Valley Spirit
Stirring Address from Hon. James Guthrie
Remarks of Hon. John S. Carlisle of Va. on the Confiscation Bill in the U.S. Senate, March 11, 1862
Debate in Congress on the President's Emancipation Resolution
Fiction and poetry
Also includes stories on the battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, and the evacuation of New Madrid, Missouri.
The Union Splitters
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The Presidents [sic] late emancipation message squints very strongly towards a recognition of the Southern Confederacy. His idea appears to be to emancipate the slaves in order to prevent the border States joining the "disaffected region" when its independence is acknowledged. That we may not be accused of misrepresentation we give his own language and if it will bear any other construction we are unable to see it:
"The leaders of the existing insurrection entertain the hope that the Government will ultimately be forced to acknowledge the independence of some part of the disaffected region, and that all the Slave States north of such parts will then say the Union for which we have struggled being already gone, we now choose to go with the southern section."
And again:
"The point is, not that all the States tolerating slavery would very soon, if at all, initiate emancipation, but that while the offer, is equally made to all, the more Northern shall by such initiation, make it certain to the more Southern that in no event will the former ever join the latter in their proposed Confederacy."
Is this not virtually admitting that the Southern Confederacy is already a fixed institution, and holding out a bribe ("pecuniary aid," the President calls it,) to prevent the Borders from going along with the Cotton States? If it has come to this that we are no longer fighting for the preservation of the Union we had better disband our armies, there is no use fighting if the restoration of the Union is not the object of the war.
To any one who has watched the course of the Republican party it must be apparent that a dissolution of the union is the object and result for which that party has long labored and is still laboring. For years previous to the outbreak of this rebellion it made no concealment of its hostility to the Constitution and the Union. Their party shibboleth has been to "let the Union slide" unless Abolitionism can have full sway over the land. These Abolition Secessionists, under the sacred cry of preserving the Union are plotting its overthrow, and determined to drive the two sections so far apart that reconstruction will be impossible. Their very party organization, upon a sectional basis, was, as Washington foretold it would be in his Farewell Address, a proposition for the dissolution of the Union. The great head of the Republican party is an avowed secessionist. Greeley has time and again through the New York Tribune advocated the destruction of the Union. We make a few short extracts from his paper to show that we do not misrepresent him or the treasonous principles of his party:
"If the Cotton States unitedly and earnestly wish to withdraw peacefully from the Union, we think they should, and would be, allowed to do so. Any attempt to compel them by force to remain would be contrary to the principles enunciated in the immortal Declaration of Independence--contrary to the fundamental ideas on which human liberty is based."--N. Y. Tribune
We quote another specimen of the Tribune's disunion doctrine:
"If the cotton States shall become satisfied that they can do better out of the Union than in it, we insist on letting them go in peace. The right to secede may be a revolutionary one, but it exists nevertheless."--N. Y. Tribune
Here is another sample a little stronger still:
"We must ever resist the right of any State to remain in the Union and nullify or defy the laws thereof. To withdraw from the Union is quite another matter; and whenever a considerable section of our Union shall deliberately resolve to go out, we shall resist all coercive measures designed to keep it in. We hope never to live in a republic whereof one section is pinned to another by bayonets."--N. Y. Tribune.
The reader would weary if we republished one in a hundred of GREELEY'S disunion articles. We give another sample of Abolition Secessionism and that must suffice for the time:
"If it (the Declaration of Independence) justified the secession from the British empire of three millions of colonists in 1776, we do not see why it would not justify the secession of five millions of Southrons [sic] from the Union in 1861." --N. Y. Tribune
Such is the position of the Republican party. It favored secession and urged the South out of the Union until it brought about civil war, but when it found a party in the North powerful enough to resist its fiendish work, it brimmed its sails to catch the popular breeze, set up a hypocritical howl for the Union, and is now the most loud mouthed in yelping "traitor" to cover up, and draw public attention from, their own misdeeds.
We need waste no more time or space to prove the hostility of the Republican party to the Union, everybody knows that such has been the determined object of that party for thirty years past, and now having discovered that "war is disunion" it is ready to recognize the Southern Confederacy and prepare for an eternal separation. These are the traitors--and such is their treason! The only hope to save the Union is in the patriotic action of the Democratic party. That party will stand by the Constitution and the Union and crush out treason to the Government North and South. The principles that triumphed at the adoption of the Constitution are still the principles of the party--the equality of the States and their right to regulate their own domestic government. On no other ground can the Union be restored and preserved. The Republican disunionists know this, and hence their thief-cry of 'traitor' against the old life-guard of the Union--the Democratic party.
Like Master Like Man
A Pill
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The childish character of the articles brought forth by the imbecile editor of the Transcript obviates the necessity of a reply. We could not make them more ridiculous or contemptible by any process short of getting their author to re-write them. It would be cruel to inflict the castigation, he is trying to provoke, for such brainless productions. He may well cry out for a pill for he is emphatically the "sick man" of the editorial fraternity--his complaint being a chronic mental weakness, bordering on idiocy, if we may take his productions as a symptom of his malady. Nature, however, has been kind to him in one respect, it has spared him the affliction of being capable of seeing his own ignorance, which is a great blessing to those with weak intellects. We feel disposed to deal kindly with him on account of his mental infirmities, and will, therefore, dismiss him with this benediction:
"We pray the power to mend his mental flaw,
Or grant him kindest keepers and clean straw."
Generalissimo Lincoln
Advancing Backward
The Army of the Potomac
The Occupation of Winchester--Enthusiastic Greeting of our Troops
Ministerial Appointments
The 77th in a Skirmish
South Ward Meeting
Secession Repudiated
War News--Official Report of the Battle at Sugar Creek
The War in Virginia
Classified advertisements
Negro Equality
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Frederick Douglas [sic], free person of color, has been enlightening the benighted people of Boston in a lecture upon what ought to be done with the everlasting nigger. We should state the subject more properly, perhaps, by saying it was about what ought to be done with them. As, for instance, he ought not to be permitted to remain in slavery, and the government ought not to let the chance pass to proclaim liberty throughout the land to all the inhabitants thereof. But the great end of Fred. Douglass' lecture was to show that colonization was a humbug. He proved, or at least tried to prove, that colonization was unjust, impolitic and inexpedient. And this is the doctrine of the ultra abolition fanatics. They don't want the four million slaves of the south sent out of the country after being freed, but desire that they shall go north and participate in the blessings of all the civilization of that region. Fred. Douglass says that slaves have the will, the capacity and the power to rise to the highest positions among the whites, and he for one, backed by a large number of other abolitionists, is in favor of giving them a chance to exhibit their equality. These harangues don't hurt any body, and are not gaining many proselytes just now.--Missouri Republican.
Classified advertisements
"We give [the Tribune's] opinions of the General-in-Chief of our Army, and we can safely say that they are the opinions of the radical portion of the Republican Party. If General MCCLELLAN can withstand the assaults of the Northern rebels he need not fear any that the Southern rebels can make of him."