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This page contains a list of deserters from the 52nd Regiment of Virginia Volunteers, the text of a speech by Governor Letcher before a special meeting of the General Assembly, and advertisements.
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Page Description:
Also on this page are other advertisements and notices, war news, and an article on using the potato fly in blister ointment.
More Yanks
(column 1)
Captains McNeill, Imboden, and Hobson brought 147 prisoners with them to Staunton last Tuesday. The prisoners were captured near Moorefield, Hardy County, and most were western Virginians from Pierpont's "bogus capital." The full story of their capture appears in another story.
(column 1)
The Vindicator's editor agrees with the Spectator's editor that Governor Letcher's message was "very good" and "eminently practical." The message has received "universal commendation" by the press throughout the state. The editor requests that the message's length not deter the readers from careful perusal.
Public Speaking
(column 1)
General William Smith, recently elected governor of Virginia; James P. Holcombe, formerly of the University of Virginia and former member of Congress from Albemarle County; and Senator Wigfall of Texas have been invited to speak to the people of Augusta on September 28, Court day, at the Court House. They have participated either in Congress or on the battlefields and will speak on these subjects. General Smith has accepted the invitation.
Mr. Sheffey's Address
(column 1)
H. W. Sheffey, Esquire, delegate from Augusta County and again speaker of the house, spoke before the House of Delegates and offered encouraging words. The editor calls the attention of the reader to the speech, printed in another column.
Names in Announcement:
H. W. Sheffey, Esquire
For the Vindicator
(column 2)
This letter from a correspondent details the movements of General Imboden's troops and their capture of prisoners in western Virginia.
A Member of N. W. Brigade
Large Sheep
(column 2)
H. E. Bryan, agent for the General Hospital at Staunton, bought two sheep from J. B. Sellers, near Churchville. Their gross weight was 366 pounds; net, 212.5 pounds. Anyone interested in selling fine stock should contact Bryan.
Names in Announcement:
Mr. H. E. Bryan; Mr. J. B. Sellers
(column 2)
The editor thanks Bolivar Christian, Esquire, state senator from Augusta County, for providing the Vindicator with a copy of Governor Letcher's message and accompanying documents.
Names in Announcement:
Bolivar Christian, Esquire
Mr. Sheffey's Address
(column 3)
The text of Speaker Hugh W. Sheffey's message before the House of Delegates is reprinted here.
Names in Announcement:
Hugh W. Sheffey
(column 5)
Amanda S. Cupp married John D. Ramsey, both of Augusta County, on September 9, at Piedmont, with Reverend R. Smith officiating.
Names in Announcement:
Reverend R. Smith; Mr. John D. Ramsey; Miss Amanda S. Cupp
(column 5)
Edward Franklin Link Bull, 17, died of flux September 2 near Mt. Sidney.
Names in Announcement:
Edward Franklin Link Bull
(column 5)
Sue Ellen McGuffin, 9 months, only daughter of D. C. and Sue M. McGuffin, died August 28 in Staunton.
Names in Announcement:
Sue Ellen McGuffin; D. C. McGuffin; Sue M. McGuffin
(column 5)
David G. Wise, 68, died of heart disease on August 26 at the home of A. D. Trotter in Staunton.
Names in Announcement:
A. D. Trotter; David G. Wise
(column 5)
Harriet M. Stribling announces the opening of her school from September 28 until the end of June. Cornelia Miller will teach. The classes and terms are described in the advertisement.
Names in Announcement:
Miss Cornelia Miller; Rev. Mr. Phillips; Rev. Mr. Wheat; B. Crawford; Prof. Kemper; Harriet M. Stribling
Musical Class
(column 5)
E. Louis Ide offers music classes to begin October 1.
Names in Announcement:
E. Louis Ide
Notice Physicians
(column 5)
The Augusta Medical Society will meet on the fourth Monday of September, Court Day.
Names in Announcement:
Samuel Kennerly, Jr., Secretary