Valley of the Shadow
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Also on this page are other articles on the war, advertisements, notices, and a poem entitled "To Him Who Despairs."

The Salt Works

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Cavalry Fight in the Valley--Amusing Scenes

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The Negroes

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Also on this page are other articles on the war, a calendar for 1865, advertisements, and notices, including a number of estray notices.

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"With this our first . . ."

With this our first issue in the year 1865, we return our thanks to our friends and patrons for the many act[s] of kindness showered upon us, and wish them all a full share of prosperity and happiness for many years to come.

Though our people have been harrassed [sic] at times, during the past year, by the presence of an overbearing enemy, yet we rejoice that the suffering in our midst has been no greater. We believe that on this account we have much to be thankful for.

During the last twelve months, notwithstanding the numbers brought against us and the eventful chances of war, the gain has been decidedly on the side of the Confederacy. Sherman has advanced through the state of Georgia and now holds the city of Savannah, but the country thro' which he passed is still as much unconquered as it was before his onward movement commenced. To compensate for this movement, the only approximation to a successful one of the enemy during the year 1864, many thousand square miles of our territory held by the enemy on the first of January 1864 are again in our undisputed possession. Their army west of the Mississippi has been routed and disorganized, while the grand Union armies of the Potomac and James, from which such great things were predicted and expected, have accomplished nothing and with the great Captain of the age and his gallant army confronting them we have an abiding confidence that the ill success of the hordes of Grant will be continued through the campaigns of 1865.

The new year brings with it new duties. Let each and all of us resolve to do our whole duty, and never, for one moment, give away to despondency, that worst enemy of our cause, but give a "long pull, a strong pull and a pull all together," relying confidently that with an united effort the independence of our country must ultimately be achieved.

Dinner to the Army

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For the Vindicator--General Early

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General Early.

For the Vindicator.

This distinguished officer has so disposed his troops as to afford ample protection to the County of Augusta. Their continuance in their present position will depend on the spirit which may be manifested by the people. The Army must be fed. The people have the means of doing it. If they wish protection for their families and property, they must supply their defenders with the necessaries of life. If these cannot be furnished, the troops must be removed, and the country left open to the incursions of the enemy. An enlightened self-interest therefore, (to say nothing of patriotism) demands that the farmers should act with liberality. One fifth of their surplus will maintain the army. Common sense would dictate the propriety of even giving that much to save the residue. But this is not asked. All that is required is that they shall sell, at moderate prices, a small part of their crops, to ensure the safety of their families and firesides.


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Augusta Medical Society

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Overseers of Poor

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Special Notice to the Ladies of the Valley

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Full Text of Article

Special Notice to the Ladies of the Valley.

A soldier belonging to the Artillery of Genl. Earley's army, camped near Fishersville is anxious to open a correspondence with any of the young ladies of the Valley with a view to matrimony. He has been in the army since the commencement of the war--has been in every battle his company has been engaged in and wounded twice--about twenty two years old. For further particular's address, with full description of self.

Henry St. Leon,

2d Co. Richmond Howitzers,

Cutshaw's Art'y Batt'l

Army of the Valley.

Jan. 6--2t*.