Staunton Vindicator
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Official Report from the Charleston Convention, columns 5-7.
The Depot
Broke Jail
Editorial Correspondence
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Editorial Correspondence.
CHARLESTON, May 1st, 1860.
Yesterday was a stormy and rather significant day in the Convention. For several days previous, a conflict of talent, tactics and endurance had been progressing between the Yancey extremists and fire-eaters--more properly disunionists--and the peculiar friends of Judge Douglas, relative to a Platform. Yesterday that contest was brought to a crisis by the defeat of the disunionists, and the adoption of the Cincinnati Platform. Before this was announced six of the Southern States--Alabama, South Carolina, (in part,) Arkansas, (in part,) Louisiana, (in part,) Texas and Florida, retired from the Convention.
The position of Virginia, as always heretofore, is looked to with interest by the other Middle slave-holding States, and her action will doubtless have a conservative influence with the discordant elements of the Convention. Alabama, with Yancey as the leader, came here pledged to a certain course, with arrogant demands for certain concessions, the refusal of which was predetermined by her to be cause sufficient for retiring. The demands were inexpedient and impolite, looking more to a sectional triumph than to the formation of a basis of national fraternization. Being pledged, as she was, then, to this extreme demand, and occupying no grounds upon which she could be approached, or from which she could recede with honor or self-respect, it was a matter of regret, as well as protest, on the part of the delegates from the Tenth Legion District, and R. H. Glass and James Barbour, that Virginia should, by tangible action, encourage and nurse the refractory and obstinate little State, and her deluded followers. This was done, however, under the ill-advised, ill-digested and suicidal counsels of Mr. Brannon from Lewis county; who made a motion, through the State delegation, to appoint a committee of one to meet the disunion States. The whole game was to tie the Middle slaveholding States--and especially Virginia--to the tail of Alabama, (!) and thus backed, for Alabama to take the bit in her mouth. The short-sightedness of Mr. Hunter's peculiar guardians in the Virginia delegation, entrapped them completely, and placed them in the humiliating position of shifting their position, and exhibiting inconsistencies most glaring, and vastly damaging to Mr. Hunter. This whole movement was bitterly opposed in caucus by both the delegates from 11th District, and Mr. Glass, of Lynchburg. But numbers prevailed. Had the Convention proceeded to the nomination of candidates for President and Vice President, at first, instead of the formation of a platform, as was the wish and policy of your delegates, Mr. Hunter, ere this, would have been the nominee. Those, however, who claimed the direction of his interests, deemed that course unwise and have thus destroyed all hope of his success. Douglas has a majority in the Convention now determined either to give the nomination, or take it.--They have power to indicate the men, if it is impossible to nominate Douglas.
The ostensible cause of the difference between the members from the different sections of the country, is mythical and speculative. It is strange, too, that heretofore, differences of opinion upon the territorial question, as well as others of far greater magnitude, have been tolerated, but that at this time a straight-laced demand must be made for the concession of an abstract idea, the granting of which can be of no possible good to us, but of certain political death to our Northern friends. It would not be worth the paper upon which it was written to declare the doctrine by this Convention of Congressional intervention. No Congress would ever attempt to interfere in the domestic affairs of a Territory for the protection of the rights of the South. But it is a possible case, if the right so to do is declared, that it may be exercised by an unfriendly Congress greatly to the detriment of our interests. Let the question rest undisturbed and our Northern friends will be able to carry the elections in the Northern and North-western States, and thus place votes in Congress for our protection, instead of having abstract notions written down on paper. This is the census year. The Legislatures must be elected, which will re-district the States, and if the Black Republicans secure the Legislatures, it is hardly reasonable to suppose that a Democratic District will remain in the whole North-west. Then, would it not be better to leave abstractions alone, by which we will defeat the Northern Democracy, than to insist upon a theoretical and speculative idea that can bring us no practical benefit?
It has really been a source of humiliation to Virginians to witness the scene of Virginia being led by Alabama, and this too through the instrumentality of a few men who claim to be par excellence the friends of her favorite son, R. M. T. Hunter. This gentleman might well exclaim, "save me from my friends." Those delegates who have been the substantial friends of Mr. Hunter, and whose policy, if it had been adopted, would have eventuated in his nomination, are James Barbour, of Culpepper--the ablest of Virginia's young men--R. H. Glass, the talented editor of the Lynchburg Republican, and the delegates from 11th Electoral District. These gentlemen have stood firm to the declared policy of the Virginia Democracy, while others have loaned themselves to the extremist suggestions and actions, thus co- operating with those who have brought upon us the present distracted and unhappy state of affairs here. They will have to meet their constituents, for the people of Virginia have never, and will never, until better cause is given than now, resort to any fanatical steps to disturb the Harmony of the Union, or distract the Democratic organization. The People, I am satisfied, of the old Tenth Legion, will stand firm to the Democratic Flag, keep untarnished its folds, and give a hearty support to the nominations which may be made by the National Democratic Convention at Charleston.
It is the purpose of your delegates to remain in the Convention as long as it is in session, and vote the sentiments of their constituents. That will be the position of others--a majority of the delegation,--let the result and the consequences be what they may. It is gratifying to us to find that after running out after strange gods, the whole delegation had to come back to our position, and vote for the Cincinnati Platform, thus vindicating the course of your delegates, and Messrs. Glass and Barbour, and the wisdom of their policy. It is strange to see the lick spittles and pimps of the present administration, such as Bright and Bigler--coalescing with Yancey and his leigeman. Can these men have a truer regard for the interests of the South, than Virginians themselves? In short, the essence of the whole of this disturbance and rebellion is opposition to Judge Douglas. Bigler, Bright, and Shedell are here, scheming and plotting for the defeat of Douglas, and nothing, however dishonorable and humiliating to the sense of gentlemen, is left undone to effect that end. Were Douglas out of the way, they would not care for a platform; nor would they much care as to the man placed upon it. It is war upon Douglas.
I will take pleasure, hereafter, in ventilating the action of some of the Virginia delegation, who have both injured Mr. Hunter, and misrepresented the State. The time has come for better men to take the place of a few tricksters, and by this means, restore the old Commonwealth to her true position in the family of States.
The seceding States organized a separate Convention last night; and invited Fernando Wood, of New York, to participate. It is said this morning, that Davis of Miss., and Bright, of Ind., will be nominated by them. I still think, however, that they will come back to the original Convention, and participate in its proceedings. Of this, however, you will be informed, by telegraph, before this reaches you.
It is impossible at this writing to predict when we will get away from Charleston.
S. M. Y.
For the Vindicator
Candidates announcements in column 2, markets in column 3.
Virginia To Wit