Staunton Vindicator
Also on this page are advertisements, a long poem on the incident at Fort Pillow, a story entitled "A Wife Worth Having" on temperance, and other stories.
Hoisting of The Flag Over Jackson's Grave
Yesterday was the anniversary of Jackson's burial and was the occasion of the hoisting of a flag over his grave. At the request of General Smith, former Governor Letcher addressed the immense crowd and presented a summary of Jackson's military career.
Following is a list, as best can be determined at this time, of the casualties from the 5th and 52nd Virginia Regiments in the engagements between the armies of Generals Lee and Grant. From the 5th Virginia Infantry, Company A, Lieutenant Funk Commanding: Killed, George W. Polmer. Wounded, Lieutenant Prichard, hip, slightly; Sergeant G. W. Grim, thigh, flesh wound; Sergeant J. A. McCrary, arm, slightly; Private B. F. Whitmore, face, severely; Private G. W. Noakes, face, severely; Private W. F. Way, chin and shoulder; Private C. C. Boggs, hand, slightly; Private N. T. Johnson, hand, slightly. Company C, Captain Trevey Commanding: Killed, Sergeant Thomas J. Reeves. Wounded, Lieutenant Newman, arm, flesh wound; Henry L. Hamrick, foot; Alex Dinkle, thigh, flesh wound. Missing, John Beard. Company D, Lieutenant Wright Commanding: Killed, Cyrus Lotts. Wounded, Sergeant B. F. Hupp, arm, slightly; Private W. A. Wright, elbow, slightly; Private J. P. Smiley, hand, severely; Private V. Bartley, fracture of radius. Company E, Captain Dempster Commanding: Killed, William Layton. Wounded, Sergeant J. W. Hays, elbow, slightly; Corporal D. A. Greaver, foot; Corporal James W. B. Trotter, thigh; Private W. G. Abney, ear, slightly; Private William Bowers, back, severely; Private R. J. Campbell, thigh, broken; Private A. B. Campbell, chest, serious; Private M. J. Campbell, shoulder, slightly; Private George W. Fitch, head, slightly; Private J. H. Hite, head, flesh wound; Private Henry Hite, shoulder. Missing, Sergeant J. W. Vines; George H. Kelley. Company F, Captain Wilson Commanding: Killed, _____ Robbins. Wounded, Captain P. E. Wilson, both legs, severely; Private Jacob H. Spitler, leg, slightly; Private John W. Stover, leg, slightly; Private H. E. Cook, throat, slightly. Company G, Captain Hall Commanding: Killed, Captain W. T. Hall; Lieutenant Thompson. Wounded, Sergeant D. W. Shott, hand; Corporal John Weaver, shoulder. Private Edward Wheeler, neck, severely; Private A. O. Powell, foot, severely; Private Jonas J. Greaver, hand, severely. Company H, Captain Gibson Commanding: Killed, Thomas Kelly. Wounded, W. H. Edwards, back, severely; George Gillespie, shoulder, slightly; James Walker, leg; Henry McClanahan, back. Company I, Captain Curtis Commanding: Wounded, Sergeant H. Miller, neck, severely; Captain W. G. Dudly, thigh, broken; Private J. P. Shumate, leg, severely; Private Jonas Stitzer, shoulder, severely; Private J. C. Hall, face, slightly; Private Jacob Wychael, thigh, flesh wound; Private W. Harman, leg, flesh wound; Private G. Harman, leg, flesh wound; Private J. A. Whitemore, groin, severely; Private J. A. Harnsberger, hand; Private F. Alexander, breast (missing). Company K: Wounded, Private Schwarts, skull fractured, seriously; Benjamin Jenkins, side, flesh wound; L. Shipe, neck, slightly; George W. Coalie, hip. Company L, Lieutenant Trenary Commanding: Killed, Sergeant James M. Doom; Harman A. Hague, J. W. Barnes. Wounded, Lieutenant R. E. Trenary, thigh, flesh wound; Captain W. S. Grove, arm; Private A. C. Fry, hand, flesh wound; Private F. M. Wood, shoulder, slightly; Private John W. Cline, leg; Private James Bryan, head, slightly; Private Preston Baskins, chest, mortally. Missing, G. P. Scherer. Aggregate: Killed 11, Wounded 61, Missing 4, Total 76. From the 52nd Virginia Infantry, Colonel J. A. Skinner, left eye, severely. Company A: Wounded, Captain R. C. Davis, head; Lieutenant R. S. Kinney, face severely; Private S. Taylor, thigh; Private A. J. Taylor, thigh; Private J. H. Adams, hand; Private S. Johns, left arm, slightly; Company B: Killed, Lieutenant William H. Burns; Lieutenant G. W. Moore; Private Sam H. Hall. Wounded, Sergeant J. D. Gardner, left shoulder severely; Private S. G. McDonelson, right arm, amputated; R. M. Lipscomb, right leg, flesh wound; Lewis Phillips, hip, slightly. Company C: Killed, Lieutenant J. S. Coiner. Wounded, Captain J. S. Byers, left foot severely; Lieutenant C. L. Weller, near left knee, severely; Sergeant Major J. F. Parish, left thigh, severely; Private H. H. Gains, right knee, flesh wound; James H. Croft, left lung, severely; James M. Vint, finger lost; G. W. Swink, leg, flesh wound. Missing, Tisdall. Company D: Wounded, Captain A. Airhart, right thigh, severely; Sergeant J. W. Marshall, left thigh, severely; Private J. F. Daggy, skull fracture, gravely; Private Matthias Fox, arm. Missing, Sam Shull. Company E: Killed, George Thusley. Wounded, Captain L. W. Paxton, right shoulder, flesh severe; Private William L. Hoge, left arm and lung, severely; Joseph Lamp, left thigh, flesh wound; John P. Wiseman, right leg, flesh wound; Benjamin F. Moore, hip; Charles P. Simpson, head; Joseph H. Lawhorn, face. Company F: Killed, Lieutenant A. H. Crawn. Wounded, Sergeant John H. Stover, bowels; Sergeant C. M. Walker, face, slightly; Corporal S. D. Elliott, hip; Private D. F. Suell, right wrist, severely; Private G. H. Crawn, head; Private G. W. Allen, head; Private W. E. Vanfossen, leg. Missing, William J. Cupp. Company G: Wounded, Captain E. Bateman, arm; Lieutenant Joseph Fry, left arm, slightly; Corporal J. McCray, left eye, severely; Corporal A. Thornton, left armpit, severely; Private George H. Becks, left leg, severely; Private S. W. Coiner, liver, gravely; Missing, J. Talley; G. R. Hanger. Company H: Killed, George W. Webb. Wounded, Private John Smith, head; W. H. Mathenay, left leg, severely. Missing, Amos Troxell. Company I: Killed, Jesse L. Harris. Wounded, Captain John M. Humphries, left arm, slightly; Lieutenant John D. Summers, hand; Private J. W. Lambert, left thigh, flesh; P. H. Almande, slightly, flesh; R. C. Waskey, left leg, flesh; W. T. Holbert, breast and arm; John L. Houser, thigh, since dead. Missing, Alex Reed; S. J. Harris. Company K: Wounded, Captain W. R. Gillet, right hand, flesh; Private Walker Sprouse; Private D. Liptrap. Aggregate: Killed 7, Wounded 55, Missing 8, Total 70.
Also on this page are advertisements and political announcements.
War News
Provides further details of the battles at Wilderness and Spotsylvania.
From the Valley
Last Sunday's skirmish involved General Breckenridge's troops and General Imboden's troops against the enemy near New Market. A friend reported seeing seventy-nine dead Yankees on one side of the road and thirty-three on the other only one mile from New Market, indicating that enemy losses must have been severe. General Imboden lost a number of members of the 62nd Virginia in the engagement and captured a number of prisoners. Two hundred and thirty prisoners, including those Imboden captured previously from the 1st New York Cavalry, have arrived in Staunton, with more on their way. In the 62nd Regiment, Captain Currence was killed and Captains Chipley, Bastable, Hill, Holt, Smith, and Woodson were wounded. The Cadets of the Virginia Military Institute were in this fight and performed well. Captain R. H. Phillips of Staunton provided a list of the killed and wounded from the Institute, including Cadet Stuart of Augusta County and C. W. Turner of Staunton, both wounded. Other cadets from Staunton participated in the fight but were unharmed, including A. Stuart, C. Taylor, J. Stuart, William Crawford, C. Harrison, and S. T. Phillips.
Staunton Artillery
The Staunton Artillery, under the command of Captain Garber of Staunton, maintains the high reputation it earned in First Manassas with its performance recently at Spotsylvania Court House. The Richmond Howitzers left their guns, and General Lee called for volunteers to replace them. The Staunton Artillery volunteered, operated the Howitzer Battery and two others, and worked so efficiently that General Lee noticed the performance. From the Staunton Artillery, James T. Burns was killed, and Sergeant John Bryan, Sergeant John Butler, Corporal Benjamin Pforr, Private W. C. Smith, Private Peter Good, Private John Stirewalt, Private Christian Huffman, Private Peter Proctor, Private Benjamin Ford, and Private Henry Woods were wounded, all slightly except Pforr, who is supposed to be mortally wounded.
Full Text of Article
Staunton Artillery.
This company, commanded by Capt. Garber of Staunton, in the recent fight at Spottsylvania C.H. has gloriously maintained the high reputation it won on the field of First Manassas. In this engagement the Richmond Howitzers left their guns and Gen. Lee called for volunteers to man them. The Staunton Artillery promptly moved forward and manned the Howitzer Battery and two others, and worked the guns so efficiently as to receive a handsome compliment from Gen. Lee.
Here they lost Jas. T. Burns, killed, and Sergt's Jno Bryan, and John Butler, Corpl Benj. Pforr and Privates W.C. Smith, Peter Good, John Stirewalt, Christian Huffman, Peter Proctor, Benj Ford and Henry Woods, wounded slightly, except Benj Pforr who is supposed to be mortally wounded.
General Hospital, Staunton, Va.
L. Waddell, Surgeon at General Hospital, Staunton, writes on May 15, 1864, on behalf of the patients on his ward to acknowledge receipt of and express appreciation for items brought by Mrs. Carson, Mrs. Stringer, and Mrs. Hopkins of Midway.
Ed. Montgomery, Esquire, collected two loads of provisions in one day from people in the Deerfield neighborhood for the sick and wounded in the hospitals in Staunton. The editor hopes others will imitate this example of kindness.
Rebecca A. Grove and Alexander A. Wallace, both of Augusta County, married May 10, 1864, in Staunton, with Reverend William S. Baird officiating.
Corporal Cicero Bare, 29, died in the hospital at Gordonsville on May 12, 1864. He was the son of John Bare of Augusta County. At the beginning of the war, he volunteered in the Company called "Lee Rifles," commanded at first by Captain Robert D. Lilley and now called Company D, 25th Virginia Infantry. On May 6, he was wounded severely in the shoulder with a ball penetrating to his back. He was "an affectionate son and Brother, much beloved by his companions in arms, and esteemed an excellent soldier." In his last letter to his father, he stated his hope to escape as he had in former campaigns but added "'If I fall it shall be with my face to the enemy. I will never fill a coward's grave.'"