Staunton Vindicator
Half Sheet
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Half Sheet.
We are able only to give our readers a half sheet this week. It will be seen however, that we furnish almost as much reading matter as usual, as we have thrown out all the Yankee advertisements except one or two that have paid in advance. We devote our space almost entirely to the publication of news relating to the present crisis.
Capital of the South
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Capital of the South.
It is now believed that Richmond will become the Capital of the South. The resolution of invitation, published elsewhere by the Virginia Convention, will go far to bring about a result so desirable. Everything combines to make Richmond the very place for the Southern Capital.
No Pressing
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No Pressing.
The impression has become almost general with our country friends that their horses, cattle, sheep, cows, &c., would be "pressed" into the service, and for the use of the army of the State. We are glad to have it in our power to relieve them. The Governor has issued an order expressly forbidding any and every thing of the kind.--We hope therefore that our farmers and other who may have been apprehensive on this point, will be contented with the assurance that there will be no "pressing." Our most excellent, wise and able Governor has taken every precaution to protect the people from unnecessary and unjust annoyance.
Object of the War
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Object of the War.
To prevent any misapprehension on the part of our readers relative to an expression in our paper last week, "that the war would be carried into Africa," we make this explanation. Gen. Scott has extended the Military Department of Washington as to include Pennsylvania and Delaware.--Should a battle occur and we take Washington, then it will in all probability be the policy of President Davis to drive the enemy from his position on Southern soil. The base line of the operations of General Scott will have to be broken up. This accomplished, the South will not advance one foot further. We simply want our own soil relieved from the oppression of the North. We want and mean to have our rights and our liberty, or else honourable graves. We are acting on the defensive exclusively. We are repelling aggression. We are defending our firesides and homes. "Lives there a man with soul so dead," that he is not willing to spring eagerly to the trigger for such a purpose?
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"The pretentious editor . . ."
The pretentious editor of the Winchester Republican, in noticing the Tenth Legion troops, says that they used the "chaste and dignified language, 'hoggled' sure," when alluding to the result of their contest with "old Abe." Now, we do not believe any such expression fell from a single member of either company that went from any county in the District. Those who compose the "Tenth Legion" companies are equally as chaste and dignified as the editor of the Republican, and would certainly not be guilty of a contemptible attempt to make sport when there was no occasion for it. The idea having gotten out that the people of Rockingham and Shenandoah were crude and uncultivated--nothing more false--it seems to be the pride of pedantic and superficial scribblers to make them the text for disguising and abortive witticisms.
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"Mr. Phillips desires to correct . . . "
Mr. Phillips desires to correct a statement in the last issue of the Vindicator, calculated to detract from the merits of the many noble citizens in Staunton, who are daily working to equip our solders for field service. B. Crawford, Esq., at the head, was followed by all the merchants in town, in selling their goods at cost, besides donating a part for tents, camp jackets, &c. The ladies, all over town, offered their services to sew, and prepare bandages, &c. and the difficulty has been to get the work ready for them. The pupils and teachers at the Virginia Female, Wesleyan, and Augusta Institutes have done nobly. The large band of ladies at work in the basement of the Lutheran Church, and ladies at the Italian Villa on Gospel Hill, the teachers and pupils at the Deaf and Dumb Institute, in short, all the ladies of the town are ready to go on with their efforts to equip the gallant old State to defend her rights. When all have done so nobly, and are willing to do any thing in their power, distinctions are improper, and, of course, were innocently made. A letter from the Governor of the State promises us a plenty of work, and it is hoped the ladies will organize themselves and be ready for action when the materials are received. There is work enough for all to do, and every one can assist in thus achieving our Independence.
Important Ordinances
By the Governor of Virginia: A Proclamation
Message of President Davis
Negroes Volunteering
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Negroes Volunteering.
About fifty free negroes in Amelia county have offered themselves to the Government for any service.
In our neighboring city of Petersburg, two hundred free negroes offered for any work that might be assigned to them, either to fight under white officers, dig ditches, or any thing that could show their desire to serve Old Virginia. In the same city, a negro hackman came to his master, and with tears in his eyes, insisted that he should accept all his savings, $100, to help equip the volunteers. The free negroes of Chesterfield have made a similar proposition. Such is the spirit among bond and free, throughout the whole of the State. Those who calculate on a different state of things, will soon discover their mistake.
Rich. Dispatch.
"Such is the war cry of that worst of men, Horace Greeley, in the following article:"