Valley Spirit
Includes a speech by a Democratic Congressman from Indiana to his state convention.
Correspondence from the "Army of Virginia"
Full Text of Article
Camp Stanton, Near Alexandria, Va.,
Friday, August 22d, 1862
Correspondence of the Spirit and Times
Messrs Editors: Yesterday morning early we were ordered to strike our tents and prepare for a still farther march into Virginia. We had not proceeded far, however, before we came to a halt in a beautiful little valley, skirted by woods, about a mile from our former camping ground. Here we again took up our temporary abode, and commenced at once to decorate our "streets"' with trees and arbors, making the whole camp look like some tastefully arranged grove. Some of the more aesthetically inclined of our youths suggested that we should procure some tame canaries and squirrels to render the illusion complete. But all these visions of comfort were soon dissipated by the news that to-day we were to move to Alexandria, there at once to be brigaded and put into active service; and it is now certain that we will move sometime today, everything being now in readiness, except a sufficient number of wagons, which will be here this morning. We may be left, for a short time on provost duty at Alexandria, there being a well drilled Pennsylvania three years regiment now stationed there, which will likely be at once sent into the field. But if we join Gen. Sturgis' command as is now generally expected, the probability is we will be marched farther South, or go by water to Acquia Creek, within a very few days. Gen. Sturgis, it will be remembered, is from Cumberland County and achieved quite an enviable reputation for himself in Missouri; he is personally acquainted with many of our officers and men, and we feel highly honored to learn that he personally requested that our regiment be attached to his brigade. If he should be our commander, he will find himself at once very popular with at least this portion of his command.
This is the first rainy day we have had in camp, and it is much more pleasant than you would at first imagine, especially to those who can remain "within doors." Some one of our poets has enlarged upon the pattering of the rain upon the house-roof, but he certainly never slept under a well stretched tent-cloth during a refreshing shower. There is something very attractive about it; and in fact there is something very attractive in all the features of the soldier's life. A meal never tastes so sweetly as after a day's fasting. One never sleeps so soundly as after an eight miles march. Water never proves more grateful than when drank out of some gurgling little stream, by the roadside, during one of the "rests" that come so acceptably.
Cloud's Mills, Va.
Saturday Morning, August 23d.
Just where I stopped above, the order came to strike our tents again; and we took up our line of march for Alexandria, a distance of three miles, and thence South to this place (Cloud's Mills), a still further distance of five miles. We made this long march with only two "rests," and many of the men were almost given out. We encamped here over night, and already the order has come for our division (Sturgis') to prepare at once to take the cars for Manassas. Pope is falling back to that place. Burnside has landed at Acquia Creek. McClellan's army has been passing by us yesterday and to-day, in almost one continuous train of cars, also bound for Manassas. Jackson has already been reinforced by almost the entire rebel army from Richmond, and has crossed the Rapidan; and the indications are that the severest battle of the war will be fought in this vicinity, in a very few days. There seems to be great need of men, and in all probability we will take an active part in the approaching engagement. This seems the more probable, as each man is to be furnished with one hundred and forty rounds of cartridge, to be carried in his knapsack and cartridge box. The men are all in the highest spirits and anxious to have their courage put to the test; though there seems to be a general regret that they are not better drilled. Yet all have confidence in their officers and each other. If the worst must come, you may rest assured Franklin County will never be disgraced by the "One Hundred and Twenty Sixth." We are all determined to do our duty, under whatever circumstances we may be placed; and no more can be asked from us.
There has been continued and heavy skirmishing between the advanced lines of the two armies, for several days. And even while I am writing, we can hear the steady and unremitting war of heavy artillery, which evidently is not more than twenty miles distant. On our road to this place we passed long lines of ambulances, conveying sick and wounded soldiers to the hospitals in and around Alexandria, and we nearly all came to the conclusion that it begins to look very much like war in this vicinity.
From this point we will be compelled to leave our tents behind, but our guin blankets are so constructed that four of them, laced together, form a very good and commodious shelter. The men are already throwing away many of the little conveniences they brought with them from home. It is utterly impossible to carry them with us on our long marches. Our knapsacks have to be lightened as much as possible of everything not absolutely necessary, especially when they have to contain one hundred rounds of cartridges in addition to their ordinary contents.
Although we go to the field of action, my individual opinion is that, unless it is absolutely necessary to throw us into battle, by reason of the inferiority of our forces in point of numbers, we will be detailed for ditching and trenching or some such work for which we would be better qualified than for maneuvering on the battle field: Yet it is very significant, that we are the farthest advanced of any of the new regiments and nearly all the men in Gen. Sturgis command are veterans compared with us. Of course all this is conjecture, but it is reasonable to suppose that no wise General would throw green troops into battle, if he had a sufficient force of disciplined men at his disposal.
If anything of interest or importance occurs I will let you hear of it at the first opportunity.
Our post office address remains unchanged--"Company--126th Regiment P.V., Washington, D.C."
The general health of our Regiment is most excellent, much better, indeed, than it was the first week of our service, and it is no exageration [sic] to say that, despite all their long marches and hardships, the men are all in higher spirits than they were wont to be at home.
Includes reprints of an exchange of letters between Robert E. Lee and Henry Halleck over the treatment of Confederate citizens by Union troops, particularly in New Orleans. Also includes four columns of classified advertisements.
Literature and classifieds
Party vs. Patriotism
The President's Reply to Greeley
Maintaining the Constitution
Indiana and Negro Soldiers
Speech of Hon. John B. Haskin
Vagaries of the Brain
Also includes war news from the west, market information from Chambersburg, and two columns of classified advertisements.
Capt. John H. Breed's Company
Enrollment of Militia
Sword Presented
Mr. Wm. G. Reed
To The Democrats
From Pope's Army
Literature and classifieds
Literature and classifieds
Five columns of classifieds
To the Friends of Our Soldiers
Full Text of Article
Beaufort, S.C., July 30th, 1862
We are quite conscious of, and fully appreciate the fact, that many persons throughtout [sic] the loyal States are making great sacrifices for the cause of our beloved country, and are doing much for the physical comfort and spiritual welfare of our soldiers.
Much has already been accomplished by the generous donation of tracts, papers and other religious publications. And the hallowed influences thus exerted for the religious culture of the soldier are very great. Eternity alone will reveal their blessed results.
Yet, both our experience and observation clearly demonstrate to us, that, in connection with our religious services in camp, Christian correspondence from Home is doing more for the morals and spiritual advancement of our men in the army, than any other instrumentality employed.
The soldier, whether officer or private, old or young, will read a letter who would not read a tract or religious paper.
First, Because it is addressed immediately to him,
Second, Because it is written by one personally in his welfare.
Even, the least paper or tract enclosed to a soldier, by the kindred or friend addressing him, with the request to read it, will incline him to read and re-read it, until its truths are indelibly impressed upon his heart.
The letter, with its contents thus addressed to him will be carefully folded and placed in his pocket for future reference; so that, when out on picket duty or during his leisure moments, he will have something to read and occupy his mind. The impressions made by such letters are like bread cast upon the waters to be found after many days.
We would say then: Parents, write to your sons; wives, write to your husbands; sisters, write to your brothers; children write to your parents, write often, cheerfully and encouragingly. Let your letters abound in words of cheer, and breathing the spirit of Christian sympathy and love.
Kindly admonish your friends to shun the evils incident to camp life. Urge them to lay hold of the sure promises of the Gospel, which will purify, strengthen and save the soul.
In the name and by the authority of the "Great Captain of our Salvation," we say to pastors and people, write messages of love to our soldiers. We do not ask for long and studied letters, but for simple, home-like cheerful Christian letters.
Christian young ladies, write. Write to all your friends and acquaintances, who have gone forth to battle for our country. Let no feelings of false delicacy deter you in the matter. And in writing, seek to blend the endearments of home and the occurences [sic] of the neighborhood with the story of the cross.
You will thus strew the rugged pathway of the defenders of our country, with flowers of immortal bloom and accomplish much good for the salvation of souls and the glory of God.
"The seed that, in these few and fleeting hours
Your hand unsparing and unwearied sow,
Shall deck your graves with amaranthine flowers
And yield you fruits divine in heaven's immortal bowers."
Yours, Truly
W.D.C. Rodrock, Chap. 47th Reg. P.V.
J.C. Emerson, " 7th N.H.V.
C.T. Woodruff, " 9th Conn.
H.A. Philbrook, " 8th Maine.