Valley Spirit
July 24, 1861
Page 1
Page Description:
Page one is misdated--it says July 20 but it should be July 24.
Speech of the Honorable J.C. Breckenridge
(column 1)
The War in Virginia
(column 6)
Page 2
The War News
(column 1)
"We do not pretend to know, any longer, what is true and what is false in relation to war matters."
Rally for the Union
(column 1)
General Tyler
(column 1)
(column 1)
Let the Democracy Stand by the Flag of the Union and by their Own Flag
(column 2)
"The Democracy, with no enmities against the South and with no desire to interfere with the institution of slavery one way or the other are in favor of prosecuting the war to the sole and single end of upholding the authority of the Federal Union and of putting down armed rebellion in the South."
A Falsehood Nailed
(column 2)
The American Eagle
(column 3)
Glorious Victory! The Backbone of Secession Broken! On to Richmond!
(column 4)
Terrible Defeat of the Federal Army
(column 6)
Page 4
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