Valley of the Shadow
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Letter From the Army

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Congress and Abolition

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Remainder of page is fiction and classified advertisements.

Franklin County Teacher's Institute

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Classified advertisements

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Includes miscellaneous war news

A Strong Backing Up

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The Union--Its True Friends and Enemies

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May Festival

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Teacher's Association

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Death of a Soldier

(column 1)

Mercersburg Soldier Wounded

(column 1)

Mortally Wounded

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(column 2)

Letter from the Battle Field

(column 2)

Extracts from the Minutes of the City Democratic Executive Committee, Harrisburg, April 23

(column 3)

The Niggers are Coming--Fine Prospects Ahead

(column 4)


"Pleasant prospects for the Irish, German and American laborer! Sambo to get all the work: poor white men to be thrown out of employ to make room for the niggers, and to be well taxed to make up Sambo's pay. Glorious prospects, ahead!"

Full Text of Article

A Philadelphia corespondent of the New York Herald, gives the following account of the arrival, in Philadelphia, of a company of nearly one hundred runaway negroes:

"Philadelphia, March 28, 1862.

At five o'clock this morning ninety-seven fugitive slaves reached this city by the Baltimore Railroad, and were marched immediately to the Volunteer Refreshment Saloon, at the foot of Washington street, by a deputation of police officers of the First district. An immense crowd followed the contrabands, shrieking, mimicking and tormenting them. At the saloon they were plentifully fed at the tables where a hundred thousand soldiers have been refreshed. The crowd meantime surrounded the shed or stable wherein they were feeding, and at their reappearance made the air clamorous with their cries. Some intensely ludicrous scenes were here enacted, and the negroes were by turn filled with fear and merriment. About a hundred Philadelphia blacks had in the meantime heard of the arrival of their brethren, and a committee of these were allowed to enter the saloon and consult with the fugitives. The interview is said to have been exceedingly humorous and ended in the acceptations by the distinguished strangers of sundry invitations to lodge with our negro citizens.

The wealthy negro families here have generously sheltered the Ethiops, and it is probable that a number will remain in the city. The abolitionists are using every endeavor to secure the employment of blacks in the arsenals and navy yards. Memorials of this description are being circulated in this city, and certain Congressmen are pledged to agitate the matter in Congress.

The negroes who have arrived are dressed in the coarsest garb of hemp, and those that stray around the city are singled out for universal criticism and laughter. Most of these contra-bands have been engaged with Banks' division, repairing railroads on the Upper Potomac. They have brought their grandmothers and children, away, and we saw among the arrivals one woman upwards of a hundred years old, who stated that she had more than twenty children.

Three of these negroes were the property of ex-Senator Mason, and two of Hon. C.J. Faulkner.

Three hundred Fugitives expect to get here next week.

Our citizens are, in the main, incensed at the appearance of these people, and the laboring people are particularly chagrined. Several of the men have money, and one negro had Treasury notes to the amount of a hundred dollars.

Here now, we have a practical demonstration of the effect of the efforts of the insane abolitionists to free the negroes. They already begin to come North in gangs of one hundred at a time, bringing along their children and Grand-mothers, to be supported by the people of the North. "Three hundred more are expected next week!" So we are told--and their good friends, the abolitionists, are trying to "secure them employment in the arsenals and Navy yards!" Pleasant prospects for the Irish, German and American laborer! Sambo to get all the work: poor white men to be thrown out of employ to make room for the niggers, and to be well taxed to make up Sambo's pay. Glorious prospects, ahead!

What do our mechanics and laboring men, particularly those who put the Republican party in power, think of this state of affairs? Does not this prove that the Democrats were right, when they contended that the effect of abolition principles proving triumphant, would result in having the whole North overrun with worthless negroes, to come into competition with the white laborer? When the Democratic papers predicted that this would be the case, they were [r]idiculed and scoffed at by the Republican paper.

This is but the beginning of the evil. They are now coming by the hundred, and if abolitionism is not crushed out and put down, by the potent influence of the ballot box, after a while they will come by the thousand! As these blacks are willing to work cheaper than white men, our white laborers will, as a matter of course, be thrown out of employment, to the extent that these people are introduced into our midst. That will be the inevitable result. Pennsylvania being a border State, we will get more than our share and may expect to suffer more than others.

The Democratic party is in favor of letting these negroes remain in the South and earn their living on the plantations where they have been reared. We do not want them here, to throw our white laboring population out of employment, to steal from our Farmers and to fill our Poor Houses and Prisons. We have as many colored people here as we need. Let the Southerners take care of the hundred year old women and young darkies, themselves. Unless this thing is checked by some means, it will prove a serious evil and an intolerable nuisance.

Easton Argus.

The First Step Towards Amalgamation

(column 5)


"Can the white boy who has been kicked and cuffed by a negro entertain the self-respect and sense of shame calculated to restrain him from low and immoral habits?"

Full Text of Article

Any one who walks the streets of Harrisburg may see, at almost every corner, a promiscuous crowd of white and black boys playing together, wrangling together and practically carrying out the Abolition doctrine of perfect equality between the races. It not unfrequently happens that, in these assemblages, fights occur, in which white boys get unmercifully whipped by the blacks, who are not slow to avail themselves of their superior size and strength, and who carry out the natural law which gives right to might.

Now, what can you expect from a white boy who is in the habit of free and equal intercourse with black boys, whose home and street education every one of our citizens understands?

Can the white boy who has been kicked and cuffed by a negro entertain the self-respect and sense of shame calculated to restrain him from low and immoral habits?

The aphorism that "evil communications corrup[t] good manners" was never more fully exemplified than in the present case. We wonder that parents do not interpose to correct an evil so demoralizing to the rising generation, and which, unfortunately, is one of the bitterest fruits of the turbid stream of Abolition speeches, essays and tracts sown broad cast over the land by fanatics whose morbid sympathy for the blacks prepares the degradation of the whites!

How long will the people suffer in their midst these howling dervishes whose sole object seems to be, to pull down the whites to the level of the blacks! Whose cant is, "the dignity of white labor, by the introduction in our midst of thousands of runaway slaves, who will enter into competition with our white laborers, reduce their wages, and degrade occupation!

The white boy who is now seen cheek by jowl with a negro may probably be seen in after life mating with a colored wench, and thus become the willing instrument of practical amalgamation.

The city of Harrisburg now presents a few such shameful examples. The juvenile admixture of blacks and whites of which we now complain may hereafter increase them to such a degree as to disgrace the community and deteriorate our race!

Parents! look to your children and remember that "just as the twig is bent the tree's inclined." Let it not be forgotten that ours is a Government, of white people, and that all inter-mixture with inferior races degrades our own, producing a motley rabble unfit for self-government, as we see examplified [sic] in distracted Mexico.



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Classified advertisements

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Classified advertisements

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Classified advertisements