Staunton Vindicator
Also on this page are a poem, advertisements, and war news, including a number of articles on the war in Georgia and the capture of Atlanta.
The Yankee Debt
The Peace Democracy Dissatisfied with McClellan
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The Peace Democracy Dissatisfied with McClellan.
The Peace party of the North seem determined to bolt McClellan's nomination. The New York News, the organ of the party, states that "preliminary steps are being taken by the friends of peace to call a national convention of the Democracy, to place in nomination candidates for President and Vice President. Speaking on the subject, it says:
The peace party believes the idea of a Union brought about by force to be, intrinsically, a profligate absurdity. They believe that war can never rebuild the blessed fabric raised for us by our fathers, which the bloody hands of fanaticism and violence have already shattered into ruins. They believe that we cannot fight free men into loving us--that we cannot slaughter and trample them into brotherhood with us; and that, even if we could, we should be immeasurably more infamous than they. The Peace democracy believe further, that the armed coercion of States is a constitutional heresy, and that it cannot be consummated without striking a vital blow at the first principles of the Federal compact, and consolidating a despotism at Washington.
Reviewing McClellan's letter of acceptance, the News well says:
Genera McClellan's words and purposes cannot be mistaken or misunderstood. After seeming to "exhaust the resources of statesmanship" to re-establish the Union, he says:
"If a frank, earnest and persistent effort to obtain these objects should fail, the responsibility for ulterior consequences will fall upon those who remain in arms against the Union. but the Union must be preserved at all hazards."
To what "ulterior consequences" does he allude, and what "hazards?" He means war, and no honest man will pretend that he means anything else. If he had been frank, he would have used the word. He means that if he cannot reconstruct the Union by negotiation--nay, more, to use his own language in another part of the letter, if the people of the South are not "ready for peace on the basis of the Union" as a condition precedent to negotiation--the consequences will be on their own heads, and he will make war on them until they yield. They may have solemnly declared by State conventions or otherwise, that they will not re-enter into a common Government with us; the people may be as fixed and unanimous as their leaders; they may have resolved to have independence or death, as Mr. Davis has recently declared, still General McClellan is pledged to overthrow their resolves by fire and sword.
To a policy so wicked, so inhumanly absurd, we cannot, nor can any peace Democrat, subscribe without renegading from every conviction and from every instinct of self respect.
Also on this page are advertisements, notices, and other articles on the war, including a list of casualties from the 51st Virginia Regiment's engagement at Kearneysville, Virginia, on August 25, 1864.
War News
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War News.
There is nothing new from Georgia. The front is quiet under the flag of truce agreed upon between Generals Hood and Sherman. The truce expired on yesterday morning, from which time hostilities are to be resumed.
Nothing of interest has occurred in front of Petersburg since the bold and daring raid of Gen. Hampton, passing below Ream's Station on the Weldon road, and immediately in the rear of Grant's army. The result of this daring adventure was the capture of 300 Yankees, and what was much more valuable, 2,500 head of fine fat cattle. On his return he was attacked by Gen. Gregg's cavalry, whom he defeated, bringing off in safety all his captures. The line traveled by Hampton was twelve miles long. The following is the official dispatch of Gen. Lee:
"Hd'qrs Army of Northern Virginia,
September 1, 1864.
"Hon. Jas A. Seddon, Secretary of War:
At daylight yesterday the enemy's skirmish line west of the Jerusalem plankroad was driven lack upon his entrenchments along their whole extent. Ninety prisoners were taken by us in the operation. "At the same hour, General Hampton attacked the enemy's position north of the Norfolk railroad, near Sycamore Church, and captured about three hundred prisoners, some arms and wagons, a large number of horses, and twenty-five hundred cattle.
General Gregg attacked General Hampton on his return in the afternoon at Belcher's Mill, on the Jerusalem plankroad, but was repulsed and driven back. Everything was brought off safely.
Our entire loss does not exceed fifty men.
"R.E. Lee."
"A raiding party of the enemy's cavalry, numbering about five hundred, passed through Culpeper on Monday to the railroad bridge over the Rapidan, which they attempted to destroy, but it having been constructed recently of green pine timber, was not seriously damaged. They crossed the Rapidan and burned Holliday's mills, which contained a quantity of wheat belonging to the Orange and Alexandria railroad company."
"They then started in the direction of Orange Court-House, when they were ambushed by some of our infantry, thirty captured, fifteen killed, a number wounded, and the remainder scattered, and fleeing in every direction."
"They are believed to be the same body that Mosby has been skirmishing with, and that they came from the neighborhood of Alexandria."
"In their flight a number of mules were recaptured from them, besides the cavalry taken."
After burning the bridge, and mill and committing sundry other depredations, they were arroused [sic] by a sound of a locomotive whistle in the rear. It being evident they had cut off a train, they immediately started back to capture it.
"The train came nearly up to the bridge, and was shrieking away in the most frantic and distressed manner imaginable. The raiders were sure of having a good thing of it, and hastened towards the scene of distress. As they came in sight, the train commenced backing slowly, as if almost out of steam. Nothing could have been more excessively rich to the raiders, and they followed, full of fun. But the train kept on backing, keeping just out of range, until suddenly the raiders received a volley of musketry, several hundred of Confederate soldiers sprung upon them, and a fierce fight ensued. A large number of horses that had been captured by the enemy were recaptured, many of them were killed and wounded, and with the exception of some taken prisoners, the rest were dispersed, and it is supposed, made their escape."
From the Valley.
We learn the following particulars from the Valley. On Monday morning last, Gen. Early's forces were attacked by the enemy about three miles below Winchester, and the engagement lasted till after mid-day. Rodes occupied the centre, Gordon, supported by Fitz Lee's cavalry, the right wing, and Wharton, supported by Vaughn's, Imboden's, Jackson's and McCausland's cavalry, the left.
On our right the enemy were defeated, but on the left, Vaughan's and McCausland's men gave way, exposing Imboden's and Jackson's commands (who are said to have fought splendidly,) to attack on both flanks, as well as in front, and thus compelling them to fall back, in turn exposing Wharton to a flank attack, which resulted in his withdrawal, when our whole force was ordered to fall back. Except on the extreme left, the most perfect order in the retreat was observed. Gordon's command particularly distinguished itself in its unwavering order in falling back.
When the left was somewhat pressed, and some little confusion was being created there, Fitz Lee threw his command from his position on the right to the left, and charging the advancing enemy furiously, enabled the left to be brought on in comparatively good order.
Every foot of the ground from the White House, below Winchester, to Newtown, was contested by Gen Early, where night coming on, he withdrew his forces to Fishers Hill, two miles this side of Strasburg. The enemy were skirmishing heavily with our forces there, on Wednesday morning, when our informants left, and it was supposed they would bring on a general engagement.
In the fight below Winchester, Gen. Rodes and Gen. Godwin were killed, and Fitz Lee wounded. Col. Funk, of the 5th Va. infantry, was killed, and Maj. Newton of the same regiment, wounded Capt. James Bumgardner and Lieut Wm. Galt, of the 52d regiment were missing at last accounts.
Our loss was heavy, though not so heavy as at first reported, while the enemy is said to have suffered more severely than we did.
Can We Be Conquered?
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Can We Be Conquered?
There will be no time perhaps when we can propound the above question to ourselves more appropriately for candid consideration than the present, when our enemies are exultant over the occupation of Atlanta, and the surrender of the forts below Mobile.
There are a few who think, with the Yankees, that overrunning a country conquers it, but we would call to their mind the oft repeated times our own beloved Valley of Virginia has been overrun by the overwhelming numbers of the enemy, and, since Com[m]issary Banks first moved over the greater portion of it, how many men it has furnished to aid in achieving Southern independence. So far from conquering those parts of our country held in their possession, it has been the means of increasing the ardor of these true to our cause, and converting even the lukewarm into patriots.
The fall of Atlanta and the possession of the Mobile forts have not been without their moral effect in the North, but Donnelson, New Orleans and Vicksburg each had as much effect there, and each caused us to put forth renewed exertion, which insured the discomfiture of the enemy at every point of their advance. That likewise those causes, which may create in the minds of some temporary despondency now, will in the end avail us much, we do not doubt. While the spirit of resistance to Northern oppression burns as intensely in the breast of the united people of the Confederacy, as at present, we may be overwhelmed at a few points, or driven to the wall, but cannot be conquered--no, never!
What remains for us to do is to nerve ourselves for a more desperate contest. The clear spot of peace which gave evidence of bursting forth in the North Western horizon, has been rudely darkened by the land which was expected to dispel the clouds of war from the Northern sky, and spread the banner of peace over a blood-stained land. The cry for war alone has its representatives there, due to the late successes of our enemies, but the spirit of peace, which is overshadowed at present by adverse circumstances, will beam forth again with renewed brilliancy when we shall have proven to the enemy, and the world, the fact that defeat at any point but adds renewed vigor to Southern arms, and renders us more invincible than ever.
We have all along felt that we must wring peace from our enemies, and we will, for, with the resources of our Confederacy, the spirit of our armies and people, and with the help of God, we can never be conquered, but must in the end triumph over those who would oppress our people, and make our land desolate. Then let us put forth renewed exertions for the conflict, and trust in God for a glorious result.
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"We Publish in To-day's Issue . . ."
We publish in to-day's issue an order for the registration of all persons between the ages of 17 and 50, not serving with the Confederate armies in the field, or with the Reserves, whether exempt or detailed. This is not intended to be a levy en masse, we presume, but to obtain information not otherwise so speedily to be obtained, as well as to review all exemptions and details. We call the attention of all interested to a speedy compliance with the order of Col. Peyton, and would also request of him to arrange that some one shall be on band at all hours to register parties reporting, as the present is too important a season for the farmer to be compelled to come day after day for several days on account of the inadequate number of clerks for registering, or arriving after special office hours.
$200 Reward!
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$200 Reward.
Ran away, from one of the subscribers' farms, on the 5th instant, a negro boy,
about five feet nine inches high, color between that of a dark mulatto and a black, no marks recollected. When spoken to he has rather a down look. The above reward will be given for him if taken out of the county, and delivered to me or in jail. If taken in the county and delivered to me a reward of twenty dollars.
Michael G. Harman.
Sept 16-3t.