Staunton Vindicator
Badly cropped, missing cols 6-7. Conclusion of Stephen Douglas speech begun in March 16 issue.
Reports from various congressional district conventions. Report on execution of two more Harper's Ferry conspirators.
The Charleston Convention
Full Text of Article
The Charleston Convention.
The announcement that the hotel keepers of Charleston would raise the board to $5 a day, during the session of the Democratic National Convention, has created great and just indignation throughout the country. It is certainly the most palpable attempt at gouging and legal swindling on record. The press of the country have suggested various modes of avoiding the necessity of submitting to this unheard of and inhospitable extortion. The only one at all feasible, is the suggestion that the visitors should eschew the hotels, and sleep and eat on board of the steamers on the wharf.--This, we fear, would be impracticable, on account of the limited facilities for accommodating, on a short notice, so vast a multitude, some idea of which can be formed from the fact that the delegation from Illinois alone will number one thousand.
The National Central Committee have been seriously considering the expediency of changing the place for the holding of the Convention from Charleston to Baltimore. We would be heartily glad if the Central Committee should discover that it has the power to make this change.
The report that the place of meeting of the Convention is to be changed from Charleston to Baltimore, has created much excitement in the former city. Some of the Charleston papers intimate that although Baltimore, or any other city be chosen as the place of meeting, the Southern delegates will assuredly assemble in that city, and proceed to nominate candidates for President and Vice President.
"Still They Come"
For the Vindicator
Cropped badly--missing cols 5-7. Markets in col. 2. Candidates announcements.