Valley Spirit
Chambersburg and the Railroad
Nixon's Drug Store
Democratic Meeting at Greencastle
A Word to Farmers
Caledonia Sabbath School
Douglas and Johnson Club
County Convention
Full Text of Article
--We give below the balance of the proceedings of the County Convention, which we were unable to give last week, on account of being compelled to go to press before the Convention adjourned.
Capt. C. T. Campbell offered a resolution in favor of peace and harmony in the party, and protested against the agitating of the Presidential question at this time, which resolution was amended by J. McDowell Sharp, Esq., declaring Douglas and Johnson the regular nominees of the Democratic party, upon which amendment there was a spirited debate which was participated in by Capt. Campbell, Geo. Stenger, J. McDowell Sharp, Jas. Nill and James B. Orr. The resolutions proposed by Mr. Sharp were carried, thirty eight Delegates voting for their adoption. The negative vote was not announced.
Resolved:--That we approve of the nomination of the Hon. Stephen A. Douglas and the Hon. H. V. Johnson, the regularly nominated candidates of the Democratic party, for the office of President and Vice President of the United States.
Resolved:--That we approve of the nomination of Henry D. Foster, for the office of Governor of the State of Pennsylvania.
Resolved:--That we will give our cordial support to the ticket, put in nomination this day.
Opening of the Public Schools
Grand Eclipse
Another Wool Thief
Camp Meeting
A Chase
As We Expected
A True Portrait of Lincoln
A Negro Better Than a Naturalized Citizen
For the Democratic Union
Hendrick B. Wright
The Wide Awakes
Republican Disloyalty to the Union
Curtin Insulting Germans
To the Public
Who are the Friends of Douglas?
Toe the Mark
Resolution of Approval
Important letter from Franklin County
Confidence and Respect
Douglas in Harrisburg
The County Convention
The Difference
Treason! Treason! Treason!
Union and Harmony
A Mistake with a Moral
What it is Needed For
Hard "Times"
To Be Remembered
County Meeting
Forney's Old Grudge Against Foster
In Favor of Union
D. K. Wunderlich
For the Compromise
Democratic Union Meeting
The Tariff Cheat
"The Richmond Enquirer presents us with the following, which we hesitate not to pronounce the truest portrait of Abe Lincoln that has yet been painted. It shows him as he really is, the unscrupulous Abolitionist, whose ambition will not be satiated until he shall see a red line of human blood drawn as the dividing line between the North and the South."