
Valley Spirit
Correspondence from Camp Curtain
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Letter from Camp Curtin.
Correspondence of the Spirit and Times.
Harrisburg, Aug. 9, 1862.
Messrs Editors. According to promise, I intend to chronicle and transmit to you, weekly, such items of information as will be of general interest, in reference to the brave boys who have recently left Franklin county, in defence of the honor and the flag of the country, under the recent call of the Governor.
The first Company on the ground from our county, and the first full one in Camp Curtin, under the three months call, was the "Chambers Infantry." Escorted to the Depot by hundreds of their fellow citizens, their whole route was a complete ovation--at all the way-stations large crowds has assembled cheers welcomed the volunteers, and the air was filled with fluttering cambric. On their arrival at Harrisburg the Company were marched to the "mustering" office of Cpt. Lane, then dismissed for dinner, and subsequently marched to Camp Curtin, a distance of a mile and a half, under a broiling hot sun. This tried the endurance of the delicate young "infants" considerably for the first day's experience in soldiering. One of the Company, from whom the perspiration was rolling profusely, drolly remarked: "If this continues much longer I am afraid I'll meet a watery grave." As the remark was considered unpardonable in a veteran, he was politely requested, by a companion in arms, to "dry up," which, however, he positively refused to do until he reached the shade. After reaching Camp Curtin, the Company underwent a medical examination, when, with one exception, all were passed. The examining surgeon is Dr. Miller, of the vicinity of Greencastle. He is a very clever gentleman, and has the reputation of being a thorough master of his profession. After the examination, we drew our camp equipage and rations, and proceeded to pitch our tents, and we all congratulated ourselves on doing very well for the first attempt. We have the Sibley tent, roomy, high and round, quite an improvement on the old fashioned tent, and by placing board floors in them, have rendered them as comfortable and healthy as the driest house.
The Companies thus far in camp from Franklin county, with their commissioned and non-commissioned officers, as far as they have yet been chosen, are as follows:
Chambersburg Infantry--Captain, John Doebler; 1st Lieut., John Steuart; 2nd Lieut. George W. Welsh; 1st Serg't John A. Seiders; 2nd Serg't, J. Porter Brown; 3rd Serg't, R. Bard Fisher; 4th Serg't, Thomas H. Durboraw; 5th Serg't, B.F. Diel; 1st Corp., Thos. G. Pilkington; 2nd. David Hoffman; 3rd, Alexander Flack; 4th, Sam'l M'Ilvoy; 5th, Dennis Reilly; 6th, Thomas H. McDowell; 7th, D.W. Greenawalt; 8th, Emanuel Forney.
Greencastle Company--Captain, D. Watson Rowe; First Lieut., Andrew K. Davison; Second Lieut., John W.P. Reid; 1st Serg't J. Gilmore Rowe; Sergeants, John H. Logue, William Snider, Simon W. Rupley, Henry Strickler; Corporals, William Byers, J.M.D. Detrich, Thomas Dailey, J.K. Hood, S.K. Snively, J.W. Buchanan.
Waynesboro Sharpshooters--Captain William W. Walker; 1st Lieut. George W. Walker; Second Lieut., T.J. Nill; 1st Serg't, Fred. Berkley; 2nd Serg't. Aug. Ripple; 3rd John A. White; 4th, Henry Brenneman; 5th Geo. M.D. Brotherton; Corporals, Samuel Leidy, James French, Benjamin Gaff, George Freet, Jacob Newman, Luther Walter, John C. Anderson, A.C. Manahan.
"Easton Avengers."--Captain, George Miles; First Lieut., S.O. McCurdy; Second Lieut. H.C. Fortescue; 1st Serg't, Benjamin Zook--other non-commissioned officers not yet appointed.
Mercersburg Company--Capt. R.S. Brownson; First Lieut. Samuel Hornbaker; Second Lieut. J.S. Trout; 1st Serg't, James P. Mcculloch; 2nd Serg't, David Carson; 3rd Serg't, O.A. Anderson; 4th Serg't, Moses Brinckley; 5th Serg't, Thomas D. Metcalfe. Corporals not yet appointed.
Franklin Rifles--Captain, John H. Reed; 1st Lieut., Jeremiah Cook; 2nd Lieut., J.C. Hullinger.
St. Thomas Company--Captain, James G. El-Elder [sic]; 1st Lieut., John Walker; 2nd Lieut., Josiah W. Fletcher. A McConnellsburg and Greencastle Company combined--Captain J.C. Austin; 1st Lieut., Henry M. Hoke; Second Lieutenancy vacant.
There has been no movement yet, towards regimental organizations. It was at first suggested and hoped that we should secure Capt. David McKibben of the regular army, as our Colonel; but I now understand that the Government will not consent to the arrangement; after Capt. McKibben. I think Major Elder of St. Thomas is the unanimous choice of the regiment for the colonelcy. There seems now to be no doubt but that all Franklin county companies will be thrown into one regiment. We already have eight companies here, and Capt. McKnight's and Capt. Crouse's companies are expected to-morrow. If this arrangement is consummated, it will make the associations of the Camp much more pleasant for us all.
Troops are literally pouring into Camp. We now number about twelve thousand, and by Sunday evening expect to have fifteen thousand here; which with the men already at Philadelphia, Lancaster and Pittsburgh will make at least twenty-five thousand men, that Pennsylvania will be able to furnish for nine months, under the first call. If all portions of the State had responded as nobly as did Franklin county, we would have had twice this number by this time.
As far as I have learned, all are delighted with camp life. The weather has been fine, though excessively warm during the day--the nights however, are moonlight, cool and pleasant. The kind friends at home should not picture to themselves dreary scenes of the camp, and imagine that their "brave soldier boys" are in the least low-spirited or discontented, for a more jolly set were never seen. Wit and pleasantry rule the hour, and everything goes as "merry as a marriage bell." Speaking of marriage, some of our young gentlemen, concluding to take time by the forelock, have already been united in the "holy bonds." Doubtless you have already heard of this at home. They have the hearty congratulations of all their friends.
Of course, we have not the remotest idea when we will leave this. It may be weeks hence. But the camp ground is now so filled with tents that there is no drill ground at all, and some of us may soon be "shipped" to make room for the others.
Letters, for the present, should be directed to the care of the captains of the several companies, Camp Curtin, Harrisburg.
Camp is now under command of Capt. Tarbutten. Lieut. Welsh of our Company is acting as his adjutant.
There have been so few incidents of interest or importance, that I fear this letter will not prove as interesting as I had hoped. Good bye until next week.
Letter from the Army
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Correspondence of the Spirit and Times.
Lebanon, Ky., August 6th, 1862.
Messrs Editors: Sirs. I had the pleasure a few days ago to get my hands on your valuable paper of the 16th of July, and was surprised to see my Thompkinsville letter meet with such good success, as to find a place in your columns, as it was my first attempt at newspaper correspondence.
Messrs. Editors permit me in the first place to correct an error in my last letter. It being David H. Piper, who died at Gallatin Tenn. Martin Piper is now at home on furlough, and Jonathan Piper is at home as a paroled prisoner.
When this letter reaches you the news of our "skedaddle" from Thompkinsville will be old and stale.
After enjoying a month's rest at Thompkinsville, during which, time glided smoothly along, until Court commenced on the 7th of July, the citizens anticipating some trouble during court, Major Jordan was reinforced by Co. E., 2nd Batt., (Lt. Sullivan), in order to quell any disturbance, increasing his force to about 250 effective men.
That same night (Monday) Maj. Jordan made an excursion over the Cumberland river to Celina, to see if there was any rebels lurking around there. Seeing none, he marched back to camp, where he arrived at 1 P.M. Tuesday, having seen no signs of the enemy, we felt rather secure that night, having no idea that while we were crossing and recrossing the river at Celina, Morgan and his thieving band were crossing at Bennet's Ferry, a few miles above. Wednesday the 9th, at daylight, our pickets were driven in by Morgan's advanced guard, which rather surprised us. We had barely time to dress, saddle up and form into line, when the enemy charged upon us. Although there was 8 to 1, we gave them a warm reception. Morgan's force was 2,000 with 3 pieces of artillery, a Georgia regiment, a Tennessee regiment, and the Texan rangers who were defeated near Munfordsville, by part of the 32nd Indiana, last winter. We gave them "Hail Columbia" until the shells commenced dropping around us, when Maj. Jordan ordered a retreat, which was accomplished in good order till we got into the woods, when we were met by a volley from the Texan rangers. By turning to the left we succeeded in getting through a space they had not yet closed. Although hardly pressed by the Rangers, our little band of patriots kept well together until the poorer horses began to lag behind. We were pursued about 5 miles, the Rangers succeeding in wounding the Major's horse in the shoulder and taking him prisoner, and killing Lieut. Sullivan of Co. E.
We retreated by way of Burkesville to Albany, where we arrived about 10 P.M., and bivouacked in the courthouse yard. And instead of finding the protection there that we expected, from the 60th Indiana, Col. Owen, and Maj. Brown with Co. K. of the 9th Penna., we learned to our regret that they too had skedaddled, on the strength of the report that we had been cut to pieces by a large force who were advancing on Albany. We left Albany at sunrise, Thursday, and overtook Col. Owen near the Cumberland river, which we recrossed and bivouacked for the night. That evening we got a light supper, after a fast of 48 hours and a skedaddle of 60 or 65 miles.
The result of the enemy calling on the "Pennsylvania Dutch" at such an untimely hour, should convince them that the "Keystone boys" do not like to be disturbed before breakfast, as their loss was 30 killed and Col. Hunt of Georgia, mortally wounded, who has since died. Our loss was 4 killed, Lieut. Sullivan of Butler county, Corp'l McClintoch of Perry county, and 2 unknown to me; 7 wounded and 20 prisoners, who were paroled, Jonathan Piper of Franklin, being among the paroled prisoners.
The officers and men of the 3rd Batt., 9th Reg't Pa. V.C., conducted themselves most gallantly. The most remarkable for coolness and bravery was Capt. Longsdorf of Company I. At no time during the action did he seem to be at a loss, until the Major gave the order to retreat which he seemed not comprehend the meaning of, as he only taught his men to fight and not to retreat. During the fight he was in front of his company, and in the retreat he was found in the rear urging on the slower ones to make their escape, occasionally riding forward to get horses for them, and urging them onward. Which was the cause of killing a fine blooded horse for him. Although a strict disciplinarian, he asks nothing of his men only what it is their duty to do. And in returns [sic] does all for them that is in his power to do. Consequently the boys think they have the best Captain, and he thinks he has the best company in the regiment.
Our 3rd Batt., lost everything except what they put on in a hurry, amounting to a loss of about 10,000 to the government.
Although we felt uneasy for the welfare of friends who were left behind, we still had some amusement on the road. For the first 10 miles there was any amount of hats and caps to be seen, the bushes would pull them off and the boys would not stop to get them. So also revolvers. To show the hardships that some endured that were so unfortunate as to be unhorsed on the way, I will relate a single circumstance: Sergeant Blain of Company C. was taken prisoner twice and escaped. C.J. Eckenrode was unhorsed on the way, and in trying to escape the pursuing rebels fell in with Sergeant Blain, and they did not catch up till Saturday night, having walked 42 miles that day, and a corresponding number each of the other days.
The most diabolical act committed during the present (accursed) rebellion, was done by one of the Texan Rangers while pursuing us.
They stopped at a house to get a drink, and after the young lady had satisfied their thirst, one asked her if she had seen any of "Lincoln hirelings" passing. She replied that she had not, but that she had seen some Union soldiers passing. He then asked her which way they had went, and she said she did not know, and if she did know she would not tell him, when he fired his gun at her and lodged a bullet and eight buckshot in her breast, lodging in her, visible through the skin. She lingered two days and died a martyr to the Union.
The 3rd Batt., and Company E of the 2nd, with the 60th Indiana, arrived here on Monday the 15th of July. We rested till Friday when we drew fresh horses and new clothing, and at noon started in pursuit of Morgan. At Danville we were reinforced by some of the 7th Kentucky cavalry, and a company of Home Guards. And at Richmond, which we took without firing a gun, we were joined by Col. Williams with the balance of the Lochiel, except Company G. We continued to pursue Morgan at a safe distance, till near Somerset, when we were ordered back to Lebanon. At Richmond (not Va., but Ky.) we were just 1 day behind Morgan, and though we had to take his leavings, we were most hospitably entertained by the loyal citizens. In fact everywhere we go here in Kentucky, we are treated very kindly, and sustain a good reputation. We have been here now about ten days and feel pretty well recruited. Most of the missing at the fight have rejoined their respective commands. We are under marching orders all the time. Going so far once as to cook two days rations, and saddle our horses, which we had the pleasure to unsaddle again. We are how under Gen. G. Clay Smith.
For fear of wearying the patience of your readers, I will bid you and them adieu for the present.
Death's Doings; Hagerstown; Chambersburg; Revivals
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The following interesting article we copy from the last number of the Lutheran Observer. It will be found interesting to many of the citizens of this community, and is from the pen of the venerable Dr. Kurtz, who was at one time pastor of the Lutheran congregation of this place.
Though we are not quite "three score and ten," nearly all our contemporaries have passed into another state of existence. Here and there we hear of one or another, silvered with age and worn down with infirmity, still lingering on this side of "death's cold stream," but expecting to launch away at every change of the season, and indeed liable, on each returning day, to be summoned on the impending transition. But these vestiges of a past age are so "few and far between," that they may be fitly compared to "the gleanings of the olive tree, two or three on the topmost branches."
Of the scores and hundreds who constituted the large Lutheran congregations at Hagerstown when we took charge of it, but a solitary one, so far as we can ascertain, remains, viz., "Father Shryock," who, in that day, was an active, pious young man, known by the name of "Captain Shryock," as he had just returned from the war of 1812 with Great Britain on the grave question of "Free Trade and Sailor's Rights," in which war he commanded a company of volunteers from Hagerstown. He alone loiters with us in the rear, the great bulk having from year to year "gone the way of all flesh." Thus, the third and fourth generations now compose for the most part the existing Lutheran congregation of that place. The first generation consisted of aged men and women; the second we received into the church, and now constitute, so far as they in small number still survive, the second; and their children and grand-children the third and fourth, who now fill up the same pews occupied by their forefathers a half century ago.
The last time we administered the Holy Supper as pastor of that church, we had upwards of five hundred communicants, now, (thirty years having elapsed) the number scarcely reaches three hundred! What has become of the thousand subsequently admitted by our faithful successors? A large portion emigrated to Ohio, or further west, and became the nuclei of Lutheran churches there; another proportion have been transferred to heaven, we trust, and the remnant are dispersed sparsely in Maryland, but chiefly in trans-alleganean regions.
What we have said in relation to Lutherans at Hagerstown applies, in a good measure, to those in Chambersburg, Pa. We took charge of that church in the summer of 1831. Those who were the fathers and main-stays at that period have nearly all disappeared. The Hecks, Decherts, Suesserott, Radesbaugh, Hutz, Eyster, Smith, Wunderlich, Miller, Rudisill, and numerous others whom we might mention--where are they now? Almost all are gone to their long home, scarcely a remnant yet lingering and trembling on the verge of the grave! Oh, the heartless doings of death! What desolation among the children of men!
But their places have been supplied. In that pastorate, too, God favored us with a mighty and glorious (ruinous!!!) revival. Scores were awakened and converted, and some still remain to tell with wonder and grateful admiration of the triumphs of divine mercy during that season of gracious visitation. How many were added to the church we have forgotten, but the number was great beyond all precedent in the history of that congregation. Among those then brought into the Lutheran church were a number of Presbyterians, the elite of the town, and also Frederick Smith, Esq., a lawyer of extensive practice. He had been Speaker of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, and was within an ace of becoming Governor of the State. During the revival, God's grace laid hold of him with great power, and he became a deeply penitent sinner and subsequently a very consistent and exemplary christain [sic]. As we required all our converts to attend a course of catechetical lectures, Mr. Smith applied for admission into the class. We directed him to procure a Lutheran catechism and study it carefully; but as he was a highly intelligent as well as converted man, we remarked to him that, though we wished him to attend the instruction, yet he need not take his seat among the young catechumens and repeat the catechism to us in rotation with them. His reply was: "No, sir; I ask for no exemption; I wish to pass through the same ordeal, and enter the church visible in conformity to the established usage and precisely as others do." We felt somewhat rebuked by his manly and noble reply; assured him it was highly gratifying to us, and he should carry out his purpose; which he faithfully did, never omitting a single lecture during the whole course, which lasted two or three months.
But our pious brother Smith, some two or three years ago, like others, have exchanged the church militant for the church triumphant. Indeed, the doings of the relentless monster-tyrant have been particularly extensive and desolating in Chambersburg during the last few years. A week or two ago the departure of D Dechert, Sr., was recorded in the Observer; a short time anterior, that of Mr. Snyder, Mrs. Berlin, &c. But a few lines from brother Steck, the present worthy and faithful pastor, will here very opportunely answer our purpose. Under date of July 22, 1865, he writes:
"Rev. Dr. Kurtz, Dear brother: Enclosed you will find still another obituary notice, which you will please have published in the Observer. I trust the Lord's hand will be stayed ere long, and that it may not be necessary for me to send such communications so frequently in the future. This church has been much afflicted of late in the death of its aged members. Within a few years, George Eyster, Maj. Heck, Mrs. Flack, Mrs. U. Washabaugh, F. Smith, Charles Hutz, Elizabeth Weiser, George Polmer, Mrs. Berlin, Jacob Etter, Mr. and Mrs. Snider. Daniel Dechert, Sr., and Mrs. Fry, have all died; the last eight all within the last six months. Our church is looking young on account of frequent deaths among the aged members. My prayer is, that it may not lose the vigor of youth, while it has its appearance."
Mrs. Berlin, named above, originally a Miss Dechert (by a first marriage Mrs. Suesserott, and mother of Professor Suesserott) was emphatically a whole-souled and devoted Lutheran. Decidedly pious, intelligent and consecrated with all her heart to the best interests of the church, her house was ever open to Lutheran ministers, and her activities were always employed in behalf of spiritual Lutheranism. She was an eloquent advocate and unconditional friend of everything good, and while nothing grieved her more than to hear any report unfavorable to the clerical character, she would make no compromise with any minister who habitually walked unworthy of his calling. She was "a great talker," and more than once we reproved her for it, which, however, she kindly received, and really tried to restrain herself. But her fluent conversation was not only tolerable, but always interesting and instructive, because it was so perfectly easy and natural to her, spiced with so much good sense, and ever on the side of sound principle, correct deportment and genuine piety. If ever we had a devoted friend, Mrs. B. was one, and while memory endures we shall cherish, in grateful remembrance, her numerous kindnesses. Her faithful husband, now descended far down the vale of life, still survives. He must, we presume, be more than four score and four years of age. A truer friend than Philip Berlin the Lutheran church in general, and especially in Chambersburg, could never boast. Once he was wealthy, and then he gave his money as well as his prayers and labors freely and liberally for the good of the church, whose welfare lay as near to his heart as any interest on earth. We always esteemed him highly, and do so yet, and pray God to shed increasing light upon his declining path, and smooth his downward passage to the tomb! Oh, how terrible are the doings of inexorable death; what countless myriads have been swept away, and are being constantly hurried into the grave; and how soon the places that know us now, shall know us no more forever. We feel as if we had a much larger number of friends and acquaintances among the living ransomed of the Lord in heaven than we have among the dying probationers of earth. May He by his Spirit stir us all up to die unto the world and have our conversation in heaven; yea, to die daily as the Apostle did, that, like him, we may rise hereafter to an "inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away."
We cannot close this effusion of the heart without relating an anecdote in reference to our old friend, Daniel Dechert, whose demise in the 83d year of his age was recently reported in the Observer. When, with family, we removed to Chambersburg in 1831, we arrived in the afternoon, tired, jaded in mind and body, our family partly sick, and we ourself unwell and full of anxiety. The family had eaten but little that day, and that early in the morning. Everything in the house was still packed up, and no convenience for preparing even a frugal meal. Without fire, without pot or pan at hand, or a single convenience for cooking, we began to cast about for something to eat. In the midst of our wants and our cares, a friendly neighbor appears, a fine broad honest face, a bright countenance lighted up with smiles, an eye beaming with good nature, bearing with him loads of provision nicely cooked, including the best of coffee, and all smoking hot, with compliments from his wife, and a request that as we could not yet be in a condition to prepare food, we would be pleased to accept of what he spread out before us. Here were meat, and bread, and butter, and vegetables, &c., just what was needed, and rarely more needed, more opportunely presented more gratefully received, nor with greater zest enjoyed. This neighbor was our good old, unwavering friend, Daniel Dechert. The impression made on us and our family by this timely deed of benevolence, was deep and indelible, and can never be erased from the tablet of memory. Acts of kindness are always praiseworthy, but when thoughtful and opportune, they are doubly so. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for their works do follow them." "To do good and to communicate forget not; for with such sacrifices God is well pleased."
Literature and classifieds
Literature and classifieds
Local news is combined with editorials on page 4, under the heading, "Local and Personal."
To Our Patrons and the Public
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As previously announced the Valley Spirit and Times newspapers have been consolidated under the joint proprietorship of the undersigned, and with this number commences the publication of the united paper under the title of the "Valley Spirit and Times." The union of the two papers we conceive to be calculated to promote the interests of the Democratic party, and as far as the influence of our paper may extend, the welfare and prosperity of our beloved country.
The books of the Valley Spirit office commencing with the first day of January last, have also been transferred to the new firm, which will avoid the necessity of any change in the business relations of that establishment with its patrons, and the business will be conducted as heretofore under the name and style of B.Y. Hamsher & Co.
Having thus briefly explained the nature of the change consummated, in a business point of view, we deem it necessary to say a few words in regard to the course we intend to pursue in the future conduct of this journal and the principles which shall govern us in our future editorial career.
We intend our paper to be thoroughly Democratic and devoted to the dissemination of Democratic principles, believing, as we do, that those principles eminently conduce to the happiness and prosperity of the people and the perpetuity of our noble form of government. It will advocate a vigorous prosecution of the war for the suppression of the existing wicked and monstrous rebellion, and urge as the duty of the government to call out the strength and resources of the nation immediately, to an extent sufficient to crush out this gigantic insurrection, to the end that our glorious Union may be maintained and the Constitution and laws vindicated. It will maintain that the safety of our republican institutions lies in the paths of conservatism and constitutional liberty, aloof, alike from the wicked heresies of the Secessionists of the South, and the dangerous and destructive doctrines of Abolitionists in the North. It will ardently sustain all the measures of the present administration, necessary to restore the Union as it was--the Constitution as it is, and extend the authority of the Government over every foot of territory bequeathed to us by our revolutionary ancestors, and acquired by the blood and treasure of the people.
On behalf of the proprietors of the papers whose separate existence has been extinguished by the union effected, we return their heartfelt thanks for the generous support extended to them separately, and bespeak a continuance of it to our present enterprise.
With these remarks we submit our paper to the public, hoping to receive a liberal share of patronage, which we shall at all times endeavor to merit.
H.C. Keyser,
B.Y. Hamsher,
William Kennedy,
Aug. 13, 1862.
Republican Congressional Nomination
Position of the Democracy
Negroes with General Jackson
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We are no advocate at all, says the Louisville Journal, for that rosewater policy that would use no severity against the guilty in this rebellion. On the contrary, we do not think there is any punishment they do not deserve. Injustice, however, is not policy in any case. There is nothing but evil in it. Hence we are utterly opposed to all confiscation bills, as they punish more of the innocent than of the guilty. For this reason corruption of blood or forfeiture, except during the lifetime of the convicted, are forbidden in our Constitution. If the Constitution imposed no restriction on the power to punish treason, still the reasons against confiscation remain. The late bill applies only to future acts; but it applies to all who are in arms sixty days after a proclamation by the President. Now, if men South were free, there might be some reason in that; but they are under a de facto Government, a military despotism; and what right has a Government to punish a man for treason if it does not protect him in his loyalty? Men South are driven into the army, and have no choice in the matter, they can't obey proclamations if they would. The application, of such a law, therefore, is exceedingly unjust. It is well known that no State went out of the Union by the vote of her people. An armed organization silenced the loyal sentiment in Tennessee. We may rail at a majority that allowed a minority to play the despot over the State; but men armed and organized can hold in terror any community unarmed and unorganized. Indeed, a measure so palpably unjust will always defeat itself. It will never be executed. We have said a Government can't punish disloyalty unless it can protect the loyal. We often hear that no loyal sentiment appears in many sections of the South which our armies pass through. We are not surprised at it. The citizen knows that any demonstration on his part friendly to the Government will be watched and punished if the army leaves, and consults only his self-preservation by silence. After the sixty days allowed by the law expire, then what is the citizen to do? He can have no motive to come back to the Union; but the strongest that can operate upon the human heart to resist to the last extremity. We asked a Union man from Alabama if the people of that State would come back to the Union. His reply was, that we gave them no chance to come back; we offered them only the halter and confiscations. Such laws, then, only operate as scare-crows to scare men into the Confederate armies, whilst they don't reach the guilty at all; and hence they will not be sustained by the moral sense of mankind. The great mass have been driven into rebellion by intimidation. The leaders care not for confiscation bills. They dare the penalty of death, and deride confiscation, which only serves to fasten into their service all who are in the power of their de facto Government.
Company Rolls--Capt. Miles' Company
Capt. Reed's Company
Capt. Walker's Company
Democratic Matters
State Senate
The War News--Battle Between General Banks and Stonewall Jackson
Also war news from near Richmond and three columns of classified advertisements
Important from Harrisburg
For District Attorney
Literature and classifieds
Literature and classifieds
Miscellaneous war news, including a copy of Secretary of War Stanton's call for another 300,000 troops and authorizing a draft
"Franklin County can point with pride to the glorious exhibition of patriotism evinced by the young men, in responding to the call of our Country in this her dark and trying hour."