Valley Spirit
Trial of Daniel Funk
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Politics, Congressional proceedings. Bottom very blurry. Markets in col. 6.
Court Proceedings; Second Week
Chambersburg Female Seminary
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We congratulate both Chambersburg and Mr. Reeves on the favorable prospects of our Female Seminary, known to many as the Rosedale Seminary. We congratulate the one on the prospect of having an essential want supplied, and a flourishing institution, of a kind second in importance to none but those sacred to worship, built up in our midst; and we congratulate the other in the tokens of popular appreciation of which his school is the recipient both in word and in deed. More than eighty pupils we understand, are in daily attendance; but Mr. R. is determined that the sphere of instruction should keep pace with the increase of pupils, and that acceptable and thorough teachers shall be added from time to time, as occasion demands. See advertisement in another column for proof of this.
We owe it to ourselves to sustain, unitedly, such an institution. If in the several departments of female education our efforts are concentrated upon something which promises to be a permanency, rather than upon that which does not, our town will reap the advantage. Parents at a distance may wish a safe and pleasant location for their daughters, with every needful facility for their education, should not do better than commit them to the careful management of Mr. Reeves and his lady. Their house, with its comfort, friendliness, and Christian influence within, and attractive grounds without, is just the place where young ladies should be happy and studious.
Protection Hook and Ladder Company
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The Start.
About four weeks ago, Mr. James King one of our most public spirited citizens, being impressed with the necessity of a well-organized Hook and Ladder Company, to assist in the extinguishment of fires, drew up a paper and solicited contributions from our community to purchase the necessary Apparatus. At the same time a paper was put in circulation, the signers of which "agreed to become members of a "Hook and Ladder Company, hereafter to be organized."
The Progress.
In the course of a few days some $400 was obtained by superstition, and the names of forty of our most respectable and active citizens as members.
First Meeting.
A meeting of the persons who had signified their intention to become members of a Hook and Ladder Company, convened at the Ticket Office of the Franklin Hall on the 31st of December, 1858. The meeting was organized by appointing Mr. James King President.
Object of the Meeting.
Mr. King, on taking his place as President, stated the object of the meeting. He made some appropriate remarks on the necessity for the formation of a Hook and Ladder Company, and the great utility to be derived from a well regulated organization of the kind in times of fire, to preserve the property of our fellow citizens from the ravages of that destructive element which has been so fearfully rife among us of late. He also made a statement of the amount of money subscribed for the purpose of purchasing Apparatus.
Election of Officers.
An organization being effected, an election for permanent officers was then held, which resulted as follows;--President, Mr. Jas. King; Vice President, Dr. James Hamilton; Secretary, Dr. W. H. Boyle; Treasurer, j. S. Nixon.
Committee to Purchase Apparatus.
The meeting appointed Messrs. J. P. Culbertson, P. B. Housum and James King, a Committee, invested with full power to purchase or have constructed, whichever might be found most economical and expeditious, the appropriate Apparatus for a Hook and Ladder Company.
Letter from Capt. John Jeffries.
This gentleman, formerly of this place, but now a resident of Philadelphia, was written to on the subject; he promptly replied, to the effect that there was an Apparatus for sale in that city, consisting of a Truck, Fire Hooks, Ladders, Axes, and other necessary appendages, which could be purchased at a moderate price, as the company owning it was going out of service, and urged upon the Committee to visit the city immediately, and secure it by purchase.
Committee Visits Philadelphia.
On the 5th of January, the day after receiving Capt. Jeffries' letter, the Committee visited Philadelphia, and on the 6th purchased the "PROTECTION" apparatus of that city, together with the equipments of the members of the Company. The Apparatus and equipments cost $370, without including the expenses of the Committee.
The President of the "PROTECTION HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY" of Philadelphia, presented the Chief Director's Horn of that Company to Mr. James King. Capt. John Jeffries also procured from the Company their beautiful Banner, which he has presented to the Hook and Ladder Company of Chambersburg.
Generosity of the Town Council.
The Town Council have exhibited a degree of generosity quite commendable, in granting all resouable demands made on them by the Hook and Ladder Company. They have erected a suitable building for a Track House out of a part of the eastern wing of the Market House, and given the use of the Hall on the second floor of the Market House for a meeting room for the Company.
Liberality of the Railroad Companies.
The very efficient and gentlemanly Superintendent of the Cumberland Valley Railroad Company, Mr. O. N. Lull, on an application being granted to him, granted the use of two cars, and permission to transport the Apparatus over the road, free of all charge. The Lebanon Valley Railroad Company, in a like spirit of generosity, passed the cars with the Apparatus gratuitously, over their very excellent road.
Second Meeting.
A meeting of the Company was held at their Hall, at the Market House, on Friday night last. The Constitution and By Laws for the government of the Company were adopted, . . . [text missing] . . . the reception and housing of the Apparatus on the following day.
Arrival of the Apparatus.
On Saturday, at 3 o'clock, P. M., the Apparatus, loaded on two double freight cars, arrived at the Depot, in charge of Mr. P. B. Housum, who had accompanied it through from Philadelphia. Messrs. Wm. Carlisle, Geo. W. Welsh, J. P. Culbertson, F. S. Stumbaugh, D. A. Wertz and John H. Reed, had been appointed a Committee of reception to meet Mr. Housum at Shippensburg, and returned with the Apparatus to town.
Scene at the Depot.
In anticipation of the arrival of the train, with the Apparatus, an immense crowd had assembled at the Railroad station.--Men, Women and Children--the latter in the usual preponderance, as regards numbers, for which our town is so much noted--exhibited the wildest enthusiasm and sent up shouts of welcome in deafening huzzas.
Appearance of the Apparatus.
The apparatus consists of a Truck forty six feet in length, substantially built, elegantly constructed and tastefully painted. On this is mounted five Ladders, six Fire Hooks, two Axes, two Picks and five Lanterns. The front lantern is a large and beautiful transparency of stained glass of different colors. The word "Protection" is engraved in large letters, on a brass plate, which encircles the top of the machine. The whole apparatus presents a handsome appearance and attracted much admiration.
The Procession.
A procession composed of the members of the "Hope" and "Friendship" Engine Companies, together with the members of the "Protection" Hook and Ladder Company, was formed under the Marshalship of Capt. Matthew Gillan and Assistants Char. T. Campbell and Thos. H. Seibert. The procession being arranged in proper order marched to the Depot where the Engine Companies took charge of the apparatus, and paraded through the principal street of our town, headed by the "Mechanics' Brass Band," discoursing delightful music.The parade passed off without an unpleasant occurrence and was in every respect a highly gratifying spectacle.
The Presentation.
After passing over the route the Procession was marched to a stand erected in front of the Court House, where a beautiful silver mounted Horn was presented to the Hook and Ladder Company by its President, Mr. James King. The presentation speech was made by F. S. Stumbaugh, Esq. It was done in an off hand, easy and familiar style appropriate to the occasion, and highly relished by all who had the pleasure of hearing it. The Horn was received, in behalf of the company, by Dr. W. H. Doyle, who thanked the generous donor for the beautiful and appropriate gift, and expressed his gratitude to the members of the "Hope" and "Friendship" for the respectful and honorable reception they had that day given to the "Protection." The Horn is constructed of brass heavily mounted with silver. On a large silver plate, on one side, is engraved: "Presented by James King to the Protection Hook and Ladder Company."
Housing the Apparatus.
The ceremony of presenting the Horn being concluded the Procession was reformed and marched to the Truck House where the Apparatus was housed in splendid style, amid the hearty cheers of the Firemen, and shouts of applause from a dense mass of spectators, who had collected to witness the last ceremony of this exciting and gratifying occasion.
The companies assembled on this interesting occasion now separated and returned to their respective quarters, delighted with the proceedings of the day, and entertaining sentiments of good will and esteem for each other, with a "HOPE" for "PROTECTION" of "FRIENDSHIP" among the Firemen.
Card of Thanks.
At a meeting of the "Protection Hook and Ladder Company," held at their Hall, on Monday evening, January 31 1859, the following preamble and resolutions were prepared and reported by a Committee, consisting of G. H. Merklein, D. A. Wertz and W. H. Doyle, and unanimously adopted by the meeting.
Whereas, The members of the "Protection Hook and Ladder Company" of the borough of Chambersburg, feeling themselves under many and lasting obligations to various persons and companies for manifestations of kindness and acts of liberality, would take this method of expressing their grateful acknowledgement to the individuals and associations hereinafter named:
To Capt. John Jeffries, of Philadelphia, for his valuable and indispensable services in assisting to purchase our Apparatus, and for many acts of generous hospitality, of which our Committee were the recipients during their visit to Philadelphia.
To James McCormick and Robert Miller, Committee for the "Protection Hook and Ladder Company" of Philadelphia, for donations of a valuable Horn and beautiful Banner, and many other favors and deep interest manifested in the prosperity of our Company.
To the Superintendent of the Reading and Lebanon Valley Railroads, for his liberality in transporting our Apparatus over his safe, expeditious and delightful roads, free of charge.
To Mr. O. N. Lull, our esteemed fellow townsman, Superintendent of the Cumberland Valley Railroad, for his generosity in supplying cars and passing gratuitously our Committee and Apparatus over the very excellent road under his charge.
To the members of the "Hope" and "Friendship" Engine Companies, for the friendly and handsome reception given by them to our Apparatus on the day of its arrival in town.
To the "Mechanics' Brass Band," for the charming and melodious music they so kindly furnished free of cost on the occasion of the reception of our Apparatus.
To the Town Council of the borough of Chambersburg, for the erection of our Truck Home, the grant of this Hall for a meeting room for the Company, and many other favors "too numerous to mention."
To the Board of School Directors, for the liberal donation of the furniture now in this Hall.
To our fellow citizens generally for their very liberal contributions and kind cooperation in all our efforts to establish a Hook and Ladder Company.
Resolved, That the above Card of Thanks be signed by the officers of the Company, and published in our town papers, and that a copy of the paper containing it be sent to all the persons and associations therein named.
JAMES KING, President
JAS. HAMILTON, Vice Pres't
W. H. BOYLE, Sec'y
More Incendiarism
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--On Sunday night at about 7 1/2 o'clock, the stable of Judge Black, owned by Judge Oyster, situated on the alley west of Main street, and between Market and Queen streets, was set on fire by the scoundrels who seem determined to get themselves into the Penitentiary. The building was in flames before being discovered, and the fire could not be subdued until it had completed its work of destruction. Our firemen repaired to the spot with great promptitude, and worked with determined energy and activity in saving the surrounding premises. The Hook and Ladder Company were speedily on the ground with their Apparatus, and it is conceded on all parts that good service was performed by them. The frame buildings in the rear of the stable, which were on fire, were quickly pulled down by them, and by this means the fire was prevented from spreading. Our Engine Companies are also deserving of all praise for the faithful manner in which they performed their duties.
Annual Statement of the Finances, Receipts and Expenditures of Franklin County
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Continuation of Funk trial transcript.