Staunton Vindicator
Also on this page are a reprint of General Lee's request for arms and equipment from January 28, 1865; advertisements; and notices.
To the People of Augusta
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To the People of Augusta.
The Central Committee at Richmond organized under the authority of the Commissary General to procure supplies for our army and returned prisoners, have appointed the undersigned a committee for the same purpose in the county of Augusta, with authority to appoint sub-committees in each magisterial district.
Under the powers thus conferred, we have appointed the committees hereto appended.
We have authority to ask donations and loans, to make purchases, at such prices as we may deem fair, for the use of our armies, and for the supply of our prisoners who are daily returning to us in great numbers by exchange.
The demand for such supplies is most urgent, and delay in furnishing them may be fatal.
Fortunately for the reputation of our county the people of Augusta at their February Court had to some extent, anticipated this appeal--on that day sixty five gentlemen contributed more than 100 barrels of flour, 8000 pounds of meat, and largely over $100,000 in government bonds to this patriotic object.
This was a good beginning, and we earnestly appeal to the people of Augusta not to let this good work, which they have so nobly commenced, fail for the want of energy and liberality. Other counties are already following our example. Augusta was the first to inaugurate this system of county appropriations for the indigent families of our soldier's which has been promptly followed throughout the Confederacy.
Let us earn a new title to the esteem and gratitude of our country by another exhibition of generous patriotism.
All that we have is at stake in the present contest. If the issue be unfavorable we will hold our liberty, our property our lives at the will of the enemy. We had nothing to do in bringing on the war. It was forced on us against our will--our only hope is in making our defence successful. It would be better for us to give all we have than be reduce to slavery. We have gallant armies under glorious leaders in the field, and twenty thousand of our bravest brothers recently freed from captivity, are hastening to swell their ranks, fired by the recollections of wrongs and injuries suffered during their imprisonment. Our present need is food to sustain them. Let it not be said that we are ungrateful to those who are perilling [sic] their lives for our defence. Let every man contribute what he can to their support. Let them be cheered by our sympathy. Let no one hold back because he has not much to give. Remember that the widows mite freely bestowed was more acceptable than abundance grudgingly given.
We repeat the need for immediate relief is urgent--Let not those whose hearts, during a long season of captivity, yearned for their father-land, suffer destitution and hunger on their return.
Our patriot here Lee appeals to you to feed his veteran host--will you turn a deaf ear to his appeal? Will you weary in well doing? To them who cannot afford to give, we appeal to lend what they can spare, to be replaced after harvest, or to sell it at the market price. We and those cooperating with us have full authority to buy.
Recent events in our Valley have shown the folly of withholding supplies from our troops. Had Early's army been supported in the Valley, instead of being disbanded for want of food and forage, the recent raid of Sheridan which laid waste the Valley and the Piedmont district could have been checked. Sheridan found the supplies wherever he went, which were withheld from our own soldiers. He reported to his Government that he found food and forage enough in a single county to support his whole army for two months. Had one half of this been furnished to our troops our army would have been retained in an effective condition, and the invaders would have been defeated and our homes saved from desolation.
Let the past teach us a lesson of wisdom. Let the people assemble in each magisterial district and stimulate one another to patriotic effort. Let the clergy unite in pushing on this pious work. Let the women of the county, the mothers and wives and sisters of the gallant men who are upholding our flag, not withhold their countenance and assistance. Let the whole community show that it is in earnest. Let those capable of speaking exhort and explain to those who are backward, the folly of withholding. We are persuaded that if we make one more earnest, and self-sacrifising [sic] effort, victory will crown our struggle.
Let old Augusta again signalise [sic] herself by her generous devotion to the public welfare. She can give 1000 barrels of flour, 100,000 pounds of meat and a million dollars in bonds. Let us see that she does her full duty.
Those who hoard provisions will find they are laying up stores for the enemy.
They will find that they are contributing to their own subjugation.
The committees in each district will report to Major Tate the amount of contributions received with the names of the donors so that they may be published weekly in the newspapers of Staunton. This will furnish assurance to every contributor that his donation is fairly applied to the support of the army around Richmond.
Fellow Citizens--Your destinies, under Providence are in your own hands--our fathers achieved independence through much tribulation--your liberties can be established only by earnest, steady, and persistent exertion. Gird yourselves for this great effort, and the God of our fathers will crown your exertions with victory.
Alex. H.H. Stuart,
M.G. Harman,
Geo. Baylor.
For the Vindicator
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For the Vindicator.
Camp Ewell, Feb. 16th 1565 [sic].
At a meeting of the Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates of the 5th Va. Inft'y convened for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of petitioning the Congress of the Confederate States, to permit the Stonewall Brigade to re-organize:
On motion, Preston Tood was called to the Chair and A.J. Deakins appointed Secretary.
The following resolutions were presented, considered seperately [sic], and adopted.
Resolved 1st, That in the opinion of the men now present, it would be inexpedient and injurious to consolidate this Brigade with any other Brigades, Regiments or Companies and to appoint Officers of the line to command them.
Resolved 2d, Owing to the great reduction of our numbers, both in officers and men; we feel conscious of inability to sustain our old and former reputation, and being desirous of handing down to posterity the name given to this Brigade by "that Hero of many Battles," as near untarnished as possible; Be it therefore
Resolved 3d, That we petition the Congress of the Confederate States to permit this Brigade to re-organize, into one Regiment of Cavalry or mounted Inft'y, to be called the Stonewall Regiment, with permission to elect the Officers of the line, from the officers and men that may be present;
Resolved 4th, That we cordially and heartily approve of the course pursued by our Commissioners, Stevens, Hunter and Campbell, in their conference with Messrs Seward and Lincoln, and that we pledge ourselves to follow our illustrious Chieftain Robt. E Lee, until the last one of our foes are driven from our beloved soil, or until we shall find a soldier's grave.
Resolved 5th, That we appoint a committee of six to confer with, and invite the 2d, 4th, 27th and 33d Regiments to co-operate with us;
On motion, the following named men were elected to compose the committee: John C. Baskin, Co "L," C.J. Bell, Co "D," Serg. Koiner, Co "H," B Horn, Co "I," -- Britton, Co "E," -- Spitler, Co "C."
On motion, the Chairman was added to the committee.
On motion, the meeting adjourned to meet again when called by the chairman.
Preston Todd, Chairman.
A.J. Deakins, Secretary.
Also on this page are advertisements, political and government announcements, notices, and a calendar for 1865.