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A Nail Factory To Be Established In Lynchburg
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The confiscation scheme of Mr. Stevens, advocated by him in a lengthy and carefully proposed speech, before the adjournment of Congress, seems to have met with but little sympathy in the House and less in the country at large. The Radical papers, with but few exceptions, oppose confiscation and we doubt not that Mr. Stevens' last effort on that subject has been made. Our readers, we think, need not worry themselves on this subject, for it is very improbable that it will ever be mooted in Congress again, so little favor did it meet with under Mr. Stevens' manipulation.
Character Of The Negro By An African Explorer
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The sum total of the doings Congress may be summed up in the following statement. While it is constantly increasingly the taxes of the people to pay. It is constantly oppropriating money to take care of the negroes, and as constantly injuring the business by which the white people have to take care of themselves. It legislates for Africa, not for America. It was elected by a white constituency, but devoted all its time and energy to the blacks. Black is the standard color for "loyalty" -- all negroes are "loyal," but if a man has a white skin, upon his "loyalty," unless he thinks negroes a great deal better than white folks. To hear the Radical leaders talk to judge from their legislation, a stranger would think that their constituents were all negroes and that the Southern States were located in Africa. Chillicothe Ohio Advertiser.
Va. Stay Law Constitutional
Acquisition of Russian America By The United States
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The Radicals are making desperate preparations to unite the colored vote of the South in favor of the Radical party. The most wicked appeals to their passions and prejudices are being circulated among them, and every effort made to array them in deadly hostility to the white people in the coming elections. To counteract these mean and devilish influence, the people of the South must keep constantly before the colored people the fact that the Radical party at the North only want to use them for their party purposes, as is fully evidenced by the fact that both in New York and Ohio they have refused to grant them suffrage, and have only given it to them in the South in hatred and revenge on the white man. The Northern people, too, vote the original slave stealers, and brought the African to this country and sold him to our people. We have kept him and civilized and christianized him, and made him what is -- far superior to his own race had [unclear]. The white people of the South are now and ever have been, his only friends, for a black man stands no more chance in the North than spoons do in the reach of Butler. Lynchburg Republican.
Letter From General Beauregard
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"M. DuChaillee, in his recent published work, 'Journey to Asbango Land and Further Penetration into Equatorial Africa,' makes the following observations respecting the character of the negro:"