Staunton Vindicator
Murder and Lynch Law in Accomac County, Virginia
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On our first page to-day will be found the speech of President Johnson to the soldiers and sailors, who complimented him by a serenade on the evening of the 18th inst. The speech of the 22nd of February sent a thrill through the patriotic heart of the nation, on account of its outspoken sentiments and firmly expressed determination to defend the Constitution against its enemies, no matter from what portion of the country they might come. He then relied upon his stern convictions of right and his [UNCLEAR] sense of duty, and appealed to the people, to sustain him. Struck with the manly and patriotic purpose of their President, the people have exhibited marked manifestations of their approbation of his course. Strengthened by their approval he has met the men, whom he denounced in that speech-who would trample the Constitution in the dust to subserve a party purpose, uncaring what might be the effect upon the country-with the Veto of two most monstrous and unconstitutional measures.-Nothing daunted by the passage of the Civil Rights Bill over his veto, the President pursues the even tenor of his way and "takes no step backward," but, in accordance with the line of his policy, issues his Peace Proclamation. Gaining strength day by day, he suddenly finds coming to his support, by a just course towards them, a very large and influential body of men, the U. S. soldiers and sailors. His speech to them, on the occasion spoken of, in which he again reiterated his sentiments, viewed in the light of past and passing events, is, perhaps, the most important emission from President Johnson. He calmly calls attention to the various steps he has taken to restore the Union, "opening up custom-houses, appointing collectors, establishing mail facilities and restoring all the relations that had been interrupted by the rebellion," and declares that nothing remains to be done "to complete the restoration of these States to their former relations" in the Union and "finish the great ordeal through we have been passing" but to "restore the great principle established in the Revolution," that of "no taxation without representation," and "admit representations" from the South.
Thus detailing the steps he has taken, he asks with pointed force, "who has been the usurping power? Who has been defeating the operations of the Constitution?" These queries will be answered-aye are being answered now-in a manner that will send fear to the hearts of the radicals, and brand them with an infamy, which the remaining days of their lives devoted to an abject penitence will not atone for or obliterate.
A Merited and Eloquent Tribute
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We regret our inability to publish, on account of its length, the admirable charge to the grand Jury of Rockbridge, delivered by Judge H. W. Sheffey, but give below the eloquent tribute paid to that eminent jurist and most upright Judge, Lucas P. Thompson, so lately among us and whose death is so sincerely lamented by our entire community.
Gentlemen of the Grand Jury:
Before proceeding to give you such charge the law requires, I beg to be indulged in as saying a few words which, I trust, will not be considered inappropriate to this occasion. I cannot enter upon the discharge of my duties in this Court without saying a word of him who preceeded me in my office, and who, by the choice of the constituted authorites of the Commonwelath, has, for his learning and virtues, been promoted to a higher post of judicial usefulness and honor. I am the successor of one who for more than thirty-five years has expounded the laws in this Circuit-of one who has been to myself a judicial father, and to the people of this Circuit the protector of the defenceless, a tower of strength and refuge for the weak, the persecuted, the wronged and oppressed, the guardian of the orphan and the defender of the widow, and always the fearless scourge of wrong-doers of every grade;--in a word, of one who is a Virginia genleman of the olden time and by universal consent a conscientious, incorruptible, and unapproachably honest Judge! Lucas P. Thompson has been a Judge in your midst for a period during which a generation has been gathered to their fathers; and yet after all that long service, although he has pronounced many thousand judgments, affecting the lives, the liberties and the rights of this people, and has passed thro' scenes and temptations of the most trying character, he lays aside the robe of his judicial office as spotless and unsustained as when, more than thirty-five years ago, in early manhood, he put it on.
Peace, gentlemen, has her victories as well as war; and often in the fearless discharge of judicial functions has Judge Thompson, animated by a heroic purpose to do right, achieved triumphs of the law which entitled him to something better than the mere warrior's crown! I have myself seen him face a fierce and angry crowd, which almost audibly demanded a sacrifice to the passions of the hour, and standing between the helpless accused and the excited-almost infuriated-multitude calmly expound the law, and fearlessly uphold its shield of protection over the rights of all, thus threatened in the person of the meanest citizen. I have seen him again amidst the throes of our recent struggle, in which our people and leaders deemed the most precious rights of freemen were imperilled, and to which Virginia had solemnly dedicated all her men and means-when military leaders were calling for more men-when the Secretary of War sternly revoked all details, including those of the bonded farmers, and ordered all to be hurried to the front-when his own home was threatened, and his own people were about to be overrun-when loyalty was sensitive , and motives might be suspected,--I have seen him send forth the Great Prerogative Writ of Habeas Corpus, and with a force of reasoning, utterly irresistible, and which afterwards other distinguished Judges accepted as conclusive, demonstrate that the order of the War Secretary was illegal and void; and then, with a moral courage, which no intimidation could daunt-which no apprehension of personal consequences could lessen-which no feeling of patriotism or self-interest could affect, deliberately pronounce the judgment of the law and discharge petitioners, taken from the very lines of the army!
To have had such a Judge for so many years wielding a silent but resistless influence in favor of law and order, and justice and right, has been a blessing which I trust has been appreciated by us all.
Our bar, than which none in the Commonwealth stands higher for honor, integrity, learning and marked abilities, have been accustomed to se in their Judge, the manifest spirit of the great lawyers and jurists of the past; and before them he has always kept high uplifted, the standard of professional honor and character. Our people, too, have been educated and elevated in sentiment opinion and principles by his example and influence; and the power of these, I trust, will remain with us and ours for generations, to come, impelling us to reverence the law, to yield willing obedience to its precepts: to regard its expounders as those who ought to be clothed with the pure ermine of justice-as indeed the Vice-gerents of the Almighty Judge in the visible affairs of men!
And now this great and good man lies upon a bed of extreme sickness-it may prove to be a bed of death; and as calmnly and serenely does he turn his eyes upon the Valley of the Shadow of Death, as he has been wont to look upon danger and duty in his high office. His labors ended, at peace with all men, full of gentle sympathies and affections, and with a sure faith, openly proclaimed, in the priceless atonement, his example comes back to us, as from the borders of the grave, and its light shall shine with steady luster for our comfort and guidance for generations to come!
When I consider, gentlemen, not only the inherent responsibilities of the sacred office I assume, but in whose pathway I tread, with unequal steps, I can only invoke reverently for my guidance and direction, that "wisdom which cometh from above," and resolve to consecrate all my powers to the discharge of its duties!
Local Items
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OUR friend, W. A. Burnett Esq., the efficient Clerk of the county Court has kindly furnished us with the following items of interest in the proceedings of the County Court at its sitting on Monday last.
The usual certificates were granted to Messrs Henry B. Michie and Clement D. Fishburn to obtain license to practice law.
The same Commissioners and officers who superintended the last election, were appointed to superintend the election to be held on the 4th Thursday of May next for Sheriff and Constables.
A list of 400 citizens of Augusta County selected, according to the code of Va. Chapter 163, Section 4, to serve as jurors was submitted by the Clerk and confirmed by the Court.
An order was made for the election, on the 4th Thursday of May, of a Justice of the Peace in District No 1. to supply the vacancy occasioned by the death of Jno. D. Brown Esq.,
J. Marshall McCue Esq. was unanimously elected Presiding Justice of the County Court.
The consideration of the adoption of the "Fence Law" for Augusta County was postponed till some future term of the Court, in order that the wishes of the people might be more fully consulted and the Court enabled thereby to act more advisedly.
Rev. Joseph Crickenberger, of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, upon giving the required bond, was duly authorized to celebrate the rites of Matrimony according to law.
Rev. Ephraim Lawson, (Colored) of the Baltimore Conference, upon giving the required bond, was duly authorized to celebrate the rites of Matrimony according to law.
The use of the Court House was refused to Prof. Scharff of Charlottesville and also to the Preachers of the Northern Methodist Episcopal Church, it being contrary to an order of the court made at a prior term on the subject.
ALEXANDER w. Greaver, charged with felony, declined an investigation before the Court and was remanded to the Circuit Court for trial.
Jno. Pilson and J. Hatch Clark qualified as assistant Commissioners of the Revenue.
W. H. Wayland and Calvin S. Swink qualified as Deputy Sheriffs.
Col. Geo. Baylor qualified as Notary Public.
B. O. Ferguson qualified as Justice of the Peace.
Jas. W. Hudson was authorized to advertize [CORRECT advertise] for the sealed proposals for rebuilding the bridge across Christians' Creek.
Local Items
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WE call the attention of the Town Authorities to the condition of the wall on the eastern boundary of the old burying ground, along Lewis street. Indeed, repairing and fixing up the fence and wall all around, with a slight modicum of whitewash, would improve its condition and appearance a great deal, but it is especially necessary now on the eastern side. After a while it may cost a larger amount to repair it.
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IT is with saddened feelings we announce the death of our distinguished fellow-citizen, Judge Lucas P. Thompson, at his residence in Staunton, on the 21st inst, in the 69th year of his age.-Judge Thompson occupied the position of Judge of this Circuit for 35 years, discharging the duties of his office with universally accorded faithfulness and impartiality. But a short time prior to his death, on account of his acknowledged learning and ability, he was elevated to the bench of the Supreme Court of Appeals, but owing to illness did not take his seat, and we who know and appreciate him feel that the loss to the State is well nigh irreparable. In all the relations private life, the nobleness of his character shone forth conspicuously. With our entire community we sincerely lament the loss of this pure and upright Christian gentlemen.
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A military guard arrived here on Wednesday last, and returned yesterday morning to Richmond, taking them Isaac Chany, a colored man, who was tried some time since by a military commission in this place, for the murder of Mr. Gerald and his wife, near the Natural Bridge, and sentenced to be hung. He will be executed at Richmond on Friday, May the 4th.