Valley of the Shadow
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Page contains advertisements and a variety of anecdotes.

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The election which took place here on Tuesday last passed off very quietly, no disturbance of any kind having occurred.--The colored people turned out and polled very nearly their registered strength, while the whites failed here, as well as at other points in the county, to poll any thing like their strength. We can not account for this apathy on the part of the whites, especially in an election of so much importance as that just held and one in which their pecuniary interests were so much at stake. We trust that no bad effects will result from their failure of so many whites to vote, but if it should prove otherwise the blame will fall heavily on those who allowed their apathy to damage the interests of themselves, their neighbors, their posterity and their State.

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The President's View of the Election

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The South Twenty Years Hence

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Full Text of Article

The New York Tribune of a recent date says:

There are 12,000,000 of people in the South, whereof at least 8,000,000 are whites. There is ample room there for 50,000,000 more, and crowds are flocking in -- all of them whites. Europe is sending a full thousand a day, and the South proffers them cheap land, a genial climate, and employment for every sort of industrial capacity.--Now that a good harvest has delivered the South from famine, and her reconstruction is in rapid progress, there is no region on earth that should attract so may immigrants.

Twenty years hence we will have 25,000,000 to 30,000,000 of people, whereof the blacks will probably number 5,000,000.--Unless all the laws which have hitherto governed the increase of population are subverted, the whites of the South must increase faster than the blacks four to one. Not that the blacks will fail to increase also, but they are nowise recruited by immigration, and cannot be. Africa sends forth no voluntary emigrants: the slave trade is on its last legs and no negroes are coming to this country from any quarter. How, then, is it possible that they four million of blacks in this country should overbear the 8,000,000 of whites in the South, with the millions on the point of flocking thither.

A Good Example

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This page contains advertisements and brief news items.