Valley of the Shadow
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Slavery in Territories--The Democratic Doctrine

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"The Douglas men continually misrepresent the Breckinridge platform by asserting that it calls for Congressional protection to Slavery. It does no such thing."

Full Text of Article

The Douglas men continually misrepresent the Breckinridge platform by asserting that it calls for Congressional protection to Slavery. It does no such thing. It pledged the General Government in all its branches to the protection of persons and property, whenever its Constitutional power extends. It pledges its protection to constitutional rights, no matter what those rights may be, and there is not a single line in the platform to which a Douglas man dare enter his disclaimer.

Property, recognized as such, is protected by the Constitution, and neither Congressional nor Territorial enactment is needed for its protection. Should any branch of any government--Federal, State, or Territorial--undertake to confiscate the property of a citizen or to deprive him of his rightful possession, the General Government would be found, in all its branches, to intervene against the act, no matter whether the property consisted of land, tenements, cattle, or slaves.

The Supreme Court of the United States has decided that:

1st. Territories are the common property of all the States.

2d. Congress cannot dispossess any one of property by the Constitution, nor prohibit the citizen from taking it to and holding it in a Territory.

3d. That the Constitution recognizes slaves as property and pledges the General Government to its protection.

And the National Democracy hold to the doctrine that, inasmuch as territories belong to one State as much as to another, so long as they remain Territories, there is no power to prevent any citizen removing to them with his property and holding it therein.

When the people assume the power of making a State Constitution, then, and not till then, have they the power to recognize or prohibit slavery; and even then, the people have no power to manumit slaves by act of the Legislature. The right of property recognized by the Constitution of the United States cannot be impaired by any power; but a State may, in her Constitution and laws, establish or prohibit slavery when it pleases. A State may in its Constitution, prohibit slavery within its limits; but it cannot dispossess the master of his slaves by manumitting them.

There is no more necessity for Congressional intervention for slavery in the Territories, then there is for the possession of any property. The Government is already bound to protect every citizen in person and property--that law is in the Constitution itself and needs no repetition by Congress or any other legislative body.

Well Said

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The Country In a Blaze for Breckinridge and Lane

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Rally the Forces!

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A Word for Union

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Curtin Shows the White Feather

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Is He an Abolitionist?

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A Word to Our German Friends

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Foster's Election Certain

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Unfounded Report

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Hon. Wm. P. Schell

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Loves of the Angels

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Abraham! Abraham!! Come and Put This Child to Bed

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Abuse of Public Men

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The Gubernatorial Contest

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Keep It Before the People

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Intensely Ingenious

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Democratic Meeting at Roxbury

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Democrats Rally!

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Another Douglas Traitor Rewarded

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Sustain Your Character

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Germans to the Rescue!

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Crocodile Sympathy

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Henry D. Foster

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Andrew G. Curtin

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The Masses Speaking

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Approval of our Course

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Full Text of Article

We are gratified to learn that the course of the Spirit meets the entire approval of those whose good opinions are worth having. The Pennsylvanian, for many years the leading organization of the Democracy in this State, gives us this handsome endorsement. We can very well afford to put up with the spatterings of such whipsters as the Times when our course meets the approval of such old and reliable papers as the Pennsylvanian:

From the Daily Pennsylvanian.

The Chambersburg Valley Spirit, heretofore a very zealous supporter of Judge Douglas, has withdrawn the names of Douglas and Johnson from the head of its columns, and substituted those of Breckinridge and Lane. In a long and well written article, explanatory of the step, the various circumstances inducing it are explicitly stated, being briefly the undisguised efforts, as well of Judge Douglas and Mr. Johnson, as of Forney, Haldeman and other Douglas leaders, to prevent a union of the Pennsylvania Democracy, and thus give the State to the Black Republicans. It is due, perhaps, to the Valley Spirit, to say that it has from the first earnestly advocated the union of the Democracy of the State upon the Reading Electoral Ticket, and no Journal has more indignantly denounced the treachery and baseness of the Forney-Haldeman conspirators. It was only week before last, indeed, that the Democracy of Franklin, in mass convention, made up of citizens from every township in the county, resolved with entire unanimity that they would know no difference in the impending struggle. But this did not suit the Douglas leaders, and Hershel V. Johnson was taken to Chambersburg under the direction of Forney, Haldeman & Co., to denounce the union sentiment prevailing there, and to counsel, as a nominee with Judge Douglas, such a course of action as can only result in giving the Keystone State to the enemies of the Democracy.

The Patriot and Union, published at Harrisburg, notices the course of the Spirit in the following highly complimentary manner:

From the Daily Patriot and Union.

The factious course pursued by the violent and indiscreet friends of Judge Douglas, in forming an irregular electoral ticket, in opposition to the one nominated at Reading by the Democratic Convention, and the unmistakable evidence that this plot to divide the Democratic vote of the State, for the purpose of defeating the party and electing Lincoln, is encouraged by Mr. Douglas himself, has had a powerful effect upon the moderate men who at the beginning enlisted under his standard, but are not disposed to follow his destructive counsels. One of the most marked and significant evidences of the re-action against Douglas is to be found in the course of the Chambersburg Valley Spirit, the old organ of the Democracy of Franklin county. That paper started out in this campaign the earnest advocate of Mr. Douglas, but finding that it could not support him in his way, and the Democratic party at the same time, it has determined to retrace its steps. The last number comes to us with the names of Breckinridge and Lane floating at its mast-head, and a powerful article justifying this course.

The following from a prominent and active Democrat exhibits the right spirit, and that old- fashioned devotion to the interests of the party that used to animate our ranks when they were united and moved on in one solid column to victory. While we have a few such noble Democrats left there is hope for the party:

Sept. 27, 1860

Mr. Geo. H. Mengel:

Dear Sir:--You have no idea of the thrill of joy that went through us here when the Spirit made its last appearance. Could we not get some circulars from you with your editorial giving the article from where you say: "where are we to look in this emergency," &c., till the end of your reasons for the change. It should be headed with a few appropriate remarks. I would like to have $10 worth to circulate myself, and will be responsible to you for the amount. They will tell with good effect. Your article is admirable and will do great execution. You need not fear the result because our Country must, to make a long story short, come to one of two thinkings. The establishment of the great principle of the Equality of States, or a dissolution of the Union.

Every man's wife, child, farm and pocket forbid the latter, and the other will, and must prevail. Like truth, tho' crushed for a while, it will rise again. The second sober thought of the people will establish it. The men who take the stand you have taken will stand with the Country, when the Northern and Southern agitator will both be ashamed of themselves, and when the patriot will be moved to no other emotion for them than that of pity. Go on with the good work, and standing upon principle as we do, let us fight them to the Knife, and the Knife to the hilt. It is no odds which we cut, for there is so little difference between Lincolnism and Douglasism that you will be sure to cut a nigger or a mulatto any how.

Yours, &c.

We subjoin the following letter received on Monday last. The letter requires no comment--it tells its own story in its own plain way. It was not intended for publication but it is so suited to the times that we cannot refrain from giving it a place in our columns:

-------- Township, Sept. 29th

Mr. G.H. Mengel.

Sir:--A few weeks ago I had business in Chambersburg and when there I was persuaded to stop my paper. I did so as you know. I now want you to send it to me again. I have been thinking over the matter very much and have never felt satisfied about it. The men who coaxed me to stop the paper, which I did to oblige them as they have always been friendly to me, and I thought them the right kind of Democrats, wanted me to take their paper at that time, but I put them off saying I would see about it the next time I came to town. I have seen about it and seen their paper too, and it does not suit me, but I don't want to prevent any other person from taking it if they wish to do so. I have always found the Valley Spirit about right in its Democracy so far as I am able to judge. I am a friend to Douglas but still I feel more friendly to the Democratic party than I do to any man living. I will vote a fusion ticket and no other, as that is the only way, in my opinion, that we can elect a Democrat. If Mr. Douglas would rather be defeated than elected in that way then I will not throw my vote away on him. As long as you support fusion I can support you, on that ground we can meet as Democrats, and you can have your preference and I can have mine. The more I have thought on the matter the better I am convinced that you are right and that I have been deceived by men from whom I expected better things. What surprised me most of all was to find the men that your paper has always upheld now trying to injure you. I would not do so with my neighbors, and I would not like it if my neighbors would do so with me. That is not the right way for Democrats to act by each other, and no good to the party will come out of it.

I have told you that I never felt satisfied about stopping my paper, and I don't wish you to be offended at me about it, but send it on again with the three numbers that I have missed. My family also want it and are not pleased because I do not take it any more.

Please send on the paper and I will make it all right with you.

Yours, &c.

Democrats be on your Guard! Fraud! Fraud!! Fraud!!!

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Letter of Acceptance

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Congress and the County Ticket

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Letterkenny Democratic Club

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Fair Week

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"The Fair commenced yesterday--the weather is fine, and the prospects for a grand exhibition are very cheering. Large crowds of people are here already, and others are constantly arriving."

Full Text of Article

--It must not be forgotten, in our political excitement, that this is the week of our County Fair. The Fair commenced yesterday--the weather is fine, and the prospects for a grand exhibition are very cheering. Large crowds of people are here already, and others are constantly arriving. The arrangements are of the most ample kind to accommodate all exhibitors in every department. York, Dauphin, Cumberland, Adams, Fulton, and Washington County, Md, are all well represented in Stock, Agricultural products, or specimens of Mechanical skill. Our ladies too have not been backward in presenting a fine display of their handywork. It is so far decidedly the best and most interesting Agricultural exhibition yet held in our county. Every man, woman and child in the county should turn out and not miss this opportunity of witnessing such a creditable exhibition of skill and industry of their own neighbors.

A Magnificent Quilt

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"The stitching is very fine and regular. This beautiful article was made by this aged lady without the aid of spectacles.--This quilt will be on exhibition, this week, at our County Fair. Bring on your old-fogy Penelopes, our modern great grandmothers can beat them all hollow."

Full Text of Article

--We were shown a quilt, on Monday last, by P. Hamman, Esq., that is decidedly a splendid article, and a most extraordinary piece of feminine handywork. It was made by the mother of Mr. Hamman--a lady aged 83 years. It was commenced in her 82d year and has just recently been finished. It is beautiful in design and contains eight thousand seven hundred and eighty four pieces, and is quilted in a stile that cannot be surpassed. The stitching is very fine and regular. This beautiful article was made by this aged lady without the aid of spectacles.--This quilt will be on exhibition, this week, at our County Fair. Bring on your old-fogy Penelopes, our modern great grandmothers can beat them all hollow.

Fatal Accident

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Address of the Democratic State Executive Committee of Pennsylvania

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A Douglas man Now, a Disunionist in 1851

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The Legislature

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Henry D. Foster

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Press on the Column

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Mr. Douglas Explains His Objects

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