
Valley Spirit
The Military Dead-Lock
Letter of Major-General Burnside
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Headquarters Army of the Potomac.
Falmouth, Dec. 19, 1862.
Major General H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief, United States Army, Washington.
General--I have the honor to offer the following reason for moving the army of the Potomac across the Rappahannock sooner than was anticipated by the President, Secretary of War or yourself, and for crossing at a different point from the one indicated to you at our last meeting at the President's:--
During my preparations for crossing at the place I had first selected I discovered that the enemy had thrown a large portion of his force down the river and elsewhere, thus weakening his defences in front, and also thought I discovered that he did not anticipate the crossing of our whole force at Fredericksburg; and, I hoped, by rapidly throwing the whole command over at that place, to separate, by a vigorous attack, the forces of the enemy, on the river below from the forces behind and on the crest, in the rear of the town, in which case we could fight him with great advantage in our favor.
To do this we had to gain a height on the extreme fight of the crest, which height commanded a new road lately made by the enemy for purposes of more rapid communication along his lines, which point gained his position along the crest would have been scarcely tenable, and he could have been driven from them easily by an attack on his front in connection with a movement in the rear of the crest.
How near we came to accomplishing our object future reports will show. But for the fog and unexpected and unavoidable delay in building the bridges, which gave the enemy twenty-four hours more to concentrate his forces in his strong positions, we would almost certainly have succeeded, in which case the battle would have been, in my opinion, far more decisive than if we had crossed at the places first selected. As it was, we came very near success.
Failing in accomplishing the main object, we remained in order of battle two days--long enough to decide that the enemy would not come out of his strongholds to fight us with his infantry--after which we recrossed to the side of the river unmolested, without the loss of men or property.
As the day broke our long lines of troops were seen marching to their different positions as if poing [sic] on parade. Not the least demoralization or disorganization existed.
To the brave officers and soldiers who accomplished the feat of thus recrossing the river in the face of the enemy I owe everything.
For the failure in the attack I am responsible, as the extreme gallantry, courage and endurance shown by them were never exceeded, and would have carried the points had it been possible.
To the families and friends of the dead I can only offer my heartfelt sympathies; but for the wounded, I can offer my earnest prayers for their comfortable and final recovery.
I will visit you very soon and give you more definite information, and, finally, will send you my detailed report, in which a special acknowledgment will be made of the different grand division corps and my general and staff departments of the Army of the Potomac, to whom I am so much indebted for their support and hearty co-operation.
I will add here that the movement was made earlier than you expected, and after the President, Secretary and yourself requested me not to be in haste, for the reason that we were supplied much sooner by the different staff departments than was anticipated when I last saw you.
Our killed amounts to eleven hundred and fifty-two; our wounded, to about nine thousand, and our prisoners to about seven hundred, which last have been paroled and exchanged for about the same number taken by us.
The wounded were all removed to this side of the river, and are being well cared for, and the dead were all buried under a flag of truce.
The surgeons report a much larger proportion of slight wounds than usual, 1,632 only being treated in hospitals.
I am glad to represent the army at the present time in good condition.
Thanking the government for that entire support and confidence which I have always received from them, I remain General, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
A. E. Burnside,
Major-General Commanding the Army of the Potomac.
The Fredericksburg Massacre--Who is Responsible?
Lincoln's Last Joke
Report of the Congressional Committee
Correspondence from "the Army of the Potomac"
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From 'the Army of the Potomac"
In Camp near Fredericksburg, Va.
December 20th, 1862.
I herewith transmit a list of the killed, wounded and missing of the 126th Regiment Pa. Vols., at the Battle of Fredericksburg:
Field Officers.
Col. James G. Elder, Commanding Regiment, wounded severely in the thigh.
Co. A, Capt. John Doebler, Commanding.
Private David W. Washabaugh.
" David F. McGlochlin
" Abraham Reitzel.
Capt. John Doebler, severely in left fore arm.
Corp. Thos. G. Pilkington, severely in right knee and both hands.
Corp. Eman. Forney, severe flesh wound in right thigh.
Private Thos. D. French, slightly in right ear.
" George Goettman, in heel by shell.
" Benj K Goodyear, in right shoulder.
" David A. Houser, in spine, lower part of the body paralyzed.
" Private Jacob Lightcap, in right arm and side by shell
" Private Jacob Martin, in fore arm.
" David Newman, in breast severely.
" John S. Oaks, in left breast severely.
" Harris Rentrew, in left arm.
" Franklin Rhodes, in first finger, right hand.
Private Jacob Shaffer, in right thigh.
Co. B. Capt. Wm. H. Davison Commanding.
2d. Lieut. James Pott, in forehead severely.
1st Corp. John Taylor, in leg severely.
3d Corp. Jacob H. Swisher in hand severely.
Private A. C. Richeson, in shoulder severely.
" James H. Woy, in foot severely.
" Henry Ruthrauff, in foot slightly.
" James Wilders, trampled with horse slightly.
Private Wm. H. Finney, in thigh slightly.
Co. C, Capt. Robert S. Brownson Commanding.
4th Serg't W. W. Brinkley.
Private Dallas Mowen.
Corp. W. Hays McClellan, on shin, buckshot.
Private J. Brewer Cushwa, in face, ball.
" Levi Fritz.
" J. Huston Work, in shoulder.
" Jacob Sechrist.
" Geo. W. Hendricks.
Co. D, Capt. John R. Reed Commanding.
Private Henry Cook, shot in side by musket ball.
Capt. John H. Reed, in left side by concussion of shell producing paralysis.
Private Andrew Holby, in knee and arm slightly.
Private Henry Laman, in knee slightly.
" John B. Lindsay, second finger of right hand shot off.
Private Samuel C. Ledy, in back with shell seriously.
Private David Simmers, in stomach and bowels by being run over and trampled.
Private Charles Yeakle.
" John H. Rinehart.
Co. E, Capt. W. W. Walker Commanding.
5th Sarg't George M. D. Brotherton.
Private Simon P. Rouzer.
" John F. Flory, front finger on right hand shot off.
Private Daniel Wolff. in left hand.
" Henry F. Burnitz.
" Daniel C. Hoover.
Co. F, Capt. John P. Wharton Commanding.
Private Theodore Miller, by ball in right side.
Capt. John P. Wharton, knocked down and trampled, and spine injured.
Corp. Samuel Warner, in right leg slightly.
Private N. S. Hinkle, in back and shoulder by shell.
Private Samuel M. Hench, in right ear.
" George Dumm, in left arm by ball.
" Samuel Bonsall, in side by being knocked down.
Private Jere. Dressler, in left arm slightly.
" Samuel Calhoun, in right hand ".
" Robert A. Laird, in breast by being trampled on by horse.
Co. G, Capt. Geo. L. Miles Commanding.
2d Lieut. H. C. Fortescue.
Private Russel Fields, in neck severely.
" John S. Shaffer, in left shoulder sev.
" Wm. Knite, in right leg severely.
" R. W. McIntire, in left hand slight.
" C. M. Ditzler hurt by a horse.
" Lawrence Barger.
Co. H, Capt. John H. Walker Commanding.
Capt. John H. Walker, in shoulder severely.
1st Lieut. Wm H. H. Mackey " slightly.
2d " J. W. Fletcher, in thigh slightly.
Corp. Calvin J. Gamble, in back severely.
Private Samuel C. Elder do slightly.
" Robert F. Elliott, in foot do
" Sam'l D. McClay, in thumb do
" Newel D. Stark, in foot do
" Jacob Zeigler, in shoulder do
" James Williams, in back do
" Jacob F. Reamer, in Temple do
" Wm. H. Rhodes, in leg severely, since died.
Private Jeremiah Brindle.
Com'y I was not in the fight, having been detailed as Hospital Guard.
Co. K, Capt. A. R. Davison Commanding.
Private Adam C. Bert.
" James Mitchell.
2d Serg't John H. Logue, in side slightly.
4th Serg't Henry Strickler, in left arm, since amputated.
5th Serg't John M. D. Detrich right fore finger shot off.
Corp. David K. Appenzellar, severely.
Private George W. Alexander, severely.
" Cyrus Baughman, slightly in elbow.
" James C. Morehead, in right hand.
" George M. Byers.
" Joseph Shatzer.
" Charles H. Shirey.
" George W. Shook.
" Henry M. Spidell.
Col. Elder was removed to Acquia Creek Landing this morning, and will be sent from thence home. He appeared in good spirits and confident hopes are entertained of his recovery. In a conversation with Geo. Humphrey last night, he assured him that he did not consider his services to the country yet fully completed, and expressed the determination to be again with his command as soon as his condition would permit. His brother officers speak in the highest terms of his courage. The proof of this and his pure patriotism, he bears upon his person.
Second Lieut. Harry Clay Fortericus, Co. "G," was the only officer killed in the Regiment. He met his death just previous to "the charge," a ball striking him in the head killing him instantly. He was a brave and gallant young man, and gave his life for his country just as he was about unsheathing his maiden sword in her defence. He was a Philadelphian by birth, but for some years past resided in Chambersburg. In the three months campaign he acquitted himself well as a Sergeant to Captain Housum's Co. "A," and was an efficient and useful officer of the company to which he was attached at the time of his death. The dreadful carnage around where he fell rendered it impossible for his comrades to recover his body. Peace to his ashes.
With the privates who were killed I had but a slight acquaintance. Their fate seals the question as to their bravery in battle, and their fidelity in a noble cause.
On the evacuation of Fredericksburg, our Brigade was the last to pass over the river. They moved at once to the ground occupied by them the night before the battle, about one and a half miles from the city. I went at once to greet them. Of the entire Brigade, scarcely a man escaped injury in some way. They bore wounds of every conceivable character, in the head, body or limbs. Instances too of miraculous escapes were almost numberless. Some had their clothes nearly riddled with bullets or torn in rags by shell, without personal injury; while the lives of many were saved by a lucky button or some article they carried with them which failed to be pierced. It was a mournful sight, and one that none present will soon forget. It is due our physicians to say that their attentions to the wounded were unremitting. They were on duty early and late endeavoring by every possible means to alleviate the sufferings of all under their charge. Our Regimental Surgeon, Dr. Nugent, detailed temporarily as Brigade Surgeon, a man possessing a heart overflowing with gentleness and kindness, and whose skill in his profession is unquestionable, was unceasingly employed performing operations and dressing wounds. He fully merits the high esteem we all bear for him, and if possible strengthens our regard by his noble, generous conduct on this occasion.
Soon after breakfast the Brigade was ordered to return to their old camp ground two miles distant, the wounded being left behind under care of the Surgeons. We reached it after an hours walk and commenced fitting up our Quarters. Since then the officers have been busy making out their reports and preparing for new and efficient service.
The aggregate loss of the Brigade is as follows:
I fear from reliable reports that have reached me, that the brave and courageous Col. Chas. T. Campell, will hardly survive the terrible wounds he received while fighting at the head of his Regiment on the left. He was wounded in the shoulder and bowels, and his right arm was dreadfully shattered. He is lying near Gen. Sumner's Head Quarters and is being carefully nursed. A braver officer does not live nor has died than one own "Charley," and I trust he may be spared to his family and friends, and wearing the honors of his recent promotion to a Brigadier General ship, the country may continue to have the benefit of his skill and gallantry.
In the fight on the Left fell private Isaac S. Noel of Co "I," 107th Regiment, youngest son of my excellent friend Mr. John Noel, of Chambersburg. He had passed through three hard fights unscathed, but at last death claimed him as he was moving bravely forward in the charge near Fredericksburg. I have had ample testimony of the bravery of this noble soldier on that occasion. "Colonel" he shouted "let us charge." The cry passed along the line and before the command could be given the whole Regiment were rushing on a Rebel battery with fixed bayonets. They were met by a galling fire, and among the first to fall was Isaac. I can remember when months ago the writer of this penned many very affectionate lines to that boy, dictated by his aged and loving mother. Hardly a week passed but Isaac was assured of her enduring love and made the recipient of some little article conducive to happiness and comfort. But the darling of the mother is now gone forever and his body is perishing upon the battle field. With sadness and woe, and unspeakable affliction that mother's heart is crushed, but still may she be proud in the thought that her idol met a hero's death, and rely hopefully that the God of Battles has provided a place for him in his own house, the abode of the good and the blest.
To many a household does the bloody hand of war bring gloom, and sorrow and lamentation. Many a mothers check is even now be dewed with tears and her heart ready to break as the intelligence comes to her of the death of her cherished son on the gory field of battle. The father's pride is gone and he bows his head in grief. They joyous spirits of the sisters have forsaken her. The keen arrow of affliction pierces her heart, and gloom and sadness surrounds her being. And then the agony of the loving wife as she hears "among the killed" her husband. Husband, father, protector gone and forever, his life a sacrifice upon the altar of his country. He was brave. He was true, he was a hero. But the thought of these cannot remove the grief or the anguish of that devoted woman. The voice of love and the smile of gladness are gone never more to greet her presence, and the bloody sods of the battle field cover the body of him who was her most cherished object on earth. And when we think of the magnitude of the late conflict and the enormous loss of life--not less than 20,000 on both sides--we can partially realize the desolation and distress which prevail through the land.
Since the Rebellion commenced their [sic] is scarcely a home but what has been sorrow stricken and filled with mourning. And now how great is the affliction which our own section is made to bear. The honored list which you publish with this, speaks for the valor and fidelity of Franklin county's sons, but still will hearts be rent and refuse to be comforted and yet this infernal war is to go on. More brave spirits are to be relentlessly slaughtered, or fall victims to the diseases of the camp. And are our exertions in yield no fruits of triumph? Is this magnificent army complete in the minutest details, and composed of as brave men as ever walked the earth, to fall in its grand purpose of restoring the government and crushing Rebellion. Is all our millions of treasure expended daily to go for naught? And lastly, is this splendid fabric of liberty to go down in disgrace? Two years have nearly passed since the embers of Rebellion were rekindled, and it is not to be disguised that our gain has to that time poorly compensated for the outlay. There is woful [sic] mismanagement somewhere, imbecility and the veriest stupidity could not be guilty of worse. Where it is, is not for me to say, I will not place on record here the names of those to whom the responsibility attaches, ere long a fearful account will have to be rendered to the people, and woe be to the fame of those who will stand at the bar. Nor can the historian fall in after time to commit to immortal infamy the names of those who have permitted their selfishness, ambition and pride to rule paramount to the existence and glory of their country. Every patriot earnestly desires and hopes for our success, but hope and confidence become well nigh extinct in the heart with such butcheries as there was [sic] at Fredericksburg and before it. Affairs must wear a new and more reliable aspect before we can expect to succeed. Let us have competency and ability not imbecelity [sic] and stupidity, patriotism not speculation, sobriety not drunkness [sic], merit rewarded and ignorance dismissed, and we may have some sure guarantee that our lives and treasure are not expended in vain.
In my next letter I shall endeavor to give you some interesting incidents during the three days we were engaged with the enemy and perhaps furnish you a diagram of the position of our Brigade, when they were about to make the charge in the fight, also the very excellent. Report prepared by Brigadier General Tyler.--
The wounded have nearly all been sent to Washington to day where, I learn, more than ten thousand victims of the Fredericksburg tragedy are suffering. Maj. Todd of the 91st Reg. our Brigade died to day. He had suffered amputation of right leg.
Half Sheet
New Year Address
Soldier Buried
Bad Burnt
Another Soldier Gone
Small Change
Death of a Soldier
Cumberland Valley Railroad
Trouble in Wolffstown
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We are informed that the hitherto peaceable and law-abiding citizens of this Ancient Suburb, have followed the pernicious example set them by the "poor white trash" down in Dixie and got up an "irrepressible conflict." It appears that some of Banks' pets who made their exodus from the "Sacred Soil" last summer and took up their abode in and near this place, have of late waxed "fat and sassy" as that "funny old nigger" Pete Slater expresses it--They have lately undertaken to regulate the municipal affairs of the city of Wolffstown much to the disgust and indignation of the old inhabitants, who immediately appealed to the demon of battle, in order to maintain their ancient rights and privileges. On Wednesday night last, actual hostilities commenced and, for a time, raged furiously. A failure of ammunition--whiskey--brought the battle to a close, without decisive results and each arms fell back in good order to await the arrival of the trains the battle we were informed, will be renewed, and prosecuted, until the last nigger falls, "in the last ditch."
"His last faint quittance rendering with his breath.
Till the flask glimmers in the grasp of death.
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The natal day of the Saviour of the World was as usual, desecrated in this place by scenes of drunkenness and riot.
The previous night was made hideous by drunken rowdies brawling through the streets of our town, uttering blasphemies and imprecations that would have shocked a Hotentot and made a Root digger Indian blush from every shame. Christmas day, sacred to every christian, for the inestimable boon of a Saviour to a lost and ruined world--was devoted by young America (!) to the consumption of large quantities of bad whiskey, miscellaneous swearing, and a free fight in the Public Square, under the very eyes of the moral and religious portion of our community. How long do our citizens intend tolerating this kind of thing? Do they intend yielding up the town to rowdy control? We merely ask for information. We would like to know whether our citizens are willing to submit to these outrages any longer. If they are, it is all right, as far as we are concerned, but if they wish to arrest this growing and intolerable evil we would suggest that each, peaceable, orderly citizen make it his special business, on these occasions, to see that every disorderly character is promptly arrested and properly punished. During the disorder on the Diamond we saw but one Peace officer, who made any effort to preserve the peace. He deserves and will receive the thanks of the community for his efforts.
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