Valley Spirit
The first page is taken up with descriptions of the events surrounding General McClellan's departure from the command of the Army of the Potomac.
Poetry, fiction, and classifieds
Non-fiction and classifieds
The Late Elections
"Stand by Burnside as you have stood by me"
The Return Judges and the Army Vote
Full Text of Article
It is not our purpose to go into an argument as to the legality or illegality of the Army Vote. That question has been decided by the highest legal tribunal of the Commonwealth, in the case of Chase vs. Miller, which decision was followed by Judge Allison, in the case of Thompson vs. Ewing, in the Common Pleas of Philadelphia. Both these cases were decided adversely to the Democratic candidates. Our intention is simply to give a statement of the facts, in relation to the refusal of the Return Judges to count the vote cast by the 126th Regiment.
The Return Judges met at the Court House, in this place, on the Friday succeeding the October election, according to the law and proceeded to perform the duty incumbent on them, when the Prothonotary appeared before them and presented a number of papers purporting to be the returns of an election, held in the camp of the 126th Regiment, then located near Sharpsburg, in the State of Maryland. The Judges decided not to count the returns thus made for any county office, and proceeded to sum up the legal votes, cast within the county, and issued their certificates of election to the candidates entitled to them.
After performing this duty, some of them being undecided as to the course to be pursued in relation to the military vote, they adjourned until the 2d Tuesday of November, the day fixed by law for counting the military vote. In the interim many of them became fully satisfied of the illegality of this vote and determined not to engage in counting votes, clearly illegal when they again met.--When they reassembled, on Tuesday last, the majority of them knowing that the Supreme Court had decided the law, under which it was cast, unconstitutional and void--that the returns had not been legally certified to them by the Prothonotary; that the Governor had issued no proclamation for an election in the military camps, and that the election was a rascally attempt at fraud, gotten up in a sneaking, clandestine manner, decided to adjourn without counting the vote, and did so adjourn. The majority did not "secede," but adjourned, when the minority composed of five or six dyed-in-the-wool Republicans, reorganized and counted the returns.
The "legal advice" that was "most positive and emphatic" as to the duty of the Judges to count the vote, did not seem to strike them with greater force than the legal advice they had received from as sound lawyers, as the gentleman whose advice was so kindly tendered. The Judges acted properly in this matter and deserve the thanks of every man who desires to preserve the purity of our elections.
In a labored article in the last issue of the Repository and Transcript, the editor of that paper in alluding to the contested election of Mr. Downey, as Commissioner, characterizes it as an attempt to disfranchise the soldier. We cannot imagine on what grounds the gentleman comes to that conclusion. A number of sick and wounded soldiers are brought here to the Hospitals, some of them reside and have domicils [sic] in other counties of this State, and in the States of New York and Massachusetts, and although we may regret that under existing laws, our soldiers cannot exercise the right of suffrage, yet we are unwilling that citizens of the States of New York and Massachusetts, and the counties of Adams, Lancaster and others in this State, shall elect a Commissioner for Franklin county, in direct violation of all law.
We have no doubt whatever, that when the case of Fickes vs. Downey, comes before the learned Court, "whose duty it will be first to construe the law," it will be decided according to the laws of the Commonwealth, and without regard to the opinions expressed by partisan newspapers.
General McClellan Again Removed from the Command of the Army
News Summary
Page also contains market and financial information and reports from hearings on the surrender of Harper's Ferry.
Agents Wanted
Burglars About
Our New Sheriff
Col. F. S. Stumbaugh
The Difficulty Adjusted
Tax Decisions
Rebel Raid No. 2
Donations to the School House
From "the Army of the Potomac"
Full Text of Article
In Camp Near Warrenton, Va.
November 11th, 1862.
With three days provisions in our haversacks we left Snicker's Gap, on Wednesday morning, and proceeded on our march as "the advance" of Porter's corps, and after journeying about sixteen miles, bivouacked for the night. Early next morning we were a [sic] again in line, and at 3 P.M. arrived at White Plains, a distance of twelve miles more. Here we pitched our shelters and lessened considerably the proportions of some large bay stacks to supply us with bedding. The night was exceedingly cold, forming the first ice of the season in this region. Awaking in the morning we found the earth covered with snow and a fierce, searching wind prevailing. The entire day was one of the most disagreeable we had yet experienced. White Plains is a village on the Manassas Gap Railroad, some fifty odd miles from Washington. At this time it derives importance from being a point of supplies for the army. Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock, we continued our march to New Baltimore, twelve miles distant, and went into camp. At half past eight next morning (Sunday) we moved three miles further, and encamped at this point. The aggregate distance we have traveled thus far from our old camp at Sharpsburg, is about ninety miles and through four counties in this State, namely, Jefferson, Loudon, Clark and Fauquier. The portion of country we have passed over is mostly of a mountainous character, difficult to travel, but exceedingly attractive in scenery. The land is evidently fertile but could be made much more valuable and productive. Well built stone fences are most invariable the enclosures of the fields. From Harper's Ferry to this place we saw but very little grain. Agricultural interests seem wholly crushed by the terrible ravages of war. If this section is a fair sample of Virginia tilled land, next year's crop will not afford subsistence sufficient for half the population. The war seems to have absorbed nearly every pursuit of life. Desolation and distress are visible on every hand. The grown male inmates of nearly every home seem to have lain down the implements of industrial life, and leaving the endearments of the family, the interests of business and the comforts of the domestic fire side, have entered the Southern Army. In lazy attitudes, about each homestead, you see the unemployed and wretchedly clad negro.--Little children seem to be indifferent to the flaunting banners, gay uniforms and inspiring music of our hosts; and the wives and daughters flee at our coming and hide themselves from our gaze. The great number of buildings in ruins astonish us, and residences once, perhaps, the abiding places of happy hearts and scenes of festive joy, are deserted, and sealed to friend and foe. And thus, briefly, do we see some of the calamitous effects of war. Thus does Virginia, after sowing to the wind, reap the whirlwind. Thus does the hallowed soil of patriots and statesmen become a land of sorrow and desolation, the just fruits of her perfidy and treason.
For the last three days the great Army of the Potomac has been massing at this point. It might seem a piece of arrogance and absurdity for me to name its numerical force. Two hundred thousand men is vast number, but I believe they are here to that extent. For miles around one sees hill and valley covered with tents. Drums are beating in a general mix, "the Girl I left behind me," "the Bold Soldier Boy," "Yankee Doodle," and other popular airs, while the trumpet's blasts are a conglomeration of "calls," "rests" and "signals." Flags, national and State, float proudly to the breeze from the headquarters of every regiment. Richly atired [sic] officers and plainly uniformed privates, on and off duty, are seen in every direction. Orderlies with big envelopes, sealed orders perhaps of grave import, speed over the road and through the camps with telegraphic rapidity. Wagoners are cursing, mules kicking, whips cracking, trains creaking and a grand confusion of anything and everything, which goes to make up the pride, pomp and circumstance of glorious warfare, is visible on every hand. Such an army in discipline, numbers and appointment, this world has seldom seen. Marvellous [sic] in the rapidity of its creation and strength it may seem, but it is the gift a people strong in the faith of liberty; pure unselfish in their devotion to the law; and true to the sacredness of perpetual union. It is upon the fidelity and patriotism, the bravery and activity of the army, that the people hang their hopes of success in a righteous cause, and human freedom looks for the preservation of its great exemplar. Let us fondly trust that it may accomplish its great work and then that the Government is safe from rebellion and treason for all time.
But as I write these lines, a solemn and profound sadness pervaded this army. There are many, very many hearts of sorrow among us, almost inconsolable, and which time can scarcely heal. The announcement that Gen. McClellan's command of this army had ceased fell like a dark pall on the cherished hopes and bright anticipation of his devoted followers. His brief but impressive and affectionate farewell, was read at the head of each Regiment yesterday morning. It was an event wholly unexpected, and could scarcely be realized. The affection of the men for their Commander is well known, was unbounded. Amid all the asperity and calumny which was heaped on his devoted head, and notwithstanding the bitter animosity of which he was the victim, his army stood around him as one united mass, the defenders of his fame, the pre-eminent object of their love. Political brawlers and scoundrely speculators, whose patriotism is synanamous [sic] with money, the prolongation of the war, and the destruction of the Union, were the style of men who worked unceasingly and devotedly to ruin McClellan in the eyes of the army and the country. Him they regarded as the chief obstacle in the pathway of their schemes. They could not endure the brilliancy of his rising star, and to tear it from its place, and to crush it beneath their feet was the grand object they desired to obtain.--No doubt they are now gloating with joy and satisfaction at their success. At this stand point, and at this moment, I am unable to say whether the President yielded to the importunities of McClellan's enemies, or was actuated by motives of public interest to make the change. I have had an abiding confidence in the patriotism of Mr. Lincoln, and I believe most of the embarrassments he has had to encounter, have been caused by a class of men whose love of country is of a very dubious character. Although these parties may now be satisfied, I trust that at this juncture in our affairs, it may not be charged upon him that it was to appease their clamors he sacrificed McClellan. The cause of it thus far seems studiously concealed; but be that cause what it may the loss of General McClellan is working most serious consequences. I have no admiration for the man who says he loves McClellan first, and next the cause of his country. Such a character is scarcely better than a traitor. But when officers and men who have had ample opportunities to know their leader, his skill as a tactician and commander, and whose personal conduct has impelled them to love him, they recognize in his success the success of their cause, and I do not wonder at their indignation when they are firm in the belief that it was scheming politicians who accomplished his removal. A vast number of Officers have sent in their resignations since yesterday morning. They say if this war is to be carried on for the pecuniary and political advancement of certain individuals, they have neither a heart to cheer, nor a hand to raise for it. Privates too entertain and express these sentiments, and it is due all concerned both for the welfare of the cause and the reputation of McClellan as well as for the efficiency of the army, that the reason for the Presidents apparently summary action be explained.
Instructions were given us Sunday evening to be prepared for a grand review by General McClellan at an early hour next morning. The hour arriving, we put on our best "bib and tucker" and were promptly assembled at the place appointed near camp on the road leading to Warrenton. A more beautiful and propitious morning for such an occasion could not have favored us. The sun shone brightly and warm, the sky was clear, and the air balmy and delightfully invigorating. The programme commenced by the reading of General McClellan's Farewell Address, and the Introductory Address to his new command of General Burnside. Soon after General McClellan, riding a magnificent charger made his appearance. He was followed by Major Generals Burnside, Porter and a host of other officers of every commissioned rank, and a large portion of his favorite body guard. It was a brilliant yet impressive scene. Delight mingled with sadness was upon every countenance. The army hailed the presence of the chief they loved, but sorrowed at the thought that he was with them for the last time. The grand salute to a Major General Commanding were givan [sic], and the party proceeded to New Baltimore to review General Sigel's Corps. It was 3 o'clock, P.M., before the ceremonies of the day were concluded. Repairing to Headquarters at Warrenton. General McClellan, his officers and a number of invited friends sat down to an elegant dinner. Then came the parting scene. The young chieftain with tears coursing down his cheeks affectionately embraced all around him, and soon after the Grand Army of the Potomac faded from his view as he proceed on his way to Trenton, where he was ordered to report. McClellan still holds the high rank of Major General in the Regular Army and he may be assigned to some important duty. However at present, everything respecting his future movements is mere conjecture.
I to-day had the pleasure of meeting at their quarters five miles from our camp, our friends Dr. Lane and Capt's Brand and Carman, Lieut. Col. McAllen, Lieut.'s Cook and Rhodes and a number of other familiar faces. Time was precious with us, and it would really have amused you to hear us talk, each one endeavoring to convey a knowledge of a dozen different subjects in the same breath. We all had something new to say each other, and each one seemed anxious to make it known. These meetings are some of the sweet, pleasurable incidents of soldiering. They don't come often, but when they do come you see the warm heartfelt, earnest greeting, somehow, very different from what we witness under other circumstances as we move along the pathway of peaceful life. The Reserves and the 107th had marching orders when I arrived and broke camp before my departure. All the troops South of Warrenton are on the move to-day, destination Richmond. As yet no marching orders have reached us but we are momentarily expecting them.
And now mid-way between the historic "Antietam" and the evil heart of the Rebellion, whose name will soon be added to our victorious banners, "Richmond," I close this lengthy and hastily written letter. SHENANDOAH.
Classified advertisements
Classified advertisements
Continuation of reports on McClellan's departure from page one, plus five columns of classified advertisements.