Staunton Vindicator
The Number of Negro Troops in Service
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Philadelphia is becoming anxious about her waning trade, and through one of her extremely Radical Journals acknowledges the fact that the want of the Southern trade is doing the work. A futile remedy is suggested, unless other things are done. We are down, we acknowledged the corn, but, although defenceless, we don't like to be kicked and cuffed, belabored and berated, and we don't intend to extend the hand of friendship to those who treat us illy in our powerless condition. The best thing that Philadelphia can do is to change the tone of her radical press and people, cease to call us ugly names and heap imprecations on our heads, and try like "Bill Arp," and all of the rest down here to "harmonize," and instead of harsh epithets and blows, extend a helping hand to us in our misfortunes. Besides this if she will exert her powerful influence to restore the Union as it was in the days of her prosperity, she will do more to regain her lost Southern trade than thousands of ships could possibly do, while she still continues cry for our blood and the blood of those dearest to us.