Valley Spirit
Also includes Congressional news and an article about Secretary Stanton's report on the war.
General Halleck and General McClellan
General Halleck's Annual Report takes up the entire page, save for one piece of poetry.
Non-fiction and classified advertisements
The Present Congress
Court of Inquiry in the Case of General McDowell
The Proposed Act of Indemnity
In Favor of Disunion and Tyranny
Summary of News
Full Text of Article
December 12.
Gen. Burnside's army has made a decisive and victorious movement. The city of Fredericksburg is now occupied by his forces after a terrible bombardment, which lasted nearly all day yesterday, and resulted in the partial destruction of the city by the heavy fire of our artillery. During Wednesday night the pontoons were conveyed to the river preparatory to the crossing of the troops yesterday morning. At five o'clock A.M., three bridges were laid down in front of the city, and when about half completed, the rebels opened a murderous fire upon our engineers from the houses in the city and on the river bank, driving them off. Our heavy guns, one hundred and forty-three in number, were then opened upon the city, and continued to play on it with tremendous force, crushing through the houses and setting them on fire. Between thirty and forty homes were burned during the bombardment in the business part of the city. The rebel artillery from the hills kept up a steady fire, but did little damage, as they could not be used without risking the safety of their own men, who were bolding the river front. Our troops were all in order, awaiting the moment when the bridges should be completed to cross over and take the city. It soon became evident that the bridges could not be built except by a bold dash. Volunteers were called for to cross in small boats. The order was no sooner given than hundreds of brave fellows stepped forward. About one hundred men of the Eighth Connecticut were selected. They were soon on their way, while the artillery threw a perfect storm of iron hail on the opposite bank. They reached the opposite shore, and with fixed bayonets, rushed upon the enemy, killing several, and taking one hundred prisoners. At half-past four two bridges were finished opposite the city, when the troops immediately began to cross over. The enemy was soon driven from the city back to their line of works, and Fredericksburg was in our possession.
Meantime General Franklin's division was crossing the Rappahannock three miles below the city, over bridges which he had constructed, with little opposition. A force strong enough to resist any attack from the enemy is now on the south side of the Rappahannock.--Everything was quiet last night, but affairs looked as if a battle to-day was inevitable.
While these proceedings were going on at Fredericksburg, our gunboats were shelling the enemy fifteen miles down the river.
The news from Nashville indicates an immediate attack by the rebels, under General Joe Johnston, upon that city. Our pickets were driven in on Tuesday morning, at every point, by the appearance of an immense force in front under Generals Bragg, Cheatham, Forrest and Morgan--Johnston commanding the whole.--General Mitchell is in command at Nashville, and it is being rapidly reinforced by order of General Rosecrans.
General Hovey came into collision with the enemy at three different points during the progress of his expedition, and in each instance drove them back. He has destroyed a portion of the Mississippi Central Railroad, and burned several of the bridges.
Another chapter in the history of the rebel pirate ship Alabama has to be recorded to-day. According to the news brought by the schooner Alice, which arrived at this port yesterday from Point Petre, Gaudaloupe [sic], the Alabama ran into port at Martinique, after robbing and destroying by fire the ships Levi Starbuck, of New Bedford, and the T.B. Wales, of Boston. The United States steamer San Jacinto, Commander Roukendorff, being off the port went in pursuit, but, as far as known, without coming up to her.
The elections for members of Congress for the First and Second districts in Louisiana, held on the 3d inst, have resulted in the choice of two unconditional Union men, Messers. B. F. Flanders and Michael Hahn. Mr. Jacob Barker, whom the New Orleans Delta calls "the negro worshipping and rebel candidate" was defeated, at which the Delta rejoices.
December 13.
The main body of General Burnside's army crossed the Rappahannock yesterday, and now occupies the south side of the river. The enemy still maintain their position on the hills, and exhibited no signs of evacuating it up to last night. Nothing but a terrific battle can dislodge them if they are ready for that issue. During the passage of our troops yesterday at the different points, General Sherman's corps leading the way in front of the city of Fredericksburg, the enemy poured a constant fire upon our troops in the city and on the forces who were crossing on the two lower bridges, although they did very little damage. General Bayard's cavalry, which crossed on the lower bridge, had five men killed while endeavoring to ascertain the enemy's position.
Our losses in all were very slight, considering the importance of the movement and the danger to which our troops were necessarily exposed.
December 15, 1862.
The terrific battle of Saturday on the Rappahannock was not renewed yesterday, as anticipated. The day was bright and cheerful. The fog which obscured the scene of operations for the past two days was dispersed. Heavy artillery firing took place in front of the divisions of Generals Hooker, Sumner, and Franklin, from daylight until late in the forenoon, but no general action occured [sic] up to the latest accounts last night. The rebels were observed to be strengthening their works, and it was ascertained by inspection through a powerful glass that there are tix [sic] distinct lines of works behind the city. Whether some of these are rifled redoubts simply, or have the double capacity of affording protection to light infantry and having embrazures for light field guns, could not be discovered. The appearance of the works would lead, however, to the latter belief.
Our dead, who were killed in front of the enemy's works, still remain were [sic] they fell.--When attempting their removal on Saturday night, the rebels would fire with infantry; but the wounded have all been removed from the field, and all the dead obtained have been since buried.
There were forty thousand of our troops engaged in the battle on Saturday. What force the rebels brought against them it is impossible just now to determine.
Important Notice
Counterfeit Postage Currency
Deserved Promotions
The 11th Penna. Cavalry
In the Battle
158th Regiment Penna. Militia
Full Text of Article
158th Regiment Penna. Militia.
The drafted men encamped near this place have been formed into Company and Regimental organizations as follows:
Colonel--David B. McKibben.
Lieut. Colonel--Elias S. Troxell.
Major--Martin G. Hale.
Quarter Master--David E. Longsdorf
Surgeon--Nathan G. Leet
Chaplain--Daniel Hartman.
Q.M. Segeant [sic]--Robert Hays.
Commissary Serg't.--Peter Ritner.
Co. A.--Henry A Longsdorf, Captain,
William E. Karns, 1st Lieut.
M. A. Leidig, 2d Lieut.
Co. B.--E. KI. Lehman, Captain.
M. D. Miller, 1st Lieut.
Adam Franklin, 2d. Lieut.
Co. C.--William R. Linn, Captain,
C. Householder, 1st Lieut.
Samuel Mohler, 2d Lieut.
Co. D.--Arch R. Rea, Captain.
J. S. Snively, 1st Lieut.
John Hassler, 2d. Lieut.
Co. E.--William T. Barnitz, Captain,
Wm. S. Maxvell, 1st. Lieut.
Sam'l Hierlich, 2d Lieut.
Henry S. Crider, Captain.
P. G. McCoy, 1st Lieut.
Samuel Deihl, 2d Lieut.
Co. G.--M. W. Trair, Captain,
Joseph Rock, 1st Lieut.
Wm. Stover, 2d Lieut.
Co. H.--Thomas Sipe, Captain.
James T. Connelly, 1st Lieut.
John R. Fisher, 2d Lieut.
Co. I--Wm E. McDowell, Captain.
John Beaver, 1st. Lieut.
John W. Jones, 2d Lieut.
Co. K.--Jacob Whever, Captain,
J. C. Abright, 1st. Lieut,
Abner Hess, 2d Lieut.
Companies A, C, F, and K, are from Cumberland, and Company H, from Fulton Counties. The remaining Companies are from this County. So far as our knowledge extends, the men are fortunate in both Regimental and line officers, and particularly so in having secured the services of our friend Hartman as Spiritual adviser.
The Tax on Real Estate
The Hospitals
Alarm of Fire
Paid Off
Left for the War
Postage Stamps
Latest War News
Full Text of Article
From the Army of the Potomac.
The Battle Begun near Fredericksburg.
A Rebel Cavalry Raid in Our Rear.
The Battle Near Fredericksburg.
Headquarters in the Field.
Saturday, 11, a.m.
The battle so long anticipated is now processing.
The morning opened with a dense fog, which has not yet entirely disappeared.
Gen. Reynolds' corps on the left advanced at an early hour, and at 9:15 engaged the enemy's infantry. Seven minutes after the rebels opened a heavy fire of artillery, which has continued so for without interruption. Their artillery fire must be at random as the fog obstructs all view.
Our heavy guns are answering them rapidly. As the sun gets high it is hoped that the fog will lift. At this writing no results are known. Not much infantry has as yet become engaged.
A portion of the enemy's cavalry crossed a ford above here, and yesterday were found on our right rear. A sufficient force has been sent out to meet them.
Second Dispatch.
Headquarters Army of the Potomac,
Saturday evening, Dec. 13.
The fog began to disappear at 7 o'clock this morning, affording an unobstructed view of our own and the enemy's position.
It being evident that the first ridge of hills in the rear of the city, on which the enemy had his guns posted behind earthworks, could not be carried except by a charge of infantry. General Sumner assigned that duty to General French's division, supported by general Howard's.
The troops advanced to the works at ten minutes before 12 o'clock at a brisk run. The enemy's guns opened a rapid fire upon them. When within musket range of the base of the ridge they were met by a terrible fire from the rebel infantry, who were posted behind a stone rebel infantry, who were posted behind a stone wall and some houses on the right of the line. This checked their advance, and they fell back to a small ravine, but not out of musket range.
At this time another body of troops moved to their assistance in splendid style, notwithstanding the gaps made in their ranks by the fire of the rebel artillery. When they arrived at the first line they advanced on double quick time, and with a command of fixed bayonets, endeavored to dislodge the rebels from their hiding places. The concentrated fire of artillery and infantry which they were forced to face was too much, and the centre gave way in disorder, but was afterward rallied and brought back.
From that time the firing was spiritedly continued, and never ceased until sometime after darkness set in this evening.
General Franklin, who commanded the attack on the left, met with better success. He succeeded, after a hard day's fight, in driving the enemy about one mile. At one time the rebels advanced to attack, but they were handsomely repulsed with terrible slaughter and a loss of between four and five hundred prisoners, belonging to General A. P. Hill's command.
General Franklin's movement was directed down the river, and his troops are encamped to-night not far from Massaponax creek.
Our troops sleep to-night where they fought to-day.
The dead and wounded are being carried from the field of battle to-night.
The following is a list of the officers killed and wounded, as far as known:
Gen. Jackson, of the Pennsylvania Reserves, killed;
Gen. Bayard was struck in the thigh by a shell, and afterwards died;
Gen. Vinton was wounded in the side, but not seriously;
Gen. Gibbons was wounded in the hands;
Gen. Kimball received a wound in the thigh;
Gen. Caldwell was wounded in two places, but not seriously;
Gen. Sinclair, of Pennsylvania, was dangerously wounded;
Capt. Hendricks, who was commanding the 9th New York militia, was wounded seriously.
The following is the loss of officers in the 5th New Hampshire regiment, which was actively engaged in the battle:
Col. Cross, wounded in the abdomen;
Maj. Sturdevant and Adjutant Dodd, killed.
The firing of musketry ceased at about 6 o'clock, but the rebels continued throwing shell into the city until 8 o'clock this evening.
The Position of the rebel forces was as follows: Gen. Longstreet was on the left, and held the main works of the enemy. Gen. A. P. Hill and Gen. Jackson were in front of Gen. Franklin, with Jackson's right resting on the Rappahannock. Gen. D. H. Hill's forces acted as a reserve.
Gen. Burnside will renew the battle at daylight in the morning.
The troops are in good spirits, and not in the least disheartened.
The losses cannot be accurately estimated at this hour.
Third Dispatch.
Washington, Dec. 14.
It is thought here that about 40,000 of our troops were engaged in yesterday's battle.--From information received early this morning preparations were making all night for the conflict to-day, General Burnside remaining on the field, giving orders and looking to the position and condition of his forces.
Additional surgeons and everything which the necessities of the wounded require have been dispatched from Washington.
Fourth Dispatch.
Washington, Dec. 14.
It is proper to caution the public against hastily crediting the many unsupported rumors concerning yesterday's battle. Some of them here prevalent have no other basis than surmire [sic], or are mere inventions. In the absence of facts, Rebel sympathizers are responsible for not a few of these fictions. Gentlemen in high public position repeat the assertion as coming from Burnside, that he has men enough and therefore desires no further reinforcements.
The Latest from the Front.
Head-quarters, Sunday, Dec. 14--11:30 A. M.--There is no fog to-day, and the sun is shining brightly, with a strong breeze. At daylight this morning there was a heavy fire of artillery and infantry in front of the first line of works, where General Sumner and Hooker were engaged yesterday.
The fire slackened about an hour afterwards, and then was heard only at intervals until now. The same occurred in front of General Franklin's position down the river.
The object of both parties was evidently to feel the position of the other.
During last night and this forenoon the Rebels have considerably extended their works and strengthened their position. Large bodies of troops are now to be seen where but few were found yesterday.
The indications are that no decisive battle will be fought to-day, unless the Rebels should bring on the engagement, which they will probably not do.
Correspondence from "the Army of the Potomac"
Full Text of Article
From 'the Army of the Potomac"
In Camp Near Fredericksburg,
December 10, 1862.
The 126th Regiment P. V. were paid for nearly three months' services by Major John M. Pomroy, Paymaster U.S.A., on Thursday last. He disbursed about $45,000,00 and of this amount the men have forwarded nearly $30,000 to their families and friends at home. I will endeavor to give you an accurate statement of the amounts sent by the various companies in time for your next week's issue.
A U. S. Disbursing Officer also appeared in Camp on Monday and paid three Regiments of our Brigade their Bounty and Premium money, $27 to each man. A good production of this will also be sent for distribution at home.
There is every prospect of an early forward movement. It is reported that Gen. Sumner, commanding Right Grand Divison [sic] has already crossed the Rappahanock with 80,000 men. Vast accessions have been made to the army from the various sections within the last week. If the weather is at all favorable we will all be on the other side of the river within a week. We are looking hourly for marching orders. You will have the result of coming operations spread before your readers before a letter from me can reach you. I will give you such matters as come under my own observation or may be obtained from reliable parties.
Classified advertisements
Classified advertisements
Includes Governor Curtain's official declaration of the persons elected to the representative districts and five columns of classified advertisements