Valley Spirit
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German Americans
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A new danger threatens the opposition party, and invites them to talk less about Democratic dissensions and look more to the disruption occurring among themselves. For several years past the Republican party has carried off a large share of the naturalized German vote. This has been especially the case in the extreme Eastern and Northern States, and it accounts in great part for the heavy majorities the Republicans have obtained in that quarter of the country. The Germans are very generally hostile to slavery. The Republican falsehood that the Democracy are "slavery propogandists" was yelled into their ears till they believed it. They gave their support to the Republican party, believing that in so doing they were aiding to strike off the shackle of the slave; but they have discovered that they were only forging shackles for themselves. Their Republican friends have turned out to be enemies in disguise, and the naturalized Germans have been taught by a bitter lesson that partisan "Republicanism" is simply proscriptive "Know Nothingism" under another name.
Flushed with their repeated victories, and believing themselves strong enough to retain power without the aid of their German allies, the Republicans of the Eastern and Northern States have reaffirmed the Know Nothing doctrines they pretended to have discarded, and placed a mark of degredation on the brow of every man whose Maker saw fit to bring him into existence in another country than our own. The action of the Republican Legislature of Massachusetts, in passing laws placing dishonorable disabilities upon persons born in other countries of the world, and the registry bill adopted by the Republican legislature of New York, which is intended as a blow at naturalized citizens, has opened the eyes of the Germans. They are not disposed to submit tamely to such outrages from the party to whose success they have contributed so much. The German Republicans of Massachusetts have issued an address to the people of the United States, commenting upon the action of the Republican party, and making the following emphatic declaration of their intentions for the future:
"We, citizens of German descent, will have nothing more to do with the Republican party. We will never more lend our help to elevate a party to power which tramples us under foot."
The wonder is that any naturalized citizens ever did help the Republican party, for it at least ought to have been plain to every man who had eyes to see, that the Republican party was in the main just the same as the Know Nothing party. The same men who belonged to the one belonged to the other. If they were honest when they avowed Know Nothing sentiments, they must hold those sentiments still, however they might conceal them; and if they were not honest as Know Nothings, how could they be honest in anything else? The Germans would do well to attach themselves as one man to the Democratic party, for it is the only party now in existence that does equal and exact justice to all classes of citizens and all sections of the country.
Markets in column 5.
Odd Fellows Celebration
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At the Annual Communication of the Right Worthy Grand Lodge of the United States, held in the month of September last, it was resolved to set apart the 26th day of April, 1859, to be observed by the entire membership under its jurisdiction as a day of Thanksgiving to Divine Providence for the unexampled prosperity which has attended the order since its organization on the American continent. Acting in accordance with this recommendation, the R. W. Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, at its session in November, granted permission to all subordinate Lodges, in the State, to celebrate the day named with such becoming ceremonies as may be deemed suitable to the occasion. On the 20th of January last, "Chambersburg Lodge," No. 175 paid a fraternal visit to "Columbus Lodge," No. 75, when propositions were made to celebrate the Fortieth Anniversary of the establishment of the Order, in the United States, by a grand demonstration, in this place, on the 26th of April. Committees were appointed by the respective Lodges to carry out conjointly the necessary arrangements for the contemplated celebration. The Committee on behalf of "Columbus Lodge" were I. H. McCauley, J. N. Snider, and J. G. Scheible; from "Chambersburg Lodge" D. A. Wertz, D. H. Hutchinson and H. Bishop. The Committees decided that the prominent exercises of the day should consist of a Procession, Oration and Banquet, and that all neighboring Lodges be invited to participate in the celebration.
The Day. In conformity with previous arrangements the members of "Columbus" and "Chambersburg" Lodges met at their respective Halls, at 1 o'clock, and were joined by the visiting brethren of the neighboring Lodges. The weather proving rather unpropitious the attendance of the members of the order was not as large as had been anticipated. The number of people attracted to town to witness the novelty of the Procession were numerous; they seemed highly delighted with the proceedings, and conducted themselves in an orderly and commendable manner throughout the day.
The Procession.
The Procession was formed under the direction of the Chief Marshal,
P. B. HOUSEM and C. M. DUNCAN, Esqs.
It was arranged in the following order:
Chambersburg Mechanics'
Brass Band;
Bradley's Saxe Band of Mercersburg,
Cumberland county;
Delegation from "Gettys Lodge"
No. 124,
of Gettysburg, Adams county;
Delegation from "Path Valley Lodge" No. 419,
Boxbury, Franklin county;
from "Marshall Lodge" No. 233, of Mercersb'g,
Franklin county;
Visiting Brothers generally;
Members of
Chambersburg Lodge" No. 175,
With Banner;
Members of "Columbus Lodge" No. 75.
The Procession presented a grand and imposing appearance, and, notwithstanding the rain, passed over the route designated, enlivened by the very excellent music of the respective Bands.
The Procession having paraded through the principal streets, returned to the "FRANKLIN HALL," where the following were the order of exercise:
Prayer--By the Rev. D. A. Laverty.
Thanksgiving Ode--Sung by the brothers present:
"O Lord, our God, Omnipotent!
Throughout the land be mercies sent:
On all thy bounty be.
O'ershadow with thy saving grace,
Our brotherhood in every place;
O turn their hearts to thee.
Our Order owes its thanks to thee!
And humbly thus upon the knee,
Acknowledges thy love.
Accept our praise, O Lord, most High!
And in thy gracious majesty
Add blessings from above!
Kept by thy care for forty years!
Thy love sustained--removed our fears
And gave us lasting fame.
Be with us Lord, in every clime
And aid us now, and in all time
To glorify thy name!
Thee shall, O Lord, Jehovah great!
Earth's son's of high and low estate,
Thy holiness adore.
And millions hallelujah's sing--
Their voices make the welkin ring
With praises evermore!
Oration--By Past Grand, I. H. McCauley.
The subject of the address was "The Spirit of the Age." About an hour was occupied in its delivery, and was listened to with marked attention by all present. It was truly and able production and will add much to the intellectual reputation of its author, as well as impress all who heard it with the correct notions of the usefulness and nobleness of Odd Fellowship.
After the Address the following ode was sung:
"Brothers! let your voices raise--
Fill this house with sweetest praise;
Make it echo with the lays,
Which we sing to day.
Forty years have passed and gone,
Since our Order first was known,
By WILDEY'S care, in "Washington"--
Of Lodges--Number one!
Our ancient "Emblems" be combined,
Our "motto's" with them intertwined--
They make the "links" that ever bind
Our souls in unity!
Our's the "Friendship" ne'er betrays--
Our's the "Love" that ne'er decays--
Our's the "Truth", whose purest rays,
Ever brilliant shine!
Brothers! then your vows revere--
They they Widow's heart will cheer--
They will dry the Orphan's tear--
And show your fealty!
By our ancient COVENANT tie--
By that FAITH that ne'er can die--
Under God's all seeing eye,
Let us reverent be!
By the HOPE that we all have,
Of a life beyond the grave,
Freely give of what you save,
In sweet CHARITY!
Sacred is each mystic rite--
Great the numbers they unite--
Fairest in our Chaplet bright
Is our harmony!
They who have our conduct scann'd,
Find in us no rev'ling band--
But united here we stand,
In Fraternity!
Come then Brothers! join the lays--
Bring your offerings of praise--
Hail this first of natal days,
With festivity!
At the conclusion of the ode a Benediction was pronounced by Rev. Laverty, and the assemblage dismissed to prepare the Hall for the evening entertainment.
The Banquet.
At 9 o'clock the members of the Order reassembled at the Hall and partook of a sumptuous supper, prepared in magnificent style, by Mr. Abel Mishler, of the "Franklin Hotel," under the supervision of D. H. Hutchinson, the gentlemanly assistant in that establishment. The feast was spread on three tables each extending the entire length of the Exhibition Room in Franklin Hall. They were provided with all the substantials and delicacies the market affords, and the gusto with which they were dispatched told how well they were served up.
After supper, the following Ode termed "The Triple Chain" was sung:
"Here around this festal table
Let thine influence, Fellowship, fall,
Binding, by a union stable,
Each to each, and all to all:
Nor alone, 'mid hours of gladness,
O'er us be thy wings outspread.
Guide us, be our source of sadness,
By the sick, the grieved, the dead.
Here, too, Love, at this our meeting.
Come, and warm each Brother's breast;
Here let quickened pulses beating
Show thy power, o'er all confessed;
Seldom have so many brothers
Met around one board before;
Draw each heart to all the others,
Ere they part to meet no more.
Truth! may'st thou, too, hover o'er us!
Touch each lip, and touch each heart;
Never, with thy light before us,
Can we from our vows depart.
By this triple bond united,
Brothers we may stand secure;
May it ne'er be scorned or slighted,
But stay firm, and bright, and pure!"
The following Regular and Volunteer toasts were then proposed:--
Regular Toasts.
I. The day we celebrate: Hallowed as the birth day of an Institution which has done more than any other of the age, to establish and maintain that Universal Fraternity, which God and Nature designed should exist among men.
The Rev. D. A. Laverty responded to this sentiment in a most felicitous style. Odd Fellowship was a chain in which every link was a human heart, riveted together by the noblest feelings of our nature. It was in nowise inimical to religion and sound morality. It did not aspire to take the place of religion--it was but a man made institution--it was satisfied, nay, it gloried in placing the Religion of Christ far above all earthly institutions. It asked only to be permitted to take its seat humbly at the footstool of the Christian Church and the honor of acting as its handmaid in the good work of Charity and Brotherly Love.
2. The orator of the day, I. H. McCauley, Esq. : It is an honor to do honor to such a noble specimen of an Odd Fellow.
In reply to this sentiment, Mr. McCauley briefly remarked, that, for himself he claimed no "honors." If his ardent feelings for the good of the Order, and his exertions in its behalf, were in any way calculated to promote its usefulness, among his fellow men, his highest aspirations were satisfied. Mr. McCauley concluded his remarks by submitting the following toast:
The wives of Odd Fellows: May they ever be sweet fellows- -linked to good fellows, by triple chains of young fellows.
3. Past Grand Sire. Thos. Wildey: The founder of American Odd Fellowship. The Institution which he established, like the Bread Tree of India, shelters thousands beneath its branches, whilst it supports them with its fruits.
The following letter and sentiment received from P. G. S. Wildey were then read:
BALTIMORE, April 23, 1859.
Yours, as Chairman of the Committee of Invitation for the contemplated celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Odd Fellowship at Chambersburg, has reached me. Be pleased to accept my sincere thanks for this mark of the esteem and respect of my Brethren of Chambersburg. Having previously accepted the invitation of the Brotherhood of Southern New York, to be present at the National Celebration on that day, it will be out of my power to be with you. I enclose you a sentiment.
Yours Fraternally,
Odd Fellowship: God speed its onward march.
4. P. G. M. James B. Nicholson, Representative Elect to the G. L. U. S.: An able and eloquent expounder of the Principles of our Order. May he ever be found on the side of "Liberty, Fraternity and Equality."
P. G. Nicholson addressed a letter to the Committee of Invitation and enclosed the following sentiment which was then offered:
Odd Fellowship: May it be turned by no influence whatever, from its simple, but sublime efforts for the good of our race, until misfortune has no want to relieve and sympathy no tear to dry; then will its mission be accomplished, its destiny be happily fulfilled.
5. P. G. M. R. A. Lamberton: We honor him for his virtues; we thank him for his devotion to the best interests of our Order; we regret his absence.
In reply to this sentiment a letter from P. G. Master Lamberton was read in which he says:"When supper has been disposed of and like Marius you are sitting amid the ruins, then offer for me the following sentiment:"
Odd Fellowship: Pure in its precepts, noiseless in its benefactions, it is religion's humble keeper in the promotion of peace and good will upon earth.
6. R. W. G. Warden, J. Alex. Simpson: A true Odd Fellow and gentleman. The interests of our Brotherhood could not be committed to more worthy hands.
The following sentiment from R. W. G. Warden Simpson was then read:
Friendship, Love, and Truth: The three links of an expanding chain that binds more willing captives that any material chain ever welded by mortal hands--may they continue to expand until sorrow shall have no want to relieve and no tear to dry.
7. R. W. G. See'y, Wm. Curtis: For 19 years the historian of the doings of our Order in Pennsylvania. His long experience, great knowledge and undenied capacity peculiarly qualify him for the position he holds.
The annexed sentiment was furnished by R. W. G. See'y Curtis:
The Order of Odd Fellows in the United States: Humble and lowly in its origin its mission has been that of Love and Duty, following the precepts of our Great Master to do good on earth and to bring peace and good will to all men.
8. R. W. G. Treasurer, W. Richards Muckle: His Integrity, Vigilance and Financial skill render it certain that so long as he guards the "Strong Box" of our Order, nothing will get our of it but by authority of law.
The following sentiment recived from R. W. G. Treasurer Muckle was offered after this toast:
Odd Fellowship:Its principles properly adhered to and practised, bring man one step nearer perfection.
9. Our Lodge: Altars at which all religious persuasions may worship; retreats where the stranger will always find a home; the distressed a brother's hand and welcome, and the children of distant climes a language in which to make their wants known.
F. S. Stumbaugh replied to this sentiment in a very eloquent and forcible manner. He alluded with apparent feeling to his own case, when prostrated on a bed of sickness, he had found his brother Odd Fellows' hands ever ready to relieve his wants and their hearts to bear the burthen of his woes. He concluded by offering the following sentiment:
The Brothers of our Order: May they never falter in the discharge of their duty and may their means never fail to relieve the distressed, comfort the widow and educate the orphan.
10. The Odd Fellow's Breast Plate: "Friendship, Love and Truth;" "Faith, Hope and Charity;" "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity;" "Industry, Integrity, Sobriety."
To this sentiment Mr. J. George Ripper responded. He remarked that he had faith in Odd Fellowship. He believed that it infused into the hearts of its votaries a principle of patriotism. Made him glory in the national greatness of his country and feel the importance of preserving her honor unsullied. He exhorted the Brethren to do nothing of which they might be ashamed--nothing that would blot or tarnish their personal or fraternal escutheon, and an unceasing light will ever beam on them and their Order like that which shines from the "glorious orb of day." He offered the following:
Our Country: The land of the free and the home of the brave! May the Odd Fellow's heart ever cherish the precious liberties of our common Country: and may they ever defend and protect this happy Union with the bonds of "Friendship, Love and Truth."
11. The Lodge and the Fireside: "Friendship, Love and Truth," the principles of the first, are the sweetest virtues cherished at the latter.--There should be no jealously between them, for the best Odd Fellows are the best fathers, sons, brothers and lovers.
W. S. Everett, Esq., replied to the sentiment. Odd Fellowship, he remarked, was eminently a social institution in all its practical bearings. It had none of the selfishness of asceticism in its composition. Every principle in it was warm with sympathy, and alive for the welfare of those we hold near and dear. Mr. Everett concluded his very eloquent and appropriate remarks by proposing the following sentiment:
Young Ladies and Old Maids: They need not despair whilst there are 200, 000 Odd Fellows in the land, willing to give them new names.
Our Symbols and Mysteries: Beautiful and instructive to those who understand them.--"Ask and ye shall receive--Seek and ye shall find- -Knock and it shall be opened to you."
Dr. W. H. Boyle was called on for a response to this sentiment. He observed that objections have been urged against the mystic language of our order by those who do not understand its symbolic significance. The principles of Odd Fellowship are taught chiefly by symbols. This constitutes a universal language and enables us to hold "converse sweet" with "all nations, tongues and kindreds of the earth." The language of signs by which Odd Fellows recognise each other, is a beautiful feature in the order, and one that should never be urged against it by way of reproach. It is to a considerable extent the language of us all. It has ever existed in all nations, and among all classes of people. It is the first language of infancy, and is seen in the farewell "grip" which old age gives as the last token of affectionate regard. In the salutatory waveing of the hand--in the nod of recognition--in the gestures of the orator--in our motions in animated conversation, we have examples of the language of signs.--Among the aborigines of this continent the silent, but significent language of signs is much in use. By drawing the hand crosswise across the eyebrows they indicate a white, or civilized man, signifying he wears a hat. A spaniard the designate by taking hold of the chin with the fore finger and thumb which indicates he wears a beard. A storm is described by holding the right hand over the head and moving it up and down to show the fall of snow or rain. To tell the truth the sign is--the fore fingers of right hand are held over the mouth. to like--the forefinger of the right hand is passed over the mouth to the left shoulder, in which doubtless originated the saying "over the left." A volume has been written on these, Indian signs which would afford a curious subject of study to the Odd Fellow, who professes to have improved and perfected this natural language and reduced it to the beauty and order of a complete system. He concluded by submitting the following sentiment:--
May the Odd Fellow who "throws a sign" unnecessarily never fail to recieve a rebuke in having the "answer" withheld.
Our Visiting Brethren: We greet them cordially and welcome them fraternally to our festal board. We bid them "God Speed" in the good work of benevolence and love, and tho' we cannot hold daily companionship with them on Earth--we trust to meet them all in the Grand Lodge above.
The Chief Marshal of the Day: Col: F. S. Stumbaugh. The right man for the right place. May he ever shine a "bright particular star" in our noble fraternity.
Our Host and Hostess: Mr. Abel Mishler and Lady. The good taste they have displayed in getting up this Supper is holy excelled by our taste in getting it down.
Volunteer Toasts.
By I. H. McCauley.--Aaron Nicholls: A name identified with the history of Odd Fellowship in Penna.--known wherever its branches have been established--and honored wherever known as the first presiding Officer of its Grand Lodge.
In offering this sentiment Mr. McCauley gave a short biographical sketch of Aaron Nicholls and exhibited the "Card" he obtained from his Lodge when he left his mother country to seek a home in the Western world, and find an unmarked grave in a church yard in this borough. The following is a copy of the Card which is printed on thick paper about six inches long and four wide:--It has a very ancient appearance and is considered by the Odd Fellows a valuable relic.
I hereby certify that Mr. Aaron Nicholls was registered as a Member of this Lodge, being a Past Grand of Lodge No. 2, this 21st day of March, 1806. As witness my hand and seal.
Grand Sec'y.
The Sun, Moon and Stars. A dove with the Olive Branch. The Emblems of the Order, with the British Lion, all inclosed in a wreath--Two Brethren in full regalia--and below all,
"Amicitia, Amor et Veritas"
Friendship, Love and Truth."
By W. H. Boyle--The N. G. of Columbus Lodge, Speckmen Hicks: May he continue to pay his QUARTERS regularly, in his subordinate Lodge below, until he obtains quarters in the Grand Lodge above.
by A. R. Hurst--Adam: The first Odd Fellow. God was the priest, and Angels the witnesses at his wedding.
By B. F. Frey--Past Grand Wm. Blankney: The oldest Odd Fellow in our County. May he continue to live long--very long--to cheer us with his presence and may his gray hairs never go down in sorrow to the grave.
By Committee of Arrangement--Bro. Laverty: The Chaplain of the day. We are deeply indebted to him for his ministrations. May his days, like those of the Patriarchs of old, be long in the land, and his passage into the Grand Lodge above, calm and peaceful.
In reply to this sentiment the Reverend gentleman made some interesting remarks as to his motive in joining the order--the good he had seen resulting from its noble deeds of charity, and its adaptation to the promotion of a spirit of fraternal fellowship among mankind.
By I. H. McCauley--American Old Fellowship: The offspring of "The Spirit of the Age." Its grand principle, the practical recognition of human brotherhood, finds its appropriate home in a Republic whose foundation is ploitical equality.
By Rev. Daniel Washburn, of Pottsville--Our Benevolent Order: May peace, prosperity and brotherly affection pervade its membership, caring for the sick and relieving the distressed; and may integrity, fidelity and honor ever crown its official station.
By a Guest--The only correct EXPOSE of Odd Fellowship: It is to be found in the good deeds of the Order, and the good conduct of its members.
By District Deputy, P. B. Housum--The Odd Fellows of Pennsylvania: An army near fifty thousand strong. A host with brave hearts and firm purposes, engaged in a "holy war" against vice in all its forms. "Friendship towards man prompts the contest. Love supplies the weapons. Truth consecrates the effort and leads to victory."
By Col. F. S. Stumbaugh--The Committee of Arrangements: Just the men we took them to be. They have our thanks for the efficient manner in which they have discharged their duties.
The festivities were kept up until about 11 o'clock when the assemblage dispersed in an orderly and quiet manner all present expressing themselves highly delighted with the enjoyments of the day.
Borough Election
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