Valley Spirit
Correspondence From "the Army of Virginia"
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Correspondence of the Spirit and Times.
Alexandria, Va., Sept. 6th, 1862.
Messrs Editors: The rumors that reach us from the different corps of our grand "Army of Virginia" are so conflicting and unsatisfactory, that we are compelled to have recourse to the daily papers of New York, Philadelphia and Washington, if we would get any idea at all of the present condition of affairs; and even then the meagre [sic] information they contain only serves to render the "confusion worse confounded." As a matter of course, the great engagement of the war has concluded, as all battles must have an end, but exactly how and why it was brought to a close, we have not yet been informed. Of two things, however, there can be no doubt--our army has fallen back within range of the cordons of Forts that guard the approaches to Washington from the Old Dominion--and, during the recent engagements, we have lost most severely in killed, wounded and prisoners, as well as guns, amunition [sic] and stores captured by the enemy. The wounded and prisoners, as well as guns, amunition and stores captured by the enemy. The wounded still continue to be brought to town, filling all the old hospitals to overflowing, while new ones are being prepared and fitted up as rapidly as possible. Some of the newspapers estimate our loss at 15,000 in killed, wounded and missing; and you may rest assured the figures are none too high. But while we have suffered thus too severely, it must be remembered that the enemy did not escape unscathed. They failed in their main purpose, that of attacking and totally routing our separate commands in detail, then of reaching the Potomac and making an attack upon the Federal Capital or a raid into Maryland or Pennsylvania.
The 107th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, chiefly from our county, participated in three of the severest days fighting, and behaved most gallantly, their loss has been very heavy. Out of nearly five hundred officers and men who went into the battle, only two hundred and twenty-five or fifty have yet reported themselves. I have made every endeavor to get a list of the killed and wounded from members of the Regiment met in town, but have yet met with very poor success. Brave Captain Dick fell, shot through the heart, with a minie ball, while gallantly leading on his company. He had taken the musket of a private shot down near him, and was doing good service in the country's cause when the fatal messenger of death laid him low. He never spoke after he fell. His musket was found by his side shatterd [sic] to pieces. I have heard, from more than one mouth, the expression "Captain Dick was as brave as a lion, that day;" and all who knew the man will readily believe that he was "bravest among the brave." His body was secured and buried, and would have been sent home had this not been strictly forbidden. Captain Brand is also spoken of in the highest terms. He engaged in a hand to hand contest at one time, and succeeded in making his adversary bite the dust. His company (K), being on the left of the Regiment, and the Regiment on the extreme left of the line, they were the last to leave the battle-fields of Saturday. Company K went into battle with fifty men, and came out with but eighteen--though it is expected that more still yet reach camp, and a number taken prisoners have already been paroled. Among the killed is--Stoutegle, whose friends, I believe, reside in or near Chambersburg; and among the wounded are Jacob Monat, wounded in the thigh, not dangerously; John Darnfeldt, wounded in the breast; and--Lanch, from near Greencastle. Darnfeldt was struck with a ball, in the right side, immediately below the shoulder--the ball passing entirely round the chest, scarcely an inch below the skin, and yet doing but little injury. Lieutenants Williams and Norris were taken prisoners, but have since been paroled. There are others from our vicinity on the fatal list; and as soon as I can learn their names I will send a more detailed and correct report. The 107th is attached to Gen. Duryea's Brigade and is now under command of Col. Thos. F. McCoy. Lieut. Col. McAllen arose from a sick bed to participate in Saturday's fight, and was highly complimented for his coolness and courage.
The various companies of our regiment have returned from guard duty, along the Manassas road, and our whole Brigade has now been brought in to the vicinity of Fort Ellsworth, about three miles from town. We are now attached to Gen. Slocum's Brigade. Gen. Franklin's Division; and in a day or so we expect to take up our march for Chain Bridge, above Washington. We may move still further up the river, before many days, and get nearer home. It seems to be generally anticipated that Jackson may yet pay Pennsylvania or Maryland a visit, unless he is resisted by a strong force.
Just while I am writing a train of Ambulances, reaching out beyond our camp--doubtless three or four miles long--is passing through town towards Washington, with wounded from the battle-field of Friday, (Manassas). Some of the drivers say there are yet any quantity left on the field, and on their way in they met a train as long as theirs going out for a similar purpose. These gallant fellows have been lying on the field for a whole week, suffering and enduring; and we are now compelled to go through the enemy's lines to get them. Two full Regiments were sent within the enemy's lines to-day to bury the dead.
The wharf of Alexandria presents a lively appearance--almost equal to that of New York. The river is crowded with transports, and with their loading and unloading--the creaking of windlasses and derricks--the braying of mules, the hallooing and swearing of drivers--the jostling of men running hither and thither--the energetic steaming up and down of the indefatigable little tugs--and a hundred and one other noises and as many different odors--you may imagine the bustle, confusion and unpleasantness of the place. The upper part of the town, however, is clean and healthy and contains many really splendid mansions, principally occupied by "secesh" or used as hospitals. The females of the town have learned to behave pretty respectably, though some of them still insist on turning up their noses or lifting their dresses after the Union soldiers pass. It is almost the "wee [illegible] hours beyond the twal" and I must close.
Through the kindness of a friend we are permitted to publish the following interesting letter received by him from a private in Captain Doebler's company.
Camp Cloud's Mills.
Sept. 3d, 1862.
Gents: I have now a few leisure moments which I will devote to writing to you. I presume that you are aware of our movements from Harrisburg to this place through other sources. Therefore I will not go further back, as the last few days have been so replete with adventures that it will employ all my present time to relate them. On last Thursday about 12 o'clock we were ordered to strike tents, which we did, and was ordered, it is generally believed, to the front (Manassas). They sent our trains on , but we still lay at Camp waiting orders to move. But night came on and no orders, we were then formed into line ready for an attack as it was thought we might be that night. Morning dawned without anything but the chilly night air to disturb our sleep. Our tents were ordered back to camp and pitched. On Sunday, Company A got orders to guard an ammunition train to the front, as did company B, and 8 companies of the 129th. We moved along the Alexandria and Centreville Turnpike through a drenching rain, the sand being about 4 inches deep made it very fatiguing. At first we got along pretty well, meeting nothing more than a dead horse about every 1/2 mile, then a few teams, then 938 rebel prisoners, who were the most God-forsaken looking wretches that I ever saw, and began to think that they were not "Foeman worthy of our steel," and that it would be a disgrace for white men to honor the rascals so much as to fight them. After this the wagons and ambulances began to get thick, and by the time we got to Fairfax Court House there was a perfect jam, seemingly a regular skedaddle, but it was not the case for they were loaded with wounded soldiers, how many I would not pretend to say, but it is useless for me to attempt to describe the scene, every available vehicle from Washington was used to carry the wounded, and still there were thousands of wounded walking. Thousands of soldiers who were lost or their regiments were cut up, with any quantity of negroes, all trying to get to Washington. It was a sight, I assure you. We pulled our way about 3 miles beyond Fairfax, w[h]ere we lay until almost night when we were again ordered to move towards home which we did. After we had gone about a mile a rebel battery opened on the spot we had just left, supposing we were still there. They shelled a house and stable there, leaving them a perfect wreck, but we were safe. Next morning we started home arriving there very tired. Yesterday the news came that Gen. Pope was falling back, so we were ordered to go back and are now encamped about one mile from Alexandria. Last night Gen Franklin's whole division arrived at Alexandria the rest having taken some other course. Things begin to look a little squally. It is reported that Gen Kearney is killed.
Hoping to hear from you soon,
I am yours, &c.
Camp Near Cloud's Mills
The Republican Address
Are We to Have a Dictator
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Does the question startle anyone? We pray you, gentlemen of the loyal State of Pennsylvania, gentlemen of all the loyal States, be calm, be not at all startled or alarmed at any question. In the South there are papers that do not hesitate to proclaim that Jefferson Davis is a Dictator; that he exercises Dictatorial powers. And what of it? Are not these military times? And what are civil laws and constitutional restrictions and guarantees more than cobwebs when military power lords it over us? Be not surprised at anything. If the times will not accommodate themselves to us, let us act the part of philosophers, and accommodate ourselves to the times. When Xantippe was rude and treated Socrates to an unpleasant shower bath, the philosopher contented himself with the remark that thunder was always followed by a storm. This is the temper in which we should all now act. Here, in the North, none have yet ventured to say we have a Dictator--but if some foolish or insane fellow should, one of these days, suffer his blood to get hot enough to force such a declaration from his tongue, don't be scared, but treat it as the chimera of a distempered fancy. Of course we have no dictator; but, if things pertaining to the civil and military administration of the Government should get a little more muddled; if a few more reverses should befal [sic] our army, and a little trouble should occur in financial matters; if the machine should not apparently work as smoothly as desirable in its old gearing, for want of power, as (some Republicans seem to think may be the case--then, and in that event, we put the question: "Are we to have a Dictator?" There is much reason to apprehend that there exists to some extent not only a desire that we should have, but a design to make the attempt to establish a Dictatorship when, in the judgment of the conspirators, the hour shall have arrived to make the effort safe, if not successful. The idea has already been started by the Cincinnati Gazette, a leading Republican paper, and has been substantially endorsed by the New York Evening Post, a paper of very high standing and of the same politics--even in this State it has been faintly foreshadowed by the Philadelphia Press. The subject is thus broached by the Gazette:
"Many are willing to invest the President with a military dictatorship, so that one mind, without so much distracting counsel, shall infuse new and terrible energy into the measures to put down the rebellion. A day or two since I attended the ceremonies of raising a flag over a new hospital, a mile east of the Capitol. Dr. Sunderland, chaplain of the Senate, and pastor of one of the largest New School Presbyterian churches in Washington, was the orator. He boldly proclaimed the sentiments of the loyal North, that a new war policy must be inaugurated, or the rebellion never could be put down. He advocated a military dictatorship in the person of the President."
Even now, when acts and deeds committed in utter defiance of the Constitution, and in contempt of the rights guaranteed to ever[y] citizen; and when too many, perhaps the majority, not only countenance, but approve these glaring wrongs, such a paragraph as the above cannot but astound every old believer in the sufficiency of democratic institutions, whether for a time of war or peace.
The Bridgeport Republican asks: Can one realize that such sentiments are enunciated in the free and independent United States of America; and that there is to be found among the descendants of the iron men of '76 who suffered, endured, struggled and won, after many years of toil, the priceless boon of liberty and independence, one recreant son who is willing to submit himself and his country to a military dictatorship? The Gazette tells us there are many.
This is one of the effects produced by Abolitionism. It has poisoned the fountain of American intelligence; blinded the understanding of its devotees; frozen up their patriotic impulses, their love of liberty and independence; palsied the efforts of thousands and tens of thousands of brave men--and now in abject cowardice and craven submission, it is ready to surrender up the remnant of our liberties to a dictator. God save the republic and us all, when such insidious and base counsels are either covertly endorsed, or receive the silent approbation of the dominant party of the country.
Are we ready for a Dictatorship? Not while the name of Washington and his compe[e]rs are syllabled by thousands of the true and brave, or the memories of the past remain a glorious legacy to a little handful of venerating and undaunted freemen. Not while a party remains, feeble and few though they may be, yet brave and steadfast to that battle-cry of, "the Constitution as it is," and
"the Union as it was," who will recognize no despot, no dictator, no imperial ruler in the person of our chief magistrate. If we have nothing else left, let us maintain that the barren pretence [sic] of sovereignty still rests in the people. While that remains we have still some hope for our country--once lost, freedom will never be regained. All history declares it; we may be sure we shall prove no exception from the general rule.
Patriot and Union.
Literature and classifieds
Literature and classifieds
To the Rescue--Freemen of Franklin County
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To the Rescue--Freemen of Franklin County.
The darkest hour of our Country's history is upon us. Gen. Pope's army in Virginia, after the most terrific fighting, has fallen back to the fortifications around Washington, and the Nation's Capital is again threatened by an insolent foe. The invading hosts of the enemy have pressed the soil of Maryland, and our own beautiful valley may at any hour become the victim of a similar invasion. Citizens of Franklin county, the enemy is at the very threshold of your homes, your altars and your firesides. Will you not instantly respond to the call of your Government in this the day of your country's peril? Let not the wisest, the best, and most glorious Government ever devised by the wisdom of man, be despoiled and overthrown by armed traitors, when you have the power to prevent it. Let it not be said that the Government failed to enforce its authority and punish rebellion by inaction on our part. Come one, come all, who are able to bear arms, and enrol [sic] your names in some one or other of the companies that are now forming in different parts of the county, and thus show that the patriotism of Franklin county is equal to any emergency. The draft has been postponed until the 20th, which affords another opportunity for Franklin county, to fill her quota of men by voluntary enlis[t]ments.
Gen. McClellan is again at the head of the army. His appointment seems to have inspired the army and the people with renewed confidence and enthusiasm. He is not alone the defender of the Capital, but to-day, as never before, the eyes of the nation are fixed on him as the Defender of the Union. In the language of a contemporary, "let the people of the North awake now, if they have never before been awake to the stern realities of this hour. Let every nerve be exerted, every pulse quickened, every heart roused to the necessities which demand our utmost efforts. Let us have done with all manner of bickering and quarrelling [sic] here. Let us send hosts into the field as fast as they can crowd the avenues to the Capital. Let us present to the rebel hosts in front of Washington the vision of a whole people pressing to the field, giving their fortunes and their lives, pledging their loyalty and their honor to the cause of the greatest and best of governments, the Union that has made us what we are.
We appeal to the gentlemen who have heretofore so bitterly opposed the young General. We beseech them to believe that the army of the Union know the man, and that the cheers with which the dying men on the battle field have greeted his appearance speak a deeper knowledge of his soldierly virtues, a more thorough acquaintance with his heart and his head than any can boast of who have not fought under his leadership. We bespeak for him the prayers of the people, that the trust reposed in him may be safely kept, and a good account rendered by him to the people of his country and the God, on whom all his and our confidence rests.
The County Ticket
The Rebellion
Keep Cool
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It is rendered certain, by our latest advices, that the enemy has crossed the Potomac in heavy force, at Edwards Ferry. Should he succeed in defeating our army in Maryland and advance into Cumberland Valley, let us be prepared to meet him, but at the same time let us keep cool and deliberate in making those preparations. Let there be no dismay, no panic among us. Let us call to our assistance men having the requisite military knowledge, and arm and organize for any emergency and in a short time we can have force sufficient to drive back any band of maurauders that may attempt a foray in this direction. We are satisfied that there is enough of the fighting element, in this valley, if properly organized and armed, to cope successfully with any force that the enemy would be able to spare for a raid into this section of the State. We think that the Executive should take the necessary steps to effect a complete re-organization of the Militia of the border counties. Individuals cannot effect an organization of magnitude sufficient to be of much service, it should be done under and by the authority of the State government.
From the 107th Penna. Regiment
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From the 107th Penna. Regiment.
Through the kindness of our friend Dr. Reid of this place, we are permitted to make the following extract from a letter he received a day or two ago, from his nephew, a Lieutenant in the 10th Regiment P.V.
"What times we have had since I last wrote to you--marching every day and night since, fighting our way through all the time in the late battles. I was in three of them. Those on Friday and Saturday were terrific. Our 2nd Lieutenant is lost and 13 men. At Thoroughfare Gap, I was appointed to command Co. C. the color company, its Captain and 1st Lieut. being absent and sick. I still command the Company. I lost 16 men, killed, wounded and missing. I think about one half of our Regiment is missing. Capt. Dick was killed. Col. McAllen is safe, although sick. I am safe, thank God for it. I had my revolver shot off my sword belt, and was knocked over once by the explosion of a shell while urging on my men."
J.A. Carman, Lieut.
Commanding Co. C. 107 Regt. P.V.
Harrisburg, Sept. 4th
Not Yet Humbled
Democratic County Executive Committee
Statement showing the number of persons subject to military duty
Severely Injured
Killed in Battle
Death from Apoplexy
Valuable Real Estate
Rebel Invasion of Maryland
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Jackson's Troops Across the Upper Potomac--Rebel Occupation of Poulesville and Darnestown--Destruction of the Monocacy Bridge and Canal.
Washington, Sept. 6, 1862
As was surmised in The Inquirer a few days since, a portion of the Rebel forces, under command of Jackson, have been withdrawn from the vicinity of Fairfax Court House, and have actually crossed the Upper Potomac, and consum[m]ated the invasion of Maryland. This despatch, it will be remembered, was the subject of much newspaper ridicule among our contemporaries, but the action of the Rebels on yesterd[a]y and to-day fully corroborates the accuracy of our knowledge.
On Friday a large force of Rebel Cavalry made its appearance on the Virginia side of Potomac river, opposite Edwards' Ferry, having reached this point by the road leading from Leesburg, and endeavored to effect a crossing. So soon as the design of the enemy was perceived dy [sic] our troops stationed on the Maryland side of the river, a battery was immediately posted upon the river bank, and a heavy and effective shelling of the Rebel force commenced." The firing was continued for some time, when the enemy perceiving that all further attempts to cross the river would prove futile, hastily withdrew.
At half past two o'clock this morning a second attemp[t] to cross the river by the fords of Elward's, Conrad's, Nolen's and Smith's ferries was made, and under the cover of darkness proved successful. These ferries are all situated east of Point of Rocks, and the former ferry (Edward's) is five miles south-west of Poolesville, and some forty miles distant from Washington. The Rebel force upon this occasion consisted of between two and three regiments of cavalry, and as soon as Poolesville was invested, our pickets hastily communicated with our troops in the rear, whose numbers being numerically small, thought it best to beat a retreat. Some fifteen or twenty soldiers belonging to the first Maryland regiment are among the missing, and are supposed to have been captured.
Our force at Poolesville, at the time, consisted of the Infantry regiment, already named the First Massachusetts Cavalry and a detachment of the Twelfth Pennsylvania Cavalry.
From this point the Rebel Cavalry proceeded to Darnestown, a little town situated on Seneca creek, nine miles distant from Poolesville, in a southeasterly direction and communicating in a direct route with the district of Georgetown, D.C. This point was reached at about half-past four o'clock this morning, and the cavalry entered the town pell mell, almost before our pickets were aware of their approach. At this point there has been established a branch office of the military telegraph, communicating with the War Department.
Fortunately the telegraph operator, being instantly warned of his danger, tore the recording instrument from the table to which it was fastened, cut the wire, and thus armed made sudden tracks for the little town of Rockville, situated some ten miles in the rear, on the Darnestown road. His farther progress was soon ended, however, by the appearance of some of our troops coming down the road.
With Darnestown the raid ceased, the Rebels probably fearing an attack from our forces in the vicinity, who already were on the alert to punish the enemy's audacity.
There is no doubt but what the Rebels are coming in force into Maryland at the points already named, and even at others still further up the river. Parties who came in from Poolesville and Darnestown, all agree in this supposition.
On Friday the Rebels fired and destroyed the funnel bridge across the Monocacy river, and also did great damage to the canal at this point, besides capturing and destroying several canal boats. To what further extent their depredations were carried on, we have not yet been informed.
A number of farmers from Montgomery county, Maryland, whom we have seen, mention the fact of having seen, from the Maryland shore a number of the tents of the Rebels on the Virginia side of the Potomac in the vicinity of Point of Rocks. They seemed to extend some three miles westerly from Edwards' Ferry. The enemy are busily engaged in building rafts, is supposed, as the sound of chipping is heard at all hours of the night. These rafts will be used in crossing the river.
Classified advertisements
Four and a half columns of classified advertisements
"In the midst of the deep, impending gloom that hangs over our land, it gives us great pleasure to re-publish it, with a hearty commendation of its tone. It meets our views exactly."