Staunton Vindicator
On this page are advertisements, notices, a poem, articles on prices set throughout the Confederacy by the Commissioners of Revenue, and assorted other articles.
Also on this page are advertisements, reprinted runaway slave notices, a number of estray notices, and a list of persons who have mail being held at the Post Office at Staunton as of September 30, 1864.
Retribution Will Come
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Retribution Will Come.
In the recent temporary occupation of the Valley of Virginia the enemy again exhibited that malignant malice which characterized the invasion of Hunter. Then the outcry was against Hunter, as a worse than Butler the Beast, in which, so detestable was his course, that Northern journals joined and reiterated the cry, but condemned no one superior to the commander of the expedition. Then our provisions were taken, a few mills burned, and a few houses plundered, but the order of Grant required Sheridan to burn barns, wheat and hay-stacks, to drive off or kill all live stock and to carry off the negroes--in fact to make the Valley a "barren waste." How well his aid has accomplished the fell design of his superior is already known to many of our readers. All that he could do, after the reception of the order of grant, and in the haste with which he made a retrograde movement on account of the near approach of Early, he did, being far more than Hunter with his licensed crew did in the entire length of the Valley, yet we hear not a word from the North condemnatory of the vile acts of Gen. Grant through his accomplice Sheridan.
This war has been declared by the Yankee Administration to have been commenced against those in arms against the Government of the United States. But now Grant, wearied and sick of fighting the veterans of Lee with no avail, has turned his arms against the women and children of our land, hoping, doubtless, that he may gain a glorious victory (!) over them, a result already discovered by him impossible to be attained over the former.
The destruction in the Valley effects the inhabitants seriously, especially the poor, but none others, surely not the army here, for it can draw its supplies from other equally plenteous sources and will, regardless of this destruction, be amply supplied. It will not cause the withdrawal of the army of the Valley, nor will it cease on this account to menace the capital of our enemy. Hence the destruction of property here was to reduce to the last extremity the non-combatants of this region as it must have been evident to Barbarian Grant that they alone could be effected by it. These facts will be treasured up by the fathers, husbands, brothers and sons of those who were desired to be placed in a destitute condition by the wholesale destruction of their property and they will some day have retribution. Let not the North then cry out that Southern Barbarians are let loose upon them, but remember that we can point to the campaigns in the Valley of the Shenandoah for precedents for all the acts our soldiery may commit and a full off-set to which will be necessary to make retribution justice.
War News
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War News.
We learn from the Express that the situation on the Petersburg line remains unchanged. The enemy at no point on that line show any disposition at present to make a move. It is the opinion of those best informed on the subject, that Grant is evidently awaiting the result of his operations on the North side of the James before he makes an attack here.
On the North Side all has been quiet since the affair of the 20th, and at present there appears no immediate prospect of a fight. It is considered doubtful, whether Grant intends to assault our new lines--at least not until he can bring up his fleet and assault Drury's Bluff at the same time.
We learn through the Richmond papers, that the news from Georgia, is indeed very pleasant. Gen. Hood's movement in the rear of Sherman has so far proved successful. An official dispatch, received at the War Department on Wednesday states that Gen. Hood's forces have destroyed the Western and Atlantic Rail Road from Rasaca to Tunnel Hill and a portion of the Cleveland road, capturing Dalton, and all intermediate garrisons, with stores, arms, and equipments, and about one thousand prisoners. On the 15th Hood was at a point not far from Chattanooga; the precise locality not given. Southern papers state that Atlanta is closely invested by our cavalry, our pickets being within one and a half miles of the city. A general engagement between Hood and Sherman has been anticipated, but the impression now prevails that Sherman in due season will be whipped by strategy, without a general engagement.
From Gen. Vaughn's official dispatch dated the 12th we learn that he met the enemy on that day, at Greenville, killed and wounded many, captured two stands of colors--many horses, small arms, some prisoners, and still in pursuit.
The St. Louis papers owing to the operations of Gen. Price give a gloomy account of affairs in Missouri, stating that they are decidedly worse than they have been at any time since the beginning of the war, and some of them openly advocates the abandonment of Arkansas to save Missouri. Gen. price has received large accessions to his command, numbering in the aggregate 15000 Cavalry, and nineteen pieces of artillery. At last accounts he is reported at Booneville, fifty-two miles north of Jefferson City on the Missouri river.
From the lower Valley we learn from a gentleman who just received a dispatch from New Market, that Gen. Early on Wednesday morning attacked Sheridan at or near Cedar Creek, and whipped him. No particulars given.
The indefategable [sic] and ubiqu[i]tous Col. Mosby has been heard from I the following official dispatch from Genl. Lee.
Head Qr's Army Northern Va.
October 16th, 1864.
Hon. J.A. Seddon, Secretary of War:
On the 14th instant, Colonel Mosby struck the Baltimore and Ohio railroad at Duffield, destroyed a United States mail train, consisting of a locomotive and ten cars, and secured twenty prisoners and fifteen horses.
Among the prisoners are two paymasters with one hundred and sixty eight thousand dollars in Government funds.
(Signed) R.E. Lee, Gen'l.