Valley of the Shadow
Page 1

The Constitution--An Oration Delivered by Hon. George T. Curtis

(column 1)
Page 2
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Literature and classifieds

Page 3
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Literature and classifieds

Page 4

Democratic State Convention

(column 1)


"The resolutions adopted are just, national, and conservative, forming a platform broad and comprehensive enough for conservative men of all parties to stand upon who are opposed to the revolutionary schemes of the abolitionists and who desire to see the Union restored as it was and the Constitution maintained as it is."

Hon. Isaac Slenker

(column 2)


"Mr. SLENKER is a worthy representative of that German element which has done so much towards developing the resources of Pennsylvania and maintaining her position as the Keystone State of the Union."

James P. Barr

(column 2)

The Constitution

(column 3)


(column 4)

Army Correspondence

(column 5)
Page 5
Page Description:

Includes a resolution by "conservative" members of Congress emphasizing the need to contain war goals and to give clemency to rebels after the war; also news from the occupied South, and market information from Chambersburg and Baltimore.


(column 1)

A Good Move

(column 1)


(column 1)

Soldier's Letter

(column 1)


(column 1)


"These stay-at-home patriots who are so fond of aping the soldier, would have their vanity brought down a peg by such a wholesome regulation."

Full Text of Article

A squad of Cavalry dashed into this place last week, and remained a few days hunting up deserters. They captured several actual deserters, and arrested quite a number of persons dressed in soldiers clothes, who have been keeping up a military reputation on their three months shoddy that they were very anxious to drop as soon as arrested. It would be a good idea if the Government would prohibit the wearing of a soldiers uniform, or any part of a uniform, by any one not in actual service. These stay-at-home patriots who are so fond of aping the soldier, would have their vanity brought down a peg by such a wholesome regulation.

Col. Housum

(column 1)


"They will, perhaps, return into Tennessee or Kentucky, as the rebels require some attention in those States and "Keystone boys" will accommodate them to their hearts content."

Full Text of Article

The 77th Regiment Pa. Volunteers are now encamped at Indian Creek, near Huntsville, Alabama. They will, perhaps, return into Tennessee or Kentucky, as the rebels require some attention in those States and "Keystone boys" will accommodate them to their hearts content. We are glad to know that the condition of Col. Housum's health will permit him to take command of the 77th at an early day.

Proceedings of the State Convention

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(column 4)


(column 4)
Page 6
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Literature and classifieds

Page 7
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Literature and classifieds

Page 8
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Three columns are a continuation of the speech from page one; three columns are classified advertisements.

To School Directors and Teachers

(column 5)