
Staunton Vindicator
Lovers and Husbands
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Husbands, I am talking to you. Why don't you pay the same little attentions to your wives after marriages as before? When you are "courting" the dear little creature is an object of constant solicitude on your part. She must take care of her feet on a damp evening You softly whisper in her ear that she must take care of her health for your sake. What charming disinterestedness! for your sake, not for hers. Then you very tenderly wrap her shawl about her, and keep your arm there to prevent the little witch from taking cold. Always on the alert, very thoughtful are these lovers for their intended comfort; the memories are very retentive.
But husbands, can you inform me why it is that you lose your memories so soon after marriage? Why is it that many of you (I will not say all) neglect to pay these little attentions to your wives that are so essential to a woman's happiness. Is it because she is less dear to you than of yore? Do you weary of her who left home, parents, brothers and sisters, for your sake-giving her happiness to a stranger's keeping? Do you weary of her you promised to love and cherish till death parts you? Is this the return you make for all she gave you? Those many little nameless attentions that make courtship so delightful, ought not to be discontinued after marriage. They are just as acceptable then as ever, and let me whisper in your ears, oh, husbands, they are the cream of woman's life-the flowers of her existence: flowers whose fragrance never pall on the senses.
If you want your wife to study your comfort and tastes, show that you appreciate her efforts to please you, by praising her. It goes a great way with women. Avoid finding fault on every occasion. Many clouds have arisen in the domestic sky occasioned by fault-finding. Lovers, do not bestow all your attention on your sweet-hearts, but reserve a few for your wives.
The Late Riots in Memphis--What They Amounted To--The Killed and the Wounded
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The riots of Tuesday and Wednesday, now that they have passed away, can be referred to and conversed about by all classes in the community. The origins of the riots seems destined to be buried in oblivion; for it seems impossible, even four days after the occurrences, to trace the real cause of the disturbance. That the riots were unpremeditated there is hardly one person in the community will dare to deny. The cause was simply this: A negro and a white man got into an altercation on South street on the after noon of Tuesday and from words they came to blows. A couple of policemen interfered to stop the disturbance, several negroes came to the assistance of their comrade, and the riot became general. While the row was in progress, and when the police were about to be overpowered, Henry Dunn, the engineer of engine two, made his appearance on the ground. He went to the assistance of the police, as it was his duty as a fireman to do, and easily fell a victim.-He was shot down a few minutes after he entered the struggle; and after lingering in the greatest agony for several hours he expired. While the row was in progress, officers Slatterly and Stephens were also wounded-the latter mortally. Faint hopes were entertained that Stephens would recover, but although everything was done which medical aid could suggest, he gradually sank until death put an end to his sufferings on Friday evening. The medical gentlemen in attendance on Officer Slatterly and a citizen named Finn, who was also seriously wounded, are sanguine they will recover.
Four negroes in all were shot down during the riot on Tuesday night, all of whom died from their wounds. On the morning of Wednesday that disturbances were resumed near the Memphis and Charleston depot. By this time the military had been called out, and acting the conjunction with the police and a posse comitatus under command of Sheriff Winters, the negroes were quickly dispersed after four of their number had been shot down.
All the citizens were of opinion that the disturbances were now at an end, as the negroes had retreated to Fort Pickering; but their hopes were not realized. Shortly after 8 o'clock in the evening a bright lurid glare was to be observed creeping gradually over the southern horizon, and the news soon reached the city that the mob, acting under the bad counsels of their leaders, had fired a school-house and several negro cabins in South Memphis. The firemen turned promptly out, but owing to the great scarcity of water they were unable to stay the devouring element. In the disturbance which took place, four negroes and one negress were shot down and pistols and knives freely used on both sides.
Fires took place during the night in various parts of the city, and the greatest excitement prevailed among citizens. Before the morning's sun rose, no less than three colored churches, four colored schools, and about thirty cabins, had fallen prey to the devouring element.
The number killed during these unfortunate disturbances, which all good, law-abiding citizens regret in the most heartfelt manner, were as follows: Henry Dunn, engineer of No. 21 fire engine, and officer Stephens, of the police force. Twelve negroes in all were killed during the riots. Four were killed the first evening (Tuesday), four on the following morning, and four, including a woman named Rachel, whiles the fires were in progress during Wednesday evening.
There has been a great amount of debate relative to the origin of the riot and the parties who were engaged in it. The testimony in regard to all these particulars is most conflicting, but all agree on one thing-that those who engaged in the riot were persons of irresponsible character, and it will be unfair to charge these untoward disturbances to the good, law-abiding citizens of the city of Memphis.
There is no doubt but that there is a secret organization (which General Runkle knows all about) sworn to purge the city of all Northern men who are not rebels , all negro teachers, all Yankee enterprise, and return the city "to the good old days of Southern rule and chivalry."
Night before last they did all the burning. Last night they were to have killed all the teachers; but py the "treachery" of one of their own party, who appears to have had a little humanity, the teachers were notified, I sent my own sister home because I was actually fearful for her life. Letter to Mr. Kelley.
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Thursday, the 10th inst., was a day long to be remembered in Staunton. Although we called attention, on the 4th inst., to the appropriateness of adopting that day, the anniversary of the death of our beloved, "Stonewall" Jackson, the peerless Christian soldier, as the one on which, annually, all Southern people should unite in showing their respect for and paying homage to our dead fathers, brothers, husbands and sons, who fell in defence of our "lost cause," yet there was no organized effort made to observe the day until several days thereafter, and our anticipations of the magnitude of the ceremonies was vastly more than realized.
The notice was short and many in the country were not aware that the e10th would be devoted to honoring our Confederate dead, but at an early hour in the morning crowds could be seen pouring in to town on every road, until perhaps, a larger number of our people assembled in Staunton, than were ever congregated assembled in Staunton, than were ever congregated here on any previous occasion. Business was suspended in honor to the dead, and all parties united in paying homage to our departed heroes.
At 10 A. M., the procession was formed by Col. C. T. O'Ferrall, Chief Marshall, aided by his Assistants, Capts. Jed. Hotchkiss and Lieut. Jno. L. Opie, in the following order:
The "Stonewall" Band.
Clergy and Press.
Speakers and Singers.
Surviving members of "Stonewall" Brigade.
Surviving soldiers of the late C. S. Army.
Ladies bearing flowers.
Sabbath Schools bearing flowers.
Schools bearing flowers.
Pupils of the D. D. & B. Institute.
Citizens generally.
The procession moved in this order to the music of the "Stonewall" Band, down Beverly Street to Augusta, up Augusta to Frederick, up Frederick to Lewis and down Lewis to the Episcopal Methodist church.
The exercises in the Church were opened by an appropriate prayer by Rev. E. L. Busey, and the singing of
"Hark to the solemn bell,"
and consisted in addresses and vocal music in the following order:
Address by Col. Jas. H. Skinner.
Music-"Vacant Chair."
Address by Capt. Jas. Bumgardner.
Music-"Officer's Funeral."
Address by Howe Y. Peyton, Esq.,
Music-"Jackson's Grave."
Address by Capt. Powell Harrison.
Music.-"Cast thy burden on the Lord."
Address by Col. Bolivar Christian.
The addresses were necessarily short and but a short time allowed for their preparation, but were exceedingly appropriate and reflected credit on the orators of the occasion. The vocal music was of the kind for which our mountain city is famous and the several pieces were rendered with a skill reflecting great credit on the singers, and a pathos which stirred to their depths the feelings of the vast auditory.
At the conclusion of the services at the Church, the procession was formed in the same order as before by the Marshals, and moved down Lewis Street to Beverly and up Beverly to Thornrose Cemetery. It was the longest procession we have ever witnessed in Staunton, being nearly a mile in length and supposed to number 2500 persons. Arriving at the Cemetery, the ladies and children bearing flowers were arranged in sections of convenient numbers for strewing, simultaneously with flowers and evergreens the graves of over 2000 Confederate dead, when the Band struck up a dirge and, with heads uncovered, the graves were decorated with wreaths, bouquets, and scattered flowers.
It was indeed a solemn and imposing spectacle. Tottering age and tender youth united in a harmonious and heartfelt offering to our dead kindred and friends, and not forgetting the stranger, who battled shoulder to shoulder, with our loved and fallen ones, and now takes his last sleep by their side. May their spirits bloom, as the flowers which deck their graves, eternal in the Paradise of God, and the remembrance of their heroic deeds and sacrifices be ever green in our memories.
The strewing of flowers on the graves being finished, the procession returned to town and was dismissed.
That the inaugural of the 10th day of May, as the anniversary, upon which all may unite in manifesting our respect for the Confederate dead, was in such an eminent degree a success, is due especially to our noble ladies, who are ever first in every good work. With them, originated the idea of enclosing and adorning the graves of our fallen Confederates, and the selection of a day to be set apart for revering their memories and commemorating their noble deeds and heroic sacrifices.
"No nobler cause than this of thine,
May woman's heart engage-
She need no prouder place to win
On Fame's immortal page:
Go, seek them in their graves unknown,
And by the genial powers
Bid on each spot in beauty spring
A sisterhood of flowers.
No marble slab, or graven stone,
Their mournful deeds to fell-
No monument to mark the spot
Where they with glory fell,
Their names shall yet a herald find
Is every tongue of fame,
When valley stream and minstrel voice
Shall swell with their acclaim.
Plant flowers above their lonely graves-
The ivy let entwine
Its tendrils [unclear] and there be set
The myrtle and the vine:
[UNCLEAR] of thy love shall mark
Each consecrated place
And [UNCLEAR] wandering dawn from Heaven [UNCLEAR]
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We call the attention of our readers to the Communications and Affidavits below from the parties whom we published last week as signers of the Dews-Todd petition. The views we expressed in our list are more than borne out by the statements made:
STATE OF VIRGINIA:--Augusta County to wit:-I, William A. Burnett, a Notary Public for the county of Augusta, this day personally appeared before me in my said county, and made oath that he signed a petition setting forth that threats were being made against the lives of loyal men, that neither justice nor protection could be obtained at the hands of the offices of the civil law, or through the civil courts &c., and asking the return of troops to this point to obtain the same for them, and that he did this under a total misapprehension of its meaning and he (the affiant) now declare that, to his knowledge, no threats are being made against any one on account of his or their sentiments, or have been made at any time heretofore, that he believes that justice and protection can be obtained through the civil courts and at the hands of the civil officers by every person in this community without regard to their past or present opinions, and that there is no necesity, at this time, for the return of troops to this section to furnish protection or afford the attainment of justice to any class of our people whatever.
I have carefully thought over the above subjects and the above writing expresses my sentiments in full on this subject.
Sworn to and subscribed
Before me this 14th R. B. MOORE..
Day of May 1866.
STATE OF VIRGINIA:--County of Augusta to wit-I William A. Burnett, a Notary Public for the county of Augusta, in the State of Virginia, do hereby certify that Jeremiah Moore, a citizen of said county of Augusta, this day personally appeared before me in my said county, and made oath, that he was solicited by one Wm. J. Dews, to and did sign a petition setting forth that threats were being made against the lives of loyal men, that neither justice nor protection could be obtained at the hands of the officers of the civil law or through the civil Courts &c., and asking the return of troops to this point to obtain the same, and that he did this under an entire misapprehension of its meaning, it never having been read or explained to the affiant, and he now declares that no threats are being made against any one on account of his or their sentiments, or to affiant's knowledge have been at any time heretofore made, and that he believes justice and protection can be obtained through the Civil Courts and at the hands of Civil Officers by every person in this community without regard to past or present opinions and that there is no necessity for the return of troops to this section to furnish protection or afford justice to any class of our people whatever.
Given under my hand this 11th day of May 1866.
Mr. Editor:-In your last paper I notice a petition purporting to be signed by a number of citizens of this County, praying the return of troops &c, here, together with an affidavit of one James Tood, stating that the said petitioners are residents of this County, and the name of John A. Harris appearing as one of the signers thereto I desire to state publicly that I never signed said petition nor authorized any one to do so for me.
I will further add, that I was asked to sign it and positively refused to do so.
CHRISTIAN'S CREEK, Augusta Co. May 14th 1866.
Mr. Editor:--I see in the last issue of your paper a petition purporting to be signed by a number of citizens of Augusta County, and an affidavit appended thereto by James Todd, in which he states that the names signed to said petition are citizens of this County, and were signed in his presence, and my name appearing as one of the signers, I have only to say that I know nothing of said petition, and never affixed my name to such a paper, in the presence of James Todd or any other party.
May 14th, 1866.
Mr. Editor:-- as one of the signers to the petition praying for the return of troops in this county, and in vindication of myself I will make the following statements.
Shortly after I was appointed Postmaster at this place, in September last, I signed a petition that was [UNCLEAR] but I never signed or authorized anyone to sign for me, any paper or petition setting forth what is contained in the petition that appears in your last issue. It is evident to my mind, that those, who think their precious lives and magnificent dwellings and other property is in jeopardy from the rebels have resorted to under handed measures to obtain signatures to this petition, that they knew well enough they could not obtain in any other way. And to my certain knowledge I have not seen or had any communication with Mr. Todd for the past ten years or more. You will be kind enough to give a place in your next issue and oblige
May 15th, 1866. Waynesoboro'.
Mr. Editor:--I saw my name signed to a petition sent to the Congress of the U. S., from Augusta County, asking that troops should be sent to Staunton, to protect the Union men of Augusta in their lives and property. Now I am not a citizen of Augusta County, and when I signed the petition, I was told that it was not for the purpose of asking troops to be sent to Staunton or anywhere else, but the intention of it was that Union men should be protected in open Court; and that they should not be imposed upon by former secessionists, if they should happen to get into any difficulty with any such The object of this card is to prevent the public sentiment condemning me for signing a petition, the object of which I was totally ignorant of.
I would further state, that I never heard that the life or property of any Union man was ever threatened, or in any way endangered because of his sentiments.
GOSHEN, Rockbridge Co., May 14, 1866.
Mr. Editor:-- In your issue of the 11th inst., I observe my name attached to a petition praying a return of u. S., troops to this section, on a plea that "Union men could not get justice done them in Civil Courts, and that threats were made against their lives and property." I was not aware that justice could not be obtained, or that threats had been made, and therefore had no reason for signing any such a petition, and I most emphatically deny having done so, knowingly. I signed, what I thought was a petition for Mr. W. J. Dews to be appointed Notary Public, but none other. I never saw Mr. Todd but twice in my life, and never signed any paper for him or in his presence. Should you see fit you can give this publicity.
Waynesboro' VA., May 14th, 1866
Mr. Editor:-- I see among the signers to the petition you published last week the name of Saml. J. Wampler, presuming I am the person meant, I desire to state that I signed a petition upon the representation of others, which I supposed entirely different from this, but it seems the petition you published is the one I signed. I do not agree with those, if any, who signed this petition knowingly, and would not have signed it had I understood its meaning. I do not think any one is in danger of persecution or will fail to obtain justice through the civil courts, on account of previous or present sentiments, and see no necessity whatever for the return of troops to this point.
May 16th 1866. Christian's Creek.
Mr. Editor:-- I see in your last issue a petition purporting to be signed by a number of citizens of Augusta County. Among said signers I find the name of Samuel T. Driver, which being thought by many to be my signature. I desire through the medium of your paper to state that I never signed said petition, which fact I also stated on oath, a short time since, as a witness in the case of A. W. Greaver.
near Swoope's Depot.
May 12th 1866.
This day Samuel H. Weaver personally appeared before me, James F. Hite, a Justice of said County and made oath that he did not himself, neither did he authorize any person else to sign his name to a petition sent from this county to the Congress of the United States for troops to be returned to said county, for the protection of loyal citizens. Given under my hand and seal this 14th day of May 1866.
Local Items-Sale of Property
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On Saturday last the Shoe Factory building and lot on which it stands, was sold by Messrs Cushing & Co. Auctioneers.
It was divided into four parts, the first of which was purchased by R. G. Bickle Esq. for $3750, and the remainder by Mr. A. T. Maupin for $3,850, $4,500 and $2,550 respectively. The whole property brought $15,050.
Mrs Doyle's house and lot has been purchased by Dr. J. M. Hanger for $4000.
B. F. Bagby has purchased the residence owned and occupied by A. F. Kinney Esq., for $7,500.
Messrs Piper & Funkhouser have sold to Dr. Chapman and Mr. Wm. Howell, one of their brick buildings, on Beverly Street, adjoining the residence of Mr. Piper, for $3,600.
Local Items
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WE are pleased to learn that the report that Mr. Tukey of the Freedmen's Bureau was to be relieved shortly by another officer is untrue. The error, it is likely, grew out of the fact that Capt. Wilson, the efficient and gentlemanly clerk of Mr. Tukey, expected to and did leave on Wednesday last.
Local Items
To the Voters of District No. 1
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The subject of this memorial, Mrs. ELIZA H. EDMONDSON, widow of the elate Dr. John Edmondson, and daughter of the late Rev. William Calhoun, died at her residence, in this place on the 1st instant.
Mrs. Edmondson's disposition was gentle, affectionate, sincere, forgiving and grateful; she was a true and faithful friend, a devoted wife and mother, a conscientious and devotional Christian. She spoke much of the supporting presence of her Savior, as she lay on her bed of weariness and languor.
Delighting greatly, as she did, in social intercourse, and especially in the society of experienced christians, how must she rejoice in the heavenly companionship upon which she has now entered.
Surely, even those who loved her tenderly, and who deeply mourn her loss, must feel that it is far better for her, thus to have departed, that she may be forever with the Lord.