Staunton Vindicator
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Morale of the Yankee Army
Casualties and Losses of Imboden's Cavalry Brigade in Six Months
Also on this page are other articles on the war, advertisements, and notices.
War News
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War News.
Nothing of interest has occurred on the [illegible] in front of Richmond during the past week.
On the lines about Petersburg there has been of late, more than the usual cannonading and picket firing. On Saturday evening the enemy, for several hours, shelled our lines near the Appomattox furiously, but with no result worth mentioning. Besides there daily cannonading there is nothing of interest occurring in the Petersburg front.
From the Lynchburg Republican we have the latest intelligence from the Yankee raiders in the Southwest, states that they came as far as mack Meadow, a point on the Virginia and Tennessee Rail Road, and after destroying the Depot, and one or two small bridges, turned back in the direction of Abingdon, destroying property of all kinds as they went. A party of fifteen were sent to the Lead Mines in Wythe, who pattially [sic] destroyed them, but it is through the damage can be repaired in a week or ten days at farthest.
At Wytheville the Depot, Ordinance and other government offices, and that of the Medical Purveyor were burned. All the Depots and Bridges on the Rail Road, between Mack Meadows and Glade Spring are destroyed. The track is thought to be but little injured at any point, and can be speedily repaired.
On Saturday evening the raiders were met on their retreat, at Atkin's, a short distance this side of Marion, by the command of Colonel Witcher. A fight ensued lasting from 4 o'clock until dark, when the enemy broke through our lines and succeeding in escaping, not however without suffering considerable loss. Col. Witcher pursued them and it was hoped would chastise them still more.
It is reported by passengers from the West that the enemy had concentrated at Saltville, and that a battle was fought there Sunday morning. We learn that a courier from Saltville arrived at Dublin before the train left yesterday morning, who reported that a fight had taken place and that the enemy had been whipped and were retreating. We learn further that this statement was believed by the military authorities at Dublin. If it be true we shall possibly have official confirmation of it before going to press.
Conductor R.H. Buckner, with the engine of his train, went as far as Mack's Meadows, seven miles from Wytheville, on Sunday. He confirms the report of the retreat of the raiders and the burning of the depot at that point.
We regret to have the report of the deportation of the Bristol Register confirmed. We also regret to hear a report that the office of the Abingdon Virginian was partially if not wholly destroyed.
It is barely necessary to contradict the enemy's tale of the capture of Savannah, and eleven thousand officers and men. We learn from the Richmond papers that the Government received official dispatches from Savannah on the 19th which stated that all was well. The latest public intelligence from that place is contained in the Charleston Courier of the 15th inst which has the following.
The enemy made a demonstration on Savannah Tuesday and were repulsed. It is supposed to have been only a feeler, put forth to ascertain our strength there. General Hardee, in a despatch to General Beauregard dated Savannah, Tuesday, December 13th, reports everything working well, and that in his opinion the enemy were endeavoring to reach the coast by way of Genesis Point and Fort McAlister. The enemy's fleet off Ossabaw Sound had largely increased. Arrangements have been made which it is confidently believed will interfere very materially with Sherman's progress towards the coast, if they do not check him altogether. Sherman has been disappointed in not being able to cross the Savannah river into South Carolina and effect a junction with Foster's forces at Pocofaligo or Coosawatchie. He was thetefore [sic] compelled to move down along the Ogeechee. All was quiet along the line of railroad yesterday."
The news from Tennessee, furnished altogether by the Yankee papers is indeed not of the most cheering character, and if true, it is wholly different from what we expected to receive from that quarter. We have however this consolation upon which we can always rely, that Yankee statements, made for the Press, and the official bulletins of Stanton the Yankee Secretary of War do not always contain facts but on the contrary are oftepn atched [sic] up for the occasion, without regard to truths, and only intended to deceive, and amuse the followers of Lincoln and Stanton.
The following from the Sentinel presents the whole affair in a nutshell.
It appears that on Thursday, the 15th an attack was made on Hood's lines around Nashville, by Gen. Thomas, who held that city. On our left the attack was sided by the Federal gunboats, and at that point it succeeded. On our right the attack was unsuccessful, Hood holding his ground till night.
The enemy claim that our left was pressed back eight miles, and also that our centre retreated two or three miles. This last movement was probably done to prevent the flank, exposed by the falling back of the left wing. The number of prisoners claimed to have been captured, "between eight hundred and a thousand," would indicate no considerable disorder in our lines. The number of pieces of artillery (sixteen) is out of proportion to the captures, and was probably due to some accident.
Hood is reported, on the next day, to be retreating in full column. We have great hope of hearing that he has since been able to make a more successful battle. Unfortunately, it appears that Forrest was not with him in the battle of Thursday. he has doubtless joined him again, as well as the infantry sent to operate against Murfeesboro'. So far as we yet know, the fight of Thursday may have pretty evenly deivided [sic] its favors; the adva[n]tage being with the enemy on the left, and with Hood on the right. In the next with galla[n]t Forrest to help, we may win a victory, which may God grant, that will turn our mourning into laughter and thanksgiving.
We observe that the claim of victory, which may God grant, that will turn our mourning into laughter and thanksgiving.
We observe that the claim of victory did not bring gold, down in New York, the bankers saying that if the story was true, as told, it "did not amount to much!"
The Sentinel states that a report was current on yesterday that a member of the Legislature had received a dispatch from the neighborhood of Saltville, that Gen. Breckinridge and gained a decided victory over Burbridge on Sunday, and that on Monday he again attacked the enemy, and compelled him to retreat towards East Tennessee. The fight is stated to have occurred beyond Glade Springs. Nothing relative to this reported fight had been received at the War Department last evening.
By passengers in the Stage this morning we learn, that, Genl. Rosser attacked on Wednesday morning about 4 o'clock, Custer's Division of Cavalry at Mellrose, a point on the Turnpike 5 miles below Harrisonburg; and after a short skirmish, succeeded in driving them from their position, and capturing about 40 prisoners.
At last accounts they were moving down the Valley. It is fu[r]ther stated , that the main portion of the Yankee Cavalry now in the Lower Valley have crossed the mountain, and are moving in the direction of Gordonsville. Genl Early is in the right place, and will be able to confront them in any direction they may think proper to take.
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The Staunton Battery.
To the People of Staunton and Augusta County:
Our own dear boys have returned to winter among us--battered and warworn--wanting all comforts, yet never complaining--deserving all honors, yet never claiming them--brave yet modest. For nearly four years, this gallant company, composed of our sons and brothers--the choice spirits of our town and county, have bared their breasts to almost every battle throughout the glorious campaigns of the Valley, and of old Virginia. Among the first to volunteer in our sacred cause, their daring valor has never quailed, but has often won the merited applause of our most distinguished successes. What will their friends--their relatives--do for them now? What testimonial of gratitude and approval will be offered to the remnant of that gallant band who have periled their all for our protection? They come divested of everything but glory. They have suffered all that we might be saved. The festivals of Christmas and Year are at hand--let the fatted calf be killed--let a grateful people see that these, their defenders shall be warmed and fed--that having bravely periled all for us, the storms of Winter shall not consume their precious bodies that the storms of War have spared.
People of a brave and patriotic community--the duty here enjoined has been too long neglected. Come together now and act worthy. Cheer up the hearts of your noble soldiers by unmistakable evidences of your approval and love.