Staunton Vindicator
Also on this page are advertisements; the text of a speech made by the Honorable C. L. Vallandigham at a peace meeting in Dayton, Ohio, on August 13, 1864; an article about a fight between two girls at a church near Albany, Georgia, when Union troops appeared at the service to secure horses and one girl volunteered her horse in support of the Union forces; and other articles on war-related topics.
Why Chambersburg was Burnt
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Why Chambersburg Was Burned.
This act is thus explained in a letter from Maryland to the New York Herald:
"Just before leaving Williamsport, General Early made some public remarks in regard to the burning of Chambersburg which are of interest. He said that he ordered one hundred thousand dollars in gold to be demanded of the town; and that if the demand was not complied with in three hours the town was to be burned; that the sum of money demanded was to reimburse Andrew Hunter, William Lucas, E. J. Lee and Hon. Alexander R. Boteler for their losses, caused in the destruction of their property by order of General Hunter, and that he felt perfectly justified in the course he had pursued. He explained how General Hunter had burned the house of his (Hunter's) cousin, in Jefferson county, Virginia, and taken that cousin (Andrew Hunter) off as a prisoner, and said that the act was a brutal one, because the inmates of the house were not allowed time to save even a portion of their clothing. In concluding, he said it would be the future policy of the rebel Government to retaliate in the severest manner for all barbarities practiced against them. He delivered these remarks in a calm, firm manner. In a private conversation, he said that no man more than himself deprecated the necessity of such an act as the one committed at Chambersburg, but that he sanctioned it, believing he was only doing his duty to those people who had suffered by General Hunter's orders; and again, because he believed that by retaliation such barbarous practices would be sooner discontinued than in any other way. He was particularly severe on General Hunter, and said that should he fall a prisoner into their hands, his lot would be a hard one."
Presidential Movements in the United States
General Forest and the Negroes
Large Arrival of Prisoners in Richmond
Also on this page are the text of General Orders Number 7 from the Headquarters of Reserve Forces of the Valley District, notices calling for the assembling of the Reserves, advertisements, and a number of estray notices for livestock taken by the enemy and, the owners hope, abandoned or of livestock found.
War News
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War News.
Nothing of importance has occurred in front of Petersburg since the battle of Sunday last. There have been three short, but sharp, contests on the line of the Weldon railroad since the enemy advanced their lines in that direction on Thursday last. In the fight on Friday, in which we attacked the enemy and compelled them to retire upon their inner and strongest line of works, we captured 2700 prisoners and a large number placed hors de combat.
In Sunday's fight we also made the attack and drove them from their several inner lines of works to their main entrenchments and here for the third time the work was stopped.
Further movements in front on the immediate line of the railroad were dependent upon the success or failure of the flanking column, and as the movement resulted unfavorably, offensive operations were ceased. In this day's fight we lost a number of prisoners, and many killed and wounded. We captured nearly four hundred prisoners, and inflicted heavy loss upon the enemy.
In these three battles the enemy's loss, including prisoners, could not have been less than eight thousand, probably more. Our loss has not yet been stated, but does not reach nearly so high a figure.
Since which time everything has remained quiet all around the lines, with the exception of the usual shelling and picket firing. The enemy still maintain their entire lines on and across the railroad, and no further attempt has been made to dislodge them. They are still engaged in fortifying and strengthening, and show no disposition to depart. They are rather endeavoring to advance and get as near the city as possible.
The occupation of the Southern road is certainly an event much to be lamented, not only on account of the inconvenience to which government, but also to which the citizens are subjected. An abiding confidence is felt in our Generals, however, and it is believed matters will shortly assume a better aspect.
From Atlanta we have dates to the 22d inst., which inform us that no general engagement had taken place up to that time. On the morning of the 18th the enemy, in front of the city, opened a heavy fire, which exceeded anything yet witnessed. A forty two pounder Sawyer shell exploded in a house, killing Captain Jarson, of the 14th Texas cavalry. Two children and several ladies were wounded. No further damage was done.
The [illegible] composed of 2500 men commanded by Kilpatrick, attack the Macon road at Lovejoy's, and moved towards Jonesboro'. On the next day they were surrounded between these two points by a portion of our forces, and a sharp engagement ensued, in which the raiders were completely routed, and closely pursued by two Georgia regiments of cavalry. Only one mile of the Macon road was destroyed, which has been repaired.
There are reports from the enemy's rear to the effect that Wheeler had burned the bridges at Etowah, Resaca and Dalton, between the up tunnel. [The enemy, then, is undoubtedly on half rations.]
From the lower valley we learn that the Yankee General has at last been successful in finding the whereabouts of Gen. Early, which appears to have been in the neighborhood of Winchester; and the arrival of between four and five hundred prisoners in our town on Wednesday last, gives at least an inkling of the result of that interview so much sought after by the Yankee commander.
The meeting between the parties is said to have been of short duration, the Yankees leaving, quickly satisfied that Gen. Early was not exactly the person they wished to see, and thinking discretion the better part of valor, abruptly broke up the interview and hurried off at full speed, burning barns and grain, and carrying off stock, closely pursued by a portion of Early's forces.
The next meeting may probably be sought by Gen. Early, and the place selected be on Yankee soil.
Convention of all the States
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Convention of all the States.
An idea is again entertained in the North, that, in some way or other, a convention of delegates from all the States of the old Union can settle the existing difficulties. We confess our inability to see how it would be capable of accomplishing any thing of the kind.
Laying aside the fact that the States of the Confederacy, by sending delegates to such a convention, would thereby acknowledge that we were of the same government, and merely acting in concert with sister sovereignties of that government for the general good, which we have successfully contended against, in arms, for four years, such a convention would, however desirous it might be of restoring peace to a disturbed country, be powerless for good. If it should convene within the limits of the Confederacy, its sitting would be undisturbed and its proceedings untrammeled, but its determinations would have but little weight in the United States, while, if attempted to be held there, it would be prevented, if possible, by Lincoln and his coadjutors, as the action of such an assemblage could have no other effect than to loosen the hold of Lincoln upon the people, and weaken his power as President, which his grasping ambition could but illy brook. Its action would express only the sentiments of the people, which is already known to be fore peace, and would in no degree effect the present condition of affairs, being totally unauthorized to act for the cessation of hostilities, or the restoration of peace.
We are not perfectly sure that the convening of the Chicago C[o]nvention on the 29th inst. will be undisturbed by the minion of Abraham I. Perhaps he may understand that, by disturbing its sitting, he will raise a cry throughout his country, (which the disturbance of a general convention would not,) that will forever ruin his and the prospects of the party he represents, and may, in consequence, leave it to adopt a platform and nominate candidates at its pleasure. Whether he prevents its convening or leaves it undisturbed is yet to be seen; but neither course will redound to his advantage. If they be free to act they have but to unfurl the banner of peace, coupled with the acknowlegement [sic] of the rights of the States, to hurl one from and prevent the acquisition of power by the other of the two war parties who have already placed their favorites in nomination.
Such action may be anticipated from the late speeches of Mr. Vallandingham, at Dayton Ohio, and Syracuse New York would receive more encouragement from the people of the Confederate States than could possibly be given by delegates to a general convention. It is not treason here to say that we are all--officials, soldiers and citizens--anxious for, yes, would hail, with joyful acclamations, the return of peace! peace, leaving the States untrammeled and sovereign, as they are recognized to be under the Constitution, from which the power of the General Government of the United States, as the agent of those sovereign States, was derived.
Our proposition is before the world, has been from the beginning of the contest, and has lately gone forth again from our able President, (if a Yankee statement can be relied upon) which sufficiently indicates that we are ready to co-operate with the peace party at the North to bring about a cessation of hostilities upon those terms which are alone just and equitable. It needs no general convention--our delegates, to which could only say what has been proclaimed to Northern ears a thousand times, but let peace candidates be nominated and elected, and we are ready to make peace upon the very terms so strongly and ably set forth by the head and front of the peace party, Hon. Alexander Long, of Ohio, viz: the recognition of the sovereignty and independence of the States composing this Confederacy.
"This act is thus explained in a letter from Maryland to the New York Herald:"