctantly and hoped a ten days leave of absence would restore him. Improving, however, very slowly, his time has been extended and he still remains in Washington. Gen. Tyler has the sincere respect of his command and has fairly earned it by his untiring attention to their military interests and physical comforts, and while his departure caused unfeigned regret, his presence again among us will be hailed with gladness and joy.
Arbitrary Arrests
Release of Mr. Bolleau
Tribute of Respect
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The revival of religion in the United Brethren Church is still progressing with unabated interest--resulting in quite a number of conversions and accessions to the Church. A series of religious meetings has also been held in the English Evangelical Lutheran Church, during the past week, at which considerable interest was manifested. Whether the meetings will be continued or not we are unable to say at this time. A number of conversions are also reported at the revival lately held by the Bethel Church, on West Queen Street.
Death of a Soldier
Death of Judge Crawford
Also includes several columns of classified advertisements.
158th Pennsylvania Infantry
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Letters recently received from the Regiment (Col. McKibben's) confirm the report some time since published of their being sent to Newborn [sic; New Bern], N.C. After leaving Suffolk, Va., they had a heavy and troublesome march to Chowan river, where, embarking on transports, they sailed away through Pamlico and Albermarle Sounds and up the Neuse river to their present location. The men are enjoying good health. The brigade, of which this Regiment is a part, is commanded by Gen. Spinold.--Pilot.
Annual Statement of the Finances of Franklin County
Classified advertisements