Valley of the Shadow
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Various items of national and military news and advertisements

The emancipationists . . .

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"If the slaves are property in one sense, why not in all?"

Full Text of Article

The emancipationists get themselves entangled insome [sic] strange inconsistencies by demanding the liberation of the slaves because they are rebel property. Hitherto they have contended that slaves were not property, but persons. Now they assert that these same negroe [sic] slaves are as much property, and is as liable to confiscation as horses, oxen and munitions of war. If this is the correct doctrine, how can the Government be justified in seizing so large an amount of valuable property, and then turning it adrift, to the value of many millions of dollars' when it would fetch enough in the market after the restoration of peace to defray a large proportion of the expenses of the war? If the slaves are property in one sense, why not in all?

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Meeting of Congress

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"We do not see that there is likely to be much exciting discussion in either branch of Congress, unless the friends of Fremont make an issue with the Administration."

Government Triumphs

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The Arrest of Slidell and Mason

(column 2)


"We have exercised a power which we have always denied the right of England to exercise."

Half Sheet

(column 4)

Where are We Drifting?

(column 4)


"We seem to be 'advancing backwards' in honesty and morality."

Full Text of Article

A short time ago one of our Merchants was swindled out of about $75 worth of silks by a young girl. A "contraband" relieved another Merchant of a couple of hams in a sharp way. An attempt at "shoplifting" a piece of calico, by a woman, was made in one of our stores the other day.--An overcoat was stolen from one of our Hotels last week. A young man was robbed on our public streets a few nights ago, and several other thefts have been committed in and about town within a short time past. We seem to be "advancing backwards" in honesty and morality, and as no arrests have been made, and nobody converted from the "error of their ways," it is likely we'll keep advancing so far as law and gospel are concerned.

The Senate

(column 4)


"If there is one party in the country that has more reason to condemn secession than another that party is the Democratic Party."

Fire at the Poor House

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Bank of Chambersburg

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Chambersburg Public Library

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Capt. Housum's and McKessom's Companies

(column 6)


"The following is a list of persons connected with the two companies that left this county in Col. Stumbaugh's regiment."
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Advertisements and Chambersburg and Baltimore Markets


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