Valley of the Shadow
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Ohio White Boys In Blue

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To the Voters of the County of Augusta

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In response to a call published in the Stanton papers, for a meeting to be held in Staunton on the 12th of October, 1867, of the purpose of nominating candidates for the Convention, a number of citizens, not large, but fairly representing the people of all portions of Augusta county, assembled and unanimously slected Joseph A. Waddell and Power Harrison to represent the county, and James C. Southall, of Albemarle, to represent the District compsed of Augusta, Albemarle and Louisa counties. The undersigned were also appointed by said meeting a committee to prepare an adress to the voters of Augusta.

Mr. Harrison and Mr. Waddell are both too well known, and their character adn capacity too highly appreciated by our people, to need that the action of the meeting, in choosing them, should be vindicated. As the white majority in the counties of Augusta, Albermarle and Louisa is large enough to elect a conservative delegate, by concentrating the entire white vote upon a single candidate, who it was believed, would command the vote of Albemarle and Louisa. Mr. James Southall, the Editor of the Charlottesvilee Chronicle, who is efficiently using his great abilities in the interests of conservativism, and who is extensively and favorably know in these counties, seemed most available for ensuring their vote, and at the same time acceptable to the people of Augusta.--It is believed that he will unite the entire conservative vote of the District, and thus defeat the election of a radical. It cannot be expected that each voter should have his first choice. Concert of action is indispensable, and can only be secured in teh way provided by the meeting -- the people fairly represented [unclear] held after full and fair notice, men have been nominated who are known to be good and true and suitable.

The election of good men can now only be secured by uniting upon those nominees.--Then let every conservative, every anti-radical come himself, and use all his influence in inducing others to come, and vote for the conservative nominees.

George M. Cochran, Jr.,

W. A. Burke,

H. M. Bell,

Marshall Hanger,

James Bumgardner, Jr.

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We learn that some villainous parties are endeavoring to impress it upon the colored people that with the return fo the Democrats to power they will be reverted to slavery.--This is perfectly fallacious and is resorted to by mean white scoundrels and black ignoramuses to force the colored people, as a body, to vote the radical ticket. When any one preaches such a doctrine to you set him down as a scoundrel and avoid him as you would a plague. He means to use you and then, as similar pretended friends in Ohio have just done, to cast you aside. Your old masters never want you again as slaves, and if the question were put to them on Tuesday next, it would be voted down by a large majority. They are relieved of a burden by your emancipation and they will never take up that burden again. Be satisfied of this truth an kick out your presence the scoundrels, white or black, who believe you are such fools as to be imposed upon and used by such idle trash.

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Conservative Meeting

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The Convention, Jas. C. Southall's Acceptance of his Nomination as Candidate of the District

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Local Items

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Local Items

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Local Items--Staunton Lyceum

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Local Items--Good News

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This page contains advertisements and brief news items.