Valley Spirit
Includes reprints from Kentucky and Missouri papers attacking the Emancipation Proclamation.
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Correspondence of "Spirit and Times."
Camp Near Sharpsburg, Md.
October 4th, 1862.
Messrs Editors: An interesting ceremony transpired in camp on Wednesday last, consisting of the presentation of a stand of colors to Company "E." (Capt. W. W. Walker's) by the ladies of Waynesboro, quite a number of whom were present on the occasion. The Presentation Speech was made by Hon. Edward McPherson, who spoke in substance as follows:
Officers and Men of Company "E," 126th Regiment Penna., Vols: It has been made my welcome duty, by the Ladies of Washington Township, a delegation of whom are here to enliven this occasion, to present you a beautiful Stand of Colors, in token of their personal regard and the lively interest they feel in the glorious cause in which you are enlisted.
Soldiers! You have volunteered in the army of the Union! You have grave duties before you. The honor of the community from which you come, the honor of the State you represent, are in a great measure, reposed in your hands. The safety and honor of the Republic is to be tested on the coming fields of battle. The problem of the nations existence is there to be solved. On those bloody fields, if you are permitted to do so, you are to carry this flag. Let it never be dishonored. Let it never be trailed in the dust. It is in itself a beautiful flag--bearing on converse sides the arms of the Union and the arms of Pennsylvania--the Nation and the Keystone of the Federal Arch, forming a grand combination; and more than this, it comes from those who will watch your advancing footsteps with breathless anxiety, and who will pray for your safety with earnest hearts.
You are portion of a "grand army" of Pennsylvania; and you and we will have cause to be proud of our State. The grand outpouring of her hundreds of thousands has astonished the nation and made its enemies quail.
Take this flag; bear it in front of your columns; and when you return home, as God grant you may, bring it back with you and let it be cherished and preserved, and handed down to posterity, as a valuable relic.
Lieut. Colonel Rowe responded on behalf of the Company: Sir--Company "E" have delegated me to thank you, and though you the Ladies of Waynesboro, for the present they have made us. This flag has been presented from Waynesboro. That name calls up a thousand pleasant recollections! It comes from home. That word alone would be sufficient to recommend it to our care and guardsmanship. It comes from a place called after the immortal revolutionary hero "Mad Anthony," and his noble example will teach us that, having gone forth to battle for liberty and right, we must do or die. Its presentation to day seems to revive the days of chivalry. With this flag at its head, Company "E" will go forth, to battle not only for the honor of the state and nation, but also for the honor of its lady loves.
The ladies of Waynesboro have always been formest [sic] in their works of benevolence and of patriotism. They have furnished invaluable aid to the Sanitary commission--and food and conveniences and delicacies to the sick. As their last act of patriotism they present this flag; and on our part we pledge our lives that it shall be brought back from the wars, if not with honor, at least without dishonor. Company E, is the color company. Its members came to fight for the honor of the nation's flag, and although this is a company flag, it is still the Stars and Stripes.
We take this flag, with grateful acknowledgments, and when we return home, how proudly will it wave, as we march through your streets! We will then be again at our homes with your approving faces around us, and we will bear that flag through your midst without a blush of shame.
We had a grand review, on Friday, by President Lincoln, Generals McClellan and Porter, and a number of other military celebrities. Our Division and those in our immediate vicinity were ordered under arms about nine o'clock in the morning, and there they lay under a broiling hot sun, until between one and two in the afternoon, when the customary salute, twenty-one guns, fired by the division next below us, announced the approach of the Presidential party. The President, in citizen's dress, rode a black charger (a remarkably hard trotter, by the way, of which fact "father Abraham" seemed painfully conscious); on his right, rode General Humphreys, Division Commander. They were followed by Generals McClellan and Fitz John Porter, riding side by side, the remainder of the party following in double file. They simply rode in front of the different regiments, the men being at a "present," the drum corps discoursing their very choicest, the officers saluting, and the colors drooping, as they passed. The President seemed much fatigued, and had no doubt been engaged in the same occupation since early in the morning, and had several hours' more hard riding and reviewing before him, before the day closed. The general impression seems to be that this tour of inspection of the President's looks to an immediate forward movement. Two facts he has no doubt had impressed upon his mind--that the army is anxious to move at once, and that General McClellan, above all others, possesses its confidence. The President must have had in view some such object as is above indicated, for he is not the man to travel around, at so much inconvenience and loss of time, merely for a little glory and display. One thing is certain, we have generally had good results from Mr. Lincoln's visits to the army; it does him good, occasionally, to cut loose from the politicians and have a few days' honest chat with the soldiers.
On Friday, company A captured, or perhaps I should say found a magnificent twelve pound Parrot gun, which had been buried by the retreating rebels in a field near our camp. Corporal Emanuel Forney happened to be crossing this field and discovered what he supposed to be portion of a shell or round shot. On kicking it with his foot, he soon discovered it to be the knob on the breach of a large cannon. Our little friend is somewhat excitable, and withal a great humorist; so you may imagine he cut some strange antics. He summoned some of company A to his assistance, and they soon exhumed the rich prize, and carried it to head quarters, where there was great exultation over the "capture." This is the first of the enemy's cannon company "A" have taken, and the boys say they are determined it shall not be the the [sic] last. Since the discovery there has been a perfect furore after buried canon, and the neighboring fields stand a good prospect of being dug down all over to the distance of several feet. It is reported that several soldiers have already by reason of scarcity of spades and picks, worn away their nails to the quicks. it is astonishing how reports become exaggerated. The first rumor your correspondent heard of the cannon finding, was to the effect that "Mawny Forney had found six twelve pound Parrott guns, and had just carried them all into camp." The corporal, it will be remembered, is five feet two, and weights something near a hundred. The report did sound rather improbable, but as Forney is capable of almost anything, we followed the crowd and soon learned the true state of the case.
Abraham Huber and J. Henry Hutton of Co. A, J.G. Lindsay of company D and--Cleverstone of company G, who were left at the Hospitals in Washington, and afterwards sent to the "Convalescent Camp," in Virginia, have again reached the regiment, in good health. They all speak of this "Convalescent Camp" as a wretched place. There are about eighteen thousand men there, of whom scarcely the slightest care is taken. A late Washington paper says: "Language is inadequate to portray the miserable, filthy, neglected and starving condition of these men. Those who visit here are compelled to exclaim, "can it be possible that these are human beings to be thus treated, in a christian land, by a nation professing christianity." It is sincerely to be hoped that the proper authorities will give this matter their immediate and earnest attention.
I have heretofore made it a rule, and shall continue to observe it in future, not to refer to those who have been sent to the Hospital, for the reason that this is frequently done for but slight illness, and a notice of the fact might cause much needless anxiety among friends at home. Cases of serious illness or accident however, I will notice.
There are a number of sick and wounded rebel prisoners in the hospitals near camp. Many of them talk very fairly, and are anxious to see the war closed on any terms; but some are still vindictive in the extreme and laugh at all idea of the South returning to her allegiance. They all seemed very a[n]xious to see McClellan, the other day; and several of them stated that his ability was fully conceded in the Southern army. The mortality among them is very great; from the one hospital, in our camp, from three to six are buried daily; and in all there were scarcely more than fifty there, when we came. The government provides for all their wants; but their own men, left in charge, seem to take poor care of them. They are interred in an adjoining field, and small wooden head boards are placed to their graves, bearing their names.
The Railroad bridge at Harpers Ferry is completed; the first train crossed it to-day. we will now be able to establish a basis for supplies on the Virginia shore, as soon as we make our advance.
A few days since, I paid a visit to the Reserves and the 107th. They lay on our right, about three miles distant. They have suffered severely in the late engagements. The 107th made a most gallant charge at the battle of South Mountain, and was highly complimented on the field, by Gen. Durvea. As it charged up the mountain, the General sat upon his horse, and turning to some New York Regiments, spoke at the top of his voice: "Look at those gallant Pennsylvanians! They are brave boys! Their State may well be proud of them! Now, New York, do your duty!" During this charge, the 107th passed the Reserves, who had expended all their ammunition. The reserves sat up a tremendous cheer, and the enemy thinking at least ten thousand men were charging upon them, broke and ran and were driven by at least two miles by the "gallant Pennsylvanians!"
A member of the Regular Cavalry, not a citizen of our State, remarked to me, the other day, that Pennsylvanians had fought well before, but, since the threatened invasion of their State, they had done as much execution as if fifty thousand more men had been added to their ranks. But their reputation has been dearly bought, as many a sad fire-side circle will testify.
Capt. W. W. Walker has been ordered to report to the Provost Marshal of Pennsylvania, and to arrest all deserters from this Division, who may be found. He will have plenty of work to do in Franklin county. We have already lost heavily by desertion.
From the Army in Kentucky
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Louisville, Ky., Sept. 29, 1862.
Messrs. Editors Spirit and Times:--I had the pleasure a short time ago to get my hands on the Transcript, which one of my messmates received and was amused to see an account of the "Union" County Convention of delegates for nominating county officers. I should not have noticed the meeting if it had not been styled the "Union Party" of old Franklin. I think I can prove that some of the delegates are only Union as far as talk goes. Last summer while I was at home, my friends had the pleasure (if pleasure it was) of hearing me spoken of as a d----d Secesh; for no other reason than attending the Democratic County Convention, and giving the radical Republicans a hearing whenever I got a chance. Last summer, when the boys, in Sulphur Spring district, were trying to raise a squad of men to go to Harrisburg to enlist, one of the delegates to the above named "Union" Convention, got very cross at them for trying to persuade his boys to enlist. Another of the delegates went along to Harrisburg. After laying around and boarding a few days on U. Sam, he went back, taking a few of the hardest crackers he could find with him, which he carried about as a show. Now, I think it is hard when such men represent the "Union" sentiment of the county, and those who fight for the Union, but do not exactly coincide with the Administration, are styled Secessionists.
A Soldier.
History of McPherson's Military Career
Classified advertisements
The Danger--The Remedy
The No-Party Meeting
The Election
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We would call upon every Democrat in the county to consider well the importance of the approaching election. It is, in our opinion, the most important one that has occurred in the history our country. The baneful spirit of Abolitionism has been let loose upon the land, and unless crushed by the mighty power of the Democracy at the polls, will most inevitably prostrate the rights and liberties of the white man in a vain attempt to elevate the black. Democrats, we warn you to be vigilant and active. Your country needs your services. Upon you depends the safety of our beloved country. Abolitionism threatens the overthrow of the Constitution, the disruption of the Union and the elevation of the negro to an equality with the white man. This is not only a contest for civil and political rights but also to maintain the social and political supremacy of the white race over the black. Let not therefore the excitement occasioned by the war, withdraw your attention from the importance of the approaching election. Whilst the army of the Republic is crushing out Secessionism in the field, do not forget that you have a duty to perform by voting down Abolitionism at the Polls.
How Shall I Vote at the Ensuing Election?
The Political Campaign
The True Issue
Unreasonable Complaints
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Since the return to their homes of the Militia, who were ordered to this section of our State, to resist an invasion of the soil of Pennsylvania by the Rebels under Lee and Jackson, we have noticed, in several of our exchanges, charges of inhospitable treatment made against our citizens.
These complaints are entirely uncalled for and unjust. Ever since the breaking out of the rebellion the people of our town, rich and poor, have vied with each other in their efforts to minister to the comfort of the soldiers passing through the town. Not a car-load of men in uniform could pass through, but they were surrounded with men, women and children with baskets filled with provisions to relieve their hunger. Not a sick or wounded soldier entered the borough but was taken by the hand and his necessities relieved. Money and time were lavished without stint, their houses thrown open and their beds surrendered to the noble men who were fighting the battles of our country. To some extent, they have had their reward for these self-sacrificing acts of kindness and charity, be feeling better about the region of their hearts, and in hearing the warm "God bless you" of the war worn veteran as he limped forth from their hospitable doors. Even now the Hospitals in our midst are thronged with the wives, mothers and daughters of our citizens, smoothing the pillows of the sick and wounded, and lightening to some extent the long hours of sickness and pain.
Yet notwithstanding all our people have done and are doing, they are charged with a lack of hospitality by a portion of the Pennsylvania Militia who were ordered here, as they say, "to defend the property of the people of this portion of the Cumberland Valley." We would like to know if these men, were ordered here for the purpose of protecting our property alone, or whether they were not protecting their own homes as well, by advancing to the Border of the State and even into the State of Maryland. It would indeed have been a Herculean task for our citizens to have entertained and fed some thirty thousand men, if even it had been necessary; but as no such necessity existed, inasmuch as the State Authorities had made ample provision for their subsistence, it was asking a little too much to expect our citizens to provide delicacies for so numerous a company. In fact they never dreamed that these men came here to feast, but to meet the foe in battle and drive him back.
A word or two in relation to the "protection" given to property here. The farmers living along the [Ha]gerstown road dread, but little more, the advent of a Rebel army--as far as the destruction of property is concerned--than another advance of the Pennsylvania Militia. Fences burned for fuel, young timber wantonly destroyed, whole fields of growing corn cut down and carried away, and numberless other vandalisms attest the kind of "protection" their property received.
We cannot but admire and applaud, the patriotism that prompted these men to leave their homes for the purpose of repelling the Rebel hordes from Pennsylvania soil, yet at the same time, we must be permitted to denounce the conduct of some of them who say they came to save property, but instead wantonly destroyed it.
Cumberland Valley Railroad
Army Chaplains
List of Deaths in the Hospitals in this Place
Lost Horses
Papers Not Received
Death of Samuel H. Tate
German Reformed Synod
Serious Affray
A List of Grand and Traverse Jurors
Classified advertisements
Classified advertisements
Five columns of classified advertisements