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Also on this page are advertisements, a poem, war news, and other news items.
A Review
(column 4)
A woman writes a review of having seen General Rosser and General Smith assemble, review, and address their cavalry brigade.
Office Recorder of Va. Forces
(column 5)
Joseph Jackson, Jr., Recorder for the Virginia Forces, writes the people of Virginia to inform them that the state legislature intends to gather the names and accompanying information of all Virginians who have served, are serving, or will serve in the armed forces. This goal is complicated by the fact that no such information has been assembled systematically in the three years of the war. Jackson calls upon the people to form societies devoted to the gathering of such information.
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The bottom left corner of this page is missing. Also on this page are other advertisements and political announcements.
The Great Battle
(column 1)
Details troop movements, battles, and other skirmishes in Virginia during the first part of May 1864.
Our Wounded
(column 2)
A large number of soldiers wounded in recent battles are in the hospital at Staunton and have been well supplied by the women of the area with "little delicacies prepared for them." The editor calls on readers to do what they can to ameliorate the soldiers' conditions and especially asks persons living in rural areas to do their "patriotic and humane duty."
Full Text of Article
Our Wounded.
For for the past few days large numbers of those wounded in the late fights have arrived at Staunton. They were met at the trains by many of the Ladies of this place, who supplied them with various little delicacies prepared for them. Our hospital is full of these gallant unfortunates, who have been wounded in defending our homes and firesides from the ruthless invader, and while we can not heal their wounds by a simple wish, we can ameliorate their condition much by sending many little things not generally needed for family use, which will be thankfully received by them.
The attention of the Country people is especially directed to this patriotic and humane duty. Send to the wounded anything you can spare and send at once.
(column 2)
The editor alerts the readers to the article from the Recorder for the Virginia forces and calls on them to help in his task by forming community organizations to gather and report the desired information.
From the Lower Valley
(column 2)
General Imboden recently engaged the enemy at Lost River in Hardy County, was victorious, and took some prisoners and wagons.
Names in Announcement:
General Imboden
(column 2)
A list of casualties from Augusta County is unavailable at press time but will be published next week if available.
$50 Reward
(column 3)
Isaac, a slave, ran away from Esteline Furnace in Augusta County on Monday night, April 23, 1864. He is about five feet five inches tall, about 25 years old, is very black, is "a quick active boy," and talks very fast. He was hired by M. F. Gooch, Sheriff of Louisa County and belongs to Richard Cottom. The firm of Burke and Junkle offers a reward of $50 for his return.
Names in Announcement:
Richard Cottom
Full Text of Article
$50 Reward.
Ran away from Esteline Furnace Augusta County, Va., on Monday night the 23rd of April 1864
who was hired of M.F. Gooch, Sheriff of Louis Co. Va., he belongs to Richard Cotton. Said boy is about 5 feet 5 inches high, about 25 years of age very black, he is a quick active boy, and talks very fast.
The above reward will be given if arrested and confined so that we get him again.
Burke & Kunkle.
May 13 3t. Spec. copy.