Valley of the Shadow
Page 1

The War! From Washington

(column 1)

From Fort Pickens

(column 2)


(column 2)

Military Movements--Deleware [sic]

(column 2)

The American Flag in Baltimore

(column 2)

The Baltimore Riots--Judicial Investigation

(column 2)

Military Regulations

(column 2)

Fort M'Henry Again Reinforced

(column 3)

Excitement at Annapolis

(column 3)

Unfounded Reports

(column 3)

Military movements in New Orleans

(column 3)

Interesting from Washington

(column 3)

From Wilmington, Deleware (sic)

(column 3)

France and the Southern Confederacy

(column 4)


(column 4)

From Annapolis

(column 4)

New Jersey Legislature

(column 4)

The Blockade

(column 4)

The Union Feeling in Frederick, Md.

(column 5)

A Man Shot--Arrest of Spies

(column 5)

Steamer Ashore

(column 5)

Troops at Fort Monroe

(column 5)

Sailing of Troops

(column 5)

Proclamation by the President

(column 5)
(column 5)
(column 5)

The Blockading Fleet

(column 5)

Missouri Legislature

(column 5)

Secession Riot

(column 6)

Kentucky and Virginia Troops Offering

(column 6)
(column 6)

Interesting from Washington

(column 6)


(column 6)
Page 2

Letter from Washington

(column 1)

Governor's Message

(column 2)

Interesting from Washington

(column 5)

From Annapolis

(column 5)

New Jersey Legislature

(column 5)

Martial Law

(column 5)

Gen. Harney's Arrest

(column 6)

Delegates to the Southern Congress--Release of Gen. Harney Confirmed--Virginia Navy

(column 6)

New Jersey Movement

(column 6)

Capture of the Government Steamer Uncle Ben

(column 6)

Arrival of the Adriatic

(column 6)

The Legislature of Maryland--No Ordinance of Secession

(column 6)

Seizure of Powder

(column 6)

The London Times in a Fog

(column 6)
Page 3

Important from Fort Monroe

(column 1)
Page 4

Irish Volunteers

(column 1)


(column 1)

Letters from Washington

(column 1)

The Provisions

(column 2)

Union Resolutions

(column 2)
(column 2)

Letter from Washington

(column 3)

Letter from Washington

(column 4)
(column 4)

The Latest!

(column 5)

The Inverview of the Maryland Committee with the President

(column 5)

Important if True--Reports of Desperate Fighting in Maryland and Virginia

(column 5)

The Reception of the Troops in Baltimore

(column 6)

Important Intelligence from the South

(column 6)

Movements of Pennsylvania Troops

(column 6)

Union Meeting in Baltimore

(column 6)

Gov. Bigler on the Present State of the Country

(column 6)
Page 5

Local News--Tribute of Respect

(column 1)

Snow Storm

(column 1)


"On Saturday morning last our citizens on leaving their beds were astonished to find "all out of doors" covered with a bed of snow some four or five inches deep . . . "

Full Text of Article

--On Saturday morning last our citizens on leaving their beds were astonished to find "all out of doors" covered with a bed of snow some four or five inches deep, and this, be it remembered, on the fourth day of the

Merrie month of May.
When the violets are a blooming
And the meadows fresh and gay."
We will not undertake to account for such an unnatural phenomenon on "natural principles!" We can only surmise, in accordance with scientific rules made and provided in all doubtful cases, that the "Clerk of the Weather" has seceded; cut down the North Pole with the stars and stripes, left the trap-door of Simm's Hole open and vamosed South!

If he has been playing the "traitor to the North" in this way we only hope that Uncle Abe's sogers may capture him "down South" and bring him on to "Camp Slifer" to be court martialed and "snow-balled." The men here have a cordial grudge at the old Chap for the "pitiless peltings" he has bestowed upon them and would like an opportunity to reciprocate.


(column 1)

On a Furlough

(column 1)

McAllen's Regiment

(column 1)

Franklin Rifles

(column 2)

The Reading Rifles

(column 2)

Fulton Volunteers

(column 3)

Arrival of Soldiers

(column 3)

A Soldiers Equipments

(column 3)

McClure Rifles

(column 4)

New Company

(column 4)

Look Out for Imposters

(column 4)


(column 4)


(column 5)


(column 5)


(column 5)


(column 5)


(column 5)
Page 6
Page Description:


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Page Description:


Page 8

From Washington

(column 1)

List of Retailers

(column 3-04)