Valley of the Shadow
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Speech takes up five columns.

Speech of Hon. S. S. Cox of Ohio

(column 2)
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Literature and classifieds

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Affairs at Richmond

(column 1)


"We are led to believe that we have not been making that progress in our advance to the rebel Capital that we hoped to chronicle this week."

Union Men of the South

(column 2)

Who Are the Partizans

(column 3)


"We know it is idle to expect fairness and honesty on the part of the Dispatch towards a political opponent."

A Short Reply

(column 3)


"Every man in this community knows, and every honest man will say, that the Valley Spirit was the first paper in this place to run up the Stars and Stripes, and that too without any demand, or under any threat or forcework about it, but from a sense of right and duty. These negro-worshiping abolition traitors must not think that because they hide the meanest political bigotry under the mask of patriotism, other men do the same."

Full Text of Article

It is not often that we notice the productions of anonymous scribblers and never when our paper is the target at which they aim their malicious and cowardly shafts. We invariably allow all such assassin like scribblers to simmer down in their own malice, after ridding themselves of their superfluous froth and foam, without being in the least annoyed by their spiteful ebullitions. We depart from our usual rule in this respect to notice briefly a writer in the Transcript. This veracious correspondent in an effort to establish a reputation for truth telling lets off the following:

"But Mr. Editor, it does not surprise me that the Valley Spirit--a sheet notorious for its traitorous proclivities--should attempt to screen rebel sympathisers by a suppression of facts, in order to cast odium upon the brave soldiers of the Union army, for if I have been correctly informed, compulsory measures had to be used before the publishers of that vile sheet would hoist the Stars and Stripes at the commencement of the rebellion."

We fear the above extract might seriously damage the writers reputation unless he is very careful to keep it in the dark. Should he let himself be known his character must suffer some from such a dubious statement. If the writer intended that this community should believe his balderdash about Mr. Hanstine's Flag he was most unfortunate in introducing the above item into his article about the Valley Spirit's Flag. Nobody in this community ever heard of the "compulsory measures" that this writer prates about so knowingly. People are not so easily deceived as this anonymous scribbler imagines and when they detect one deliberate falsehood in an article are apt to look upon the balance of the production in the same light. In this instance they would be taking a very correct view of the writers "facts" for a more dastardly tissue of lies was never penned. His entire statement about Mr. Hanstine's disloyalty is on a par with his assertion that "compulsory measures had to be used" before the Stars and Stripes adorned our office. We have in this community some very rabid sympathisers with abolition treason, like the writer in the Transcript, who will assert almost anything about a Democrat, but we defy one of them to say that there is a single circumstance upon which to found such a report about the Valley Spirit. It is a lie manufactured out of the whole cloth, and the writer who penned it and the printer who published it knew it to be such. Every man in this community knows, and every honest man will say, that the Valley Spirit was the first paper in this place to run up the Stars and Stripes, and that too without any demand, or under any threat or force-work about it, but from a sense of right and duty. These negro-worshiping [sic] abolition traitors must not think that because they hide the meanest political bigotry under the mask of patriotism other men do the same. They are mistaken and it is time they should know it.

That's What's the Matter

(column 4)


"That pole was bound to come down. No abolitionized Republican could look at it and not become enraged--it was enough to give them fits."

Full Text of Article

The Star-Spangled Banner that Mr. Hanstine, of Waynesboro, hoisted upon the Union pole at his residence, had inscribed on it "Democracy and the Union Now and Forever." That is where the treason was smelt--better a thousand Unions perish than that Democracy should endure forever! That pole was bound to come down. No abolitionized Republican could look at it and not become enraged--it was enough to give them fits.

A Fool Answered

(column 5)

The Management of the War

(column 5)
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Local news is brief; most of the page is taken up with war and foreign news, including the removal of General Fremont from his command and reports of advances toward Richmond. The page also contains the market reports from Chambersburg and Baltimore.

Delightful Entertainment

(column 1)


(column 6)


(column 6)


(column 6)
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Five columns of classified advertisements

Draft at Savannah--Georgia Patriotism at a Low Ebb

(column 1)
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Classified advertisements

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Legal and classified advertisements