Valley of the Shadow
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Columns 1-4 contain Jeff Davis' address to the Confederate Congress. Columns 5 and 6 are miscellaneous war news.

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Poetry and fiction

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Poetry, anecdotes, and advertisements

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President Davis's Message

(column 1)

Putting Down the Screws

(column 3)


"Must persecuting rampant Abolitionism be permitted to interfere with the private business of men, and must we hereafter deal with those only who agree with us in politics?"

Interesting Letter

(column 4)
Page 5

Look at Home

(column 1)

Case of Conscience

(column 1)

Slight Fire

(column 1)

Card of Thanks

(column 1)

How to Turn the World Topsy Turvey

(column 2)


"Civilization would be put back a hundred years, Republican institutions destroyed, and our country follow in the footsteps of Mexico and Central America, where a hideous and disgusting mongrelism has made the fairest country in the world 'a hell upon earth.'"

Full Text of Article

Let the Abolitionists go on in their plan of turning loose 4,000,000 indolent negroes, and destroy the production of cotton. Some ten millions of white people would be thrown out of employment, clothing would advance in price at least 100 per cent.--Poor people would have to go back to linsey woolsey. Sugar would cost about 25 cts. per pound, Northern grain and provisions, now extensively consumed South, would have no market there. The negroes would spread over the North to fill the alms-houses and be supported by white labor, or underwork it. Civilization would be put back a hundred years. Republican institutions destroyed, and our country follow in the footsteps of Mexico and Central America, where a hideous and disgusting mongrelism has made the fairest country in the world "a hell upon earth."


(column 6)


(column 6)


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Saving for Old Age

(column 1)


"Many a foolish young fellow will throw away on a holiday a certain amount of nervous energy, which he will never feel the want of until he is seventy."