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On this page are articles about iron-clad ships, a speech by Mr. Long of Ohio on the issue of peace, and the number of persons exempted from service or on detailed service in several Southern states, in addition to advertisements and a poem.
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Also on this page are other war news, advertisements, notices, and a calendar for 1865.
Tax Bill
(column 1)
A summary of new proposals for taxes, drawn up by a special committee with one member from each state, reveals that the new system would take one-fifth of agricultural products, rather than the current one-tenth, and would use half of that to feed the army. The new system would double property and business tax. The intention of the new system would be to cut government expenses, to decrease prices, to pay the army well, and eventually to replace the "hopelessly depreciated" currency with a good currency.
(column 1)
The editor comes out strongly against croakers, as he calls those pessimistic about the war's outcome. He reminds readers that the new nation pledged to be free in 1861 and that if citizens would be true to themselves, then they will be free.
"But let us all agree to give the LAST CRUST to sustain 'our boys' and turn out OURSELVES to help them, and if we can't be free, WE CAN DIE."
(column 1)
Captain R. H. Phillips returned to his home in Staunton on Wednesday. Phillips was in charge of the clothing department here, was captured during the Hunter raid, and has been confined at Camp Chase since then.
Names in Announcement:
Captain R. H. Phillips
(column 2)
Charles Massie, son of Nathaniel Massie, Esquire, formerly of Augusta County, died. The editor grew up with him and grieves his death. Massie entered business and was successful, then left his business to enter the University of Virginia, after which he resumed his business interests in New Orleans. His health was not strong, and he died at 30, leaving behind parents, brothers and sisters. Two of his brothers have died in the war.
Names in Announcement:
Mr. Charles Massie; Nathaniel Massie, Esquire
Mass Meeting
(column 2)
A mass meeting of the citizens of Augusta County will be held next Monday, February 27, Court Day, in Staunton, to respond to Lincoln's action in the peace conference. The editor calls on all who can to attend in order to send a strong message of condemnation to the United States administration's demand for unconditional surrender.
For the Vindicator
(column 3)
D. writes the editor from Charlottesville, Virginia, on February 21, 1865, expressing appreciation for the visit from Augusta citizens to the hospitals in Charlottesville on February 14, 15, and 16. The sick and wounded men enjoyed and were encouraged by the visitors and their singing.
(column 3)
Sarah Baer married John Smith on February 9, 1865, near Churchville, with Reverend George A. Shuey officiating. All are from Augusta County.
Names in Announcement:
Reverend George A. Shuey; Mr. John Smith; Miss Sarah Baer
(column 3)
Ann Poe, age 59, died at Spring Hill on January 20, 1865. She was the wife of U. D. Poe, Esquire, and was a mother.
Names in Announcement:
Ann Poe; U. D. Poe, Esquire
$100 Reward
(column 3)
Harvey, an African-American man about 21 years old who is five feet eight or nine inches tall, of dark brown color, and who was wearing a dark brown Janes coat and slouched hat, escaped from the jail of Augusta County on the evening of February 21, 1865. Harvey was jailed for a felony. George Harlan, jailor, offers a reward of $100 for Harvey's return. Harvey belongs to John McClanahan.
Names in Announcement:
Mr. John McClanahan; George Harlan
$500 Reward
(column 3)
Andy, an African-American man about twenty years old who is five feet nine or ten inches tall, is slender and of dark color, and who was wearing a new jeans frock coat with metal buttons, a pair of gray jeans pants, a white felt hat, and a cloth cap, ran away from William D. Anderson on the night of February 26, 1865. Andy belongs to John C. Heiskell of Hampshire County. Anderson offers a reward of $500 for Andy's return.
Names in Announcement:
William D. Anderson
School at the Augusta Church
(column 3)
C. M. Packer announces that the current session of the school at the Augusta church will continue until June 20, 1865. Charges begin at the time of entering the session, and the sons of indigent soldiers may attend free.
Names in Announcement:
C. M. Packer
$200 Reward
(column 4)
Harriet, an African-American girl "about 15 years old, well grown and heavy set," with "a bushy head of hair, and a small scar on her left cheek near the mouth," ran away from the subscriber near Hebron Church on January 25, 1865. She is "a bright mulatto" and was wearing "linsey" clothes. Z. D. Shafer offers a rewards of $200 for her return.
Names in Announcement:
Z. D. Shafer