Valley Spirit
January 29, 1862
Page 1
Page Description:
Also includes general war news.
The Abolitionists Preparing to Abandon the Union
(column 1)
"We have little doubt that such influential men as Sumner, Wilson, and others of like stamp, are again plotting disunion, and that when their plans are ripe for execution they will be developed. Their hearts are not in this war for the Union as it was. They cannot be counted upon. But Democrats and conservative citizens must disregard their disloyal machinations and discourage the first intimations that the Union can in any event be abandoned."
Victory or Defeat
(column 3)
"Victory to be followed by a long and desolating invasion can only be wished for by those who hate slavery and slaveholders more than they love the Union. It becomes the conservative men of the North to stand firm in their principles, and be ready to welcome the first voice of allegiance from the revolted States."
Page 2
Indiana Democratic State Convention
(column 2)
Page 3
No content transcribed.
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The Democracy and The President
(column 1)
"We can never hope to be of one sentiment--expect to subdue the rebellion, or have a peaceful Union, while that question [emancipation] is being agitated. We must put it down, peaceably if we can, forcibly if we must...."
Blowing Hot and Cold
(column 2)
"The semi-weakly [italics] makes a feeble effort to 'mollify its outraged Republican friends' for its attempt to fasten on them the disgrace and disloyalty that belongs to the Abolition party."
Southern News
(column 5)
Court Proceedings
(column 6)
Page 5
Page Description:
Also includes a table showing the aggregate tax assessments in Franklin County.
(column 1)
Shattuck's Band
(column 1)
Franklin County
(column 1)
York County Lawyer
(column 1)
(column 1)
Relief for the Soldiers
(column 1)
"The sick soldiers from our county are in need of many articles to make them comfortable, and this noble effort to supply their wants so promptly is deserving of all praise."
(column 1)
Deserters Caught
(column 2)
The Bank and the Schools
(column 2)
What We Buy and What We Sell
(column 2)
Money From the Soldiers
(column 2)
Military Expenses
(column 3)
(column 4)
(column 4)
(column 4)
(column 4)
(column 4)
Page 6
Page Description:
Classified advertisements
Page 7
Page Description:
Classified advertisements
Page 8
Page Description:
War news and classified advertisements
"There was gratifying evidence in the Convention of a willingness to forget former divisions, and to unite for the sake of the Union, upon the conservative and patriotic principles of true Democracy."