
Valley Spirit
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Local politics, complaints about the Transcript. Lots of European news.
Local News; Disturbance at a Disreputable House; A Man Shot; Suspected Party Arrested; Condition of the Wounded Man; Intense Excitement; Full Particulars
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On Saturday night last at about 10 o'clock, our usually quiet town was startled by a rumor that a horrible shooting affray had occured at a house of bad repute, kept by a man by the name of Kobler, at the northern end of town. This house has long been a nuisance to the whole neighborhood and has already been up before court for its bad character. It was frequented nightly by men and women of the worst description, and by many others who would fain pass for respectable, and much rather that the veil of midnight darkness should enshroud their stealthy visits than they be exposed to the watchful eyes in that vicinity. A few nights ago some rowdies, as usual, assembled at the house, and had a dispute about a prostitute in which one of the parties was stoned away from the house. It appears from all the information we could collect, and we think it may be relied upon as pretty accurate, though a legal investigation may present it in a different light, that on Saturday night last one of these parties, a man named McLaughlin, a plasterer by trade, and a native of Gettysburg, Adams County, and who has been working at his trade in this place for only a few weeks, visited this house and induced a friend named Wm. Glenn to accompany him. This Glenn is a native of Baltimore, a marble- worker by trade, and has been in the employ of Mr. John McFadden, of this place, for several months back. McLaughlin stated to Glenn that he had been attacked at this house on the Thursday night previous, and desired Glenn to go with him to defend him in case of a second attack. This at first Glenn refused to do, but after drinking together he consented and armed himself with a revolving pistol. McLaughlin, we believe, had a "Billy" or "Slung Shot." They visited the house together and were in company with a prostitute named "Till Mellinger" in a back room of the house, while the front room was occupied by four or five young men of this place who were engaged in drinking. Glenn, McLaughlin, and the girl Mellinger, left the house together, and went in the direction of town. They were immediately followed by the young men in the house. McLaughlin remained some distance in the rear of Glenn and the girl; and remarked to the young men that "they had better not follow that man, that he had a pistol and would shoot them."--A stone, it is said,was then thrown by someone in the direction of Glenn, who immediately turned and fired three shots in rapid succession, and running back a short distance, fired a fourth, in a direction where two or three persons were standing. McLaughlin happened to be one of these persons and was struck by the shot--Glenn then made at some of the others and swore that he had still a shot in his pistol for them. McLaughlin after being wounded ran towards town, but becoming faint from loss of blood, returned to the scene of the shooting, and then for the first dime Glenn discovered that he had shot his friend. He became almost frantic with grief and expressed his distress at his mistake in the wildest manner. He done all he could to comfort the apparently dying man, and ran immediately for a doctor, to whom he stated that he had shot his friend, and begged him to come to his relief at once.
On repairing to the scene immediately after hearing of this affray, we found a large and excited crowd collected in and about the building. We elbowed our way through the crowd and met Sheriff Brown coming out of the door of the house with Glenn in custody. By a little manoeuvering, we gained admission into the house and found it literally packed full. The wounded man was stretched on a low bench in the centre of the densely packed crowd, and our skillful Surgeon Dr. J. C. Richards by his side, industriously probing the wound, and using every means for relief that Surgical Art affords.
We observed the wound to be on the right side of the neck a few inches below the ear, and from the direction the probe seemed to take in the hands of the Doctor, we supposed the ball to have entered the neck close to the Carotid artery and passed along under the root of the tongue, opening the gullet, and some of the arterial branches in that neighborhood. The wounded man was vomiting blood freely which evidently entered the stomach through some other passage than the natural one. The track of the ball at this point is obliterated, and its course or location cannot be discovered.
Frank McLaughlin, the wounded man, would appear to be about 28 years of age; he is very good looking and gentlemanly in appearance.--We could not but admire his fine athletic form as he lay stripped for the examination of the Surgeon, while we experienced a painful feeling of sorrow to see so much manly beauty, in the health and vigor of its bloom, stricken down amid its unholy scenes of vice, and surrounded by the very swine with which it herded. How many who looked upon that young man weltering in his blood, in such a place, will be warned by his fate? Few--very few--far less, we know than will scoff at our moralizing. Well, we have one kind wish for them, and that is, that they may not be the next victim!
Bill Glenn, the young man now in prison charged with this crime, is also young in years and of very handsome appearance. He is said to be a very skillful worker in marble, and has executed some very beautiful and elaborate jobs during his stay in this place. He is, we believe, a native of Baltimore, but has worked for some length of time in Philadelphia and New Orleans. With his "antecedents" in these cities we are not acquainted. His course of life will now, we presume, be thoroughly canvassed; it would be unfair, however, in his present unfortunate situation to say aught calculated to prejudice the public mind against him. He has our entire commiseration, and had we the power we would open his prison doors and set him free, feeling assured that he has been taught a lesson that must make him morally a different man, and that he is now ready to exclaim with Cain--"My punishment is greater than I can bear."
It is but proper to state that when Glenn discovered that it was his companion and friend who was shot, he appeared in the deepest distress of mind, which McLaughlin observed and remarked--"Bill do not worry yourself about it, it was not you that shot me, it was the other party." McLaughlin still persists in saying that Glenn did not shoot him.
A "Billy" or "Slung Shot" with marks of blood on the inside of the strap that passes around the wrist, was found, on Sunday morning, near the spot where McLaughlin fell. It is conjectured that this instrument belonged to, or had been in the hands of McLaughlin, but concerning this matter we could find no positive evidence.
McLaughlin remained at Kobler's until Sunday morning, laying on the floor all night in a most uncomfortable position. The excitement through town on Sunday morning was intense. Crowds of men, women and children visited the scene of the shooting--looked at the wounded man and traced the blood--
"Where a human creature in the dead of night
Had coursed like hunted hare that cruel distance,
With many doubles in its wild flight,
Striving for dear existence!"
Some kind friend of the wounded man had him removed, about 9 o'clock on Sunday forenoon, to Kyler's Hotel, where he had previously boarded. He was carried through the streets on his way to the Hotel, laid on a settee, which was borne on the shoulders of four men, and followed by a very large crowd of persons. In his new quarters he is receiving every comfort and attendance his condition demands, or the kindheartedness of the proprietors of the house can bestow upon him.
From the nature of the wound, and the condition of the man at this time, his recovery is considered doubtful. There is almost an entire inability to swallow, and the neck, breast and face is dreadfully swollen, while there is some internal hemmorhage going on which occasions vomiting of blood. It is feared he may die from inflammation, or the sloughing consequent upon wounds of this character.
When Glenn was arrested, he stated that he had thrown the pistol away, and all day Sunday there was considerable hunting to find it. It was observed that just previous to his arrest he had some private conversation with a young man named John Lutz, and on Monday morning 'Squire Hamman, and District Attorney Clark, obtained some information that induced them to believe that Lutz had possession of the pistol. They called upon Lutz and he at first denied having the pistol, but subsequently gave it up to Hon. Wilson Reilly, who is engaged as counsel for Glenn. Mr. Reilly expressed his willingness to place the pistol in the hands of the District Attorney whenever desired. Glenn has done well to place his case in the care of an attorney of such eminent legal ability as Mr. Reilly, and one whose well know tact as a criminal lawyer will ensure him the full advantage of every favorable point his case presents.
Our community owes its thanks to Sheriff Brown, District Attorney Clark, and 'Squire Hamman for their promptness in having the arrest made, and their activity in hunting up evidence which may have a bearing on the case.
Condition of McLaughlin.
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--Just at the last moment of making up our paper we were gratified to learn that the condition of McLaughlin has decidedly improved for the better and that strong hopes are now entertained that he will ultimately recover.
Franklin County Agricultural Society
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--This association has been revived and fully organized. For more than a year, many of our Farmers and Mechanics were anxious to see this take place. At length there appeared a notice for a meeting to elect officers and managers; the meeting was held, and officers and managers elected for the ensuing year; or until others should be elected to fill their places. On Friday last a meeting of the officers and managers was held in the Office of Wm. S. Everett, Esq., the Secretary, and such steps taken as will give permanency to the organization. They start under the most favorable auspices. They have the old Fair Grounds free of debt, and several hundred dollars in the treasury to commence with. These grounds they purpose leveling and extending, so that they will afford much satisfaction to those who have stock and articles of different kinds for exhibition, and those who come for mere enjoyment and improvement. They have agreed to hold a Fair, which will commence on the third Tuesday of October next, and continue four days. From the interest manifested by our Farmers and Mechanics we may expect a Fair unprecedented among those ever held in our County. They have also made arrangements to secure the services of one of the most eminent men in our County to address the association on the occasion. This association has now become one of the institutions of our County, and merits the attention of every Farmer and Mechanics who values his occupation.--The benefits that will result from its successful operation cannot easily be foretold, but that all those taking a deep interest in its welfare will be benefitted, is as evident, as every effort put forth by them, to advance and develope their peculiar trade, will tend to their improvement. We shall inform our readers of whatever preparations or steps are taken by its managers in the future.
A Sickles Case with the Variations
Three Mowing Trials!
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Victories Achieved by the Manny Ma-
chine, with Wood's Improvement.
Every Machine on Exhibition
The Chambersburg Trial
The first took place at Chambersburg, on Thursday the 9th, at 2 o'clock, P. M., on two lots in town--one of lodged Clover, very heavy; but the piece was so small that no machine on exhibition could satisfactorily show what it could do in grass of that kind; the other was a lot of Daniel Prostle's. It was Timothy, Clover, and other Grass, dry and light. The Machines all did their work passably well. The only difference in the machines on this trial, seemed to be the draft, some of which were pretty heavy.
There having been no Committee appointed, there is no public decision to be reported. The Manny Machine mowed wet Clover, on the morning of the trial, in the field of Mr. Jacob Heyser, near town, to the great satisfaction of many farmers. The Agents of other Machines were especially invited to come out and mow wet grass in the morning, but it did not suit them so early in the day. A large number of farmers were present at this trial, and notwithstanting the number of other machines present, the many advantages of the Manny Machine over others on trial, was apparent to the farmers, and frequently discussed by them.
The Manny Machine which was used at the trials at Chambersburg, was purchased by Mr. Joseph Kennedy, who used a New Jersey Machine part of last season, but abandoned its use on account of its liability to get out of order, as we can prove, if required so to do.--This is the gentleman to whom Mr. Thomas S. Whitenack alludes in hiss bills headed "A King among Beggars," in which he says that "Mr. Kennedy tried one of the Manny Machines, got of Mr. Hurst; it failed to work to his satisfaction; he rejected it, and borrowed one of the New Jersey Machines to mow his field." Somebody is lying--we leave the public to decide who.
The Newville Trial:
The second took place at Newville, Cumberland Co., Pa., on Friday, the 10th inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M., in the field of P. A. Ahl & Bros. The number of persons present at this very important trial, was variously estimated, at from six to eight hundred persons, mostly farmers. The grass at this trial was Clover, some lodged, but mostly standing, the bottom very smooth. Five machines were entered for trial.
The exhibitors made arrangements for the selection of a Committee, and the following gentlemen were appointed:
Messrs. Matthew Boyd, Isaac Newcomer, James Harlan, John Gracy and Miles Glen.
When all was in readiness, the Machines were put in operation, some of them not proving to work, by any means, satisfactorily. We were not favored with a copy of the official report of the Committee, but were told that it is as follows: "The quality of the work of the Manny and New Jersey Machines is equal, but the draft of the latter the lightest." We here beg leave to state that it was not understood by us that the Committee were to report on the merits of any of the machines on trial, but simply on the quality of work performed by them. With this understanding we entered the Manny Machine, with its reaping attachments--except the Platform Board, which is very light. We did this with a view of showing to farmers some of the advantages of our machine--such as raising and lowering of the Cutter bar, equally at both ends, while the machine is in operation, an indispensable feature of any good machine, for cutting all kinds of Grass and Grain, lodged and standing, and to enable it to pass over all kinds of obstructions, such as stumps, rocks, furrows, deep gutters. Also, its facilities for working on hill sides, the equal draft of the machine, &c.
All these advantages farmers should understand, and carefully consider before purchasing. We can, however, very materially lessen the draft of our Machines, in Mowing, by disengaging the Reaping attachments. A new feature was introduced at this trial by Whitenack on the New Jersey by operating it with one horse. This, however, by no means met with the general approbation of the farmers. It showed that there was as much sidedraft there, as it required power to draw the Machine, a very objectionable feature to it. The only thing established by this movement is, that the New Jersey Machine, is, literally, a one horse-machine in every sense of the term.
We would be glad to say more about the work of some of the other machines at this trial; but as we were not favored with a copy of the report of that committee, and were informed they took no notice of any of them, we shall avoid having anything more to say about them except that each machine cut about three quarters of an acre. The Manny Machine cut its piece in the short space of twenty three minutes; but was detained three minutes by the Jersey Machine standing in its way. According to the statement of our reporter, we got through in less time than any other machine at the trial.
The Carlisle Trial.
The third took place at Carlisle, at 10 o'clock, in the field of Mr. Noble. The field was level, rocky, and stony. The grass was clover, lodged and wet. Six machines entered in competition. No judges appointed. A large number of farmers were present, many of whom wanted to purchase machines. The machines all mowed their lots during the time the trial was going on except one. The agent of that one took the third machine to the field to finish its lot while the crowd was dispersing. One of their machine was so badly broken, it could not operate. The Manny Machine mowed its piece in twenty minutes, in the most complete and satisfactory manner to the farmers, and in much less time than that consumed by any other machine on the ground. It was mowed with the Reaper attachment disengaged, followed by a tender one round. The balance of the work was done by the driver himself. The only machine on the ground operated by one man only.
Thirty Manny Machines were sold during the three days of the trials, in Franklin and Cumberland counties. Reported for me by a gentleman in attendance upon all the trials. Given as correctly and impartially as could be done, by a disinterested reporter. To the account furnished by my reporter, I have added the last paragraph under the head of "The Chambersburg trial."
Established Facts.
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--The Manny Machine with Wood's improvement, stands before the public without a rival. It has held its high position for over four years, and increasing more and more every day, in Public favor, both as a Mower, and Combined Machine for cutting all kinds of Grass and Grain. An almost endless number of pretenders have come before the public with worthless machines, crowding them upon the Farmers who have never yet received one dollar's worth of benefit from them, many of which may be found at this time laying about in the fence corners, and in fields in this, and perhaps every county in the State, and stranger to say that as fast as some die out, others are springing up, which in all probability, will soon meet the same fate that those have, that have gone down before them.
The question naturally arises, why is this so? which may be explained in this way: The Manny Machine has advantages which no other machines in the country have.
First, The cutter bar can be raised or lowered at both ends, equally at the same time.
Second, It is almost entirely free from side draft.
Third, It has its operator's stand on the rear of the platform, with an arrangement of the platform which has a very convenient side delivery. Whole fields of Grain can be cut without binding a single sheaf.
Fourth, The wheels are so high that the machine can be hauled on its own wheels over almost any road that a wagon can travel upon.
Fifth, In the quality of material used in the manufacture of the machines, which, necessarily, gives them a degree of strength and durability possessed by no other machine now for sale in this country.
Sixth, It can be changed from Mowing to Reaping, without turning a screw, by simply laying the platform on or off, as the kind of work to do may require; and for cutting Clover s--- and placing it on heaps, at the same time, it has no equal.
The above are all indispensable advantages to any good Machine, and they should be clearly understood by every Farmer.
Franklin County Bible Society
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We find the following Report of the Franklin County Bible Society.
"The Franklin County Bible Society reports that, during the past year, they have labored in the prosecution of the design resolved upon two years ago, viz; "to make a thorough exploration of the County, and place a copy of God's Word in every family."
Owing to the mountainous character of a considerable part of our County, the frequent rains and consequent badness of the roads, that object has not yet been attained. It is expected soon to complete the work when, in our next annual report, we will be able to give full and complete statistics. While we find considerable destitution of the Scriptures in places remote from our town, the agent, at the same time, meets with the active and efficient co-operation of the friends of the Bible in aiding him in the work.
"While we contemplate a thorough exploration, we, at the same time, are endeavoring to inaugurate a system of co-operation by auxiliary societies, churches, ministers, and individuals, the object of which is to obviate the necessity of a similar exploration for years to come.
The Chambersburg Female Bible Society have not found much work to do, this season, in the ways of distribution. They have given 4- Bibles and 10 Testaments--sold 2 Testaments.
Their collections amount to sixty four dollars and fifty nine cents. Retaining a small sum for the purchase of books, they forward $56 09 and constitute the Rev. L. S. FINE, of Chambersburg, a Life Member of the Pennsylvania Bible Society.
President, Mrs. R. R. Schneck; Treasurer, Mrs. E. C. Berlin; Recording Secretary, Miss A. R. Riddle; Corresponding Secretary, Miss L. A. Denny.
The Greencastle Female Bible Society, auxiliary to the Pennsylvania Bible Society, would report that they have, during the past year collected the sum of $31 10, which is herewith remitted.
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