Valley Spirit
Decay of Abolitionism in New England
A Sad Sickles Case
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Local news (usually on p.5) starts in column 4.
The Black Vomit
How Our Negroes Live
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--Some twelve years ago we indited the following description of how our negroes then lived. It would appear by the columns of one of our local contemporaries that their morals and their manner of living have not much improved since that day. So long as miserable huts of the character we have described are erected, "filthy, theiving, whisky drinking negroes" will seek our community to inhabit them. If there were no such "local habitations" provided for them they would take up their abode in other quarters and this neighborhood would get rid of their troublesome presence. Strike at the root of the crib!--
UGLOW'S ARCADE.--In one of the back streets of our town there may be seen a long low range of buildings, of a sui generis style of architecture--baffling description in itself, and without a parallel for comparison. Come, reader, let me take you by the collar and drag you into this abode of crime and wretchedness of destitute and degraded humanity. We know you will not come willing, so come nolens volens. Now, take your stand in this corner and observe the "sights to be seen." Here, in this wretched apartment, eight by ten feet square, you may see by the light of that dim lamp, twenty human beings--fourteen women and six children--from a babe a week old to the urchin just entering its teens. Observe their actions and listen to their conversation. What disgusting obscenity! What horrid implications! Their licentious and blasphemous orgies would put to the blush the imps of pandemonium. Drinking whisky and inhaling tobacco smoke you would hardly suppose would keep soul and body together; yet you perceive no indications here that would lead you to suppose they subsist on anything else. You seem impatient to get out of the atmosphere of this room; mount that ladder and take a look in the room above. One look will be sufficient. Here huddled promiscuously together, on beds--no, not on beds; there is an idea of ease and comfort attached to a bed, that would never enter your mind on looking at these heaps of filthy rags--are men, women and children; arms, heads and legs, in a state of nudity, protrude through the tattered covering in wild confusion. Poverty, drunkenness, sickness and crime, are here in all their most miserable and appalling aspects. But, come, we have twenty rooms of this description to visit in this building, and we cannot devote any more time to this set. What! twenty rooms filled with beings of this kind? Do not let it startle you in the least, my friend, or disturb the serenity of your christian equanimity. They do not know they are accountable beings, and a society has been formed in this place to keep them in "blissful ignorance." Its satellites are very active in the good work, and we will one day furnish you with a copy of the report of their proceedings. As the exhibition you have just witnessed has no doubt prompted you to do something to meliorate the condition of this benighted portion of your race, we would advice you to go home, while in the mood, and make a generous donation to the Foreign Missionary Society, which will be gladly received and appropriately expended in a string of beads for the Heathen!
Township Elections
Page is very blurry.
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Markets in column 1.