Staunton Vindicator
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The course pursued by President Johnson, and his policy more plainly and explicitly stated by him in his Veto Message, and speech on the 22nd ult., are meeting with a cordial endorsation in all sections of the Union. The different delegations, which have waited on him to present resolutions of approval of his course adopted by the convenings of the people throughout the country, have universally heard from him the same sentiment, a determination to see the Union once more restored and preserved. Upon this he stakes the reputation of his administration, and when accomplished will be all the reward that he could desire-a full recompense for all that he has suffered and done. Still standing firm, with the oft and repeatedly expressed determination to continue "to stand by and defend the Constitution against all who may attack it, from whatever quarter the attack may come," and with the emphatic declaration, "I shall take no step backward in this matter," he is driving the enemies of the Constitution and the country step by step, and gaining ground day by day in the affections of the people. Fanaticism was, under the stimulus of success, fast hurling the country into the immeasurable and almost inextricable difficulties, till stayed by the firm and steady hand of Andrew Johnson. His opposition and words of counsel have set the nation to reflecting upon the events of the day. It finds that headlong fury is not progress, and the surest way to secure the prosperity of the whole country, is to pursue the course laid down by our fathers. In other words the people are fast determining, with the President, to stand by and defend the Constitution against all attacks whatever.
From this general feeling of approval of the course of President Johnson, exhibited on all sides, and gaining strength every day, we look forward with hope for the future and are led to expect a greater degree of prosperity than ever for our country.
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We made an examination of the books of the U. S. Direct Tax Collector before his departure, and find the tax unpaid on property in the name of the following parties, which we publish for the benefit of our people, many of whom were unable to find in whose name their property stood in 1860. We learn from our Richmond cotemporaries that the tax on this property, can be paid by going (or sending) to Alexandria, before April 8th, by paying 10 per cent. extra and costs, otherwise it is subject to confiscation. Everybody should read this list carefully. Those who have no property in the list, should notify and give all the information they can to those who have and thus save their property from confiscation.
STAUNTON.-J. B. Baldwin, Trustee for A. M. Garber, Thos. C. Burwell.
Wm. Chambers, Cornelius Collins, Thos. W. Cowne, Jr., Benj. Crawford, H. J. Crawford.
Wm. Eagon, Jno. K. Engleman, Wm. S. Eskridge.
Geo. Geiger's Est., Geo. Gordon's Est., Jno. Gordon's heirs and N. B. Long, H. J. Grey, Jno. Grove's Est.
Jas. Hagerty's Est., Harman, Irick and Phillips, M. G. Harman, Sarah C. Harvey, Jas. W. Hudson.
Maria L. Jamison.
C. J. Kinney and W. D. Trout.
Jas. Long.
Mich'l McAleer, J. C. M. Merrillatt, Fleming Moon.
Jas. W. Peters, Rachel Phelps, R. H. Phillips, D. A. Pittman'sEest., John W. Price.
Jacob Rohr.
Maria L. Sowers, L. L. Stevenson, J. I. A. Trotter.
W. H. Watts and J. Haybarger, W. H. Wilson. Hannah Wright.
D. S. Young.
Donaho's district.-Chas. B. Adrian, E. T. Albertson, Jas. Alexander's heirs, Jac. Argenbright, David Argenbright, Jno. Armstrong's heirs, Martin Armstrong.
Jas. D. Bailey, Jac. Balsley, Jos. Balsley, Nelson Barksdale, Geo. Baylor, George W. Baylor, Anthony Beard, David Beck's Est., Jac. Beck, R G. Beckell, Jas. H. Bell, Jno. G. Benford, David Berry, A. E. Bledsoe, Joseph Bowyers, Wm. Boys, Chas. Brawford's Est., Wm. Brooks' heirs, Wm. Brooks or Mrs. Summerson, John J. Brown, Mrs. Nancy Brown, John W. Brown, Wm. Brubeck's Est., Bryan and Shaw, Bumgardner and McClure, Wm. Burgentine, James S. Bush, Jac. Bushong.
Jas. W. Calhoun, Geo. A. Calhoun, Eliz. Call, Robt. R. Campbell, T. T. Castleman, Geo. L. Cleamer, W. K. Clemmer, Jas. A. Cochran's heirs, Jas. A. Cochran's Est., John W. Coffee, Marg't Coffman, Col. S. D. Coyner, Simon Coyner, Jac. Cox, Alex. Crawford, Hugh John Crawford, Lewis Croft's heirs.
Mich'l Daniels, Jac. Dedrick, Jno. Deverick, John Diddle, Dr. A. Dold, Wm. Dudley, George Dull.
Martin G. Edwards, Jac. Echard, John Elliott.
Mary Fix, Wm. J. Fix, Wm. Frazier, John W. Frazier, Jas. A Frazier, Ab'm Freed, John Fulton's heirs, Hugh and Wm. Fulton's Est.,
John Galladay, Sr., Est., Mich'l Garhard, Wm. J. Greever, H. F. and Jas. W. Greever, Geo. W. Greiner, R. Griffith, Samuel Gwinn.
Isaac Hall, Timothy Hardegan's Est., Nathaniel Harland, M. G. Harman, Renex Hodge, R. D. Hoover, Jno. M. Humphreys, Richd. Humphreys, Eliz. & Saml. Hunter, Andrew Hunter's heirs, Peter Hupman, D. J. Hyden.
Mrs. Cath. Jackson, Jas. Jackson, Ambrose Jones' Est., Francis & Sam. Jones.
Wm. B. Kayser, Wm. M. Kerson, Betsy Kincaid, Morgan Kincaid, Jno. Kincaid, Jas. Kinney's heirs, N. C. Kinney & Jno. M. Detmore, Wm Kyle.
Peter Lanahan, Abm., Lauges Es.t, Saml. Leake's Est, Alex. Leporte, Ezekial Levia, Jno. Lotts, Sr, Geo. Lotts, Jac. Lucas, H. J. Lashbaugh.
Jno. C. Macclay, Walter H. Mann, C. R. Mason & C. D. Goodman, Bransford Mays, Jane McAleer, Isaiah McBride's heirs, Thos. Mc Carty, Wm. M. McChancy Sr, A W. McClure, Jno. McCormick & Jas. Henry, David McCray, Moses H. McCue, Jno. McDowell, Jas. E. McLaughlin for Jas. Mc. Naulty, Elijah Merchant, T. J. Michie, Jno. C. Michie, Geo. W. Bliller, Jno. E. Miller, Mrs. H. M. Moffett, Hugart Montgomery's Est, Geo Myerly Trustee for S. Shafer.
Wm. Newman.
Jno. Pannel, Sara C. Parish, Saml. Patterson, David Perry, Jno. J. Peyton's heirs, Alfred Plub's heirs, Jno & David Price.
Jno. Randolph, David Rankin, Geo. T. Rodes, Mrs. Maria J. Rogers, Jas. Roker, Adam Busmise or R. D. Hoover, David P Ruebush (among the Bs.) Michl. R. Ryan, Jno. & Nichols Ryan.
Presley Sanders, Jac. Scova, Jac. Sensebaugh, David Sensebaugh, Michl. Shank, R. O. Sharp, Geo. Shuey & others, H. Smith, Geo. K. Snapp, Polly spindle, Jac. Spitler Jr, Chritian Staubens Jr, Garnett Staunton, Staunton & James River Co, Jno. Stoner, Henry Stoner, St. Clair Stuart, David Summers, Robert Supple, W. S. Swink, John Swisher's heirs, Swoope & Dudley, Henry Swoope.
Wm. M. Tate, W. W. Taylor, Geo. W. Thomas, Wm. Thomas, Amos Thorp, Randolph Tink.
Milton Valentine.
Addison Waddell's Est, Miss Sarah D. Wallace, J. B. Watts & T. J. Michie, James Welch's heirs, Wilerson, Walker's heirs, W. C. Rivers & others, Matthew Wilson's Est, Jac. Wiseman, Wm. Withrow Jr, David D. Witt.
Michl. Ysler, Robt. Young.
Lots, Nos 4, 5, 6, & 8, in Waynesboro, unknown owners.
STOVER'S DISTRICT-[UNCLEAR] Addie, Jas. Alexander, F. J. Alfred, Geo. W. Allen, Andrew Allison's Est, Allison & Wayt, Jos. R. Anderson, Jno. Armstrong Sr Est.
Geo. Bailey, Saml. Bare, Geo Baylor, Jno. Bazzle, Jas. P. Beard, Jno. Beard, H. M. Bell, Jno. J. Bell, Johnston E. Bell, Woodson M. Bentley, Eliz. Blackwell's Est. Wm. B. Blair's Est, Polly Blakemore & Children, Sarah Blakemore & Children, Jno. H. Blakemore, Maria Blakemore, Jno. Boaz, H. T. Bolen, Breckenridge & Michie, Allen W. Brown, Chas. Brown, Benj. D. Bryan & S. Hunter, Jas. Bryan, Rebecca Bumgardner, Jas. Bunch, Abm. Burkett, Thos. C. Burwell.
Jno. Callhoun & others, Margt. Cameron, Margt. B. Christian's Children, Mary Cline & D. T. Dixon's Est, Jno. Coalter, Jas. A. Cochran's Est., Jno. Cochran & J. H. Peyton's Est, Jno. Conuer's heirs, Jno. J. [UNCLEAR] Est, W. B. Crawford & others, Jas. Crawford & Wm. Kinney, Jno. Crawford, Dr. Wm. M. Crawford, David Crawn, Polly Crickenbarger, W. P. Cullen, Marcus Cupp's Est, Wm. W. Curry, Eliade Curry, Peachy Curtis.
Jn.. G. Davis, Robt. G. Davis, Jno. Dennison's Est, Jac. Dinkle, Jno. Donaghe's Est, R. Dudley & Jno. Ervine.
H. and J. Foust, Jos. G. Feller and A. G. Coiner, Jeremiah Fifer, Cath. Fifer, F. M. Finley and W. H. Wats, Addison fisher, A. H. Fisher.
John Garber, Mich'l Garber's Est., Wm. Good's Est., and R. Tisdale, John Grundstaff.
James W. Hamilton, Hugh N. Hamilton, Wm. A. Hanger and Wm. Mills, for E. Sperry, Robinson Hanger, Ab'm Hanna, R. W. Hardy and others, Henry Harman, Robert Harnsbarger's Est, Dr. C R Harris, Harrison and Henry (among the Ms,) D K Harshbarger, Harshbarger, Winant and Kaiser, Susannah Heiskell, Isabella Hogshead, R. A. Hogshead, Trustee of S. A. Blakemore, Isaac Hoy, Sylvester Huffman.
Nancy Jenkins, Jas Johnson for Robert Maupin.
John Kennedy of Mr., Dr B. H. Kibler, Arch. Kinney, and Mary Kinney.
Jac. Lamb, John Lamb, Jane Lamb, S. Leonard and W P German, Ch. Lewis, Jr. Jos. Long, Sr. Jos. Long, Jr. Samuel Lutz.
McCue and Wenter, T. J. Michie, N. Michie's Est, and John Crawford, Robert Miller, Sam'l Miler's Est., W. H. Misner, Henry Morris and O. Wister, E. F. Moyers, B Murry's Est. and E. T. Norton and E. T. Noas.
Jacob Nebergall, W J Nelson, Jas. Nelson's Est, Anastatius Nicholas.
Sarah A. O'Brien.
Jacob Pates, Allen Payne, Joseph Peck's Est., Reuben Pence, Ch. Penn and J. Crawford. Andrew Perry, Perry & Sheets, Wm. Peters. John. M. Pitman, Jno. Poage's Est, Jane Proffet, David Sebastian Propes. Cyns Ramsey, Armstrong Rankin, Jno R Reynold's Est., G C Robertson and Samuel Crawford's heirs, Wm. H Rodes, Frederick Rodes' Est., A J Rogers (H Bushong,) Jno Roler, Sr., Ab'm Root, Geo. Rutledges' Est.
Nicholas Sandridge, Jac. Schreckise, Peyton Scott, Geo. A Sellers. Emily Sheets, Saml. Shelley, Mary J. Shepherd, O H P Sillings, Jas. M Simmons, Geo. & Joel Siple, Dr. Ch. J Smith, Jno. C Sower's Est, Nancy Steen, H F Stone, Christian Stover, David Stover, Danl. Stover Jr, Sally Stover, Aaron Stoutemoyer, Erasmus Stribling.
Wm. H. Thompson, Chas. S. Thompson, Magdaline Thuma, Jas Todd, Jno. Towell's Est, N K Trout Trustee for Bryan, W D Trout, H M Bell & Co, Trustees of J N Woodward, Thos. Turk's heirs, Wm. Turk's est.
W P Vanlear's Est, Israel E Vial, Jno. Vigan.
Jno. Weller, Wm. Withrow Jr, Jno. & Wm. Wooddell, E. Woods, Jas. Woods' Est. Wm. Young.
Jno. Zirkle's Est.
Twelve Rebellions in the United States
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Since the organization of the Federal Government, twelve attempts have been made to resist its authority. The first was in 1782-a conspiracy of some of the officers of the Federal army to consolidate the thirteen States into one, and confer supreme power upon Washington; the second in 1787, called Shay's Insurrection, in Massachusetts; the third in 1794, called the Whiskey Insurrection of Pensylvania; the fourth in 1814, by the Hartford Convention; the fifth in 1820 on the question of the admission of Missouri into the Union; the sixth was a collision between the Legislature of Georgia and the Federal Government, in regard to the lands given to the Creek Indians; the seventh was in 1830, with the Cherokees in Georgia; the eighth was a memorable nullifying ordinances of South Carolina, in 1832; the ninth was in 1842, in Rhode Island, between the Suffrage Association and the State authorities; the tenth was in 1856, on the part of the Mormons, who resisted the Federal Government; the eleventh war John Brown's raid; the twelfth, Secession, in 1861.
Local Items
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By reference to another column, the list of propriety on which the U. S. Direct Tax has not been paid, (in the names of parties in which it was placed on the Assessors' books of 1860,) will be found. On account of the shortness of time in which the tax must be paid to prevent the confiscation of this property, we spent the greater portion of two days in making said list, without which some were unable to find their property on the Collector's books and many could not ascertain in whose names their property was assessed in 1860. If our readers will examine this list carefully and give the information to those who are in the list and do not know it, and thus enable them to prevent the confiscation of their property, we will have accomplished all that we desired in the publication of the list, and will be amply compensated for our time and labor expended in its preparation. The thanks of our people and ourselves are due to Mr. Searing, Collector, and his Assistant, not only for their kindness in allowing the use of the books, but also for assistance rendered in making out this list.
This speaks pretty well for old Augusta.
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MR. GEO. L. PEYTON, well known as a former proprietor of the Virginia Hotel in this place, has leased that house for a term of years, and will open it about the first April. The Virginia Hotel has been put in thorough repair & Mr. Peyton has left for the North to procure a new outfit for the entire house. It is his intention to furnish it in the most modern style and to keep a house unsurpassed by any in the State. From Mr. Peyton's past reputation there is no doubt that the Virginia Hotel, under his management, will equal if not surpass its well merited fame in days gone by. It is a source of pleasure to have our hotels well spoken of and knowing Mr. Peyton will make the Virginia take a high stand among the first class houses of the day, we give him a cordial welcome to our midst.
Local Items
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A difficulty occurred on Wednesday morning last, between Mr. Plunket O'Ferrall, Clerk of the American Hotel, and Mr. Jas. H. Chandler, alias Jas. Grimes, formerly a member of Capt. Bumgardner's company, of the 52nd Va., Reg't and lately of the e1st New Jersey Cavalry. Chandler applied an offensive epithet to Mr. O'F., who rescued it by striking Chandler, who ran pursued by O'Ferrall some distance down the street. The case was tried by Capt. Howe, of the bureau of Refugees and Freedmen, who imposed a fine of $20 on Mr. O'Ferrall, for striking a man twice his size for insulting him, who, instead of defending himself, ran to the Bureau for protection against a boy.
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On last Saturday night the Store of Capt. A. M. Pierce was entered and Bacon, Flour, Eggs &c, taken there from amounting to about $50. This is the second time, in the space of a few weeks, that Capt. Pierce's Store was broken into. Our police force should be increased and an especial eye should be had to the way and manner of securing a livelihood by some suspicious characters sojourning here, and a few suspicious strangers who occasionally drop into our midst.
Local Items
Local Items
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ALEX W. GREAVER was committed to jail on Friday last on the charge of stealing Oats, Bran, Corn Meal &c from Jac. Baylor, Esq., on the preceding Wednesday night. He was bailed to appear at the March Court, himself in the sum of $600 and the two securities, each in a like sum.